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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 368 KB, 2048x1536, ftm.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14477006 No.14477006 [Reply] [Original]

You missed BTC. You missed ETH. You missed LINK. The next moon shot without a shadow of a doubt is FTM.

>> No.14477305

whats the amount to make it fren

>> No.14477677

You sure about that?

>> No.14477739

I'm seriously loosing patience with this fucking shite.. Dubai news was supposed to come after Ramadan-a-ding-dong. Still nothing.. fuck this shit

>> No.14477790

weak op, very weak, this shitcoin was propagated by tranny discord shills since they didnt get the chance to buy Link below 60 cents, fuck off with this garbage coin, there are way better coins out there and currently shilled by biz. The team sucks and will dump their huge bags on you morons and nufags

>> No.14477806


You’re welcome

>> No.14477821

you are the fudder

>> No.14477835

Honestly double down, just as much as holochain if it makes its services aware to pre orders through a commercial we could be on to something..

>> No.14478406

Yeah, it's been listed on two exchanges since then but I want some fucking news

>> No.14478596

is 10k FTM enogh?

>> No.14478662

100k is the official suicide stack.

going to buy this as much as i can.

>> No.14478692

I wonder how much time there is left to buy at decent prices? like under $0.10

>> No.14478698

vidt is partnering with them and i think lto is in on it too. is this some kind of fucking crypto union

>> No.14478743

devious, very devious anon

>> No.14478744


This will moon so hard.

>> No.14478843
File: 21 KB, 1286x255, brave_2019-06-30_17-09-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14478886

what are the biggest news that FTM has lined up the next few weeks?

>> No.14478916

You’ll be comfy.

>> No.14478927

FTM launches on OKEX trading in one day. Possible Dubai news in 1-2 days and main net maybe soonish July. So extremely bullish

>> No.14478935
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200k stack here. feeling comfy af

>> No.14479007

From those use cases I can see, that it's literally worthless.

>> No.14479205

Lol this project is such a scam

CEO has an ad for his small food app in his linked in

>> No.14479292

Antshares vibes

>> No.14479328
File: 27 KB, 1280x298, brave_2019-06-30_17-25-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought more hope no pink

>> No.14479421

Complete newfag should I buy some of this? Bought 0.5 BTC in 2013 and used it to buy drugs. What I had left in my wallet was worth like 1p when I left it, not it's worth £10. Don't want to miss another explosion in value

>> No.14479440

its a scam sirs, please guys dont buy this scam its a very bad project and its A TOTAL SCAM PLEASE SIRS DO THE NEEDFUL DONT BUY

>> No.14479459

I have a feeling this will reach 1 dollar in the future
Screencap this

>> No.14479580


That's like 2.6k for a suicide stack at current prices. Expensive for a shit coin.

>> No.14479612

That would put the mcap at $1.8B

Does that seem possible?

>> No.14479624

Will one of you FTM shills post a timestamp on your hand to prove this is legit. I'm on the brink of buying in.

Also is hedera not a threat?

>> No.14479680

I posted my two buy orders, its 15% of my total crypto holdings

>> No.14479682
File: 938 KB, 737x1024, 352997dcf3f04c6e182fdea973801bb9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ in the future
>you missed gold
>you missed silver
>you missed mining stocks

>> No.14479698


>> No.14479791

Buy vidt and dont worry, this will moon about the same if this isnt a scam and it is a scam.
10% bsv
10% btc
60% vid’t
20% link
And forget about it for a few years

>> No.14479903


I honestly just don't see how document verification will moon this coin to the heights people say it will. Am I missing something?

>> No.14479925

>Am I missing something?

>> No.14479960

How much would you put in

>> No.14479968

>15% annual return minimum
So FTM has a fucking hyperinflation? Who the fuck though that's a good idea?

>> No.14479980

Why will FTM moon? Can the shills give me a reason?

>> No.14480029
File: 114 KB, 536x2048, D-UQIl2U0AA7gv0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's basically better than IOTA and ETH so

>> No.14480088
File: 973 KB, 1242x2688, D89C49CA-42F6-4C1D-AAC8-B2138C009446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14480117

First year only

>> No.14480150

Vidt is better

>> No.14480162
File: 1010 KB, 2048x1152, overextension.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Split your money between Fantom, Vechain and Lition. Fantom is undervalued right now by quite a bit. Pic related is my hand, Pajeets and mudskins don't play EU4.

>> No.14480189

Did u see the original painting verification tho

>> No.14480295
File: 528 KB, 577x583, BASED AND FANTA PILLED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Partnerships with South Korean and Singaporean government, along with the top University in South Korea

>inb4 muh chinks

South Korea and especially Singapore (not even mentioning dubai) are honestly the two countries that are most likely to adopt smart city tech in the next few years.
The reason I think FTM will moon is because the team appreciate that no company nor city nor country is going to completely renounce a working system and adopt new and unproven tech (much like many other coins that just assume they're superior to any and all previous systems), instead they are building FTM to be able to integrate with the systems and software that cities already have in place, to allow the gradual and smooth transition to smart city management and technology.
Read: https://pastebin.com/5aPVtpUC if you still have doubts.

Stay based fantabros

>> No.14480329

>missed LINK

So, that was it? Their ‘moon’ and ‘singularity’ was 5 bucks? LMAO what a bunch of fucking pajeets.

>> No.14480344

Based fantabro

>> No.14480381

do not curse this coin by saying LINKS name in vain

>> No.14480387
File: 204 KB, 1280x720, ftm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

female to male token

>> No.14480453

fudding already? you must be scared or something? do you not own any fantom i wonder?

>> No.14480464

This is an easy 2x-3x in the next 2-3 weeks easily

>> No.14480489


>> No.14480508

100k+ is enough

>> No.14480515

Nice English, Sanjeev.
>literally doesn’t know the abbreviation ‘FtM’

>> No.14480531

well it was less than 500 bucks at ferw months ago so it will grow. get the fuck in before it too late

>> No.14480570

damn anon thats a fucking nice stack. youre the future multi-millionaire with that shit. so fucking bad that bank wont give me any loan otherwise i would get the same maount.. i only have little bit over 100k..

>> No.14480686

redpill me on fantom, I just bought a 5k stack with some pocket money

is it a legit project or is it a Pajeet scam? honestly if it pumps I'm thinking of just dumping and buying a new computer

>> No.14480800

ofc i understand the abbreviation retard, you're just a bad fudder

>> No.14481060
File: 48 KB, 640x807, HURRRDUURRRRMMMMMUHMUHHMUHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.14481094

its absolutely hilarious watching these pajeets shill their shitcoins, stealing all the link related memes

>> No.14481118

Oh fuck off, like people weren't saying the exact same thing about LINK 2 years ago.