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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14531566 No.14531566 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a director at a US based investment bank for one of their overseas proprietary credit trading desks. We have models put together by nerds back in the US that show us extremely accurate price forecasts of traded securities. There has been a lot of talk on our desk about Link. The model is showing $20+ by the end of July.

>> No.14531606

1k eoy and not a penny less

>> No.14531608
File: 5 KB, 279x181, 1562025636151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a tcp ip developer at a fortune 50 big data company with 25 years experience in database infosec, I've looked into chainlink and all I can tell you if that the cryptographic measures implemented in regards to the decentralized security paradigm in the API and IoT structure of chainlink's github code is fundamentally flawed after the Pivotal tracker server crashed due to the core attacks on the network enabled by its corrupt data inputs and outputs, what this really means is that by attempting to solve the oracle sybil resistance issue it instead allows customers to bypass the encrypted hardware and even hack into the smart contract Intel SGX mainframe, unless they manage to increase the signatures and scalable nodes, which isn't likely considering the Google backend isn't compatible with the legacy JSON systems and Solidity language from the EVM in the Truffle stacks, that's why the ic3 and SWIFT engineering teams developed the ISO 20220 standards but it's centralized and susceptible to the 51% front running program so yeah basically Sergey didn't foresee that the enterprise customers and cloud blockchain dapps would never allow their protocols to rely on these permissioned host mechanisms thus rendering the LINK ERC 677 token obsolete and no serious developer would consider DLT technology in these conditions, sorry linkies I'm just telling it how it is

>> No.14531641

Shut up huckleberry bitch. You heard the man,

$1,000 eoy.

>> No.14531646


My dad works at Mcdonalds and he said Sergey came in once shouting BIG MAC BIG MAC, I guess he meant to say 10$ at the end of July.

>> No.14531652


>> No.14531657

excuse me sir, how long have you been tracking coins and what wins would you say your firm has had in this space. t. OG linky

>> No.14531658

link took 20 mins to make

>> No.14531667
File: 79 KB, 383x383, 1561960857822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based troll

>> No.14531675

the only real post in the thread

>> No.14531692

>1k eoy
stop fudding there swinger

>> No.14531720
File: 1.49 MB, 500x567, 1552948584286.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i believe this implicitly. thank you fren for sharing the absolute unequivocal truth in this thread. oh and Happy Hanukkah

>> No.14531723

what are you 15?

>> No.14531903

If you aren't a larper you are extremely based. I fucking hope you are right, that would make me a millionaire by the end of the month.

>> No.14532041



not sure if subliminal fud