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14509819 No.14509819 [Reply] [Original]

How do I spend $1100 CAD of welfare money a month (not allowed to invest).

Need spending ideas.

So far
- clothes
- computer hardware
- home gym equipment
- perfume collection
- video games

>> No.14509874


>> No.14509887

Food and steroids

>> No.14509896

>buy graphux cards
congrats now you have invested

>> No.14509983

i'm in the US so just replace the store names with leaf equivalents.
>go to walmart
>buy two pairs of jeans, one pair of khakis, three t-shirts, and a dress shirt
>have $1000 left
>buy a thinkpad T61 on ebay with new HDD and put a respectable LiGNUx distro like gentoo or slackware on it.
>have $900 left
>ditch the home gym equipment. it is full of useless expenses. do bodyweight exercises. use the environment to your advantage. if you're innawoods, do cross-country workouts. if you're in the city, do parkour.
>sam's club. three-pack degree dry spray. smells awesome. $895 remaining.
>quit spending money on games. if you're at the point where you're surviving on welfare, you don't need these distractions in your life. buy a deck of cards and a chess board at walmart. $880 remaining.
save what you have left in a savings account. the 2% or so interest will be minute, but seeing as you can't invest the money (underage b&), you may as well utilize something like a savings account to grow your funds for the long run.

>> No.14510106

>save what you have left in a savings account
I don't think I'm allowed to have more than $2500 in total in my accounts and a TFSA account counts as liquidity.

In other words, I have to spend it otherwise they cut off my welfare if I exceed $2500 in my bank account.

>> No.14510272

then get one in the US
you can get an insured account through schwab or first citizens for up to $250,000 each, and use a whole mess of tax loopholes and legal loopholes to make it seem like you're poor

>> No.14510310

just store it in crypto anon

>> No.14510370

the Canadian government makes direct payment into my bank account. Any bank transfer of liquidity is considered dilapidation of assets and they can cut off your welfare.

If I had a foreign savings account the only use would be if I transfered money into it from my bank account but those transfers would be registered and when every so often the government demands an account balance & summary it would show.

>> No.14510578

So withdraw cash and buy direct from someone who holds crypto?

>> No.14510603


>> No.14510689
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this >>14510578
Canadian bitcoins is a pretty reliable place. Which province op?

>> No.14510860

They want you in the summary they ask every so often to say what the cash withdrawals were for.

I also don't want to lie. Look the lying way to do this is to say to transfer money from my account to my father's account and tell my father to cash me money when I need it then to say to the welfare office that these monthly transfers are to pay a rent upon which they'll require a statement from my father that this is the case. But that would be a lie and I don't wanna trick the system.

The only other way to do this sort of legit would be to buy a 2080ti or two and mine coins with them. So if I wanna go around the system and make more money I'll learn how to mine and do this.

But besides this, I'm really just looking for purchasing ideas as this is what is legit to do and I'm lacking ideas to spend money on. I'll always be able to come up with something. Fuck I could have welfare for 10 years on and if I still live with my father with no living expenses I'll still be buying shit. The thing is there could be useful things some people come up with compared to the things I could literally squander money on like powerful graphics cards when I don't even play games. Clothes for instance is a priority. I haven't had new clothes in years so I'll be buying that, but as soon as I put a grand on that I'll be more than done buying.