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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1453328 No.1453328 [Reply] [Original]

>get paid 1200 a week
>300 taken out from taxes
>end up with around 900 take-home

how much more am I gonna have to pay if Hillary wins the election?

>> No.1453335

I'm sure you'll survive on your 30/h pre-tax income regardless mate

>> No.1453349

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA. I'd be lucky to 50%-60% of my paycheck thanks to the Union so they can FIGHT FOR ME, and not just sit in bed with the company.

>> No.1453355


>> No.1453357


Sounds like you need to run for shop steward and get involved in moving your union in the right direction.

>> No.1453365

you should be using all your tax advantaged space to prevent this witholding

in addition part of those taxes are medicare and social security which you WILL have, anyone who says otherwise is a shadowstat spewing fedora tipper

>> No.1453368
File: 70 KB, 1106x1012, 1470418715321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLY SHIT, I'd be paying 4,000 less a year if trump wins.

It would stay the same with Hiliary and with Sanders

...a $5k increase in taxes for the year. THAT is fucking insane.

>> No.1453379
File: 90 KB, 1608x905, berniesandersmarx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1453390


As if Sanders has the balls to hang with Lenin and Stalin.

>> No.1453415

I want this fucking meme to end. For a website that goes on and on about how knowledgeable they are on politics and the current candidates, you guys spout memes I expect my 70-year grandfather who doesn't even watch so much as Fox News to say. It's even more ironic because you guys have this massive superiority complex because of your claimed political knowledge like this fact alone makes you better than other websites (debatable) and other people (not a chance in hell). But anyways let me get to the point; Obama never raised income taxes. Hillary is even more to the right economically than he is, why would she raise income taxes? It's not even like she said she would raise taxes, she has said herself she has no plans to raise taxes for anyone making under $250K, as a matter of fact, she doesn't even plan on raising taxes for people above that income. But of course since the political minds of 4chan never leave their hugbox, they wouldn't actually know what any democrats plan to do, only what some SJWs with (despite what you say) no political power do, because just like how all SJWs think every repubican is a racist, you guys think all dems are commies and SJWs, which is of course, somehow not SJW-type thinking.

>> No.1453420

>no plans to raise taxes for anyone making under $250K
Doesn't matter if they back door fuck you by taxing losing stock trades, like that other Democrat wanted.
Colonel Flanders?

>> No.1453425

>Hillary is even more to the right economically than he is, why would she raise income taxes? [...] she has said herself she has no plans to raise taxes for anyone making under $250K, as a matter of fact, she doesn't even plan on raising taxes for people above that income
Wrong. Literally first results on Google:


>Clinton: I have connected up my proposals for the kind of investments I want to make with the taxes that I think have to be raised. So on individual pieces of my agenda, I try to demonstrate clearly that I have a way for paying for paid family leave, for example, for debt-free tuition. So I would spend about $100 billion a year. And I think it's affordable, and I think it's a smart way to make investments, to go back to our economic discussion, that will contribute to growing the economy.


Granted, like any good Democrat, she says she won't tax the lower/middle class, and thinks she can somehow eke the money she needs from some non-existent group of 1%ers who totally wouldn't leave the country.

>> No.1453429

that's why dems didn't pick him.

socialists want to raise taxes, democrats don't want their taxes raised any more than anyone else does. They want to tax the wealthy, not just people with unearned income.

>> No.1453433

Wtf I love Trump now

>> No.1453435

>unearned income
1/10 bait

>> No.1453440

Except your average person of that income isn't a day trader.

The first link is valid as it talks about specifics, but she never talks about directly raising income taxes, just through a variety of microtaxes, the only really significant ones being the ones relating to capital gains, and possibly stock trading. The second one is just vague BS which is always done when a politician is just saying they'll do something.

Speaking of memes I want to end...

>> No.1453446

Sorry, I forget this is the financially illiterate bastard child of /pol/.

here ya go little guy, read up:

>> No.1453450

>your average person of that income isn't a day trader.
Under $250K?
You think most day traders make over that?

>> No.1453458

Oh boy.
This is from your link.
Please try to read where it says "NOT earned from your job or business".
You can read, yes?

>> No.1453462
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>> No.1453464

dude, I knew what unearned income was before I showed you that link.

you literally learned the term 5 seconds ago and think you have something to teach me about it?

silly retard.

>> No.1453467

Nice recovery

>> No.1453470

>Democrats aren't socialists

See >>1453355

Why not kill yourself, libtard/CTR?

>> No.1453473

are you trying to argue that moneys earned from stock trading is earned income?

because nobody is going to agree with you.
mostly because it would double their taxes if you were right.

>> No.1453477


Social security cucks are this delusional

Shit won't even last long enough fit the boomers

>> No.1453479
File: 24 KB, 339x360, 8683_028a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you trying to argue that moneys earned from stock trading is earned income?
I see you know nothing about income classification for tax purposes.
Have a nice day.

>> No.1453487

$275 billion "business tax reform." people talk about how corporations need to pay their fair share. okay. how do corporations get the money to pay higher taxes? cutting wages/jobs, charging more for products and services, outsourcing/automating, etc. its like people think increasing corporate taxes isn't going to affect working class people.

>> No.1453488

so you just have your panties in a wad because I called capital gains unearned income and you don't know how to express yourself so I get to play 20 questions?

if there are only two types of income, earned and unearned, capital gains is surely one or the other.

>> No.1453498
File: 722 KB, 3000x1767, n2mWnVO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To be fair, if Trump wins, they'll repeal Dodd-Frank and their be another financial crisis bubble crash and you will be laid off and have no income.

>> No.1453500

When half your party cheerfully calls themselves socialists, and self-identify as Sandernistas, you're the party of Socialism. Be honest and embrace it.

>> No.1453503


gotta pay for millennials free college somehow, need to subsidize more useless degrees in gender studies

>> No.1453507

The Marxist professors need their paychecks, anon.

>> No.1453520


Simple they pay less profits to shareholders and upper management.

But no, they'll increase payouts and reduce their workforce and blame the taxes.

>> No.1453549
File: 155 KB, 1318x849, BCZbFG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty fucked desu. The image is a few weeks old so some of the numbers may have changed. Either way, you're going to be paying more with Hillary.

>> No.1453557

it's somewhat a bluff.

most companies can only cut so many positions before they collapse.

most of them have already cut those positions.

>> No.1453579

>>get paid 1200 a week

hahahaha I make that in 5 months.


>> No.1453780



>> No.1453788
File: 143 KB, 900x948, alt right doggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> why are our roads so shit??
> why can't police handle all these niggers??
> why can't the feds contain the rampant immigration and terrorism??
> why do we owe trillions to chyna???
> why can't i retire at 60 and leech of social security until i die???

OP I make the same as you and I don't have any financial problems at all, zero debt, and I can buy a house if I wanted but I'm waiting to get married. You just need to get gud at saving and stop spending all your money on Chinese Cartoon figurines.

>> No.1453802
File: 95 KB, 593x591, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get my $30 something paycheck from part time job
>pay $1 something in taxes


>> No.1453809

>sucking gov't cock this much

Absolutely disgusting, before shitposting, understand why what you said is shit.

>> No.1453810

>pays only 300 in taxes
>cries about it

frogposter pls

>> No.1453822

> I'm so stupid and lazy that I'm not even going to formulate an argument or engage anything you said but I'm triggered by the fact you're left wing so I'll just leave a general non specific reply that I post at least 10 times a day to anyone I disagree with
whoaaa is this the power of the alt-right?

>> No.1453825
File: 429 KB, 399x614, 1469503272218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1453835



>> No.1453875


>> No.1453885

Why don't
We just stop spending money we don't have
Especially money from people who are giving unwillingly

>> No.1453889

because there's only two ways for the government to get money from the printing press to the public,
1. give it away
2. buy things including private debt

one of these options crashes the economy.
you decide which one.

>> No.1453892

If you unironically like Hillary, just end yourself. Her far-left base is fucking itching for wealth redistribution. I can deal with income taxes, but I'm out if they want to start taxing net worth.

>> No.1453895

Sanders' base is far left.
they lost.
Hillary's base is barely left.
there's way more of them.

>> No.1453903

desu i dont think u should even TRY to use that word, I don't think you have any idea of wat it means

>> No.1453907

This is absolute bullshit. Actually look at the numbers they're feeding you please.

>> No.1454144


Nice straw man

>> No.1454157

Oh please. They created a union local that has 7 people who aren't allowed to work anywhere else instead of having them join ours that has 150+ members. None of them have an answer why we have two locals in the same building doing the same work. Today's unions are a complete joke to what they used to be in the 20th century. I thought about being a union Stewart as well until I heard from another co-worker who's 2-3 times more knowledgeable and influential than me fail at changing things around.

>> No.1454343

No replies to any of your posts?
Maybe they don't like what you're "teaching" them.

>> No.1454354

neither you or any of them found anything to disagree with.

take your wadded panties elsewhere, pleb.

>> No.1454368

When you make that little of money that extra $300 a paycheck certainly does make a difference.

>> No.1454371

Well under hillary you would pay like 90% taxes for being white and you would have to accept a rapefugee in your home, you racist. Just like in germany or sweden.

>> No.1454374

Not only this, but there is also the fact that a bunch of complacent coworkers who are too fucking scared to do anything to get better wages/hours/terms of employment. This is an extremely difficult thing to do; to rally the people you work with to make the union a fist instead of a clasped hand and really come down hard on an employer to really make change instead of being a divided group of shitheads.