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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 950 KB, 1125x2223, 8CFCF2E7-68AE-43B8-8FA7-34BF54C28959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14496429 No.14496429 [Reply] [Original]

lmao, fucking sides.

>> No.14496443

It's an advanced JSON parser.

>> No.14496474
File: 433 KB, 418x543, GOAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to muddy the waters.

>> No.14496611

when something doesnt do anything it takes some time to realize it

>> No.14496669

does that mean there'll be waves of fomo at every insight they collectively reach?

>> No.14496671

You can bring a horse to the water but you cant make it drink.

>> No.14496698
File: 489 KB, 400x246, 09B637BF-9276-4901-BC88-EC26EDB7E938.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>time to muddy the waters

>> No.14496729

my fucking sides

>> No.14496742

Its a fucking ERC token not a Blockchain!!!


>> No.14496761

This means link won't truly moon for at least another 8 years

>> No.14496798

>needing normans and not the global derivative contract, shipping and insurance markets to win

>> No.14496938

If 1% of the swaps and derivatives exchange market ( valued @ $1.4 quadrillion ) is on smart contracts with Chainlink, we're at $35k/link
Splitting hairs at 3.5 or a 3.7 buy in will translate to hundreds of thousands of dollars going long.

>> No.14496983

daily reminder to FUD all chainlink posts on plebbit

>> No.14497069

goddamnit im going to be so fucking rich. Even if it only captures .01% of those markets i'll be making 80k a month. FUCK I HATE WAITING FOR THE UNIVERSE TO CATCH UP TO HOW RICH I AM

>> No.14497100

your math is flawed. is is like saying that nasdaq exchange should be worth at least few trillion because stock market is worth 10 trillion dollars

>> No.14497109

if 1% of the swaps and derivatives exchange market runs on hamsters a hamster will cost 35k
it's better for them do to their own thing specially since they don't have decentralized oracles anyway

>> No.14497154

Yup. There's only one valid reason to go there, and thats to downvote good quality link threads, report them as manipulation & shill them on buying some shit like nano instead. They're gonna be insisting it's a scam until it's toppled Btc and used by every major corporation on the planet kek

>> No.14497155

That's not accounting for its use cases in legacy fintech systems i.e. enterprise resource planning, supply chain management, and international commerce.
The oracle problem stands at the crux of why blockchain technology hasn't been adopted by the major leagues.
Ok then my math is flawed. What's your point? The majority of use cases have nothing to do with derivatives or swaps.
You're not understanding the extent to which contract law hamstrings the movement of global financial markets.

>> No.14497170

What if they are already in on it...

>> No.14497177

If NASDAQ actually had to hold collateral to guarantee every asset traded, then yeah - it possibly could. That's actually a good thing, all the damn paper trading is partly what grossly inflates the market and leads to the unstable p&d business cycle.

>> No.14497191
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should i sell 6 links to buy this vintage shirt?

>> No.14497193
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>> No.14497226

Holy delusional linktards. Cognitive dissonance is going to hurt like hell for these NEETs

>> No.14497231

Is that shirt worth $6k?

>> No.14497232

this is wrong and thomas came out and specifically said this is wrong

collateral for contracts DOES NOT EQUAL the value of the contract you fucking idiots... link will still be worth a lot but this is ridiculous

>> No.14497256

Fucking kek this is the kind of shit we talked about back in 2017. They are literally two years behind us.

>> No.14497260
File: 103 KB, 1829x312, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for some disinfo I suppose.

>> No.14497300

>LINK Nodes will charge 100% of the money that goes through them.
Holy fucking shit you sound like the bartender who tried to sell me on Ripple. No, if 1% goes through LINK then LINK will get maybe .0001%. That means 35/LINK. However it's also a node providing passable passive income 24/7 so it will outpace most salaries, making it explode as getting your own decent LINK node is retirement.

>> No.14497371

Zero customers and y’all counting your chickens before they hatch bunch of noobs. The whales are going to hang you out to dry you got nobody to blame but yourself . Enjoy getting dumped on

>> No.14497507

Also it’s ironic this thread started as a bash of reddit yet the same conversation ended up here. A solution looking for a problem and nobody knows how it works. Just glad I didn’t put a dime into the discord trannys hand

>> No.14497878


Upload the FUD to shake their malnourished soi hands

>> No.14498231

Let's be real, none of us fully understand what chainlink does.
We're investing in memes and we're going to be rich from it. Some of us already are.
Who cares what it does?

>> No.14498515

Stay poor nolinker

>> No.14498533

you are so cringe.

>> No.14498544


fuckign kek, go get 'em goat anon

>> No.14498548

u have to go back.

>> No.14498556
File: 41 KB, 600x600, elrisitas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14498604


>> No.14499129

19 lines of code MAX

>> No.14499149


I can hear this jpg

Ahhhh ahhhhh ahhhhhhhh

>> No.14499192

yes that'll be worth 10 link when it booms

>> No.14499783

He's right though. If you are a contract requester you can set how many nodes you need to undertake your job request. You choose the level of decentralization you need

>> No.14499970

I like your enthusiasm and you're right, chainlink is going up big time, but 35k is retarded, think nearer $35-350 in the next 2 years.

>> No.14500090

Good job OP, but stop dragging the proves back to the house like a proud cat that brings the dead mouse to the porch. We love you either way

>> No.14500257

I think that's what you meant