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File: 61 KB, 2048x2048, 1553294758090[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14458189 No.14458189 [Reply] [Original]

If you miss out a 2nd time, then there's no hope for you.

>> No.14458207

What are some realistic price predictions? We've all heard the "ETH killer / $10+" stuff. I'm looking more along the lines of $0.40 to maybe $0.60 in the mid term.

>> No.14458241
File: 9 KB, 216x233, 34046900-35E5-4E91-BEDF-8C5FBF213E53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it’s the ETH killer t-this around....i-it’s true anon.

>> No.14458257

Honestly I watch you say this all the time, but now, I know I'm comfy. This goes 2x in a week or less. I predict twelve cents by mid July

>> No.14458273

there's nothing to kill as ETH is irrelevant

>> No.14458295

10x eom good sirs trust the poop

>> No.14458515

Full Korean dev team. People like you are complete normie newfags

>> No.14458695

It doesn't even have to kill ETH. Just look at the marketcaps of NEO and EOS. Link currently doesn't do anything as well, but this market is all about speculative value. FTM will be up there eventually when mainnet comes and they have the best tech out there with ETH, BNB, and NEO support, high TPS, aBFT consensus, listed on every major exchange, shillable and low sats for normies, and biz having a cult following like they did LINK. Look what the team has done in the last few months for the project. Listed on Binance and OKex and a Dubai partnership (it doesn't even matter if it's a meme, it shows they are willing to go out there and get shit done). These gooks are smart as fuck and Andre Cronje behind them is amazing too.

>> No.14458734

20x in 30 days, screencap this. WE are still below ICO price, crazy! Realistic short-term price target 0.5-1$.

>> No.14458769

Agreed, best bet in crypto right now. Link pumped from 0.40 to 4$ since presibos 2017? x10 in two fucking years. FTM will do x20-x30 and much faster.

>> No.14458803

Newfags don't listen to these losers trying to piggy back on LINK success. This is a dime a dozen shitcoin that has no future. Just like VET, ICX, AION, etc except this won't even pump because everyone is now wise to these retarded "ETH killers"

>> No.14458832

Yes, newfags. Don't listen to anyone except for this guy who wants to dump his LINK bags on you.

>> No.14458954

Yes just like VET you retarded pajeet, except it has an ACTUAL purpose and a dedicated legit team. Get off this thread you stinky cunt, go fud fucking holo or harmony, which are the actual shitcoins. Fanties stay based

>> No.14459060

>based bags stay based. Ill load up once I dump my link bags for $4.50
I hope it gets there

>> No.14459142

holo and harmony are the same as fantom except holo has been in development much longer and harmony has actual professionals from apple, google, and microsoft developing it. doesnt matter though since they are all pnd shitcoins that will never be adopted.

>> No.14459278
File: 127 KB, 1080x1148, 1561632764851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holo is the only coin on biz that is guaranteed to moon. FTM comes second. Link will dump when coinbase reddit normies and niggers realize there is no adoption and no news until EOY.

>> No.14459373
File: 4 KB, 507x203, FTM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant withdraw to my wallet from binance? it keeps saying address not verifired, and want to know an address and has another blank
pic related

>> No.14459477

Obvious x10 soon, it's acummulating since it joined binance. Not pumped yet.

>> No.14459765

That's because the FTM on Binance are BEP2 Tokens and you are obviously trying to withdraw to an ERC20 wallet

>> No.14459847

$.30 to $.50 is reasonable leading up to september hype

>> No.14459940

Big volumes today.

>> No.14459955

have 147K ftm

will i make it?

>> No.14460011
File: 298 KB, 540x492, 1535923602608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantom or Harmony???

>> No.14460062

Dude Linkies stop fighting and GTFI Fantom THIS SECOND. A 5x in Link would take it to $25. A 5x in Phantom takes it to TEN CENTS, a 180 million marketcap. If you want to double up your massive fortune you have to make the switch NOW. Join the Fantom army. Do not fight the inevitable.

>> No.14460070

Harmony sucks, fantom is where its at. I will laugh at my 2x+ when harmony hasn't stopped dumping sideways/downwards.

>> No.14460097

This nigga fucks brap

>> No.14460199

The one downloaded from there website...? How do I convert?

>> No.14460217

Can you red pill me on this?

>> No.14460235
File: 20 KB, 360x360, 2145123414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>downloaded from website

>> No.14460430

Is it possible to convert?

>> No.14460635

No you're gay for life

>> No.14461311

Just dropped .125 BTC in it for a cool 56k

Portfolio now
1.5k Link
56k FTM

Will I make it bros?

>> No.14461382

yes with btc alone frem

>> No.14461406


>> No.14461494

Here’s a redpill for all you non Fantom holders


You will hold after you read that

>> No.14461996

This pasta is godlike

>> No.14462112

post it on here, I'm not trying to get hacked

>> No.14462264

8000 words imbecile

>> No.14463130

How do you hack someone from pastebin wtf

>> No.14463172

Waiting for my funds on cuckbase to become tradable, god I hope this shit doesn't moon today

>> No.14463301

It won't. There is zero reason for it to pump. Everyone already knows about it and mainnet = huge dump.
>inb4 muh Dubai

>> No.14463348

bluepill: the post

>> No.14463471

fantom or ren? I can only have one black/white coin

>> No.14463526

why would it dump with main net

>> No.14463964

sell event

>> No.14463992

It's going live on OkEX monday 7/1

>> No.14464025

same, I bought $23 but i'll buy more this week. i'm taking biz's advice

>> No.14464079

>Has been hacked already and doesn't even know it

>> No.14464084

Everything seemed okay until I read this

>> No.14464096

confirmed FTM holders are all the newest of newfags you could possibly imagine

>> No.14464199

Could someone post fantom telegram channels here? Thanks.

>> No.14464256

God damn what a newfag. Literally ever coin ever has dumped after mainnet.

>> No.14464491

itll still 40-50x by the point of mainnet though