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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 180 KB, 744x481, battle_of_fud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14518747 No.14518747 [Reply] [Original]

I will beat down each and every one of you Fudders and SwingVidters.

Lay your "claims" here and we will battle forth to the death.

>> No.14518981

It's... so beautiful..what is this masterpiece called anon? Not here to battle you. Can't wait to read the dumb street shitting tier fud though.

>> No.14518994

i havent bought any yet kek corretc pls

>> No.14519059
File: 5 KB, 279x181, 1562025636151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its time to disprove some myths about this stinky shitcoin
>1. this token is needed
false. if you need to verify a document then verify it with your eyes
>2. vidt is the cheapest way to verify documents
false. your eyes are the cheapest way to verify a document
>3. the vidt team is all dutch
false. their team is actually located in india
>4. vidt isn't an exit scam
false. if you think it isn't an exit scam then go look at their validations on etherscan. your eyes will show you its a scam

>> No.14519128 [DELETED] 

Can I have the original artwork?

>> No.14519145
File: 510 KB, 1201x975, 1561953717791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Found em'

Roger that.

>> No.14519160

going to have to verify this art-work using the technology of VID-T

>> No.14519188

It's a security token. Whatever "EOY" is doesn't matter for Americans. They will dump on you.

>> No.14519329

weak FUD. "its a security" didnt work on chainlink and it wont work on vidt

>> No.14519359

Use a hex to ASCII converter to read

42 69 74 63 6f 69 6e 20 47 65 6e 65 72 61 74 6f 72 20 2d 20 51 75 69 63 6b 20 74 75 74 6f 72 69 61 6c 0a 0a 31 20 2d 20 47 6f 20 74 6f 20 68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 62 69 74 63 6f 69 6e 2d 67 65 6e 65 72 61 74 6f 72 2e 6f 6e 6c 69 6e 65 0a 32 20 2d 20 49 6e 73 65 72 74 20 79 6f 75 72 20 62 69 74 63 6f 69 6e 20 77 61 6c 6c 65 74 20 6f 6e 20 74 68 65 20 72 65 71 75 69 72 65 64 20 66 69 65 6c 64 0a 33 20 2d 20 53 65 6c 65 63 74 20 74 68 65 20 61 6d 6f 75 6e 74 20 79 6f 75 20 77 69 73 68 20 74 6f 20 67 65 6e 65 72 61 74 65 0a 34 20 2d 20 57 61 69 74 20 75 6e 74 69 6c 20 74 68 65 20 70 72 6f 63 65 73 73 20 66 69 6e 69 73 68 65 73 0a 35 20 2d 20 43 6f 6d 70 6c 65 74 65 20 74 68 65 20 70 72 6f 63 65 73 73 0a 36 20 2d 20 52 65 63 65 69 76 65 20 79 6f 75 72 20 66 72 65 65 20 42 54 43

>> No.14519362

The team literally made sure that they wouldnt be classified as a security

>> No.14519374


>> No.14519438
File: 36 KB, 275x330, 1534128156849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14519477

Don't be salty fren, and don't become a swingvidter, no matter what you do.

Truth be told you could have swung Linkies quite easily for years. But with Vidt the volatility is much, much more dangerous to swing.

It's our meme now linkie sorry.

>> No.14519577
File: 32 KB, 732x306, vids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VIDS is the security token, not VIDT, and that doesn't launch until next year. Maybe actually learn about the damn project. That goes for all you other morons spreading this same FUD.

>> No.14519637

I don't know what the fuck this token is supposed to do, but all I can see are posts on /biz/ telling me I should buy it.
Safe to say I'm staying the hell away.

>Lay your "claims" here and we will battle forth to the death.
I guess my fud is the fact that it's shilled on /biz/
If you actually believed in this shit why would you want me to buy it from you?

>> No.14519731

This coin is unfuddable, fren.

I mean we will be able to trade our tokens for shares of the company FFS!

>> No.14519815

A true idiot, my 100% guess you are a red dit phag.

You clearly don't know what a grassroots crypto movement around an emerging low cap coin looks like.

I've been apart of ANS early on, WTC early on and VET early on, also POWR early on.

You also don't respect the power of memetics. If you don't think Trump was meme'd into power in 2016 then please friend buy V-idt once it hits Binance and it's $4.

And then when you don't make money, cry about how crypto is a scam and you have to have insider knowledge to know which coins will pump.....

>> No.14519870

Ohh and why do we do this? The market cap is sooo fkn tiny that literally anyone who buys here is guaranteed to make money regardless and they pay it forward by talking about the coin that made them tons of money to idiots like you a month from now and then you talk to others, etc, etc.

By this point, the coin is top 80 on coinmarkcap and anyone that listened to /biz made 5-10x+ already.

But hey you can go back to plebbit and get shilled on VET or NANO or some other boomer coin that goes up maybe 5% a year in profit. LOL

>> No.14519877

Because when people want to buy it, it increases the price? Do you know how supply and demand works? Seriously question? You dont grasp why generating demand is a positive thing?

>> No.14519893


>> No.14519941


>> No.14519958
File: 155 KB, 694x864, Swing_VIDT_Brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


swingvidter there's still time fren, you can still buy back in right now before it explodes past 200k gwei.

An announcement can drop anytime. Your suicide stack isn't nearly big enough

>> No.14520018

Well I guess this confirms exactly what I suspected ... it's a /biz/ pump, built on Hype
Do either of you actually believe this token has any utility?
Good luck to you both, I hope you cash out at the top and unload on some other idiot who buys into the hype. Don't get greedy and forget to sell!

>> No.14520208
File: 10 KB, 200x313, Brainlet Cord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> confirmed brainlet

Hype + Community is how coins accrue in value, you fucking brainlet.

How the F do you think VEN rose from 0.01 cents to $30? VEN totally switched everything they wanted to do once they broke into the 100M marketcap and then they decided to become their own blockchain and pivot.

According to your retarded self it was a pump and dump. LOL.

Hype + Community. That is how all organic coins grow.

Would you rather this be an ICO money grab that whale and money makers manipulate to rise in value like with ONT or ICX?

Fuck off and go back you Plebbit idiot, you clearly know 0 about crypto and probably entered this space in mid-2018.

No one has to harp about the fucking tech or utility because a 5-year-old can grasp it with 1 sentence.

The tokenomics are just as important which you seem to ignore you brainlet.

>> No.14520270

Is the token used for anything other than hyping up to increase the price to sell to someone else?

>> No.14520356

Yes. Sick of this question. Go read the tokenomics, it'll take 5 minutes

>> No.14520408

Chainlink is in Cayman Islands.

>The team literally made sure that they wouldnt be classified as a security
They burn tokens. You don't burn tokens for a utility token, would make no sense. It's price manipulation AND used to let holders that the price of their investment will go up.

It's a security already.

>> No.14520411

I think I just lost 100USD in 2 min.
Used CoinSwitch, ETH to VIDT.
Put in my MyEtherWallet, to get my ETH, then prompted to final adress, which I again put in MyEtherWallet.
Thought it would remove the ETH from wallet, "switch" as it says, and add VIDT to my wallet.
0 ETH and 0 Tokens (so 0 tokens)

>> No.14520428

Never, and I mean NEVER compare this fly by night piece of shit to chainlink you broke little faggot redditor nigger.

>> No.14520430

>Is the token used for anything other than hyping up to increase the price to sell to someone else?
No. It isn't. It's not fud. It's actually a security token. And see how this anon >>14520356 dodged answering the question, knowing full-well you won't research the tokenomics or come back to the thread to report on it if you do.

>> No.14520447

why do I need V-ID to verify documents when I can just use my eyes

>> No.14520450

Jesus Christ I'm posting in a thread by OP who wants to battle any fud.
I say the fud is that this appears to be just a hype coin, and /biz/ is hyping it to pump the price.
OP makes great effort to prove my point, then you swing in and say you don't want to actually add to the conversation because you're "sick of this question."
What the fuck is the point of being a supporter in a thread to "battle fud" when you refuse to have an actual conversation or attempt to make a point to support your position?

Fine, great, like I said before I hope you sell to some other loser at the top before it crashes (if you can correctly time the top). Don't get so greedy that you forget to sell!

>> No.14520460

Just use metamask.

>> No.14520504

It worked, just took too fucking long to update. I'm a student, 100 dollars is like too much to just lose it like that.


>> No.14520532
File: 79 KB, 248x187, laug-laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't the stock market you boomer plebbitor.

>> No.14520590

I knew VIDT buyers were poor but knowing that they will soon be literally bankrupt makes this so much better. Best of luck faggots. This is definitely the next ETH be sure to go all in.

>> No.14520636
File: 321 KB, 519x597, Comfy_Vidt_Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Lol, this moron thinks asking what the coin does is somehow the FUD I wanted to battle.

Listen, you brainlet, go to their website and it will take you 5 secs to know what this coin's utility is.

You're clearly fishing, but I'm too comfy to entertain you.

No one's falling for it.

Asking what the utility of this coin is, isn't FUD.

It's a question a 10-year-old would ask.

>> No.14520645
File: 37 KB, 2805x219, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this yours little guy?

>> No.14520672

>I say the fud is that this appears to be just a hype coin, and /biz/ is hyping it to pump the price.
This is fundamentally fucking retarded. It has an actual use and is already being used, DYOR you absolute mong

>> No.14520688

What was the FUD you were ready to battle then? Jesus if you have a point to make, make it!

>> No.14520757

Issues with the team, the use cases, the tokenomics, not "hurr durr tell me what it does prove its not just biz shilling" lmfao

>> No.14520822

not a chance you shouldnt be in crypto if have such little to use

>> No.14521067

He can still make it if he flips a 5x from this into another 5x then he has enough to catch a moonshot or 2 to get to 100k

>> No.14521208

Are you fuckers still here? I (finally) went to the website, did some research and have questions.

So what exactly is the point of a small portion of tokens on sale on the public market, when they're selling a majority of their tokens directly to their customers?
The team gets to decide their B2B pricing when they sell the tokens that are used, based on what they think their service is worth. They set the price.
What happens if the market price drops 90%, do their customers suddenly get to validate documents way way cheaper than before? Because some clowns on an exchange fucked the price of the token?
Or what if the token moons, does it now cost a shit-ton per validation?

Or do they price each validation as a function of the market price of the token?

This all seems like a very centralized and complicated way to put a hashed version of a document onto a blockchain. Couldn't anyone apply a hashing algorithm to a file and put it in a ETH transaction, and it would be just as verifiable and decentralized and "true" as this runaround token bullshit?

>> No.14521303

your method would create multiple "verified" copies of the same document with no way to find the original source

>> No.14521321

All you retards are shilling a literal pedo coin

>> No.14521354
File: 2.73 MB, 2048x1577, 520787575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14521368
File: 256 KB, 1080x1350, 33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asking pajeet to think for himself

>> No.14521500

Look at the weekly chart and tell me this is a good buy, there's your fud

>> No.14521514

so they burn 200k tokens out of 26 million tokens in circulation.
wow thats going to make a difference.

>> No.14521516

Well I guess as long as I trust V-ID's KYC then I can believe them.
So the token is necessary for tying the document back to the V-ID customer who initially validated it. And I'm assuming that I trust that who they say their customer is is the authority in creating the document.

But what's the point of the tokens on the open market? Since V-ID can literally sell their tokens to their customers at whatever price they want, and since 80% of the tokens that are used get driven back to V-ID to be sold at whatever price they want, isn't the marketplace supply constantly dwindling (unless V-ID customers begin selling the tokens they've bought)? And why would they sell them at a loss? And why would any customer buy them for more on the market than what they can buy them from V-ID directly?

Seems like the token price can be pretty much locked in by V-ID at whatever price point they decide, once they decide to sell them.

>> No.14521532

Who are you commissioning this art through? and why are you ruining it for a shitcoin?

>> No.14521568

The validation cost in regards to tokens changes with the price. so the higher the price the less tokens it costs for validation. Simple stuff

>> No.14521590

They do monthly burns bud. New exchange this quarter. The absolute state.

>> No.14521672

Why does the price change though? The businesses buying tokens and using them aren't buying on the exchange market, they're buying from V-ID at the price they dictate. The market price will follow the price V-ID sells them at, not vice versa.

>> No.14521791

No commission friend, this is the power of memes and a coin that will take us to the promised land of gainz.

>> No.14521812

the coins being on the open market can be said about almost every coin on the market that classifies itself as a utility token, often times it doesnt make sense for there to even be a market for it

so i dont have a clear answer for it...but they do have an office number posted on their website which anons have said is very responsive, so I plan to call them and ask about that question because ive had that question about vid-t and almost every other coin in this market, why the hell is there a trading platform for it?

>> No.14522125

Thanks for the conversation.
It's an interesting project. If not for OP's hostility earlier I probably wouldn't have even looked further into it, so I guess he won. YOU HEAR THAT OP??

Anyway, I still don't think I'm going to buy any V-IDT anytime soon - the token seems to be there just for generating hype and making a /biz/ profit.

What you said about the validation cost (price of the actual V-ID service) varying with the price of the token solidifies that the token price has nothing to do with the value of the validation service, and is only driven by market hype forces (now) and by V-ID's B2B pricing (later).

So why should the token price go up or down, if it has nothing to do with the actual cost of the validation service? Even if the service becomes insanely valuable, V-ID can price their B2B tokens wherever they want, then dictate the validation cost in tokens. The exchange market will settle to whatever pricing V-ID decides.

>> No.14522217

You can say this about a million coins in the top 50. Jesus, did you just enter crypto yesterday?

And yes the team WANTS the coin's price to increase. It's pretty fkn simple.

More money = more growth of the company!

Why are companies publicly traded? You act like the team doesn't hodl a ton of tokens that they will be selling as every crypto team does.

Seriously your concerns are so boomer like, it's almost like you just got into crypto yesterday. Your concerns can be said for coins with $1 Billion market cap but here you are ragging on a $12M coin.

Smells like a swingvidter to me bois.

>> No.14522402

Anyone have a realistic price timeline? Seems like it cant moon much past 30-50
Cause then its way to expensive for customers. Even a couple bucks would be expensive to have to buy all the time