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File: 239 KB, 682x864, Bernie_Sanders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14505493 No.14505493 [Reply] [Original]

Sanders is right.

We bailed out the banks who stole billions of dollars from everyday hardworking people. So why shouldn't we also bail out the debt of college students who did literally nothing wrong?

>> No.14505521

why not just give everyone a million dollars everyday

>> No.14505540
File: 101 KB, 785x731, 1554645348243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please Sanders just use government tax revenues to pump my Bitcoin bags

>> No.14505552

Well i don't have student loans and don't care about my health.
Call me back when he starts offering neetbux.

>> No.14505597

This. If government just printed more money, everyone could be a millionaire. I can't believe dumb capitalists don't see it.

>> No.14505650

>fed encourages banks to loan to nigs and other poor people via community involvement act.

> Fannie Mae knowingly gives toxic dirivatives a AAA credit rating

Federal reserve keeps interest rates at near zero

Yea it's the banks fault

>> No.14505675

if you value cryptocurrency and what it's in the process of achieving Bernie Sanders would basically be perfect. bitcoin was made for this exact situation. he's not going to though, and that's a good thing. crypto will be ok still. if he does win though, we will moon extremely hard

>> No.14505711

I didn't go to college so I should get a free 50,000 dollars too. Kind of unfair that they all get to go to college for free

>> No.14506512

How is that the same as bailing people out of debt?

So you deny all the testimonials from ex-bankers who claim that the banks were intentionally setting their clients up to fail so they could take all their money?

Also, how is it the college students' fault that they're trapped in debt? What were they supposed to do, not go to college and work as a burger flipper, barista, insurance salesman, uber driver, or street performer?

>> No.14506550

Bank bail outs are socialism
Bernie is a socialist
He should be happy

>> No.14506553

The hypocrisy of the Republicans is really irritating. If they actually cared about fiscal responsibility it’d be one thing. But they don’t. Trump and the GOP blow through trillions like candy.

Sorry guys, spending money on your own people is socialist handouts. But Israel and Boeing get plenty of money. Not to mention the rich.

>> No.14506564

How come none of these socialists have even mentioned the idea of the federal government backing these loans. End that program and allow students to declare bankruptcy and college prices will drop back to where they were in the 90s

>> No.14506577

Who pays for it?

(The people)

>> No.14506584

I just sold some coins to pay off 50k worth of student loans. If this fuck gets elected and cancels everybody's debt right after that I'm going to be pissed.

>> No.14506590

All forms of debt are Jewish and give money to people who don’t deserve it. Bernie is only doing this to pander to millennials who can’t pay off the debt they so naively brought themselves into.

>> No.14506601

Maybe they should stop teaching trash degrees. Some unis in the U.K only require Ds now ( not tiddys:( )

Universities should be places of excellence not socialism

>> No.14506651

How is that unfair? Society forces the idea that you need college to succeed into everyone’s head. Everyone whose not brain dead goes to college, drowns in student debt because society needs degrees, and it’s unfair kids don’t wanna drown in 100k of debt with no job right out of college? Fucking biz

>> No.14506700


Please be a LARP

If some cunt wants to get themselves into a pile of debt getting a so y degree then go ahead, but i am not bailing you out for you dead head decisions.

>> No.14506706

Because this idea is republican garbage designed to cut yet another federal program.

>> No.14506735

I wouldn't mind talking about making college free, but loan forgiveness is dumb as fuck.

>> No.14506763
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yeah white people, let's give our money to indoctrination camps that teach thots and niggers to hate us

>> No.14506808

>Maybe they should stop teaching trash degrees

What degrees are trash according to you.

>> No.14506822

I don’t propose we give them money, I propose the government intervenes and literally takes over all colleges in this country.

>> No.14506837

bullshit you entitled brat. some of us weren't retarded and chose not to go to college immediately after high school because we didn't want the debt. I worked my ass off and took classes over a longer period of time so that I could be a degree without taking out massive loans I couldn't afford. it set me back in my career years, but that was the trade off. you wanna free ride though? those loans were a choice you made, live with that choice pussy.

>> No.14506857

>trusting a jew

>> No.14506861

Fuck off federal kike shill. It is literally the fault of this fucking jewish private institution known as teh federal government that college is so expensive in the States but no other country on the planet.

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.14506889

Would be great for the average person, which is why it'll never happen. So many 18 year olds that were duped into the Student Loan meme are now absolutely imprisoned by their debt. Can't afford homes. Their 60k a year jobs aren't allowing them the ability to live/repay their debt so they're depressed, anxious-- shells of humans who work only to repay the loans.

It'd be great-- and so it's never happening.

>> No.14506918

We live in a country where receiving higher education can sometimes come with a lifetime of debt. There's no other country where that is the case-- and our model is unarguably broken. Start this game over.

>> No.14506929

Pretty much everyone involved is at fault and they shouldve been ruined, but the (((fed))) decided the American taxpayer should hold the bag for all these (((fuck-ups)))

>> No.14506945

"that money" is tax revenue and "government" is run by a neoliberal hell machine that has no problem with whitey being demonized. fuck colleges until the infection in purged, if ever

>> No.14506949

Two wrongs don't make a right.

>> No.14506959

how dumb are you?
>how is it the college students' fault that they're trapped in debt?
you agreed to the term of your loan. you were even required to take a test proving that you read and understood the terms of that loan. the issue isn't the loan, it's that you were too stupid to understand the true cost of money.

>> No.14506972

Current student loan debt is a sunk cost. Take the L and stop putting public money in blockbuster video entirely.

>> No.14506983

>giving banks free money is ok
>giving people free money socialism

>> No.14507015

Both colleges and the government are kiked right now, but I see the government as the lesser evil. At least they don’t force SJW bullshit as hard.

>> No.14507021

They’re the ones that wanted to go to Universities and State colleges. There’s always city college where you can learn for cheap. Shit, I only paid 29 dollars for 15 Units. Fucking people are stupid for getting into debt, knowing it’s too much to pay off.

>> No.14507036
File: 34 KB, 450x300, 2112421421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kids got scammed and parents didn't care enough to stop it
You can blame them for taking a loan but it's stupid to blame a sheltered child for making a stupid decision.
When every authority figure in their lives said to them you need to go to college to succeed, they will go to college.
Now you have a whole generation in debt unable buy a home and start a family.
You can bicker and moan but your posterity is basically a debt slave to the jews and if you don't fix it your country will burn.
No wonder they are turning to socialist policies when they have basicaly nothing to lose.
>inb4 you have student debt
i'm not even from america

>> No.14507062

it's crazy to me to see this idea floated on this board. you retards know Sander's plan to cover the debt is to tax the shit out of trades?
>muh wallstreet gamblers can afford to pay extra
wtf do you think is going to happen?

>> No.14507121

Yeah. So what. Get good.

>> No.14507140

Tax on speculation, get ready for a special crypto tax of 50%

>> No.14507155

These brainlets took those loans themselves idiots
If the banks would’ve failed, so much bankrupt companies/people as well you fucking brainlets jesus

>> No.14507171

Why can't student loans be forgiven when you die?

>> No.14507189

George Bush gave everybody free money twice. Only republicans are brave enough to give the people free money unlike the coward bank owned dems.

>> No.14507205

I like Sanders. He was always my guy and he's right about a lot of things. this isn't one of them though. it's incredibly childish thinking actually. again, if we wanna talk about moving to make college free in this country, I'm on board. loan forgiveness though for an entitled generation? it's like we want to train the future to be as dumb as fucking possible.
you cunts want to act like you didn't know better, but you're a fucking god damn adult. grow up and start acting like one. you make you're own choices.

>> No.14507207

The only scams are legally required to be labeled as for profit universities, this pneumonic makes it very to identify scams.

Taking a fat loan out for a public not for profit college is not a scam, it’s an investment. The government does not and should not reimburse people for bad investments that they made. When you materialize a loss, it is tax deductible. But if you never materialize it, as in the case with student loans, it’s not.

Fuck off commie

>> No.14507210

>be me
>get 20k from FAFSA per semester
>dec 2017 hits
>open coinbase account
>receive 20k deposit for the next semester
>bought 20k in btc and assorted shitcoins
>absolutely wiped out
>HODL against all cost
>one year later move what’s left of all my shitcoins to ETH/BTC
>a little above break even now
S-should I sell and pay back my loans?

>> No.14507216


Liberal arts
Minority and ethnic studies
Modern slavery

Plenty more where that came from.

>> No.14507254

>Also, how is it the college students' fault that they're trapped in debt?
Because they had the option of learning a practical skill that would actually be making them money and they chose to major in something useless. Granted, we shouldn't have as many universities teaching useless shit as we do, but the student still bears some responsibility for agreeing to go along with it.

>> No.14507291

watch your country burn, i don't care. i hope it also takes down exportation of your toxic culture to the rest of the world.
have fun good goyim

>> No.14507296

kek. how many times have we heard this story? half this board bought btc with student loans. we're supposed to feel bad for you guys though and pay to cover your losses?

>> No.14507346

>At least they don’t force SJW bullshit as hard.

Can't tell if you're serious? If so you are a stupid fucking retard

>> No.14507347

We're all happy you're so enlightened but 98% of the country wasn't. I guess we can just let them all be fucked because they weren't the megamind you are, right? I mean, sure, they just wanted to become skilled and productive members of society, but they didn't see through the college meme so they can take a walk until their floats right

That won't have any negative impact on the economy right?

We don't need those people to be thriving to prop up the economy right?

All wealth trickles down right?

Being a self absorbed myopic shitheel is the ideal we should all strive for right?

>> No.14507353

>Got a free degree in African studies because of football scholarship

>> No.14507358
File: 270 KB, 971x1302, B74A35CA-11A2-43D4-B35F-879987045FE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who did literally nothing wrong

You mean besides deliberately take out a $300,000 loan you fucking retard? It's because they don't do anything right either and if they did they wouldn't be in the position they're in to begin with. Bailing out industries and large employers in an emergency isn't ideal either but it makes more sense because, through their continued operation, they will recoup the losses through payroll and income taxes and the macroeconomic activity they generate. When you bail out these student loan retards what you're actually doing is incentivizing the bad actors that directly caused this crisis (the lenders and schools admissions staff) to become worse actors in the immediate future.

You are taking the Higher Education Act of 1965-which gave schools carte blanche to charge whatever ludicrous amount of money they'd deemed appropriate through a public/private bank's guarantee these $100,000 loans given to any D student grug that requested them would be repaid-and further saying that you will force the public at large to foot the bill now that it's become so obviously unsustainable.

This proposal isn't a bailout for kids; Bernie is proposing adding a 5.2% increase on each income tax bracket, it's a bailout for the failed Education Industrial Complex and all of the commie-sympathizing crooked cucks that work within it.

>> No.14507372

I also got a degree in philosophy and work in a deli now I if that makes you feel good. I am however going to grad school soon and have a full package where I will be trained to teach kids Marx. U mad?

>> No.14507379

I would have agreed with you pre-2008. But after the government gave the banks trillions, I called bullshit. The real world isn't ideal. When it comes to individuals we talk about muh personal responsibility, but when corporations fuck up we give them free shit. Stop being a corporate sheep anon.

>> No.14507383

Can any democrat candidate just not be such huge pushovers? Like Yang, but he is clearly void of any POTUS-tier spine

>> No.14507387


No one should pay taxes because of your poor choice of college, retard

>> No.14507423

>you were even required to take a test proving that you read and understood the terms of that loan.
I never was. Is this a new thing?

>> No.14507428

>where I will be trained to teach kids Marx.

You think training low-T, impotent college kids will change anything? Make me a sandwich pussy

>> No.14507443

Paying off student debts is still just a bank bailout retard.

>> No.14507479

this turkey is thin sliced. I said extra thin. I want you to do it again.

>> No.14507480

Sanders isn't going to tell lenders to get fucked, he is going to write them large checks from taxpayer money.
This will embraizen them and the next generation will be far more fucked because now there is no private risk for lenders

>> No.14507522

>Kids dumber than ever after 12 years of school.

>I know, lets make years 13-16 free! That will make these kids smarter!

>> No.14507535

you're bias is skewed. 98% of the country did not fuck up like you must have. only 70% of student go into debt and most of them will have that payed off before their 30. the loudest voices cry about being >$100k in debt but that is far from being the norm. that is irresponsible. Most student loan debt is between 10-25k

>> No.14507646

you know most of those bailouts were payed back with interest right? the bailout was bullshit too imo. its not a tit for tat. in both scenarios, it's guys like me (actual middle class american) that gets fucked. waiving your personal debt isn't going to fix what's broken is it? it's not a fix at all.

>> No.14507648

I have a student loan debt that I'm still paying on way into my 30s. Got an engineering degree and it was in the low 10k range.
It's a fucked system but writing a large check to bankers is not the only answer

>> No.14507658

>Bailing out industries and large employers in an emergency isn't ideal either but it makes more sense because, through their continued operation, they will recoup the losses through payroll and income taxes and the macroeconomic activity they generate.

>Doesn't understand the massive macroeconomic activity that young college grads would generate if not drowning in student loans

>When you bail out these student loan retards what you're actually doing is incentivizing the bad actors that directly caused this crisis (the lenders and schools admissions staff) to become worse actors in the immediate future.

>Doesn't understand the same logic would have to apply to banks/industries that are bailed out

>> No.14507676

if you took out a federal loan, yes you did. maybe you don't remember, but legally, you were required to take an exam proving you understood the terms on your contract. they wouldn't have lent to you otherwise.

>> No.14507730

uh oh, jamal missed the toilet again. after you ring them up, get the mop will you, thanks

>> No.14507742

10k student loan debt is very reasonable though. do you not think it was a good investment in yourself as an engineer?
how much has your earning potential increased?

>> No.14507743

bc you have to be a monkey retard to make that financial decision without any foresight fuck them

>> No.14507808

No it was a scam. I am a software engineer and could have learned everything without the extra costs. I could have been paid for my time as well, in a functioning economy that doesn't discard the efforts of it's participants.
That's why we have crypto though, to redo these reward signals and reduce the waste of our time and lives.

>> No.14507938

>>>14507347 (You)
>you're bias is skewed. 98% of the country did not fuck up like you must have. only 70% of student go into debt and most of them will have that payed off before their 30. the loudest voices cry about being >$100k in debt but that is far from being the norm. that is irresponsible. Most student loan debt is between 10-25k

Feel free to waste your time finding nonexistent sources for this, especially if you can drill down to current/ recent grads

I'm fine btw. Nice house cars kids plenty of crypto very positive net worth... some student loans? Yes, but a fraction of what current college students have to pay and locked in at low interest. I'm not worried about me, I'm worried about economic collapse due to absurd student loans, stagnant wages, skyrocketing costs for virtually everything, a ridiculous healthcare system, and the incoming tech revolution that's going to wipe out a huge percentage of the workforce.

I mean, hey, literally every other first world nation in the world decided not to make people who wanted to go to college grab their ankles... they must all be all idiots and our crippling-debt-for- trying-to-be-productive strategy is superior right?

Yeah... MY bias is showing

>> No.14507970

this is why nobody takes you seriously. you're dumb as fuck.
if you believe you could have advanced your career without going to college, then why the fuck did you choose to go to college? you wanna cry about it after the fact and pretend like a measly 10k is an oppressive debt in exchange for increasing your earning potential 200-300x's for life?!?! what the fuck is wrong with you? 10k is low tier used car loan level of debt. if you don't have that payed off in under 5 years, you're a complete fucking moron.
I'm a software engineer too. I make over $100k. before that I was making 30k a year. stop being a retard. your degree was an actual investment. stop acting like the world is owed to you for nothing

>> No.14508010
File: 304 KB, 1111x1317, 11290E88-C82D-447F-8983-5B2EAA431E2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grad school
Maybe you should fucking grow up instead and teach these kids about how the school you went to allowed the utopian fallacy of Marxism to flourish on campus as damage control for the monstrous government-backed debt you stumbled into in lieu of it having to compete on an open market like the business it actually as. Maybe you should teach these kids that schools should issue their own merit-based grants and scholarships instead of using federal largesse to artificially inflate their tution rates by over 500% while still allowing every C-student Stan and Tracy can get their useless vanity degrees.

I see you ignored the part where Sanders also proposes taking an additional $1,100 from a bottom 10th percentile $20,000 earner annually, and scaling up from that (5.2%). I'm sure he wants a VAT or some other federal sales tax implemented as well.

>> No.14508025

so lets talk about bringing the cost down. We can talk about how to make higher education free and I'm still on board. loan forgiveness fixes nothing though!

>> No.14508033

>Free stuff for everyone
>You just have to pay for it first

>> No.14508041
File: 116 KB, 1550x935, 777A8E22-BD06-4870-B08B-FD024C5BF4DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

business it actually *is

>> No.14508077
File: 448 KB, 1685x1295, 8AD0228E-B9EA-4487-9BE8-68E871A21A07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean, hey, literally every other first world nation in the world decided not to make people who wanted to go to college grab their ankles

They're in a constant state of grabbing their ankles, just like...

you're are mom xddddddddd

>> No.14508097

college students chose incorrectly and are becoming more dime a dozen
if you have college debt and are unable to shake it off, you are probably doing something wrong.

>> No.14508119

I have no loans, unlike you I wasn’t broke and could afford my tuition don’t be so salty you made the choice to be a 25 year old just starting his career don’t be mad at anybody but yourself for your betamale looking ass

>> No.14508183

This looks almost like the tax brackets of Finland, but we have only a little progression on capital/dividends as it is 30% or 34%. Also 14/24 VAT% is everywhere.
It is fine by most just as long government spending is benign.

>> No.14508233

He'll inflate the dollar so much people will hedge into Bitcoin (egold)

>> No.14508250

I'm not mad at anyone for my choices. that's what separates me from the cunts crying about their debt in this thread. I was the 25 year old just starting my career. it was a choice I made and the trade off worked to my benefit. I bought my first house when I was 25 too because my debt to income ratio wasn't completely fucked.

>> No.14508478
File: 261 KB, 888x894, 7BF26A5D-B0A5-46B6-9C29-53072EBA4084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck college and fuck college kids with debt and definitely fuck bernout that stupid looking cuck
Let them eat shit forever
Democrats could offer me gorillion dollars a week and I still wouldn't even remotely think of voting for those incel pieces of actual literal trash

>> No.14508578

fuck the democratic party for doing my boy Yang dirty during the debate, I can't wait to vote Trump to spite them all

>> No.14508890

lol yeah I needed to go to a 9am art history course to write a python script.
Your mentality is disempowering and, worse, boring.

>> No.14509067

you're the one who did that, not me. whose mentality is retarded? life is so hard isn't it?

>> No.14509071

I see ignored the part where those numbers are from a right wing analysis of his 2016 tax plan that included Medicare for All. These numbers are not tied to college debt forgiveness at all. Maybe read your source next time and not just stop as soon as you see something that vaguely resembles support for your predetermined position

>> No.14509148

you ok big fella?

>> No.14509407

Yeah, and just look at the economic suffering over there in those first world countries. I mean it's just a fucking mess in most of those places, with their free healthcare with far better medical outcomes than the US, with their free or near free college and technical training, lower poverty levels despite not having the largest economy in the world and and and

>> No.14509962

Hi everyone

Artist here. I went to the top art school in the country (RISD) and it cost me 250,000 dollars. I have no debt and have paid it all off.

Thank you!

>> No.14510102
File: 1.96 MB, 1783x1440, Screenshot_2019-03-04-11-06-26(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi sam

thank god those btcs paid off that shitdebt

>> No.14510171

its going to get even worse once we give those lenders a bailout. After that they're going to greatly increase affirmative action and the like as part of "reparations" so they'll be giving loans to even less capable blacks knowing the government will bail them out because it's anudda form'a slavery. But if you don't give them loans it's racism. Same thing already happened with the community reinvestment act basically.

>> No.14510268

College students need to get bailed out if the economy is going to be shit in the decades to come. If you have generations shackled to this debt then good luck getting them to buy homes, get life insurance, or anything else. America is ran off people always buying shit. Which is why I think the debt will be forgiven regardless.

>> No.14510359

>Falling for the $1,000 a week meme
Where will they get the money when the tax from automation isn't enough?

>> No.14510405
File: 70 KB, 612x612, 0333589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Similar thing is happening with student loans too. Except instead of housing prices inflating, the educational requirements of jobs is inflating.

Everyone is ignoring the real problem cause the native American female studies major brainlets are louder and more numerous than the people that know whats actually going on.

Sad thing is politicians that are being championed by these brainlets (like Bernie..) not only helped create the problem, but are now campaigning to have people who paid there dues or didn't go to college pay for those who shouldnt have gone in the first place.

>> No.14510507

Yes, it does fix something - the economy that's going to be fucked because most of your workforce is drowning in debt and making shit wages. Don't give me the women's studies majors argument either, I'm talking people with accounting/engineering etc degrees who are actually employed in their field and still struggling. That's in part due to the general suppression of wages in this country in general, but student loans are a big part of it. You can't have a generation or two who's broke and just expect everything to keep humming along fine. This is why the screw-you-got-mine crowd is so fucking dumb. Their level 1 thinking cant see beyond the surface level of me have more = good and fuck poor people fuck brown people fuck anyone who isn't me. If you fuck the entire middle class and below, everything is going to grind to a halt. That is what we're heading for you simpletons

>> No.14510742

Zoomers did everything wrong. They're lazy, mentally ill, entitled and think the world must serve them. Fuck 'em, starve that failed generation to eradication and start over.

>> No.14510842

It's just credential inflation from griggs v. Duke power when intelligence testing by employers was banned. Then the B.S. became a competence signal, but it had to be made easier because blacks weren't getting enough degrees. Repeat ad nauseam.

>> No.14510985

Student loan forgiveness is a bank bailout, don't forget this. As a money lender, you need to evaluate whether you think the reason someone wants to borrow money is wise, and by taking on a risky borrower you acknowledge that you may not get your money back. But that's not what happened, and now that they've given money out indiscriminately they're in risk of not getting paid back and they're crying to the government because it's not fair.

>> No.14511268


About 92% of student loans are federal loans, owned by the U.S. DOE. What in the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.14511347

The government IS the entity giving out the student loans......

>> No.14511351


>> No.14511396

Sanders is a fucking idiot
>name one thing the govt. manages well
Protip: you can’t

>> No.14511440

>we fucked this up, but its ok! Give us more money, we promise we will fix it this time

Fucking unreal

>> No.14511470

Bitcoin is all of us fucking the government.

>> No.14511502

>Also, how is it the college students' fault that they're trapped in debt? What were they supposed to do, not go to college and work as a burger flipper, barista, insurance salesman, uber driver, or street performer?
Unfortunately, yes. Until a means was found to make education cheaper, those people should have done exactly those things unless they could afford to pay or could earn a scholarship, or they knew for damn sure they had a way of repaying those loans. Writing college admissions departments a blank check every year by offering loans to the majority of people applying only incentivizes colleges to keep raising tuition costs. It's especially egregious when these institutions begin bullshiting on expansion, pocketing millions into the 'endowment', and keep their students living in dorm rooms with leaky AC from the fucking 80s/90s.

>> No.14511523

Why is everyone discussing pointless bullshit? Sanders is a spineless boomer who wouldn’tbe able to implement SHIT without competent parasites making the thing a mess.
>muh policy/ideology based voting

>> No.14511786

Not entirely true. Loans can be either public or private, hence Sallie Mae. However all student loans are all government backed and a person cannot default on a student loan.
That said, picking the public loan is the better choice because loan forgiveness is written into the deal: work for a public agency for a ten year period after graduation and all student debt is forgiven. Meaning you can go work as a (substitute) teacher, join the military, etc. and pay the minimal payments for 10 years and be golden. Going with a private lender is what truly fucks you over.

>> No.14511788

Those numbers are the current tax bracket with the added 2.2% for medicare for all. It's from the tax foundation. You are literally retarded.


>> No.14511869

>>>14506512 #
>>Also, how is it the college students' fault that they're trapped in debt? What were they supposed to do, not go to college and work as a burger flipper, barista, insurance salesman, uber driver, or street performer?
>Unfortunately, yes.

Or they could go to a trade school, participate in an apprenticeship, or attend a community college.

Plenty of good options out there. No University =\= Only shitty no skill jobs

>> No.14511899

We're mooning if Trump wins as well. It's a win-win or shall I say a moon-moon.

>> No.14511936


Show me what this has to do with Bernie's plan to cancel student loan debt

(it doesn't you idiot)
(that's the point)
(why the fuck are you linking more bullshit from the tax foundation about tariffs, that has nothing to do with this thread)

>> No.14511976

Checked & rhodepilled.

>> No.14511989

> i'm not even from america
so shut the fuck up

>> No.14512003

>Or they could go to a trade school, participate in an apprenticeship
If every college student decided to do that instead of getting student loans, those jobs wouldn't be fucking hiring anymore you dumb fuck. This is the poor boomer excuse I see and hear every god damn day. The younger generation is smarter than you.

>> No.14512153

Sounds bad for real estate. Bernie kills the dollar a bit so that students can spend money outside of servicing debts. Sectors outside of finance start correcting for it. Sounds like the opposite of what's been happening since fiat currency started expanding the money supply close to the top to transfer wealth uphill.

>> No.14512208

didn't read. kill yourself.

>> No.14512297

The government's fuck up here was letting the universities and for-profit bullshit schools charge so much while also limiting state funding for state schools, which leads to the schools charging more. There's also tons of bloat in bullshit salaries for college deans and admin that don't do a ton, but that's on the schools. Bottom line is that it was a lack of governing, not too much. It's a lack of regulation on pricing, and a lack of state funding that has caused the increase in prices.

This is small minded small government bullshit without any evidence or reasoning to support it

>> No.14512334
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>> No.14512366
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This is now a Bernie Meme thread

>> No.14512390
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>> No.14512418
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>> No.14512440
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>> No.14512451







>> No.14512460
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>> No.14512462

I don't have debt so why should my hard earned money go to retarded zoomers and millenials who didn't think twice when making an important decision?

Also what about those people who already paid off their student debt? are you gonna just tell them
>well, too bad guys, you were a bit too early?

fuck off you disgusting socialist, no one forces anyone into debt or college, most degrees are fucking worthless anyway, those retards wanted to extend their childhood and now other people are supposed to pay for it?

>> No.14512509

While it's not healthy to have consumers saddled with do much debt, you really can't bail them out into the same way you would a bank during a recession. If you do forgive students loans it should definitely be a transaction in some way, 1,000 hours of community service or something like that. You can't let people make extremely stupid financial decisions like that and get off scott free. Uncle Sam isn't that gracious

>> No.14512542

> teach kids Marx
Oh no, this hasn't been done to college kids for the last few decades!

>> No.14512601

Bush gave rich people money. Trump is the closest to actually caring about the middle class a Republican has come since ever, and the Democrats abandoned the middle class in favor of a global, (((diverse))) economy.

>> No.14512638

it's not going to do what you think it will do. you have only to look in this thread to see what I mean. we have fags in here complaining about 10k debt for a comp sci degree. most student debt is manageable to most adults, they just don't like that it takes time to pay off. something like 2% went balls deep and have greater than 100k student loan debt. they're beyond help though. can't fix stupid.
wage suppression is an issue though, like you say. middle class is dying and it's a real problem. student loan debt is definitely not the biggest elephant in the room there.

>> No.14512647
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They're being robbed to pay for the children they aren't having (http://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/total-fertility-rate/)), the healthcare they practically don't need (compared to the U.S. with its obesity problem, a diabetes epidemic etc.), and the pharmacological products they have access to ostensibly for free (only made possible through exploitation of the U.S. consumer), all while living in isolated, historically unprecedentedly positive market conditions made possible exclusively by U.S. military hegemony.

The fact you think that the individualized systems in the EU, many countries among them having a population less than a 30th the size of the U.S's, have is even tenable for the U.S. shows what a dunning-kruger surface level thinking brainlet you are. You think Finland or Sweden would survive as-is with 50 years of economic migration, 15% of its population having an average IQ of 85 (which looks like this if you're not familiar: https://youtu.be/WlkfEcN6ycc)) or actually having to pay for the drugs their healthcare system has access to only by way of a third party? If you did then couldn't possibly believe that now because you'd have been proven wrong.

So Sanders stopped believing in Medicare for All or are you admitting these numbers, in which a 1.6 trillion dollar loan forgiveness program that is taken from the public and put right into the pockets of the people that caused the crisis, should be even higher? lmao

>> No.14512654

Ahahaha shows what you know, did you just go for your GED this year at 33? Almost nobody at university learns Marx unless they specifically do that branch of philosophy in postgrad.

>> No.14512677

I mean, in a way I can see it help short term. Many people would suddenly get a lot more spending power that translates into business income rather than banks getting you by the balls

>> No.14512707

then lets just print even more money so everyone can spend like a powerful motherfucker, the (((economy))) will BOOM, BIGLY!

>> No.14512714

>Or they could go to a trade school, participate in an apprenticeship, or attend a community college
Do you want all lawyers, politicians, civil servants, doctors, etc to be trust fund snobs because everyone with any sort of perspective on life is a plumber? Obviously trades are a good deal right now but college should not be 60k a year, it’s creating a bourgeois of people who have no business being the bourgeois. I’m somewhat of an elitist but I know many of these people and they’re retarded.

>> No.14512755

Are you saying that debt don't affect spending power?

>> No.14512789

The Bible tells us to forgive debts and our debtors. We should forgive these poor fools debts. They were just kids sold a lie. If I'd paid off my college debt yesterday I would still agree.

>> No.14512844

then like I said why stop on student debt? let's also bail out all the mortgages car loans etc, it affects those poeple's spendin power, doesn't it?
this entire keynesian scam economy will collapse on its tits sooner or later,

I believe some degrees like medicine or engineering could be state funded but every other motherfucking stupid ass degree should be funded from your own pocket and if someone is retarded enough to fall for that normie scam then he absolutely dererves to rot in debt and fuck him and his (((spending power)))

>> No.14512880

Because you're being an extremist again. Classic Anglo mindset.
>if you want to help one financially vulnerable group you need to destroy everything!

>> No.14512918

this is actually what pisses me off most about the idea....that the most irresponsible from our generation stand to benefit from this the most, and the responsible among us lose. the people who didn't want to grow up, and floated around in college for too long, taking out cost of living loans so they don't even have to work while they're there, those are the people with unreasonable amounts of debt.

>> No.14512938

> I'm so smart that as a philosophy major I know how all the other more important majors were taught and all the subjects and I know for a fact that all universities didn't teach Carl Mark the ebin econopher

>> No.14512940
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85% of jobs in manufacturing were lost to automation, not trade. Labor force participation is at a multi decade low and declining. 94% of jobs created since 2005 are part time or contract. Trump feigns ignorance of these facts to maintain his rhetoric.


>> No.14512962
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You wouldn't understand, as extremely well-written as it is, it if you did try in vain to read it anyway you illiterate retard. You're too emotionally invested in the lies you've been told and you're too much of a dumb nig nog to see through them.

>> No.14512963

You can declare bankruptcy on those other things and they weren’t inflated by retarded government policies that boomers voted for

>> No.14512969

Because that's 2 generations who won't start a family or able to own a house.

>> No.14512971

no, I'm just not a socialist cuck
Forcing one group of people to pay for another people's stupidity is completely immoral

>> No.14513016

>the college educated are financially vulnerable
you see how dumb it sounds when I say it like that?

>> No.14513030

I got news for you, they weren't going to start a family anyways. Higher educated women have less children. Fact. Even African niggresses proved it

>> No.14513076
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That is one of the most commonly told jewy lies about manufacturing in our country.


>> No.14513106

No, because college educated isn't a ticket to wealth and high income jobs anymore, no small thanks to baby boomers

>> No.14513212

have you seen the working class lately?

>> No.14513214
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>baby boomers
Bad trade deals and the Hart-(((Celler))) Immigration Act of 1965 hurt more boomers than they "helped" that's for sure.


>> No.14513312

maybe you shouldn't have been an idiot faggot know nothing?

>> No.14513358



>> No.14513381

I went to school and paid my loan off with my job. Can I get free money too even though I wasn't an idiot faggot know nothing leech like you?

>> No.14513435
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I think Tim Pool's suggestion is a good approach: Freeze student loan debts so they don't increase and people can actually pay them off and feel free.

It's still "not fair" to those of you who has actually already paid off your debt but god damn it something needs to be done. The student loan trap are making more and more think socialism isn't the answer despite all the good capitalism has done.

>> No.14513462

>The student loan trap IS making more and more think socialism IS the answer despite all the good capitalism has done.

>> No.14513474
File: 536 KB, 1916x1322, automation-and-unemployment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing in your little meme pic disproves that fact you desperately reaching brainlet.

In fact there's a fucking graph in your meme pic that immediately PROVES it. Peak U.S. manufacturing employment was 19.4 million workers in 1979. It is now under 12 million. And yet despite this drastic decline notice how the manufacturing output of the US has steadily risen since 1979.

>> No.14513601

Why is "not fair" in quotes. Are you implying that it actually is fair

>> No.14513640


More bullshit. Children they aren't having? Most of those countries, according to your own link, are right around the US in terms of fertility. Healthcare they don't need? Are you seriously this desperate? You're sitting here trying to argue that other first world nations are getting a bad deal on their healthcare they really don't need it that much in relation to Americans who are fat?

I will agree that US consumers are exploited by the pharmaceutical industry, as would Bernie, but that's not some kind of necessary evil to developing pharmaceuticals. It only happens because the industry is not nearly regulated enough, and the majority of that money is just going straight to the top, the executives and shareholders. It's the usual steal from everyone give to the rich scheme. You think that is some kind of unavoidable cost of doing business? You think you could never incentivize companies to research new drugs without fucking over the populace? You're wrong; it's called regulation. Other countries may benefit indirectly from this arrangement, but they still would in a world where the US isn't completely fucked by the billionaire class with the help of the right wing assholes (and some of the dem establishment, too, to be fair).

The bottom line is they are doing better than us, and it's not based on some bullshit right wing talking point that it's all being propped up entirely by U.S. being a country that is entirely fucking their middle class and below.

The US is the richest country in the history of the world, but sorry, there's just no way we can figure out healthcare and cheap college. It's just fucking impossible!

>> No.14513681

if you had gone all in on the holo ico you wouldn't be like this

>> No.14513702


And no, of course he didn't stop supporting Medicare for All, you idiot. If you want to act smart and throw around words like hegemony, though, you should probably also do your fucking homework before talking. Bernie' plan to cancel debt is based entirely on adding small taxes on to stocks/bonds/derivatives trading. That chart linked above has fuck all to do with it and is mostly reflective of his 2016 plan to pay for Medicare for All among other things. If you want to argue Medicare for All, start another thread and get your feeble arguments destroyed there

>> No.14513814
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no, i'm imagining a child complaining over why the other kid got more soda in his glass ("waa, it's not fair"). but life isn't fair and i think adults should recognize that even though something is not fair it can still be the right thing to do for the good of all of us. (yes, i am debt free btw)

>> No.14514103

>the pharmacological products they have access to ostensibly for free (only made possible through exploitation of the U.S. consumer)

US drug companies spend far more on marketing than they do R&D. Proportionately, the UK contributes more to research than the US does by various metrics. E.g. more articles published in biomedical research per capita (slightly higher quality, too).

>> No.14514115


>> No.14514133

>we bailed out some irresponsible people who aren't you, so why not bail out more irresponsible people who aren't you
oh wow opee what a thrilling proposition

>> No.14514269

they they they... if your faggot ass likes socialism so much, come move here. immigration is easy from burgerland to europe
meanwhile, as a frog i can't come to your country unless a billion dollar silicon valley company pays for my way in, and the moment i lose my job, i'm kicked out
"muh free shit" arguments can be debunked but you faggots never listen. fact is you have the choice to move, but you stay put and complain. while we want to come to the US, but we can't. this alone says everything anyone needs to know about the real value of these respective systems

>> No.14514313

Wrong. The TPP would have killed American manufacturing. US Steel would likely not exist and all Ferds would probably be Mexican by now.

>> No.14514530

Fucking this. I'm living at home and working shitty trade jobs to pay my way through school debt free because I refuse to take out loans. My life is utter shit purely because every goddamn cent I make goes to pay for absurdly high tuition costs inflated by basically guaranteed student loan acceptance. If loan forgiveness ever becomes a reality I'll just commit massive theft/fraud to get my revenge and flee the country for good.

>> No.14514534 [DELETED] 
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As a europoor I get payed to go to college...

>> No.14514607


First, learn what socialism is. A couple of policies that socialize costs in industries that the market tends to fuck over is not socialism and literally no one in this thread or relevant on the US political stage is arguing for actual socialism, Bernie included.

"Stay and complain"? Ah, I see. If I meet resistance, I should simply...run away. You sound like a real alpha chad. No chance that you're a loser incel large-type asshole here at all. I'm sure literally everyone in France is just dying to come to America while they mock us constantly, and that you are not in any way an outlier. Let me guess, you're a big fan of diversity and in no way blame blacks or jews or arabs for your or your countries problems? No thanks, I'll just "stay and complain," aka work to make my country better instead of being a pussy like you

>> No.14514713

>African studies

The correct term is niggerology anon.

>> No.14514735


Hey, that sucks, and I'm sorry you're going through that. The problem here, though, isn't that other people might benefit from this plan that may or may not ever happen and you might not. The problem is that this system forces you to take huge loans or live a life of "pure shit" as you describe. Debt cancellation isn't the ideal, the ideal is never getting in a spot where debt cancellation is reasonable. Unfortunately, we're already there, and while you may not directly benefit from such a plan, it will have a massive positive benefit on our economy/society, which you will indirectly benefit from. As it is right now, we're on a collision course with a major economic meltdown the likes we haven't seen, and this will help stem the tide. I probably will have my loans paid off or very nearly paid off by the time this would go into effect if it even does, but I still support this nonetheless knowing the long term effects on society. It also would likely be accompanied by other legislation making public universities free/near free, which means our children won't be fucked, too.

>> No.14514775


>> No.14514776


No need to relate the two.

Should taxpayers have bailed out bankers?

Should taxpayers bail out students that willingly took on college debt?

Only way I'm okay with loan forgiveness, is if we force the banks to just eat the debt as a failed investment. As a tax payer, I'm not paying shit.

>> No.14514835

Well the banks (except Citi) paid theirs back with interest.

>> No.14514896
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>> No.14514910

no sorry. even gold is cheap to transact with.

>> No.14514913

>yes I was driving drunk, but the bartender made me drink so much

>> No.14514928

lmao that this logic applies exactly to businesses who make poor choices and get bailed out.

>> No.14514979

Peak U.S. manufacturing employment was 19.4 million workers in 1979. It is now under 12 million. And yet despite this drastic decline the manufacturing output of the US has steadily risen since 1979.


>> No.14515152

Company makes robots
Robots take all jobs
All profits go to Company
Republicans lash out that there should be no socialism
Poor blame themselves for not having jobs
Resort to drugs and alcohol
Outsourcing and automation allow companies to lower costs.
Why hire locally when a robot/slave can work for less.

The American dream...

>> No.14515248

Most intelligent people support Sanders. Only retards who took econ 101 don't support him. There's a lot more to economics than just neoclassical bullshit.


>> No.14515318

If you include the cost of health insurance on top of your taxes (which European countries fold into their taxes, so this is a fair comparison), the United States is just as tax heavy as Europe if not more so.

>> No.14515350

All parties were aware of what they were getting themselves into. Parents included. No excuses no bailouts let them teach their children to not fuck up like they did unlike what the boomers failed to do

>> No.14515354

muh free market.

>> No.14515430

Want Fannie Mae, it was Moody’s, fannie doesn’t give ratings

>> No.14515530

These. A whole bunch of fucked up financial policy doesn't justify adding even more fucked up education policy to the pile of fucked up policies.

>> No.14515558

as a european i feel superior to amerifats. no matter how dump i am, i can still thank the gods i'm not an amerifat.
recently, i really like calling amerifats dept slaves. it is just so funny. before that i told them to go fight another war for israel.
anyway, if you get rid of all that dept it would really piss me off. i would need to find something else to be smug about.
maybe i will tell you that the usa is just a vassel state of isreal. that way i should get a rise out of you.

>> No.14515604


>says cuck unironically
>incapable of forming an argument
>forever an idiot
>will ultimately benefit when own idiotic ideology is defeated
>wont admit it when it happens

>> No.14515682

you need to go back

>> No.14515695

the banks have paid back the bailout money, so your point is moot

>> No.14515702


No way, it's economic hell on earth over there with their crazy socialism that isn't actually socialism resulting in bend-over-taxes... didn't you see that one french guy saying he was dying to come to America but he couldn't because of some bullshit reason?

Case fucking closed

>> No.14515744


>> No.14515810

We killed the jews in the past, should we continue and add the niggers and the spics too?

>> No.14515909


My source is this poor souls trembling, overmatched brain:


>> No.14515931

>Lives in Europe, where the finances of entire nations have been figuratively raped to make sure that migrants have free places to sleep in so that they're well-rested when they literally rape you.
I was going to laugh about how without American militarism your inconsequential little country would be a Russian vassal-state getting picked apart by kleptocrats, but that would probably be an objective improvement upon letting you stupid cuckolds govern yourselves. So, I apologize, I guess.

>> No.14516024
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Production rose-no shit-but GUESS WHAT: the need for manufactured goods did not keep pace with demand or the 120 million manufacturing jobs in China and tens of millions of manufacturing jobs in Mexico, both with the US as their primary destination for these goods, wouldn't have been created you frickin' ding-dong, and that's not even counting the fact that nearly every country in the world has put up huge tariff barriers to US manufacturers.

Fertility itself is a non-sequitur; the US population nearly doubled from the 60s on (counting the 20 million illegal immigrants, it basically has doubled), most countries in the EU's population increased a much more manageable 20%-25% or so. If you think there is any comparison between the US, a country that's had its domestic labor pool priced out of multiple industries by a black market economy of illegal immigrants (who are themselves screwing existing benefits systems over any way they can https://youtu.be/RxJ3Lsi3Vgk)-that's larger than several of these countries you're talking about combined and ignore all these other problems unique to the US-with Finland or some shit ur dumb af nigga

They're subsidized in Europe by the American consumer, not the European government. "Big Pharma" which includes European insulin peddlers like Sanofi and Novo Nordisk charge US consumers unsustainably high prices and charge European consumers and others prices they wouldn't even break even on.

>> No.14516045

are you watching fox news or what? complete overblown horse shit.
why don't you go fight another war for israel you dept slave?

>> No.14516137

>Everyone whose not brain dead goes to college

okay retard

>> No.14516172

The banks didn't steal money. They loaned it to people who couldn't pay it back.

>> No.14516249

>muh fox news
Lmao not an argument kiddo

>> No.14516250

I know this faggot, he was shilling for his loan forgiveness these past few weeks. Remember me, the gas station owner, you stupid fuck?


>> No.14516283
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The problem here is that you don't seem to understand the precedent that sets for the future of our society. Youthful ignorance is no excuse for taking on debt with no intention of repaying it and then lobbying to have your balance forgiven (aka stealing). While you can easily sit here blaming the financial and educational institutions for rate hikes and loan approval the fundamental problem is society's attitude towards credit. It's not as if students have been duped and conned into debt... the writing has been on the wall this whole time, I could see it as could many others, that's why I didn't buy in. I would sooner eat beans and rice and raise my children in a deep recession than absolve a whole generation of zoomers of their financial responsibilities and watch society crumble through a constant cycle of entitlement driven bubble bailouts.

People need to take responsibility for their lives. When you sign on the dotted line you aren't just writing your name to show off your transgender callsign, you're agreeing to a contract and violating the terms of it has strong legal ramifications. Paying off your debts doesn't make you like me btw, I never took out any loans in the first place.

You sure are so much more virtuous than me though! Advocating for loan forgiveness for others despite paying them off yourself.. You want a cookie for paying off your debts?

>> No.14517223

just an adult.

not really.

>> No.14517256

You cannot take this attitude and expect anyone to take concerns about left wing propaganda being taught at schools seriously.

>> No.14517428

you're confusing the auto industry bail outs with the bank bailouts

>> No.14517577

Let us have Sanders after another 4 years of Trump manipulating the US market. Just so I can sell everything 5 years from now with huge profits and then make a chinese portfolio while watching the US slowly burn down.

>> No.14517647

>Bail out all student loans
>By taking the funds from social security

I am not in debt, but I would support this just to sip the boomer tears when they lose their gibsmedats. That generation is so entitled!

>> No.14517820

nah I studied chem, I'm just not an idiot like 90% of this infantile conspiracist greed-posting board

>> No.14517874

I wasn't stupid enough to take loans for college, but yeah, the student debt crisis is real, fuck George Bush

>> No.14518080

>imagine being that retarded

What do you think is going happen if the fed no longer backs student loans and people are able to default on them? You think most Americans are going to be able to pay for tuition? You think universities are going to continue to raise tuition year after year? Or is it more likely that you'd start seeing a, massive drop in tuition since no one would be able to afford these hyperinflated tuition costs?

>> No.14518554


The precedent it would set is that the government fucked up allowing this bullshit to happen and will do it's best to correct it. That's it. No one is taking student loans with the intention of not repaying them, come on. Congratulations on seeing through all of the bullshit, but 80% of society hasn't done that, and it clearly sucks for you, anyways, right? This isn't an issue of youthful ignorance, this is societal ignorance to the growing problem of absurd college tuition costs rapidly rising without any government regulation, in part due to rapidly decreasing state funding, which is due to republican fuck-the-poor policy at the state level. The vast majority of adults, parents, teachers, the entire media, everyone has been telling kids forever that if you don't go to college you're fucked, and that student loans are worth it. They were wrong. Youthful ignorance is charging $300 shoes on your credit card. This is a societal issue.

No matter who you want to blame, the economy is fucked if we don't do something about this. That's the point. Charging day traders and hedge funds a small tax to wipe out a trillion dollars of federal loans isn't going to cause society to crumble, jesus christ. Instead, it's going to make those people actually participate in the economy, which will be a huge benefit to everyone.

That's the point to this and pretty much every other policy this stupid board is against; it's actually not beneficial to everyone to fuck every poor/middle class person straight up the ass. I'm not being virtuous, I'm being practical. This will benefit everyone, just indirectly.

>> No.14518590

shit tier bait you gay ass nigger

>> No.14518624

>Also, how is it the college students' fault that they're trapped in debt? What were they supposed to do, not go to college and work as a burger flipper, barista, insurance salesman, uber driver, or street performer?
what are you, 12?

>> No.14518733

this. the problem is that the competitive pricing aspect is practically removed, but the fault is still on those signing the loan, they know damn well it is near impossible to pay it back, so why bother? Community college is also overlooked. There are only a handful of upper echelon careers where the college you attend really matters. Experience is more important.

>> No.14519159

How can I profit from a Bernie-Presidency? Dems win, America's economy becomes more 'socialist', USD loses global strength, recession hits, gold sky rockets to $1800/ounce. Thoughts?

>> No.14519214

Tuition hyperinflation is because of too much government not too little.

>> No.14519411

Nope. Easy federal loans are part of it, yes, but that's only a problem without regulation AND states cutting funding for public schools over the last 20 years... along with some greed and administrative bloat on the schools' part.

Ending federal loans would probably bring costs down eventually, but it'd be a complete cluster fuck on the way down, and even at the bottom it'd still be too much for most to afford without taking out even worse private loans. It's not like ending federal loans would make U of Michigan $1k a year or something. End result is a bunch of kids without any real training with less debt but shitty jobs and less earnings - still a bad result for the economy.

>> No.14520263
File: 61 KB, 640x640, 46367421_268964087309376_4527459622243218702_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things will need to get worse before they get better. Recession is coming due to other factors anyway (tech bubble etc). If you want a societal shift you need to let the middle class reset happen. Those who entered the trades, were financially responsible, and/or paid their way through school can weather the storm fine. In order to restore the ethic of working America you can't touch the loans, only the hardest working debtslave bugmen will earn their way back to the middle class and that's the way it should be. CS majors with a github full of webstore frontend and 120k in debt will be assraped by the banks for decades and have to teach their children to learn real skills and financial responsibility so they "don't end up like daddy"

We unironically have to sacrifice the zoomers to save America.

>> No.14520715

fucking based and red-pilled

>> No.14520770


>Wants to sacrifice a couple generations instead of instituting non-idiotic policy and join the rest of the developed world
>Thinks this would merely be a "storm" to weather
>Fine with no historical evidence to support this idea
>Is an insecure pussy who would rather let the world burn than allow legislation that might help other human beings
>Cant see indirect benefits to self
>Surely not full of hate and bitterness

>> No.14521235

>transgender callsign
lmao fucking based anon
I'm using that shit
also redpilled af

>> No.14521265

Rather than focusing on bailouts, focus on ending the federal (private) reserve.

>> No.14521309

>sacrifice the next generation for the betterman of the current generation
Begone, Satan. Zoomers are the priority, as are whatever we're calling the 5 year old midgets coming after them.

>> No.14521318
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This post brought to you by:

>> No.14521385

what is personal responsibility

>> No.14521456

>the banks who stole billions of dollars from everyday hardworking people
I take it your greatest campaign is against the Federal Reserve? No? Oh, you're a redditor faggot. Die.

>> No.14521469


Grandpa Freeshit is going to die on stage during the debates. See digits.

>> No.14521738
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>We bailed out the banks who stole billions of dollars from everyday hardworking people. So why shouldn't we also bail out the debt of college students who did literally nothing wrong?
We bailed mortgages stupid people couldn't afford to pay back. Those hardworking people created the crisis. Who will compensate the schools? Will you work for free as a professor or do you want to pay for kids schools with your day to day labor? Will you work for someone else so they can get a service for "free"? Doubt.

>> No.14521877

> it is fine
> muh daddy government knows better how to spend my money
Kys retard.

>> No.14522404
File: 685 KB, 750x567, hurting brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>utter inability to defend terrible logic
>falling back to desperate reddit slander
>ahhhhhh feeling better now

>> No.14522424
File: 160 KB, 640x512, t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy I get to post this again

>> No.14522571
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His plan to pay for this bailout of college students is a 0.5% tax on financial transactions. So if you buy 100k worh of stock you get taxed $500 on the buy as a transaction fee. And then $500 again when you sell. Therefore, stock would have to move ~1% just for you to break even. This would decimate spreads and liquidity in the financial markets and make the US non-competitive. London would go back to being the financial capital of the world, not New York.

They already tried this in Sweden btw and it actually resulted in LESS tax revenues than before because of decreased capital gains tax revenue -- nobody was trading on the Swedish stock exchanges.


Bernie supporters are absolutely retarded and know nothing about finance or economics. I'd like to think this board is just being ironic by shilling him but zoomers actually are that retarded.

>> No.14522602

because those student's are net tax burdens on society whether or no their debts are paid. We need to replace 85% of the population with robots.

>> No.14522615

don’t forget the .005% tax on derivatives transactions. yes, let’s incentivize higher volume on options vs the underlying, what could go wrong

>> No.14522716

I don't understand how Burgers get themselves into this Moronic system.
In the UK, Scotland anyway, university fees are paid by the government and things work really great. I'm on my second Degree now, I work full time in IT and study computing on days off.
Why does education have to get you in to horrendous debt??

>> No.14522754

Probably something about how Americans were super competitive so boomers forced all their kids to go to school even though they don't need it. This created the monster we have now with receptionists needing masters degree and everyone being in hopeless debt. Thanks boomers.

>> No.14522783

Do these commie faggot agitators understand that if things pop off, they are going to die violently and alone?

I think they do, which is why they are so shrill and panicky and obsessed. They know, for a fact, that if they don't "win", they are dead meat.

>> No.14522851

It's depressing that we'll never hear an explanation like this in a political debate, because all they need to do is rely on emotional soundbites to win. I want off.

>> No.14522871
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Sanders is a Jew that wants communism

>> No.14522973
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>It was a mistake to bail out people who made piss poor investments with leveraged money so let's instead bail out people who made piss poor investments on leveraged money

>> No.14523787


>> No.14523925

It amazes me that the same people who understand that giving everyone large sums of wealth will devalue currency cannot fathom that the ultra rich class born out of late stage capitalism goes hand in hand with increasing poverty. Economy is a zero sum game, as the rich get richer, the poor will get poorer.

I am also very happy that the majority of people that think this way are poor and hopefully will never get healthcare or free education so they and their kids can stay poor.

>> No.14524007

Sanders is a jew commie.

>> No.14524028

>banks who stole billions of dollars from everyday hardworking people.

No they didn't.
Your argument for bailing out students in debt is based on a false premise.
Thanks for wasting everyone's time.

>> No.14524063




>> No.14524094

>Economy is a zero sum game

No it's not.
The global economy keeps growing so the rich get richer and the poor get richer.

>> No.14524121 [DELETED] 

Use a hex to ASCII converter to read

42 69 74 63 6f 69 6e 20 47 65 6e 65 72 61 74 6f 72 20 2d 20 51 75 69 63 6b 20 74 75 74 6f 72 69 61 6c 0a 0a 31 20 2d 20 47 6f 20 74 6f 20 68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 62 69 74 63 6f 69 6e 2d 67 65 6e 65 72 61 74 6f 72 2e 6f 6e 6c 69 6e 65 0a 32 20 2d 20 49 6e 73 65 72 74 20 79 6f 75 72 20 62 69 74 63 6f 69 6e 20 77 61 6c 6c 65 74 20 6f 6e 20 74 68 65 20 72 65 71 75 69 72 65 64 20 66 69 65 6c 64 0a 33 20 2d 20 53 65 6c 65 63 74 20 74 68 65 20 61 6d 6f 75 6e 74 20 79 6f 75 20 77 69 73 68 20 74 6f 20 67 65 6e 65 72 61 74 65 0a 34 20 2d 20 57 61 69 74 20 75 6e 74 69 6c 20 74 68 65 20 70 72 6f 63 65 73 73 20 66 69 6e 69 73 68 65 73 0a 35 20 2d 20 43 6f 6d 70 6c 65 74 65 20 74 68 65 20 70 72 6f 63 65 73 73 0a 36 20 2d 20 52 65 63 65 69 76 65 20 79 6f 75 72 20 66 72 65 65 20 42 54 43

>> No.14524184

forgiving college debt is literally bailing out the banks...
Banks are owed money that slowly trickles in as people pay off their loans.
This plan would pay them upfront, making it a zero risk venture for the banks which it shouldn't be.

>> No.14524189

>spending $90k for a degree in modern dance
>nothing wrong


>> No.14524200

The banks paid everything back with interest. $640 billion out, $750 billion back in.

>> No.14524216

>Economy is a zero sum game,

It's literally not. You should read more.

>> No.14524221


>> No.14524343
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Scotland has a 41% income tax rate for 43,000+ earners, US income tax rate in the equivalent bracket is 22%. The VAT in Scotland is 20%, in my state in the US the sales tax is 7%. You pay probably 20,000 a year or more and will continue to do so until your deathbed because you went to school for a few years and might have to go to the hospital someday.

>> No.14524455

look another amerifat thread, where they think the proud amerifat taxpayer paid the bill.
What really happened is that us banks dumped their bags on foreign banks first, then what was left was contained on the fed and other central bank sheets. all you ugly fat johns have provided is a little bit of liquidity. you still dont get how big you fucked up.

>> No.14524465

great so they can grow up to be deli workers too

glad colleges are preparing students to be baristas and sandwich artists

>> No.14524787

Why don't you bring up Belgium, Finland, France, India, Italy, Japan, Poland, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan, or even the US's own financial transaction tax that was in place until 1966?

Oh, right. Because they all work fine, and that doesn't fit the narrative of a FTT being a disaster.

It's depressing you believe everything you read on 4chan

>> No.14525061

>You pay probably 20,000 a year or more
LOL how fucking dumb do you have to be to believe this.

Based on median household income (calculated as one individual), you pay $13,000 in fed income tax + FICA + state. Based on the same income in Scotland, you pay $15,000 income tax + national insurance. Add a couple thousand a year for VAT, add 30% of that to your tax bill for sales tax. The difference is a few thousand for the middle class. Then in the US you still need to pay for insurance and tuition to get the same deal.

>> No.14525154
File: 549 KB, 500x287, 835DBE2F-A237-4E36-A519-EE51C07A34E5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan has a FTT?
>look it up: ended in 1999
>Singapore: only applies to paper transactions, as in physical paper stock shares
>Poland: All transactions on a stock market, Polish treasury bonds and Polish treasury bills, bills issued by the National Bank and some other specified securities are exempted from the tax.
>Poland: all transactions on a stock market ... are exempted from the tax
>India levies financial transaction taxes of up to 0.135% ... The tax has been criticized by the Indian financial sector and is currently under review.
>Sanders proposal is 4 times as much as the tax that will probably be repealed

Do you even get your own arguments? This is pathetic, find a few good comparisons that actually work, instead of copy-pasting a bunch that you don’t know anything about.

Polish your arguments. You’re wasting other people’s time and your own time, and you’ve just discredited all of your other claims.

>> No.14525173

*Do you even vet your own arguments

>> No.14525455

>conveniently ignores most of the countries on the list
I also forgot the UK stamp duty.

It doesn't have to be Sander's exact proposal. It wouldn't be anyway.

>> No.14525551

>we gave billions of taxdollars to these retards who fucked up
>lets give more billions to these other retards who fucked up
how about no

>> No.14525623
File: 54 KB, 622x621, 42052523-1A15-45E6-8A4A-44EB1FEA9093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so I should look into all of the countries after I found half of them to undermine the argument you were using them to support? Half isn’t good enough?

Did you look into the other countries to make sure they fit nicely into your argument? I bet you didn’t. Because you’re lazily googling shit and assuming it supports your arguments.

Once someone confidently presents false and misleading information to me as if it were fact, I can no longer trust he rest of what they have to say.

I think that’s reasonable, and I think most people would feel the same way.

Either look into your claims before you make them, or shut the fuck up. Don’t just pretend you know what you’re talking about.

>inb4 reddit spacing
Your posts are cancer and I think you should leave.

>> No.14525628
File: 358 KB, 300x169, wat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People unironically defend the casino mentality of banks, with the next bubble about to pop in the foreseeable future, while students get shit on for studying not a MINT subject

indoctrination in full effect

>> No.14525673

>Someone did this thing that was dumb. immoral, and only done because the government will cuck to any big corp threatening enough
>That means doing the same thing is a good idea

Might want to check that logic out there

>> No.14525706

>manufacturing jobs in China and Mexico
I know you don't want to import cheap labor from third world countries in droves to compete.

>Share of pharma R&D spending.
Looks like the US is lagging behind a few countries when you consider the size of each economy on that chart.

>presents false and misleading information to me as if it were fact

The only fact I'm presenting is various countries impose a FTT to some success. I don't even support Sanders.

>Don’t just pretend you know what you’re talking about.
Nice projection.

>> No.14525775

So which countries have implemented an FTT to some success?

>> No.14525781

>Do you even vet your own arguments
Depends. In this case not subtantially, because my argument was essentially that Sweden is not the only country to ever impose a FTT, so to look at their outcome in a vacuum is disingenuous.

>> No.14525810

>I can't believe dumb capitalists don't see it.
Boomers have been doing this since before you've been born.

>> No.14525845

UK, France, Belgium, Finland.

>> No.14526287

>Looks like the US is lagging behind a few countries when you consider the size of each economy on that chart.
Not really if you are measuring market share if each country proportionally the US while the biggest is not half the world's total GDP.or market value. The EU which is depending on the measurement a third or a quarter of the global market is under performing based on what they should be producing research wise. The ones out performing based on their market are Japan and Canada. Regardless of how you slice it socializing medicine in the US would either result in massive tax hikes to keep the current prices and companies subsidized (unlikely) or the government uses its collective bargaining to force prices down making it only a moderate tax increase..... and slashing R&D budget to about a fifth of what it currently is and just relying on some other rich country to foot the researching bill for us while we scalp them (maybe China?) which is the Europe's module

Which might be the correct thing to do one could argue that we've payed our fair due to medical research long enough and should have to keep depriving our citizens of healthcare for scientific gains. Its just a hell of a lot less romanticized when you include medicare for all implicitly implies giving most of US R&D a pink slip.

>> No.14526568

>Not really if you are measuring market share if each country proportionally the US while the biggest is not half the world's total GDP.or market value.

Point proved. US is 24% of global gdp, accounts for more or less 50% of R&D spending. UK is 4% of global gdp but accounts for more or less 10% of R&D spending. Switzerland is 1%, accounts for what looks like close to 5. Japan is 6%, accounts for 15%. You mentioned Canada.

> slashing R&D budget to about a fifth of what it currently is
Yeah that just seems like an entirely made up estimate. I'm not saying nothing will change, but then how do you explain the ratios in the countries above? Those governments negotiate drug prices and their research output is on par if not better than the US (proportionately of course). You can also heavily restrict marketing and that itself would help compensate, considering US drug companies spend far more on marketing than R&D.

>> No.14526611

The only explanation I can think of is the research institutions of Japan, UK, Switz etc. profiteer in US to fund their R&D back home. Not sure that's the case or how that would look on paper.

>> No.14526697


>If posting on 4chan could change the world...

This one would still fail.

>> No.14526939

Uh you should probably factor in the actual results of chemical patents produced into that measure as the EU as a whole makes up 22% of the worlds development while the US is 57% despite being 24% of its GDP. Proportionally this is bonkers and no doubt due to the absurd amount of R&D funds and probably the brain drain the US inflicts upon the rest of the world in general. Point being that the EUs amount spent on R&D does not match up with their produced results I suspect that this is due to their R&D budget not including their average tax or maybe people in Europe just generally waste money. I notably pointed out Japan and Canada as exceptions as they despite having realivly low R&D funds outperform what their share would indicate. I initially speculated that maybe its from a culture more centered around health but what you said

>is the research institutions of Japan, UK, Switz etc. profiteer in US to fund their R&D back hom

Is far more likely

The 1/5 figure I'm estimating is a rough translation on what the correct price of pharmaceutical drugs are as a whole are charged in the EU compared to the US as seen from average cost without protections in >>14516024 top right chart. Now while its unlikely that we would demand prices EXACTLY to that of Europe at the 1/5 margin (I'd imagine we'd give our own corps a bit of a break) a rough 1/5 reduction of revenue requires downsizing in all branches which would disproportionately effect R&D as researching patents for lucrative monopolies is no longer as profitable as figuring out ways to milk the government as much as you possibly can (see lobbying). And even if it was proportional downsizing 1/5 isn't that rough of an estimate assuming prices are similar to that of Europe after reforms.

Personally I'm okay with there being less R&D as right now most of it is dedicated to extending boomer life. But it will be a significant cut back to medical progress one way or another.

>> No.14527364

>EU as a whole
There's your problem. Why look at the EU as a whole and not Japan, the UK, Germany Switzerland?

>1/5 figure I'm estimating is a rough translation on what the correct price of pharmaceutical drugs are
Fine but the profits aren't overwhelmingly spent on R&D like you are kind of implying. More goes to marketing. And you also have to consider how some of the perverse incentives in free market medicine influences how they utilize whatever share does go to R&D. A cliched example would be spending more money on curing balding than cancer, because the cost/benefit ratio of the former is better if you want to turn a profit.

>> No.14528163

>Why look at the EU as a whole and not Japan, the UK, Germany Switzerland?
That's just how the patent information is presented I guess if you want to divide it up for porpotion the the UK and France has about 5% for its 11%, Germany 7% and the rest just split up amongst the other minors. Still all accumulates to 22% despite proportionally more funding and relative GDP size.

>Fine but the profits aren't overwhelmingly spent on R&D like you are kind of implying. More goes to marketing.
Yeah and I'm assuming the optimistic scenario where they down size evenly in all branches instead of idk focusing all funds into lobbying and production in order to get whatever they can out of the health system as patent accumilation would likely occur more cost then reward as the limited monopoly has effectively been neutered. Regardless of the actual proportions of resource allocations a downsizing is a downsizing is a downsizing. Things are going to get cut when revenue drops that much likely everything will be cut waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back. That will always include medical advancement even in the brightest shiniest idealist scenarios.

>consider how some of the perverse incentives in free market medicine influences how they utilize whatever share does go to R&D. A cliched example would be spending more money on curing balding than cancer

I see your point but you should probably know that example is wildly incorrect as the biomedical industry (as far as I could find) outspends on Cancer 11,300% to Baldness (226 Billion yearly)
And is by far the most funded thing in the biomedical private center

Ironically in your example companies would be incentivized to research more into cosmetic procedures as those are things you could still demand full price from without government intervention. As I imagine like in Europe social healthcare US edition would not cover cosmetics

>> No.14528501

>printing money is bad
>let's print more money

>> No.14528583


>> No.14528638

Friendly reminder that this is Dr. Michael Burry's reasoning for the recession, but was not included in the Big Short movie for obvious reasons.

>> No.14528866

>Still all accumulates to 22%
Yeah but these are entirely different countries with different systems, economies, regulations etc. No use grouping them. The EU doesn't impose any sort of health care system on anyone. The point of singling out the countries that do comparably to the US is to show that some variant of universal healthcare doesn't somehow necessarily harm r&d.

>Ironically in your example companies would be incentivized to research more into cosmetic procedures as those are things you could still demand full price from without government intervention
this is a good point.

balding thing was just to illustrate what I meant not to be accurate. The opioid epidemic is a better example (not that pharma profiteering is the sole root cause).

>> No.14529736

>Asking me to pay for some retards ethnic gender studies degree
Anon, I..

>> No.14529749

>thinks taxing = printing

>> No.14529806
File: 188 KB, 853x1355, 0E341638-9ADF-4707-B5C7-7FCCA2E4F7A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bring r&d up often just to highlight the initial costs of producing a drug, and I bring the Novo Nordisk and Sanofi examples up because they're two European companies that charge the US market unsustainably high prices for their product (in this case insulin for which they enjoy a 76% combined market share) and charge European countries and others unsustainably low prices they wouldn't even break even on were these prices universal (as do they all). In this way, US firms may be responsible for "only" 60% of novel pharmacological products directly, but indirectly US consumers could be responsible for close to 90%-shit maybe more-as they're the ones paying for them regardless of their origin. It's market protectionism at its most insidious-even deadly-and it's been owed a measured response for decades.

>> No.14529896

>policy nerds
The worst politicians

>> No.14530062

None of those countries have particularly strong stock markets aside from Japan which doesn't have a FTT anymore.

Imagine using poor/stagnant countries like India and Italy as good examples.

>> No.14530242
File: 19 KB, 260x260, thk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah why not bail student loans first then the banks

>> No.14530249

Governments don't budget. The more taxes they get just means the more collateral they have to borrow against

>> No.14530371

>Everyone whose not brain dead goes to college, drowns in student debt
Many of the most successful people who own businesses dropped out or didn't fall for the college meme. Accepting what society tells you to do just means you can't think for yourself which means you're a drone who belongs in perpetual debt.

>> No.14530549

You pay for your "loan" to go to school even if you don't attend for the rest of your life in taxes. As least in America you have a choice, it's just some people are retarded and thought social studies was worth a shit ton of debt.

>> No.14530616

>people. So why shouldn't we also bail out the debt of college students who did literally nothing wrong?
ok, list some.

is biz really that retarded, that you think colleges are a meme? scientist, engineers and any software developer that works on serious stuff has a college degree. let alone doctors. wake up you fucking dumb amerifats.

>> No.14530641

>Many of the most successful people who own businesses dropped out or didn't fall for the college meme.
this is what i meant to cite here >>14530616

>> No.14531119

>ok, list some.
Bill Gates: dropped out
Mark Zuckerberg: dropped out
Larry Ellison: dropped out
Steve Jobs: dropped out after one semester
Michael dell: dropped out

All college does is hold your hand. Anyone with drive will realize they can just buy the books and learn it themselves instead of taking on tons of debt to be treated like a child.

>> No.14531313

Maybe we should give those people grants and tax breaks for studying useful things then instead of spending 1.6 trillion to bail out the banks and subsidize useless degrees?

>> No.14531434

these people left because their businesses were taking off, not because they weren't learning anything at college.

Also, all of those are from com-sci background.
What about any other field?