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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 20 KB, 585x292, steaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14485608 No.14485608 [Reply] [Original]

Don't usually fall for the "exchange token mewn" memes but this has been pretty comfy since getting in ~0.035. Added a bit today. What do you stake?

>> No.14485906

just got in.
Figure volume on the dex is on the rise so so will the token.
We'll see.

>> No.14486268

Yeah, I bought most of mine when I heard about Binance locking out US customers for a bunch of coins. People have to go somewhere, if volume hits anywhere near where it was last bull that's a win

>> No.14487037

when ethereum fees drop that should also help.

>> No.14487098

IDEX is pretty high for my tastes, is Switcheo token good buy?

>> No.14487171

Reporting in at 1.5k

I am thinking about getting to 10k and running a node.
What are your thoughts on this?

>> No.14487314

my anons pull up a chair and let me talk at you

the problem with the idex token is this- it's in a state of infancy right now and is completely stupid to stake because your rewards are mostly fucking dogshit.

don't believe me? go to their discord or website or wherever and download their ROI calculator. basedboys will tlel you
>15% that's amazing!
which is, unless you consider that it literally costs more money to run a node than what you're getting paid out in. so youre
>wasting money
>not investing in projects to make gains
>getting effectively dumped on because the token is currently inflating in price

if you're smart just keep an eye on token price, wait for idex new UI to come in, and wait for the inflation thing to pop. otherwise, it's like buying ftm.

if you don't beleive any of this shit go ask the discord any of my points above and youll be met with rage. do the math.

>> No.14488101

thanks for your thoughts fren
>it's like buying ftm
what do they have in common? ftm looks promising

>> No.14488287

>costs more money to run a node than what you're getting paid out in

No idea where you're getting this from. Can maybe see it with a shitty computer and minimum staking, but I'm easily in profit right now. It barely uses any electricity.

I'm running one and it's ezpz, but it's up to you. Part of why I'm running is I expect the token value to climb considerably on top of the staking rewards. Make sure your computer can run it well and know how to use Ubuntu or dual boot, or use a VPS, and you'll be good

>> No.14488525
File: 15 KB, 1193x75, Screenshot from 2019-06-30 23-55-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you can have a decent overview of how much the volume has been picking up.
Havent managed to find more accurate data on coinmarketcap except for the 30 day total.

>> No.14489014 [DELETED] 

I use this. Definitely not rising currently, think that's part of why the token has been dipping. Once money starts flowing into alts, I expect it to really take off. Ditto for when Binance goes through with the geoblocking.


>> No.14489135
File: 117 KB, 1380x544, Screenshot from 2019-06-30 23-58-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only other datapoint on cmc in the waybackmachine is for 30 days at end of March which was 30.5 million.
According to bloxy there were 198,142 trades in March. The moving average was 135.7 USD for ETH
So we had 1.134 ETH/trade or a total of 224760 ETH in volume
About 165 ETH were payed out as a staking reward.

This month ETH was 274 on average which makes it almost 257000 ETH.
According to bloxy 225261 trades which makes it 1.141 ETH/trade.
So very very close. From this we can deduce that number of trades on bloxy is a good proxy for volume in ETH.
Total payout for the past 4 weeks should be 189 ETH to remain consistent
We see that the payout was 182.5 for the last two periods ending on the 24th of June.
Again pretty good.

So today's volume was 3.41 million dollar and ETH was around 305 dollar.
This is a volume of 11180 ETH and if done for 30 days would give 305409 ETH.
This would give 246 ETH as a payout for 2 staking periods. Or 143 per period.
On a yearly basis this would give 143*26 = 3718 ETH in staking rewards.
Since this is a growing business you can easily assign a 20-50 P/E ratio to this.

So IDEX should be valued at a Mcap of 74360 - 185900 ETH or 22.6 - 56.7 Million.

At 12.27 million I would say this is very cheap.

>> No.14489191

How come this one claims 350k in volume?

>> No.14489869

Staking SHIFT rn, guaranteed 10x if not 50x. Team doesn't care about marketing and is solely focused on development

>> No.14490054

Do we have any idea about the future higher order node collateral? I got 150K IDEX tokens, but I am not sure if this will let me run a top-tier node. I don't want to set up 15 nodes...

>> No.14490290

You wouldn't have to set up 15 nodes regardless, you can just stake all 150 in one node. It gives returns based off the staking amount. And idk the exact amounts, I'm assuming that'd be at least tier 2 tho