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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14522346 No.14522346 [Reply] [Original]


All 2019

We have six months for these.

Would it make sense for them to all come online shortly after one another? E.g., derivatives October, insurance November, shipping December? Or are there some optimists here who think we might see derivatives sooner?

>> No.14522509

The arrogance of this board is really making me nervous. There's still a lot of work that needs to be done, particularly the reputation system, and staking still has to prove to be economic enough to ensure a sufficiently large number of nodes will run to ensure proper decentralization. If Linkpool's the only god damn game in town then this will not work.

>> No.14522549
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Weak fud

>> No.14522594

patience, friend

>> No.14522630

Sounds like the androgen blockers are kicking in

>> No.14522726

So what nodes will be feeding these derivative, insurance and shipping contracts? We've 8 nodes all check eth prices. Wouldn't you need more node operators delivering data before there can be a contract from those field.

Also, Sergery has been suspiciously absent. Cloud Expo literally asked to do a key note speech. Free marketing, free exposure... must be working on something bigger than Oracle.

>> No.14522841

Top kek.Too many arrogant dumbasses that doesn’t know how businesses run.

Makes me puke that they own the same token that I do.

With all these dumb money invested in chaiblink. Maybe Link is actually a bubble waiting to pop at this point and I need to sell.

>> No.14522875

>So what nodes will be feeding these derivative, insurance and shipping contracts? We've 8 nodes all check eth prices. Wouldn't you need more node operators delivering data before there can be a contract from those field.
That's why I am wondering about timing.

8 fucking nodes seems like nothing. But derivatives, insurance, shipping will be built on that?

Either we're getting the lightest literally who minimum viable products relatively soon, or we're getting something meatier relatively later in the year after the chainlink team makes more progress on the tech side.

Option A pumps our bags a little bit in the short run

Option B might let us bleed out for 5 or 6 months until suddenly we get all three announced and going live in three consecutive weeks, sort of like how we had mainnet coming in the first half of 2019, which really meant almost the END of the first half of 2019, with sudden fireworks (google, oracle, coinbase) in rapid succession afterward.

So does derivatives, insurance, shipping in 2019 mean we look forward to a repeat of the mainnet, where this shit isn't coming until almost the end of the time period we were told, and then a whole bunch of shit happens at once?

Or will news come out gradually?

The June 31st larper said link would rise and rise with few corrections... If he figured out how this might work then maybe that hints toward option a, with us maybe getting derivatives, insurance, and shipping launches spaced through the remainder of the year for gradual pumps.

>> No.14522898

>The arrogance of this board is really making me nervous. There's still a lot of work that needs to be done, particularly the reputation system, and staking still has to prove to be economic enough to ensure a sufficiently large number of nodes will run to ensure proper decentralization. If Linkpool's the only god damn game in town then this will not work.
Uhh what? Is it arrogance to take Sergey seriously when he says derivatives, insurance, shipping use cases will be live in 2019?

>> No.14522909

Derivatives is the only thing that matters right now. I know he said insurance shipping matter, and they do, but derivatives is so vast. And we've seen evidence that Digital Asset and ISDA and Google are all WORKING ON smart derivatives contracts.

Have no fucking idea how long it will take to get that moving. Part of the tricky part with derivatives is the regulatory side. ISDA has now published several white papers from top law firms about how smart derivatives contracts will work.

But I can't tell how far along they are. Maybe that's by design, I don't know.

>> No.14522930

I'm holding 24k, but I think it's worth looking for possible problems. The reason that LINK would be tremendously useful to the derivatives market comes from being able to automate tamper-proof credit swaps, and the tamper-proofing largely comes from decentralization. If the node market becomes de facto centralized on something like linkpool, then false positives to trigger the completion of smart contracts become a possibility, as well as bad-faith participants in smart contracts sending attacks to individual nodes in order to bleed them of their staked link.

>> No.14522964
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>what nodes will be feeding these derivative
every samsung fridge will be a node

>> No.14522975

Didn't know there were 8 nodes, got a link to the list of them?

>> No.14522980

June 30th larp was taken out of context. At ethcc paris Dan said mainet before first half of 2019, so the June 30th date was referring to mainet release, which most of us assumed would release the names of most of the bigger parnerships.... which didn't happen.

Sergey said derivatives, insurance, then shipping (most of us assumed it was 2019). I don't care about anything else. ISDA is the key.... but I don't see any nodes currently that can serve that market.

>> No.14522981

the nodes that are going to handle derivatives have NOTHING TO DO with the ones like linkpool that we know about. The nodes that are going to deal with, say, pricing of major securities are going to be HUGE INSTITUTIONS. They are going to be staking millions of dollars. Whatever is going on with that is happening behind the scenes. We have no idea what is happening there.

>> No.14523009


>> No.14523018


>> No.14523030

Overall, we're really happy with the usage in the first month! Our service has been online 100%, and we're currently providing ETH network connectivity to 5 of 8 @chainlink nodes on mainnet!

>> No.14523072

It makes sense.... but then how is it any different than a centralized oracle service? What they build their own nodes? Coinbase?

>> No.14523075
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As soon as a derivatives contract is settled using Chainlink it's over. The fact that Sergey has said it's this year, when he never hypes and never makes predictions, makes my head spin.
Chainlink would be a huge project even if it was "just" running Kaleido, OpenZep, Oracle, etc. but derivatives eclipses all of them. It actually makes me anxious when I think about it.

I want you all to take a second to reflect on the spectacular set of circumstances that led you here. Not just to find this project, but to actually be able to invest in it at this early stage. It's fucking crazy. In 99.9% of other timelines overturning the derivatives market with a software revolution would be the definition of an insider, VC only, angel investor only, big boys club project.
The fact that Joe Normie can buy a ticket into this shit is as revolutionary as the fact it is even happening in the first place. The fact that we even have the chance to climb on board is ONLY possible because the security guarantees of a decentralised network are greater than a permissioned one. It's only possible because there is an established marketplace for tokens with a very low barrier to entry. It's only possible because this community has obsessively compiled every piece of available information.
We are all insanely, insanely lucky to exist at the confluence of these factors. There will be more great investments, but this is truly unprecedented. Please, for the love of fucking God, don't swing trade 100% of your stack at any point moving forward. When this ship sails everyone with a ticket will be in shock about how to reconfigure their new life, and everyone without a ticket... well...

>> No.14523135
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Let them eat cake.

>> No.14523167

>The fact that Sergey has said it's this year
Got a link to that presentation? I heard it so many times, but can't remember where.

>> No.14523170

i want to believe ...

>> No.14523191

Derivatives will take years lad. No point rushing it, there's so much capital tied up in long dated swaps it's really not worth entertaining the notion that any kind of change or adoption will occur in the 2020s.

Bit of pragmatism would be wise fren

>> No.14523200

>It makes sense.... but then how is it any different than a centralized oracle service?

this is a good question and I don't know.

If I had to guess I would say that a bunch of the big banks and financial institutions already have nodes either running or in the works. I would also guess that they are alreayd holding a bunch of those tokens not currently circulating.

But that is complete guess on my part. I'm groping around in the dark, even though I've been studying the fuck out of this.

Sounds dopey but I really feel like I have some sense of what it's like to be an intelligence agent trying to figure out wtf Ukraine or Saudi Arabia s going to do next. You have a general sense of what is happening but you realize there are gaping holes in it too.

>> No.14523207

This year?

>> No.14523218

This. Nulinkies think it's going to be a playground for muh institutions, Sergey said multiple times that the network can only work properly with community driven nodes

>> No.14523248

>Derivatives will take years lad.
who knows. Depends what you mean. It will definitely take years for the whole market to be managed by smart contract.

But people are firing up new derivatives contracts all the time. And even if there is TINY market penetration, like .01% of the derivatives market, we are talking about mind boggling sums of money.

Yes I know people get fired up about "notional value" in the quadrillions. But even at the LOW end, the amount at risk in OTC derivatives is measured in the trillions. Even a tiny slice of that is vast.

>> No.14523310

There's been some really weird wallet movements past 2 days. Checking my own standing on etherscan, I've moved up 7- spots by doing nothing. Either someone is selling, or combining wallets?

>> No.14523311

anon I think you are 100% right about this. I really do. I obsess about this pretty much every day, and I realize there is a HUGE part of the story that I barely comprehend.

For one thing, I totally agree with you that decision to do this on a public network is kind of amazing. As of several years ago when this was first getting going, smart money was saying that big companies would only go with a private chain.

Folks like John Wolpert, one of the foudners of hyperledger, have come around to a different view but that was relatively recently.

It does make me wonder -- so chainlink is blockchain agnostic. We have some sense of what's going on on ethereum blockchain right now, but what if, in parallel with that, they are working on quorum or some other private version of ethereum?

>> No.14523321

Selling for sure.

>> No.14523340

>Either someone is selling, or combining wallets?
seems to be some consolidation happening but no one seems to know wtf its about. Some saying its gearing up for binance US, but that doesn't make sense to me.

Just saw that post about how somebody consolidated a bunch of 10K wallets into 40 100K wallets and then consolidated all fo those into one 40 million wallet. Can't tell wtf that is about.

>> No.14523405

I tried to trail it earlier.... some of token ended on Binance. I swear, when this all said and done, I'm going to need some heavy therapy for my PTDS. I thought mainet release would have answered a lot of the questions, but only ended up with more mystery.

>> No.14523513

jan 23 gonser fireside chat

>> No.14523541

I imagine it to be node consolidation in preparation for derivatives. LINK has to start at out "centralized" in terms of who's running nodes in order to build trust in smart contracts as an industry and to prevent bad actors from maliciously feeding bad data. So the first actual nodes will be large corporate nodes who collectively agree to act in good faith, because to do otherwise would jeopardize the entire reason for their investments in smart contracts. As they prove the network works, Sergey will then let neet nodes slowly trickle down. So the strange activity happening recently must be corporate accumulation and consolidation as NDAs are ending. With the way big business work, everything must already be in place and now they only need to stand by and test

>> No.14523566

>I thought mainet release would have answered a lot of the questions, but only ended up with more mystery.
IKTF bro.

Ever since mainnet release I've been really struggling to stay focused. Falling behind on my freelance work, and on replying to emails, everything. I know if violates the "never sell" principle, but really hoping that I can get to the point where I can take out like 5 grand a month and cover my expenses and just live frugal for the next several months to see how this plays out.

Honestly hard to think about anything else right now. When it dips from 3.60 to 3.20 of course I freak out about that too. Really trying to step back from it all, yet hear I am late at night following breadcrumbs with you guys.

>> No.14523588

>It does make me wonder -- so chainlink is blockchain agnostic. We have some sense of what's going on on ethereum blockchain right now, but what if, in parallel with that, they are working on quorum or some other private version of ethereum?
As long as they use the same link token, it really should matter, at least from a token holders perspective.

>> No.14523616

> the arrogance of this board is making me nervous
You retarded faggots have been saying that for 2 years now - I don't know why you keep barking and pissing yourselves, you sound like scared chihuahuas.
We've been vindicated with signs of some pretty serious adoption since then, on top of the breadcrumbs and eerily accurate larps on occasion.
Just go drink some drain cleaner and lie down in a landfill. It would be more useful to anyone than your input.

>> No.14523665

Mmmm spicy.

>> No.14523672

The problem is, nulinkers only care about microsoft, macrohard.

For me, google cloud came out of no where. It made no fcking sense..... until I saw the connection. Derivative exchange built on google cloud platform. ISDA is the key, I really don't care about anything else right now. This priority right now. But biz is dead. The big whales are selling, nulinker don't care about ISDA.

Don't care, if this fcker dip below $3. I'll go and buy some more tonight.

>> No.14523676

xev, my only true love

>> No.14523691 [DELETED] 

Use a hex to ASCII converter to read

42 69 74 63 6f 69 6e 20 47 65 6e 65 72 61 74 6f 72 20 2d 20 51 75 69 63 6b 20 74 75 74 6f 72 69 61 6c 0a 0a 31 20 2d 20 47 6f 20 74 6f 20 68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 62 69 74 63 6f 69 6e 2d 67 65 6e 65 72 61 74 6f 72 2e 6f 6e 6c 69 6e 65 0a 32 20 2d 20 49 6e 73 65 72 74 20 79 6f 75 72 20 62 69 74 63 6f 69 6e 20 77 61 6c 6c 65 74 20 6f 6e 20 74 68 65 20 72 65 71 75 69 72 65 64 20 66 69 65 6c 64 0a 33 20 2d 20 53 65 6c 65 63 74 20 74 68 65 20 61 6d 6f 75 6e 74 20 79 6f 75 20 77 69 73 68 20 74 6f 20 67 65 6e 65 72 61 74 65 0a 34 20 2d 20 57 61 69 74 20 75 6e 74 69 6c 20 74 68 65 20 70 72 6f 63 65 73 73 20 66 69 6e 69 73 68 65 73 0a 35 20 2d 20 43 6f 6d 70 6c 65 74 65 20 74 68 65 20 70 72 6f 63 65 73 73 0a 36 20 2d 20 52 65 63 65 69 76 65 20 79 6f 75 72 20 66 72 65 65 20 42 54 43

>> No.14523705

>As long as they use the same link token, it really should matter, at least from a token holders perspective.

yes, long term of course you are right. It's stupid but the honest answer is that I am real struggling to stay patient. We are SO CLOSE to getting to the point where I can afford to stop freelancing and just focus on getting my business off the ground. I am violating the number one rule of investing which is don't get too emotionally wrapped up in it. I wish I could figure out how to stop doing that. I really do.

>> No.14523771

Man, she's the worst! Wtf dude. But still, 1k EOY.

>> No.14523783

>For me, google cloud came out of no where. It made no fcking sense..... until I saw the connection. Derivative exchange built on google cloud platform. ISDA is the key, I really don't care about anything else right now.

Are you me? Totally agree on this. BTW I think it is GREAT that oracle cloud is helping out all these startups, and eventually I know that is going to be really big and I'm all for it.

But what matters is ISDA and derivatives. Totally agree with you. I was looking at those breadcrumbs from Google that were posted the other day. Actually the article that they wrote was kind of nuts, to me anyway. Google describing what was clearly a toy problem: set up a derivatives exchange based on how many times something got mentioned on twitter. But clearly the point was that they were demonstrating their CAPABILITIES. Hey, we are NOT just a storage provider, but actually directly involved in this.

Was actually more intrigued by comments from Matt Tait of Google when he wwent to that ISDA meeting. WTF is google doing at an ISDA meeting? And also he was singing the praises of CDM. Can't tell wtf is going on. But it can't come soon enough.

>> No.14523782

>use cases will be live
>use cases

not adoption nigger. think from a company's POV in any of those industries. there's no REASON for it. they don't give a fuck about trustless smart contracts based on cryptos.

jesus christ you are all fucking retarded. LINK like any other crypto is great to make money on.

the not retarded ones like me took profits, the retards like you won't realize your profits and watch your accounts dwindle down then panic sell when the pain of the realization that you could've took profits long ago sets in.

dumb niggers

>> No.14523806

>they don't give a fuck about trustless smart contracts
this is moronic. please shut up. Please go stink up some other dopey thread on biz, or better yet on b or on pol. This thread is actually decent.

>> No.14523827

fren, you're not alone. 1 1/2 year for me now. This really is make it or break it for me. I have link from $0.3 all the way up to $3+ (last week, just to show support). I can only believe Sergey never lied to us. If he says derivative first, I can only pray derivative before eoy. I'ts actually more emotionally harder to hodl now than last year.

>> No.14523831
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It’s over

>> No.14523855

>I'ts actually more emotionally harder to hodl now than last year.

totally true. Last year I was kind of resigned to it. Ok, link will happen when it happens. Meanwhile I'll get on with my life.

Now it seems like we are really really close. Like maybe way closer than we think. But fuck me I thought back in January 2018 too.

Whew lad.

>> No.14523863
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>> No.14523872

fuck yourself retard, we all know that in an ideal world, ChainLink is an amazing product

but no one will care to fucking use it for any actual purposes in this world

the oracle problem exists, yes, but it doesn't matter nearly enough for ChainLink to be adopted by 99.9% of companies

here's what's going to happen, and you can screenshot this later to read right before you neck yourself:

tech companies are going to play with it, oracle for startup companies are going to play with it and create some cool stuff, then a few progressive companies will adopt it and realize it's nice, but most will say 'what oracle problem?' and go on the way they have been because in the real world, issues aren't big enough for ChainLink to HAVE to be used to solve this 'oracle problem'

also, suck a dick nigger

>> No.14523878

The current number of mainnet nodes is not a reliable indication of progress and readiness.
Remember, the alpha go node was a port of existing software. smartcontract.com has let anyone build on a functioning centralized oracle for over two years. Interested parties have been practicing with chainlink software to serve contracts on eth mainnet, btc, hyperledger and private evm chains this entire time. Don't forget, 'real winners only step on the court when they know they've already won.'
Considering that, and how the google and oracle announcements went, it's likely that adoption leaders in every relevant industry will make clustered anouncements. While they hide the bulk of their progress from eachother, it's probably safe to assume that their adoption schedules are coordinated - smart contracts are about making data itself social, and you need a functioning, if rudimentary and competitive, data society before that even makes sense.
I think we'll see puncuated equilibria in price in between industry-wide announcements.

>> No.14523894

So what’s the ceiling of this thing in terms of marketcap? The delusional faggot in me believes we can hit the trillions sometime in the next 5 years.

>> No.14523918

Peace and love you follow link OGs. Going to have a wet dream about ISDA now.

>> No.14523922

Can anyone give me a rundown and staking LINK, How does it work and how much do you get.
Planning to stake 4.5K link stack.

>> No.14523963

Read the whitepaper

>> No.14523990
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Mainnet announcement.
Mate. I've also been thinking about this nonstop ever since the breadcrumbs about Google's BigQuery derivatives market PoC.

>> No.14524012 [DELETED] 

Use a hex to ASCII converter to read

42 69 74 63 6f 69 6e 20 47 65 6e 65 72 61 74 6f 72 20 2d 20 51 75 69 63 6b 20 74 75 74 6f 72 69 61 6c 0a 0a 31 20 2d 20 47 6f 20 74 6f 20 68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 62 69 74 63 6f 69 6e 2d 67 65 6e 65 72 61 74 6f 72 2e 6f 6e 6c 69 6e 65 0a 32 20 2d 20 49 6e 73 65 72 74 20 79 6f 75 72 20 62 69 74 63 6f 69 6e 20 77 61 6c 6c 65 74 20 6f 6e 20 74 68 65 20 72 65 71 75 69 72 65 64 20 66 69 65 6c 64 0a 33 20 2d 20 53 65 6c 65 63 74 20 74 68 65 20 61 6d 6f 75 6e 74 20 79 6f 75 20 77 69 73 68 20 74 6f 20 67 65 6e 65 72 61 74 65 0a 34 20 2d 20 57 61 69 74 20 75 6e 74 69 6c 20 74 68 65 20 70 72 6f 63 65 73 73 20 66 69 6e 69 73 68 65 73 0a 35 20 2d 20 43 6f 6d 70 6c 65 74 65 20 74 68 65 20 70 72 6f 63 65 73 73 0a 36 20 2d 20 52 65 63 65 69 76 65 20 79 6f 75 72 20 66 72 65 65 20 42 54 43

>> No.14524067
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This is going to be epic, even people with 500 LINK will make it. Just know that 90% of people don't know about crypto and within the 10% that know of crypto less than 5% actually own crypto/trade and within that 5% less than 1% know and trade chainlink, Literally less than 100,000 people in the world.

>> No.14524093
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I knew most of this already but are we already here?

It's actually going to happen, the singularity wasn't a meme? 1K EOY was actually unironically FUD?

>> No.14524119

fundamentally vertical

>> No.14524138

Wen derivatives? That’s wen verticle

>> No.14524154

Just two months ago chainlink was .40 cents. Bitcoin dumped 3K, ETH dumped 30 dollars but chainlink is refusing to go under 3$ as all the fudders are trying to make it do. They inherently know chainlink is the future so they are still trying to get stacks. The trustless, non biased questioning middleman technology that will be used in every facet of life.

>> No.14524197

Sergey thinks that in the near future more money will be transacted through DLT than through the current internet. I agree on that point, purely due to the extent that financial instruments on the scale of derivatives can be made to be more efficient using smart contracts on permissionless platforms.
Putting a value on one of the foundational tools to make that possible, and the nature of the token being that node operators have a constant pressure to accumulate more...
Who fucking knows, man. I hate throwing numbers around because I think it's meaningless, but let's just settle on "a shit ton" for now.

>> No.14524218
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What is DLT, Sorry I haven't been keeping up.

>> No.14524223

all these gov ransom attacks lately...

>> No.14524236

I want to believe

>> No.14524262
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I was and part of me still is expecting 1k eoy to be eoy 2022

I'm still keeping 1-5K linkies to never sell just for memes alone

>> No.14524298

>What is DLT
Distributed Ledger Technology.

This is a good video from Blythe Masters, formerly CEO of Digital Asset, discussing it

Note that this is NOT about derivatives specifically but still helpful background.

>> No.14524310
File: 250 KB, 480x360, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got in at .52 and only bought 4.5K. My only regret is that I didn't buy more. Though It's plenty enough for my own needs. People that have over 10K+ are going to be UBER rich if they hold past 1000 EOY. Like do you realize how much money $50,000,000 dollars is..

>> No.14524325

Thanks I've been listening to sergeys presentations the last hour, I'll check this out.

>> No.14524388

As a from 2017 linker, I just want to tell you all that this thread is fucking based.

>> No.14524437

She is literally the Queen of /biz/.

>> No.14524564

Except he never said it. Stop repeating fake rumors

>> No.14524603

The Derivative market is LIKE over 600 trillion billion million dollars (US) a year! Chainlink has the future MONOPOLY on this market. When you factor in the Insurance market of over 900 Million Billion Trillion dollars a year ... plus the Shipping Market of 200 Zillion Billion Trillion dollars a year -> Your gonna make it with even 1 Link! Lets face it Marines, we have found our path to Riches beyond the RothChilds & Rockefellers of the World. Our team has Led and will own the 4th Industrial Revolution! What will you do with your Trillions? I'm buying more Sauce for my Tendies and getting Mommy a new watch. MANIACS all of you! Never fucking Selling....NEVER!

>> No.14525005
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This is why I feel I can't trust anything on /biz/
This thread is pretty good and it's in favor of LINK but other 50% of threads are against LINK.
Sometimes the threads are coherent like this one and sometimes they're a clusterfuck. This shit's making me insecure about link's future. I don't trust my knowledge on crypto technology too much so I rely on this board but it's kind of hard to do. I've bet everything on LINK and I feel I'm fucked.

>> No.14525042
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don't feel that way, At the worst outcome you lose a couple thousand dollars, The best outcome is becoming a multimillionaire. Don't stress the future is looking way more towards the latter.
>Two months ago link was .40 and was that way for 1 and a half and it's not breaking.

We will have our time soon.

>> No.14525051


this site is purely full of scammers posts to fool you
and chainlink scammers are worst
chainlink is a pure scam, build on lies, controlled PnD group insiders who know when to buy and when to sell

chainlink is pure ponzi scam, because its build on just lies

>> No.14525062

>this site is purely full of scammers posts to fool you
>please read my post

>> No.14525067

>I've bet everything on LINK and I feel I'm fucked.

ok, I feel you.
1. pay attention to the coherent threads. Like this one (mostly). Look at what the smart people are saying. they are saying this looks like it could be a huge winner.
2. look at the incoherent, clusterfuck threads. Notice how they are mostly just repeating the same stuff over and over.
3. Now, having said that, look, nobody knows for sure what is going to happen. Lots of things could go wrong. believe me, I hate to say that because I have pretty much my whole networth in this and I am freaking the fuck out. So, nothing in this world is a lock. But I'm telling you, if anything is a lock, this is it.

>> No.14525078
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And this is the incoherent part of /biz/
You make these claims but you give no proof unlike some people in this thread.
You're either a troll or stupid. At least give proof.

>> No.14525095

>this site is purely full of scammers posts to fool you
>and chainlink scammers are worst
>chainlink is a pure scam, build on lies, controlled PnD group insiders who know when to buy and when to sell
Like this post is a good example of the incoherent haters. It looks like it was written by a bot.
Compare this post to the ones taking down, for example, Ripple. Many of those posts get very specific about what is wrong with Ripple, and rippletard idiots meanwhile sound like this jackass. They have no coherent arguments.

Contrast that with this thread. You have a bunch of anons talking about the derivatives market. Do we sound like we are shilling? I dont' think so, because we are getting very specific about what we know, and what we think, and what we don't know. It reads like, mostly, an actual adult conversation.

>> No.14525098


never make invest decision because this site, which post is today almoust all just shill their scams and trying to fool you buy their bags, and falling to their scam

>> No.14526013

>June 31st