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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14494990 No.14494990 [Reply] [Original]

When our stacks end up being worth millions in the near future do you think it will be more profitable to run a node, or sell your Link and buy a high yielding dividend fund? (5% yield on 1 million is $50,000 a year)

>> No.14495011

Terrible Roi on initial. Buy xrp and head back to r/cryptocurrency

>> No.14495030
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>Buy XRP

>> No.14495224

>Link and buy a high yielding dividend fund? (5% yield on 1 million is $50,000 a year)
Isn't that a little high? does that figure taxes, and reinvesting to account for inflation?

I thought ideal rate of return is closer to 2-3%

>> No.14495325

It is a little high but there are companies like AT&T that have a 6% dividend yield. I figured I could create a bluechip high yield, or diversify with a lower yield and higher yield. (The higher the yield the more volatile the fund/company typically since they have less to reinvest into themselves.) PGX ETF has a 5.7% yield.

>> No.14495364

Linkpool. Im too stinky to set up a node.

>> No.14495384

anyone with two braincells can see that the stock market is going to crash in the near future

>> No.14495411

>. I figured I could create a bluechip high yield, or diversify with a lower yield and higher yield.
This was my plan to secure my neetdom after LINK hits >$1000, I haven't really done the work to figure out exactly what stocks I'll buy , but my general plan is to find 20-25 dividend paying stocks to invest $2m into and take out 2% a year.

>> No.14495442

link will never reach $1000 linklet

>> No.14495451

How many linkoes do you need to run a node?

>> No.14495466

you get 1% of the amount of links you stake per month

>> No.14495470

in the chainlink timeline the link network goes live just in time to save the world economy and usher in a new roaring twenties

link is still the best investment but it ends up bailing everyone else out too

>> No.14495508


>> No.14495513

shill or chill brosef

1000 USD is fud

>> No.14495850

So, theoretically, could I stake a mere 100 link

>> No.14495864

yes and you would get 1 link per month...

>> No.14495919

$1k to $10k per month isnt that bad.

>> No.14495957

>anyone with two braincells can see that the stock market is going to crash in the near future
crashed in 2008 once.
-its gonna crash in 2009
-its gonna crash in 2010
-its gonna crash in 2011
-its gonna crash in 2012
-its gonna crash in 2013
-this is it crash in 2014
-its gonna crash in 2015
-gonna crash in 2016
-must crash in 2017
-this is it boys crash 2018

>> No.14495984


>> No.14496018


>> No.14496169

at a valuation of 100 per link id be making 20k a month......Fuck bros. im gonna make it so hard

>> No.14496213

You can't be this stupid. We were about to crash in 2015 but QE extended the growth cycle. We stopped QE, and have no clue where the economy is going.

>> No.14496397

0, your LINK node revenue isn't a fucking salary, it's payments for jobs run on your node. Payments will always depend on which jobs are running and which jobs your node actually selects/is selected for.

For example, I set my listing to only use nodes with 10k+ LINK, and only nodes with 97% accuracy rate, 100 Nodes total. I'm running a $10k call. I pay .02% which is $2, split that between 100 nodes is 2 cents per node. That is one call that took a few seconds to run and analyze. If this really does become an industry standard we'll see millions across the network per second easily.

>> No.14496479

What’s the chance we hit $25 this year? I’m guessing slim to none?

>> No.14496510
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For the brainlets: this comes out to about $30/hour for 24 hours a day, equivalent to $90/hour for an 8 hour shift, but also working weekends so increase it by another 2/7s. Running a decent LINK node nonstop with an ample API economy running would give you the equivalent of $115/hour which is like a 230k salary. Of passive income that increases with inflation (it follows the cost of API calls). Nothing like that exists on Earth and normies would kill each other to get it, fuck they'd kill to get 1/10th of that so be a huge pessimist and assume I calculated 10x what it actually is, it's still the most desirable thing to every wageslave in history.

>> No.14496529

>Thinking his LINK will be worth more than $0 in a year.
Oh no.

>> No.14496564

no working product

>> No.14496753

Imagine if this shit actually goes to 5k

>> No.14496880

So can you put this calculation in terms of per link return?

>> No.14497123

Nobody really knows what it'll end up being but most estimates I've seen are ~8-15% p.a.

>> No.14497245

you have to pay a fee based on the number of services you use. LP shares reduce these fees, there will probably be other service in the future.

>> No.14497532
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>discussion of this quality
You know reddit are here right?

>> No.14497610

Lol yes it will

>> No.14497617

Wow cringe. On a side note, chainlink confirmed $1,000 eoy.

>> No.14497663

Going off the 230k/year on a 10k Node we're looking at $23/year per LINK. Which is an obscene amount when talking about actual money. Your average investment comes to around 7% gains in a year, making LINK a superior investment vehicle until it hits roughly $328/LINK. And that's assuming you need a 10k LINK node to be considered by most customers (which in this case would be a $3,280,000 node). By the time it rises to that price people would be lowering their requirement in node trust

>"oh I trust that node, it has 100k worth of LINK at risk, that's 300 whole LINK!"
It's essentially a self-motivating gains train. There's a reason this was an unmentioned ICO with a ridiculous 100 Eth entry and 2/3 of supply saved for corporate nodes. They need it decentralized to say they're a part of the new wave of technology, but they didn't want to share.

>> No.14497672


>> No.14497692

This has to be either a troll or my ex girlfriend.

>> No.14497693

Chainlink is literal shitcoin with no case uses. The only reason it has any value is bot duping and /biz/ shilling.

>> No.14497694

Why not do half and half?

>> No.14498186

yes, dump your link and join the boomer-ponzi at the top, what could go wrong

>> No.14498215

>something that is fundamentally unsustainable is never going to crash because people who saw the levels of utter shit going on were early on their predictions
fucking kek anon. thanks for reminding me the level of idiocy on this "business and finance" board

>> No.14498359

or you could:
>buy Cardano low today
>ride the 20-70x increase over the next couple of years
>never sell (no capital gains tax loss)
>stake coins for 3-5% average return forever
holding a massive staked $$$ value that the tax jew never got his dirty dirty hands on, only ever paying tax on the 3-5% staking rewards. never work again

>> No.14498438

jesus fuck look at that pathetic display of reality bending leftism and cuckery. fucking leddit dumbfucks.

>> No.14498451
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definitely running a node

>> No.14498842

Who else here got shares in LP? Would set up my own node but I don't have 10k linkies

>> No.14498878

when our stacks are worth millions, you wont care about fiat (because it will be dead)