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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14478220 No.14478220 [Reply] [Original]

After taxes you are left with a clean 10 million. You somehow manage to exit your crypto positions at a respectable amount in the bull run.

Where do you allocate your wealth to not lose all those millions?

I was thinking outside of crypto its gold and real estate. Serious discussions please

>> No.14478234

just put in on an index fund

>> No.14478256

I'd invest it all into AI robotwaifus

>> No.14478263

municipal tax free bond fund....5% tax free for life. take out 3% and let 2% rollover for inflation.
this is wealth management 101

>> No.14478272

Index it to 60% market 10% emerging, 30% bonds ETFs. Rebalance between them when one of them is growing.

>> No.14478290

real estate is pretty based but requires a shit ton of research and making the right decision. so many people end up Becoming A Landlord when they really end up being a poor fucking management service on a bummed investment.
also reinvest in those companies that are too big to fail. guaranteed, albeit slow money.

>> No.14478322

2% for inflation? Isn’t inflation more like 3-4%. That only leaves you 1-2% drawdown. Which is still 100,000 to 200,000. I would definitely try to include some medium risk investments as well and probably some real estate.

>> No.14478326

1/4 real property, 1/2 Fiat, 1/4 PM, bonds, etc.
Wait for recession pick your spot to catch the falling knife. ?? Profit.

>> No.14478371
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wait for the crash and buy the dip

we weren't kidding about the greatest wealth transfer in history. don't be left holding bags of boomer stocks and kike funds.

>> No.14478373


50% Index fund to live off the interest

20% Left in crypto in the event it actually does become the cyberpunk future world currency.

20% Liquid to enjoy life.

10% Gold and silver in the event of a worldwide disaster

>> No.14478382

This, wait for the next depression and buy buildings/land/etc you can make passive income with since it could be worse than 2008

>> No.14478387

Btw, anyone here got any experience with index funds? Is a huge one like Vanguard a safe bet or not?

>> No.14478422 [DELETED] 

>catch the falling knife of the next recession
You have no idea what is about to happen when this shit show comes crashing down. It will be the literal sword of Damocles

>> No.14478432

vanguard fidelity schwab big 3 you cant go wrong with

something like VTSAX is a good index fund

>> No.14478457

Safe? Maybe. They have my 401k. Won't keep you from losses. See 2008 returns.

>> No.14478489

Seems like something you would want to time right though, given that it's been 11 years since a big recession

>> No.14478511
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35% Fiat
25% Crypto
20% Real estate
10% Stocks
5% Art & Collectibles
5% Gold

>Don't ever underestimate the power of Fiat.
>Don't listen to these LARPER wagecuck nocoiners

>> No.14478512

Interest/dividend generating mutual funds. If they do 8-12% a year, that’s passive income of 800k-1.2MM every year.

>> No.14478526

Look, it will be big, but you need to take zerohedge shit with a grain of salt. They would start a world war to prevent the losses that you are implying.

>> No.14478538
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>> No.14478571

not terrible to have an index fund or something in the mix.
but assuming you paid off all debts and live modestly...drawing down 2% is 16K per month taxfree. thats pretty comfy lifestyle with yearly vacation or two included.

>> No.14478626

i missed BTC at $0.10 when it was being shilled by /g/ on /pol/. I didnt have the heart to press the buy button for $50 worth on bitcoin.

I like to think in another timeline Im a Millionaire.

RIP hindsight

>> No.14478627

you're insured up to 250k or whatever. open 40 different bank accounts. boom. all money insured

>> No.14478628

Yeah, wait for a pull back. Markets are at ath's propped up by stock buy-backs and cheap money. Big correction coming. End of 2019-2020. Buy into index after the 35-40% correction and hold for 10+ years. You will do well.

>> No.14478650

all on red

>> No.14478682


honestly best advice ive seen on /biz/. However when everything crashes G&S are going to clean house.

>> No.14478695

The problem isn't what to do with the 10 million.
But how to make them, especially when your starting point is 10$ lel

>> No.14478715

based. i'd add some real estate to that too

>> No.14478780

not being a dick, but it probably wouldve mattered anyway, right?
I mean when it hit $100...who would've said "no i'm going to keep holding my internet magix coins i bought on magic the card gathering that i made 1000x on..."
in other words, at best you would've purchased a few toys...

>> No.14478787
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Buy some 10 dollar kneepads and get to work

>> No.14478909


Add in guns and ammo and real estate (preferably a house on some farmable acreage away from cities)

>> No.14478952

Put it in chainlink, may be some in BTC / with depending, some in real estate, some traditionals I guess but what's the point, if link is what it is, link will be a better store of value for the next 5 years +

>> No.14479072

What is fiat?

>> No.14479247

That isn't very nice fren.
I'm going to buy one link, some vidt and btt.
I will be rich in no time, you just wait.

>> No.14479268

Right now link is in a speculative phase
But as soon as the network starts to take off, it will be undervalued.
Because it is supposed to keep pace with global gdp at its healthy peak (what percent of collateral that’s needed is still unknown, but we are not close at all)

>> No.14480507

Yeah I could take 10% out of the liquid to go towards real estate and guns/ammo/prep shit. That's probably the best spread. I have no dreams of living like a rock star and snorting coke off hookers asses all day, I'd be comfy with a liquid 1 mil and interest payments to travel, chill, make my comfy dream home, and enjoy things.

>> No.14480660

Kek ever municipality is bankrupt

This is literally retarded

>> No.14480701

I'm never cashing out Bitcoin is the best investment to be in right now
I can flee USA when socialism wins in 2020 or 2024
The government can't "haircut" my savings when they're defaulting

It gives me too much freedom and rights to sell and give that up

>> No.14481604

>After taxes you are left with a clean 10 million. You somehow manage to exit your crypto positions at a respectable amount in the bull run.
>Where do you allocate your wealth to not lose all those millions?
>I was thinking outside of crypto its gold and real estate. Serious discussions please


>> No.14482235

Every 100k you pay in tax is 100 more sub 80iq immigrants coming in and voting for more gibs
It's exponential at this point were going to collapse sooner rather than later

>> No.14482324

When there's not enough to gib they come for the white people
Look at South Africa

>> No.14482352

Suggesting an index fund at the tail end of the longest business cycle known to humankind

You will absolutely not make it anon, sorry to say

>> No.14482374

so, who gets all the wealth? us NEETS or boomers with 401Ks? (((They))) will do their best to stay on top.
Pls elaborate how we can defeat the evil 3 letter spooks.

>> No.14482444

I think to them it can't crash they will go negative interest rates while buying bad assets through QE just to keep it afloat with the illusion of growth
Inflation is going to be more and more noticeable as the US declines

>> No.14482652
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>> No.14482824

Id put it in video games and chocolate milk.

>> No.14483638

50% land/farms with water
30% fiat
20% crypto (BTC/ETH)

>> No.14483700


>> No.14483754


>> No.14483946

Simple: our bags are designed to automate their system. What's more cost effective? A decentralized automatic ledger that enables trustless transactions and instantaneous transfers? Or a billion dollar banking institution with an enormous beaurocracy? They are the middleman, crypto automates their purpose. Plus the primary asset they deal in, fiat, loses a targeted 2% value every single year.

It's inevitable that we win because we have to tools to develop a superior system.

>> No.14483989

Jesus christ anon

>> No.14483993

s&p500 70%
short running aaa bonds 20%
gold 10%

>> No.14484041

I'm going all in on plastic thots

>> No.14484042

Bond index ETF
Preferred share index ETF
US equity index (large cap) ETF
International equity index (large cap) ETF
REIT index ETF

Returns about 7% a year, max drawdown during the 2008 crisis was 20% and recovered in a single year