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File: 31 KB, 2000x1333, Flag_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1448559 No.1448559 [Reply] [Original]

Would it be wise to take a job offer which will send you to china for a few years?

>> No.1448580


>> No.1448583
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nigga you posted 11minutes ago

>> No.1448589

yes it would be wise as long as you make big bux

>> No.1448590
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and I know you're baiting for someone to post that image of long text with that anon posted saying not to learn Chinese.

the nose knows

>> No.1448592

I wouldn't go if it were a permanent position. Some large multinationals expect people to do these kind of hardship positions in order to get the really cake jobs.

>> No.1448983

yeah, if you have the same or greater salary than you would get in your home country do it.
more money, the money you spend goes further. new culture & lifestyle. new experiences. you'll go home with loads in the bank and a more interesting person.
life in china is easy. only go to a big city.

>> No.1448990

Anon don't do it, you'll be ass raped by asians and africans from malaysia and nigeria.

Didn't anyone teach you to not trust shady offers from foreign countries and locations you've never heard of?

>> No.1449005


Not for your lungs

>> No.1449570

One guy posted a large article on how shitty it is to deal with Chinese. They will try to fuck you over in EVERYTHING!

>> No.1449613

I've spent time in China. The quality of life is pretty good.

>> No.1449647

used to work in Hong Kong (German engineer here)

It's a pretty seedy place. A few times I had to fight off kidnappingS/robberies because I went down the wrong alleyway. Police are mostly dicks but if you know how to stand your ground then they won't be able to extort you (you need the type of personality to ignore or be aggressive back to the type of beggars you see in Frankfurt)

Overall it was pretty nice desu.

>> No.1450295

what sacrifices do I have to make living there? I know the internet is slow there and most websites are blocked by the GCW. anything else?

>> No.1450315

If you think Hong Kong is seedy you're a soft fuck.

Anyway mainland China is fucking awesome. People there love foreigners and you'll get laid fucking easy. OP what industry do you work in? Banking?

>> No.1450316

> I know the internet
It's not slow in the cities. It's fast as fuck.

>most websites are blocked by the GCW
You can use a VPN. Bypassing the firewall is not illegal as the firewall is not officially recognized by the CCP. College students all bypass it.

> anything else?
Not really. Cities in China are pretty much the same as in first world nations, except air is polluted (only in northern cities during winter) and quality control sucks.

>> No.1450326

>A few times I had to fight off kidnappingS/robberies because I went down the wrong alleyway.

> Low T beta Chinese attempting to kidnap this guy

> In Hong Kong

Wow, dude. You must be an extreme beta loser. Chinese are short and weak, and HK is one of the most developed cities there. So I guess you look like a kid ha ha

>> No.1450541

you'd live like a baller with a western salary on the mainland

>> No.1450550

>Chinese are short and weak, and HK is one of the most developed cities there.
You obviously know nothing about HK.
They might look week but everybody is doing kung fu since they are children. Especially in HK you are fucked it you talk shit about someones sensei. There is a reason the most violent kung fu movies are called hong kong movies.