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File: 50 KB, 1024x683, 7z6lK42yQNY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14459776 No.14459776 [Reply] [Original]

Im planning to get into stocks. Is it a bad idea ? What should i know ? Is it like crypto stuff ?

>> No.14459930

basically the same, but x100 slower.

>> No.14459966

Interesting. So it will be good for a start right ?

>> No.14459969

is that hipster posing in the corner of his own art? Unless that in itself is an ironic critique on society he's a colossal faggot

>> No.14459971

get off my board

>> No.14460029


Just dollar cost average. But all the VOO you can every month, without fail. You will retire a millionaire, easily. It's not more complicated than that. But you won't do it. Sigh.

>> No.14460039

He is a faggot.

>> No.14460079

What if i will... Im thinking...

>> No.14460112
File: 505 KB, 750x1000, 1560130776393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be nice to start saving your money if you buy blue chips, but your broker will probably take big commissions, and you may have to pay taxes on your profits, etc.
The Crypto Market is wilder, uncontrollable and not regulated (yet). So this is your choice. Good luck!

>> No.14460115
File: 108 KB, 554x719, 1559757591592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy some T babies and do the DEW divvies erry week

>> No.14460120

No, you make it with crypto and then put some of it into more traditional assets, not the other way around

>> No.14460187

Yeah i mean i would like to start but i can't buy LINK without buying some other retarded shit. I can't buy LINK directly for dollars. And also software for that shit is weird. I mean i need to download apps to my PC and other stuff. Im autistic enough to learn all that but i need some advices.

>> No.14460259

That was cute thank you

>> No.14460293

Brokers offer commission-free mutual funds and ETFs. Robinhood and probably other brokers also offer ways to trade individual stocks without commissions.

>> No.14460326
File: 405 KB, 750x750, 1561817984117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger you can literally buy it on Coinbase now. Stop being a lazy faggot and secure your financial future.

>> No.14460439

I mean what about all that special software for crypto shit ? (already making account on coinbase thank u)

>> No.14460469

The only software you need to use Coinbase is your web browser.

>> No.14460501
File: 27 KB, 903x775, 51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you brother. Here is some funny shit. im from RUssia right.
>that screenshot
Hell yeah dude

>> No.14460563

Well. Shit. Dude just look for other wallets. I'm sure you'l find many.
You will need some guts to try and willingly throw cash at shit tier coins.
I'm new btw

>> No.14460603
File: 9 KB, 300x168, 55555555555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live with my parents and earn money from my job. I literally spend like 5% of what i earn. I can handle this shit. The only problem is i can't find a normal place where i can buy shit.

>> No.14460657

Cлyшaй, дaм coвeт кaк пoнимaющeмy мoй язык. He пaдaй в мeм пpo ChainLink, этo чиcтый oвepпpaйc, eдинcтвeнныe ктo пoлyчил oт этoгo пpoфит - этo тe, ктo кyпил их пo .20$, и биpжи пo типy Binance или Coinbase (oни бepyт кoмиccии c тpaнзaкций). Ecли нe хoчeшь pиcкoвaть, кyпи oбычных aкций, жeлaтeльнo cтaбильныe "гoлyбыe фишки", oни тoчнo cтaбильнo pacтyт, пpимepнo нa oднoм ypoвнe c инфляциeй.
Caм Link дaмпнeтcя, oн cлишкoм дopoгoй
Ecли нe хoчeшь пpoeбaтьcя, мoжeшь нaпиcaть мнe в тeлeгpaмe @mnogoslonov
Я пoдcкaжy кaк нe вляпaтьcя в этo и нa кaкoм caйтe дeшeвлe вceгo пoкyпaть.

>> No.14460737

I really want to know what this means, can you give me a hint?

>> No.14460858

Honest to God answer is this:
You will most likely fail. The reason why is because the stock market has become extremely advanced in terms of the algorithms that look for any advantage in terms of transferring wealth to those that can do the calculations more effectively, faster, or based on less available information (which you don’t have access to or don’t know where to look for).

The short of it is if you day trade you will most likely be outperformed and if you buy and hodl your gains will be 100x slower than crypto