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1447191 No.1447191 [Reply] [Original]

>the vast majority of graduates will move out of their parents house immediately and save a few thousand in their first year instead of living with their parents one more year, saving a years worth of salary, and investing it

Why do normies do this?

>> No.1447199

Clearly you don't know my hoarding, gross-house owning, imaginary-friend believing parents.

>> No.1447210

>Lived with parents 'till 28
>THEY actually moved out at that point, leaving me in the house
>Finally at 32 I bought my own house when parents moved back in
>$400,000 house - paid $300,000 cash, $100,000 loan

>> No.1447216

because muh independency,

>drop out of first sem. of electrical eng
>get a job
>have just over 10k saved/going back to school in fall
>still living with rents and plan to while in school (first sem of school was away from home)

>drop out of 3rd sem psych
>fired from his first job back (never showed up on time called in sick when wasnt)
>"yo guys we should rent a place downtown
>no plans of going back to school atm


>> No.1447217

>mommy and daddy kicked me out
>dumb assholes believing in God, fortunately, I am euphoric
le tiperedoodeedoo

>> No.1447218

Because living with your parents suck and they generally force you to pay rent and buy your own food?

>Saving a years worth of salary
So you don't have any expenses? Your parents are okay with paying for an adult who is fully capable of earning his own money?

>instead of living with their parents one more year

Why stop there? Why not just stay with your parents until your 40's and invest everything?

>> No.1447233

>So you don't have any expenses? Your parents are okay with paying for an adult who is fully capable of earning his own money?
Yes, because my parents understand I'm trying to get well off financially to start a family a few years down the road. Literally nothing wrong with this.

>> No.1447320

Historically it was financially feasible to leave home when young, get a loan, buy a house etc.

In the current environment that is not possible for most people. However l oi ts of parents want their kids to move out and lots of kids want to leave home - the majority of people think of their comforts now rather than the future, so they don't realise that staying at home a few years and saving up could make a huge long term difference to their financial position

>> No.1447335

Any parent that charges their kids unreasonable rent is a bit of a cunt, this is an undeniable truth. Any parent should also be glad to have their kids at home as long as possible - they will come to regret it otherwise when they are 70 and shitting themselves and no one comes to visit.

And I know you are being ironic about staying til 40 but there's realistically nothing wrong with staying as a family unit and working towards combined household wealtn rather than leaving and failing on your own. Staying til 40 is extreme but just because society has dictated we should be out by 18 doesn't make it the wisest decision, the family unit as a whole would be better if you stayed and worked together.

>> No.1447343

Wow you seem so lovely

>> No.1447552

Believe it or not, not everybody gets the option.

>> No.1448917


Because not everyone is selfish POS that wants to burden their parents

>> No.1448922


My parents are old and getting tired, they can't keep working so much when they could rent out some rooms to help their retirement

>> No.1448945

>the family unit as a whole would be better if you stayed and worked together
My parents are retired.
It's not like they need me around to do shit.
I helped my "family unit" by getting the fuck out.

>> No.1448967

>Why do normies do this?
Should probably rephrase this to: Why do poor people do this?

>> No.1448986

For most people the jobs are not where their parents are.
If you have the option though, I think its a great way to save for a deposit and get a head start in adult life.

>> No.1449047

>make 100k straight out of college
>live with your mommy for 10 years
>you are now a millionaire

>> No.1449475

my plan is to
>finish uni
>get that 50k starting salary(that's the average starting salary of the stuff i'm styding desu)
>live with parents for a or so year while working and save up the shekels
how can this fail

>> No.1450383

You really should budget famdiddlydangerine.
Make sure you're saving, ideally, 80% of that cash.
That will be fucking hard, but do it fambo - it'll be worth it.

>> No.1450396

>Federal Income Tax
>State Income Tax
>Social Security
>Legally mandatory health insurance
>Car Repairs/Gas/Registrations
>Legally mandatory car insurance

Plus if you're not a shitlord:
>Splitting utilities with parents
>Paying for your own groceries
>Ever enjoying life for 40 entire seasons.

And that's all if your parents are sweethearts and don't charge rent. You'd need 140k at least to have 1 million in 10 years, and that's if you're investing well. Then again, the market hasn't gone 10 years without crashing in a while.

>> No.1450411

Being american sounds awful. Where I live healthcare is free and you can get everywhere you need to go for free on a bike

>> No.1450415

The Sardaukar are strengthened by Salusa Secundus, not weakened by it.

>> No.1450513
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Because they don't want their parents to hear them fucking

>> No.1452132

It's worth it to not have to hear them argue with each other and always have to be on my best behavior because Id be an adult living with my 60 something parents. I'm in my early 20's, I want to be able to fuck around, doing whatever I want in MY home, coming and going at all hours, and basically not having to argue with them and deal with their bullshit and then having to deal with my bullshit. I don't even dislike my parents or have any big problems with them, but if I'm around them for long periods of time we all start to get on each others nerves and butt heads over nothing. My relationship with my parents has been so much better since I moved out, I'll go over and visit about once a week and have dinner and walk their dog, and it's perfect. I still have a relationship with them but I have my own house and my own life where I can do things my way, not theirs.

>> No.1452140



my mom's house is fucking disgusting. embarrassing for a grown woman to be so messy.

she actually believes her excuses about being too busy to clean.

>> No.1452150
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>tfw mom is a mild hoarder and your dad has been too big of a pussy to just sort through all her shit and throw out all the junk that's literally useless old files, paperwork, and way too many of my old crappy plastic baby toys with dust and bug shit and spiderwebs all over them.

I always felt anxiety living there, there was always so many random boxes of CRAP lined up against walls in the hall, living room, dining room, the bedrooms, and the garage. It wasn't Chris-Chan bad and it was never gross or unsanitary, just boxes with paperwork or random plastic crap.

>> No.1452158

They may want to live/enjoy their life and sometimes a slight financial hit may be worth it as long as it doesn't break the banks

>> No.1452161

>my time is free
>driving is free
>I work at Starbucks and not an industry which is concentrated in a specific location
Stop rationalizing your shitty decisions.

>> No.1452187

what if ur parents don't gib a fuck and let u smoke weed and come and go whenever you want?

>> No.1452192

>she actually believes her excuses about being too busy to clean.
I get disgusted by people like this. "I'm too busy to exercise. Oh by the way, I just marathoned 10 seasons of <insert edgy primetime TV show here> on Netflix."

>> No.1452219

I am 19 and afraid to move out once I graduate because my mom will be very lonely without me, and my family is prone to depression. Her parents died within the last 5 years. She is divorced and has no close friends or any family in town. She will be totally alone, wageslaving until she dies once I move out. Even once I start sending her back money, I don't know what to do with her.

>> No.1452304

not everyone's family moved to a shithole

>> No.1452308

So your parents just happen to live right next door to a McDonald's? Good for you!

>> No.1452339


Do you people not hang out with your parents? Cook dinner and eat with them? Drink and spend time with them? Socialize with them at all?

You all sound so distant to your parents. No wonder they will all end up stuck in a "home".

>> No.1452352

Sure, occasionally.
But my parents live over 1000 miles away, it's not like they can just drop by, or vice versa.

>No wonder they will all end up stuck in a "home".
Thanks for the vote of confidence.

>> No.1452355



U dum

>> No.1452357

No I don't do any of that shit. I got out because he wanted to spend his 50's having loud sex with his 3rd wife.

>> No.1452361
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If you live with your parents for too long and dont have to, you become socially maladjusted. This means you dont have fun and you dont get laid.

>> No.1452366


That did come off as harsh. But this mindset of "I got out when i was young, so my parents better not expect to move back with me when they get older" seems very common.

>> No.1452442

>I got out when i was young
Yeah, that was because they wanted me to.
I think you'll find that's a pretty common mindset too.

>> No.1452472

Why not just live with your parents forever until they die and by that time you're a multi millionaire?

Oh wait because the vast majority of parent's are going to kick you the fuck out when you turn 18, or when you're done with college if you're lucky. Just because your parents love you doesn't mean they want to take care of your dumb ass forever. They are people too ya know.

>> No.1452676

Stay with her. There's no shame in it.

>> No.1452895

the cope is real
i guess not everyone's parents can afford to live in a major metro area

>> No.1452896

this is the real reason people move out
they want to fuck around and do drugs
which means financial stability is clearly unimportant to them

>> No.1452946


No, it means they want to live.

>> No.1452950


Nobody forces you to have kids.

>> No.1452966

I live in walking distance of the Boston subway system. I could get a job at Facebook and still live at home.

>> No.1452981

Tfw neet living with parents

Wagie ragie

>> No.1452983

Because italy is a fucking shithole and the only chance to get a decent job is moving to milan or moving to another country

>> No.1453159

live how? get married and start a family at 22? lmao get real

>> No.1453168

>this is the real reason people move out
>they want to fuck around and do drugs

>> No.1453188


>> No.1453198

Because at 18 I wouldn't have been smart or educated enough to invest the money properly and, in any event, like many Americans, I went away to college where living at home wasn't feasible.

Given that I kinda bring a rotating crew of girls back to my place I can't imagine the awkwardness of living with parents.

>> No.1453352

case in point

>> No.1453364

There's a difference between finding it awkward to bring girls back to your parent's house, and moving out for that sole reason.
If the latter reason is outpacing the former, that's just fucking sad.

>> No.1453391

i have not met a single 18 year old who could give me a different reason

or 23 year old for that matter
i totally get it if you have abusive druggies for parents but chances are the apple didn't fall far from the tree

>> No.1453397

I enjoy being an adult. Staying at home past 18 is for mentally stunted destitute neckbeards with no friends.

>> No.1453428

>who could give me a different reason
How about, "There aren't good opportunities for the field I want to pursue, here in this shit hole town"?

>> No.1453481

I live with my parents and i am 23, jsut graduated college last year and make measly 40k a year

I will move out soon though because I want to bring my gf over sometimes and I am tired of them asking for money, Plus they are going to ask $400 for rent next month. I give it one month and I am out.

I make more money then both my parents, its pretty sad...

>> No.1453817

then your parents hindered you from the start

>> No.1453824


And nobody forces you to take care of them past 18 either.

>> No.1453827

Some people get sick of living with their parents and family (some people live with siblings and grandparents).

After living with them for years and knowing how they operate, if the lifestyle you want (or would rather have instead) is within your means then it makes sense.

I agree it's more logical to save money and invest rather than pay rent at that young age. But some people want to move out with their GFs or some some shit man.

I would either stay with parents or split rent with some really tight mates on a nice house.

>> No.1453936

that's an interesting thought but we're not talking about australia

>> No.1454000

Why would you pay so much cash when real estate lets to leverage with small down payments? Stay poor.

>> No.1454016

wat dis mean

>> No.1454027

Because you cant fuck women at your moms house, dummy.

>> No.1454028


>friends tell me to move out because it'll make me a better person or a man
>stay with parents and work on my own stuff without stressing or worrying about anything so that doesn't affect my work
>friend is living paycheck to paycheck, constantly moving, dealing with his wife and children, etc
>wants to make $40,000 by the time he's 30 and that is a goal

I really didn't get it.

>> No.1454037

40k by the time hes 30? did he not graduate highschool?

>> No.1454054


No, and he works shitty manual labour jobs with Mexicans. To be fair though, I also left school to work and then did my own thing.