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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 189 KB, 830x831, chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14502989 No.14502989 [Reply] [Original]

It never stops blowing my mind that a project of this scope, literally the most important project in crypto, managed to stay hidden in plain sight and completely fly under this clown crypto sphere's radar for two whole years while biz was the only place obsessing over it. How do you not see pic related and have all kinds of lightbulbs turning on in your head, and instead decide to purchase shitcoin of the week, I'll never understand.

>> No.14503005


>> No.14503016

Bag holder cope.

>> No.14503022

Its just JSON parser, but you are brainlet with no technical skills so i dont expect you to understand. Kill yourself

>> No.14503042

Why would swinglinkers be pissed? They obviously sold the top and can rebuy their stacks + 25% more right now

>> No.14503043
File: 160 KB, 1080x1235, 1561494709685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And these dumb niggers already wrote it off as a one and done pnd. Already off to the next chink scam.

I look forward to some literal nolinker suicides.

>> No.14503048

You know there's no actual partnerships or working product right? All they did was put some big dick logos on a png and people fell for it hook line and sinker

>> No.14503065

Yes, they all sold the top. Not one of them sold early.

>> No.14503071



>> No.14503077

not everyone is ready to make it. many of us linkies realized the error of our ways by missing btc, eth, in our own rights and realizing the trend.

>> No.14503079
File: 231 KB, 422x646, 1560362980013.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what of the swingies that sold LOW and perished?
You're next faggot!

>> No.14503083

diagram is wrong. replace outdated unscalsble ETH with multiple platforms. LINK is platform agnostic dumbfuck

>> No.14503093

If they sold anytime within the last 2 days they're looking at great profits and an opportunity to buy back in

>> No.14503118

Yeah, the Google post and the partnership announcement talk from Oracle didn't actually happen guys, you guys know that right? It's just a fake implanted memory.

>> No.14503119

This is headed for $0.25 now that the dust has settled. Quick pump and dump, RIP

>> No.14503138


chainlink isnt even legit cryptocoin with own blockchain

chainlink is still useless and worthless erc20 token

>> No.14503148

my thoughts exactly, dime a dozen

>> No.14503156

It was google cloud and oracle startups. Those people talk with all the small fish. Chainlink isn't special. Besides where's swift, paypal or nyse? Fucking nowhere. The whole thing is a scam

>> No.14503163

managed to stay under the radar?

Niggerplz. A bunch of us Sanity cucks bought into the pre-sale.

Smart contract and all since minimum contribution was 300eth. Formed a contract with 100 faggots and managed to get in...

Only idiots and late fgts didn't get link in the pre-sale or shortly after at ~$.2...

>> No.14503198
File: 59 KB, 400x267, conner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

godspeed, fren. see you on the other side.

>> No.14503200

>all the nolinker cope in this thread
I can't wait till linkies shoot up to 1000 EOY so these nolink and swinglink soibois will finally an hero

>> No.14503259

The (you)s cant be paid to FUD forever

>> No.14503283

The public image and the actual existing product are often not aligned for small businesses and projects like Chainlink. And I’ve realized this is normal across business.
The NEET link marines here who have no experience working in corporate environment have no experience seeing how the business development teams operate. It’s very common to sell clients and put forward a public face on capabilities that don’t really exists yet.
These crypto tokens the only hope for some of them. Some will make it by taking huge risks. But they have nothing to lose. Obviously some of the whales have already made it and are diversified. Some whales aren’t and will get slaughtered eventually.
It’s unironically a casino, brokers(the house) always win, some of the gamblers hit jackpot, most walk away with less.

>> No.14503306

baholding something that's up 1000% from my initial buy, from only a few months ago?
how fucking retarded are you?

>> No.14503333

Unironically starting to get scared. I could've sold when it was higher but I decided to hold and now I'm unsure of whether to keep holding or sell out. Though, it looks like this is just a normal dump and this isn't the end of normie hype for LINK. If you look at the 24hr charts then this dump makes perfect sense, and it should pump back up. What do bros?

>> No.14503345

people are npc's and 4chan has a lot more power than any anon here can imagine, the smart rule the dumb, and we're the few but we rule the many on the internet, 4chan shilled trump into the white house, and 4chan fudded chainlink out of npc's sight.

>> No.14503382
File: 140 KB, 850x1202, __jill_stingray_va_11_hall_a_drawn_by_ningen_ningen96__sample-c2e757c92396ec877707bff13235475a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People would rather gamble on flavour of the month shit coins and eventually get REKT and then quit crypto then to patiently wait for Chainlink: The Fourth Industrial Revolution, to moon.

Reminder that only 5% of active traders are actually profitable in the longrun.
Eventually Swingies are going to get caught out by a unexpected pump and either lose half their potential stack buying back in or be priced out permenently.

It's not like we haven't tried to warn them, 'NOT FUCKING SELLING' "SWINGERS GET THE ROPE' This is just the true marines trying to warn people not to gamble with their futures.

Selling now is like selling eth at 7$

>> No.14503414

Czkd and yes. Literally me. Now up 600% and looking forward to September

>> No.14503436

>doesn’t understand how business developement and market work at small companies.
NEETs who think logos on a webpage mean anything.

>> No.14503437

>knowing the breadcrumbs but calling it a scam.

>> No.14503473

>investing on rumors made up by whales to dump on you and not cold hard facts

Never gonna make it

>> No.14503540

Hold it and find a hobby retard

>> No.14503548

>The Fourth Industrial Revolution
You're talking about smart contracts platforms like Ethereum. LINK just helps make those platforms work, but what's impressive are the actual smart contracts themselves, not the bandaid solution.

>> No.14503613
File: 24 KB, 500x500, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Be a good little chainstink bag holder and suck my fresh cLITy won't you wojack?

>> No.14503626

Some truth here. Meme magic is real, unsettlingly ducking real. NPCs are real.
The NPC redpill is the biggest redpill there is. It came after reading a dozen plus behavioral science related books. Advertisers have this mastered, and are ahead of the science. One famed marketing book even states that marketing is a war for the mind of the consumer.

It’s like fucking inception. They know how to plant an idea I’m your head. They do it through association. Trump himself is a master at this, it’s so powerful it really is like a Jedi master mind trick.

Most protests as well are literally paid shills created for optics to fool the masses.

One of the strongest behavior influences is the herd mentality. 4chan through memes and disinformation campaigns creates the illusion that the herd already believes something, then the herd foots this thinking its true.
Perfect example is the okay hand sign being racists. NPCs are everywhere.

4chan is probably the only place that is not mostly NPCs, but even the enlightened non-NPCs are subject to influence because it’s in human DNA. It’s impossible to find truth from outside. You have to sit and hear your own thoughts with no external voices, media, lyrics, text, nothing. Gather reasesrch then sit with you’re own thoughts.
You think I’m worlds now wince the invention of language, so word choices literally control your thoughts, music lyrics override your internal voice.
With media today, every moment most people have someone else’s words in their mind, TV, lyrics, whatever.
It’s so bad that quietness gives people anxiety. Humans have forgotten how to think because of technology.

>> No.14503659

These two are my favorite braps in /biz/ history. They are so fucking gorgeous. I want to impregnate them both, marry them, and live the rest of my days on a farm. In all honesty though, I'd probably get bored of these bitches pretty quick. Maybe just paying them $500 each to take it up the ass for a night would be a better deal.

>> No.14503803

Even if if is a scam we are memeing it to 1000 EOY

>> No.14503876

When discussing link at $3, then 25% is nowhere near great profit
The risk/reward is skewed