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File: 58 KB, 574x960, 627217DD-D0C0-4E05-A60E-4FB6714143E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14520980 No.14520980[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A nude I got from larping. How to get rich so I can keep her around until I smash. Unironically.

>> No.14521016


>> No.14521017

>no feet
Shit tier angle too

>> No.14521020

chapstick and kneepads

>> No.14521022

1. Invest those $100 into some high quality knee pads.

2. Suck 10 dicks @ 100 per dick.

That's it!

>> No.14521031

kys in the most painfull way you can

>> No.14521038


>> No.14521181

But for the eow just any coin will do? It’s not my last hundred but it’s my last free money for my week budget.

>> No.14521347 [DELETED] 

Why do I get the vibe that's a guy's butt?

>> No.14521696

This unironically is your best bet.

>> No.14521737


>> No.14521835

That ass is pathetic

>> No.14521963

long eth with 100x leverage on prime-xbt.io

guaranteed 10x

>> No.14522474

nobody gonna acknowledge that this is not a she?based and gaypilled

>> No.14522497


>> No.14522560

this, but short btc on 100x leverage.

>> No.14522581

That is a mans shaved ass. Discord trannys taking it to a new level

>> No.14523084

Lmao dudes complain about ethots and how women are worthless sluts but then unironically want to go to the trouble of becoming wealthy just to put their dick near a 6/10. Wow. Just wow.

>> No.14523258

You haven’t seen face or boobs you dumb fuck. Unironically trying to have def and you all nag me instead. Have sex.

>> No.14523424

Where are the nudes?

>> No.14523748

Is she underage because that's kind of gross if not. I wouldn't be worried about that ass if she's an adult.

If she's a teen then buy nuke. 100x in a year or so.

>> No.14523759

>guy butt


>> No.14523776
File: 54 KB, 1024x962, 1561754398865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be a dick. Act like the most selfish, arrogant dick you can imagine. Be totally ambivalent about her. Constantly check Binance on your phone. Yell at your phone. Be a dick. When she voices an opinion about anything, look her dead in the eye and tell her that she's an idiot to think that way. Be very demanding and particular about what she does and how she does it, but don't give one iota of concern about what she wants. Be a dick. Be a dick as dickishly as possible, and she'll suck your dick when you tell her to.
>or just be a beta orbiter and get zero pussy
Oh, and don't spend a cent on her. Tell her right from the get go that you're not paying for her meal, and that you are going Dutch (each paying for their own meal), and then order for yourself the most expensive thing on the menu, being particular about details like how the steak is cooked, then send it back to the kitchen because they got it wrong, then refuse to eat it because "it's inedible" and demand a refund, then just get bombed on Scotch Whiskey Bourbon instead while you complain about niggers & kikes. Also be sure to express your disgust towards gold-digging thots. If approached by a beggar, shout him down and force him away. Make a phone call to a stranger and pretend to chastise them for failing to deliver on their end of a contract with you. Have the girl drive and constantly critique her driving. Be like CSW. Be a dick. Be a big, stiff dick, and shit all over everything with zero regards. Be based.

>> No.14524102

you have a cute butt anon
is that your sisters underwear?