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14465004 No.14465004 [Reply] [Original]

Does link have to solve the same scaling problem that ETH is currently faced with? What kind of scaling, as in tps, is link currently capable of? Is there a plan to increase scalability and increase # of transactions in the road map?

>> No.14465019
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Holy shit this board is fucking ruined

>> No.14465034

link tps is currently 1 tps. So it is very slow.

>> No.14465047


>> No.14465083

Yeah I'm retarded, s-so what's the answer

>> No.14465386

eth is 15 tps and so 15 smart contracts per second which is pretty shit and borderline gimped
just pack it up and sell, cus bsv big boy blocks wins again
never gonna make it

>> No.14465426

Treshold signatures. Now fuck off and don't start another thread till you lurked AT LEAST a year

>> No.14465756

There's no solution and there probably never will be one. That's the real redpill that will eventually send link into the shitter.

>> No.14465773

Go back

>> No.14465781

I've been in crypto since 2015 and lurked 4chan for 2 years bubba

>> No.14465830

I think threshold sigs are dope. But they don’t really solve scaling issues. They are a great workaround, but really you still want ETH to naturally be able to handle thousands to millions of transactions a second.

Having said that, link is blockchain agnostic and may integrate better with another platform, so I’m not worried about it in the least

>> No.14465853
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But I don't understand how threshold signatures solve the scaling problem. If chainlink can only handle 15 tps how will it work on a large scale when it is handling the api data of 1000's of companies?? 10k linklet here just trying to dig into chainlink a little more, it's definitely got my attention lately.

>> No.14465902

so is chainlink tps dependent on the blockchain it plugs in to? Starting to make sense then. Will probably plug in to hyper ledger mostly initially.

>> No.14466647

ethereum is too slow

>> No.14466756

nigger you are so behind in this market its not even funny.
Chainlink can scale independently from Ethereum by forming a consensus over a large group and singing onto Ethereum for one single transaction.

But if Ethereum has to scale in the future, its going to need a layer-2 scaling solution where certain computation is done off-chain (with TEE's), and the data delivered on-chain safely through the use of a secure oracle. Enter Chainlink.

>> No.14466772

This is exquisitely crafted bait.

>> No.14466856
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here's all you nulink redditor retards need to know

$1000 eoy.

now STFU, no one is going to explain things we discussed for 2 years

>> No.14466915

I’m not a programmer, so I really don’t know for certain. But it seems to be.

>> No.14467025

Thanks for the explanation fren

>> No.14467074

You are in serious trouble if thats the case

>> No.14467077

>unmineable coin
It's shit

>> No.14467086

will one of you fags please help me try to make something useful on this fucking token?

>> No.14467087

no larp. 10k I'm not selling yet and will buy more on the next dip, just in light of oracle announcing they are going to onboard 50 companies with chainlink this year to pull data from there 1000's of business's, I was wondering if scaling would ever be an issue. But seems like combination of threshold sigs + blockchain agnostic eliminates the scaling problem for now.

>> No.14467116

Right? Doesnt even know about threshold signatures.

Here OP, we're not your personal army and everything you need to know about your investment can be found at chain.link

>> No.14467144

Customer service 4chan did great, thanks for the info

>> No.14467149

Chainlink is a blatant scam, let me explain you why:

LINK's javascript has been hacked and now all the nodes are being affected, meaning they will go offline one by one.

But here's the real trick; every node that goes offline first has to be validated by other nodes, Thus the first node won't go offline until EVERY SINGLE NODE has verified it actually has gone offline

LINK will be in an infinite javascript loop. Maybe if you're a programmer you will recognize FOR and WHILE loops. Well.. This is a FOR loop that NEVER ends.

The price will TANK to at least 50 satoshi. Maybe even lower when the nodes are actually verified being offline.

Sergey is now busy setting up extra nodes to undo this process. Called contra-hacking. He has injected some GO-language code, pseudo-offline code, into the ChainLink network. This means nodes will appear the be online, while they are struggling to go offline, but in the meantime they cant because it isnt verified yet. Neat trick if you ask me, but it wont last long before the other nodes will know whats really going on.

Get into something else now

>> No.14467161

copypasta FUD

>> No.14467296


>> No.14467369

This will always be my favorite FUD. So earnestly incoherent. Love it.