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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 974 KB, 920x3656, docusign oracles forbes clause accord gonz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14503959 No.14503959 [Reply] [Original]


Imagine selling LINK right now.


>> No.14503971


>> No.14504067

This is unironically terrible for link you moron, accord dropped link and went with Clause instead! This is the first real challenge link has faced.

>> No.14504089

the absolute cope of nolinkers, go pop a zit

>> No.14504103

They could mean literally any other oracle solution besides Chainstink

>> No.14504143

Tom gonsner does presentation with sergey and asks how chainlink could specifically help docu
>thinks it’s a different oracle solution

>> No.14504190

Actually, it's dumping hard as we speak.

>> No.14504198

I'm almost back to where I bought link, in dying wagecucking watching my moneyslip away I'm about to just drive away and never come back

>> No.14504224

How do you know they won't just employ some other industry standard decentralized oracle network with all around recognition from industry leaders?

>> No.14504230

No, they didn't. Accord was asked, they confirmed nothing had changed. Now fuck off.

>> No.14504274

Invest in Docusign. They will pick the smart contract winner and profit massively from the blockchain adoption.

>> No.14504275

Like what, Mobius (sirs)?

Face it, even Oraclize bent the knee, Chainlink is the one.

>> No.14504623

Go back to plebbit

>> No.14504632

>project created by Claude went with Clause, this is bad news because Claude does something unrelated to oracles

>> No.14504667

>Invest in Docusign. They will pick the smart contract winner
The fuck is that even supposed to mean lmao.

>> No.14504689


Sergei BIG

>> No.14504698

imagine docusign hitting all time high numbers across the board on recent earnings reports. now realize this actually happened and it was achieved without the use of chainlink.
please debate me fucking faggot, pro tip

>> No.14504708

Buy goyim, don't you see the price is in a short term downtrend! You should sell now! Why are you delaying gratification instead of "taking profits" and paying short term capital gains tax! SELL INTO MY ORDERS IMMEDIATELY GOYIM

>> No.14504722

just sold, buying at sub $1. Whales got me, ill recoup and come back.

godspeed linklets

>> No.14504725

What the fuck is going on?

>> No.14504776

this is actually sound advice. docusign is simply toying with sirgay and these delusional faggots
it means sirfag is not the only one producing oracles and its all just a giant speculation circlejerk to appease certain investors. docusign does not need chainlink to succeed and the proof is in their recent earning reports. if and when docusign needs oracles, they will develop their own, just like every other big company.they are using sirfat for his theories/philosophies more less then will build apart from link when needed

>> No.14504818

every non delusional being already did this, i cant believe these faggots didnt sell everything in the 4s lmao they dieserve to be poor forever

>> No.14504825
File: 108 KB, 1181x897, 1205470F-C0D7-44E0-B822-29A9A4D00AE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14504847

>if and when docusign needs oracles, they will develop their own
>just like every other big company.
Yeah, like Google. Right?
I haven't seen anyone unironically shill a boomerstock since 2016 or something.

>> No.14504866
File: 529 KB, 1280x822, 1561860526386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




This is nothing compared to Sibos dump. You filthy kikes and newfags will NEVER touch my linkies.

>> No.14504925

Checked and this. Go fuck yourselves kikes. You could drop this shit to $0.00 and we still won’t sell.

>> No.14504930

they dont need it and will build their own. they have better developers and more money than that fat stupid philosopher. lol @ you refraining from checking docusigns latest record setting earnings sans link
you are an incredibly retarded faggot if you didnt sell everything in the 4's

see you sub one dollar pussy

ps no one uses chainlink lmao

>> No.14504950

>they dont need it and will build their own
>they have better developers and more money
Just like Google, right?

>> No.14504956

this is how fucking stupid you are. you must be trolling. you faggots will unironically never see 4 dollars again.
if you didnt sell in the 4s you deserve to be absolutely poor forever.

>> No.14504972

who would sell at $0.00 you dumb retard

>> No.14504985
File: 72 KB, 250x250, 1560288269371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You trannies will NEVER touch my linkies.

Not at $1. Not at $5. Not at $10. Not at $50. Not at $100. Not at $1000. NOT EVEN AT $10000.


>> No.14505007


kys utter faggot

please go back to discord, trannies.

>> No.14505058
File: 261 KB, 888x894, 1534033752514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discord tranny telling others to go back to discord
Good joke, now go dilate your disgusting neovagina and never reply to my colleagues ever again.

>> No.14505066

capped for when we hit $10 eo july

>> No.14505084

>my colleagues

>> No.14505142

thanks fren, i needed this

>> No.14505199
File: 41 KB, 249x249, 3292833F-00E2-4868-811A-2EF28D7E8F62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks we’re having a bit of a giggle
And this is why your life will tragically end from the discord tranny purge come 2020.

>> No.14505262

NEETs getting tips from people who have experience in corporate workings understand risks.

I unironically got to chat with a hedge fund manager a few years ago sitting next to him on a plane. He was reading business insider, flying between his homes NY and Florida to snowbird.

Well this article was reading was ultra bullish on a specific buyout, said the company was going to grow massively as a result. He explained this bullish outlook was wrong. The merger/buyout was a play to kill off the company. It was quite eye opening to have explain how the game was being played.

The meme tokens are at the mercy of the monopoly giants. The giants pick the winners and losers in this casino.
You can invest in them and they will be making 20-30% year over year gains, or gamble on meme tokens.

Look at the 5 and 10 year charts of the top 5 market caps on the S&P 500. They are the market essentially during the current bull run. If you believe blockchain will be adopted and increase their profits, why wouldn’t you invest. They win no matter who they adopt, they will adopt the best solution or create their own.
The meme tokens are at their mercy.

>> No.14505396

Imagine actually typing all of this.