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File: 366 KB, 1712x1212, ETHER8K.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14473149 No.14473149 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14473170

you're not wrong

>> No.14473173
File: 57 KB, 182x282, Ethereum Classic Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More likely that Ethereum Classic will hit 8k

>> No.14473381

Dero ssshhh...

>> No.14473392

Ethereum SV

>> No.14473441
File: 334 KB, 740x640, ETC Girl Cheer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum Classic still runs on the original blockchain. ETH is the forked coin

>> No.14473471

The original chain was buggy garbage. Point?

>> No.14473509
File: 343 KB, 526x1000, ETC Girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to cope, I will enlighten you below

Ethereum Classic is smart contracts with planned Oracle functions integrated

>Why do we have faith in Ethereum Classic?
Besides the upgrades coming in September in which it will be fully compatible with Ethereum and all of its upgrades. Ethereum Classic is planning to adopting oracle functions on top of its smart contract platform

>What about Chainlink?
Think about it, Ethereum Classic is the computer hardware and the command prompt. Most people struggle to use the command prompt.

Now imagine the oracle function of Ethereum Classic as a built in OS. Why do you think people use Microsoft Windows or Mac OS? It is built in.

Don't forget that Ethereum Classic also can create ERC-20 tokens like Ethereum. So image the Ethereum Classic oracle acting as an operating system for these ERC-20 tokens

>What is Ethereum Classic?
It is the original Ethereum blockchain that did not fork. Think of Ethereum Classic as BTC. Think of ETH as BCH

>Why Oracles for Ethereum Classic but not ETH?
ETH is going to proof of stake for its innovation. However, ETC wants to keep the original blockchain as much possible. By adopting oracles in its code, it can better accept correct information for its smart contract functions. Think of lightening network, but for smart contracts

>Why is there a transaction delay?
Because you are using Coinbase. Coinbase wants to have multiple confirmations so they can make sure there are not any non-ETC sent. To get instant deposits and transactions use another exchange

>Ethereum Classic Upgrade News

>> No.14473542

>original blockchain
>less than 1/10 of the price
didn't your dev team run out of funding last year?
your shitcoin has the fraction of developers working on ETH and its dapps, your hashrate is whack, and your price is pathetic.

>Muh oracles
trying to suck in the chainlink boat missers?
quite pathetic preying on vulnerable people

>> No.14473566

No one is buying your $7 shitcoin that cant even 2x

>> No.14473576

>coinbase delay

The delay is because your shitcoin's hashpower is so weak it got attacked this year

at least be honest when you're shilling

>> No.14473608
File: 47 KB, 495x360, ETC Psycho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one team ran out of funds. The main time is backed by IOHK and Charles Hoskinson who co-founded Ethereum. Ethereum Classic may have flaws but at least we did not highjack and steal the Ethereum name like ETH did. The ETC and ETH are trying to mend the bridge between each other the past year, but shills like you remind me why I hate ETH fanboys.

What is wrong with integrating oracle functions on top of smart contracts? At least we didn't fork and divide a community like ETH did

>> No.14473628

LOL i almost bought, thank fuck for this comment

>> No.14473654

ETC might still have value, I don't know, but if the post you're reading has a "meme" with ETC, it's probably a pathetic shill trying to mimic the chainlink phenomena. It's not gonna work. And frankly these memes are shit.

>> No.14473662
File: 793 KB, 740x493, ETC Magic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what is worse than a 51% attack? Dividing up the community by forking into ETH to bailout stolen funds

>> No.14473694
File: 825 KB, 740x493, ETC Star Wars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

51% attack only shows the community is strong. It has been close to a year and ETC is still being traded and developed. We didn't fork off and create another crypto like ETH did

>> No.14473737

>m-m-m-m-m-m-muh fork
Your point is invalid, that happened when ETH was in its infancy and the foundation controlled most of the network. You weren't even in crypto when that happened, I can tell since you're shilling for rupees per post.
Did ETH bail out the frozen parity funds? No, because they can't do these things anymore.
Meanwhile your shitcoin can get forked by people outside of the community altogether. No, there's literally nothing worse than a 51% attack, if its successful your shitcoin has failed.

>> No.14473742

Successful 51% attack = dead shitcoin

How heavy are your bags?

>> No.14473915

so what you're saying is ETC is working to get on par with ETH and therefore and thereby will overtake it? yeah, that makes a lot of sense.. not!

>> No.14473940

There's a reason why ETH is number two on coinmarketcap and is the most traded crypto in the world besides BTC. If you know what's good for you and you see the causation of the future, You will be smart and let the powers at be do their "thing" and by "thing" I mean ETH. I will not say anymore.