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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 68 KB, 1201x740, LINK CMC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14455028 No.14455028 [Reply] [Original]

Need a voice of reason here to tell me how much longer this can go on, or what happens next.

It HAS to dump, right? RIGHT????????

>> No.14455100

Sure, or we pump for days and reach 10$ until the first big correction. At least wait for a clear trend reversal signal.

>> No.14455201

it's about to hit a hard 9 on my TD 4h indicator

>> No.14455224

There is gonna be a retrace of course. Literally sold over 1000

>> No.14455245

Loom at eths beginning - it had days and days of this type of mooning

Protip: when the pumps arent immediately dumped but recover a bit its consolidation

>> No.14455246

Yes but it could dump to $3 or it could dump from $10 to $7 and stay there, who knows.

>> No.14455297
File: 79 KB, 1186x588, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14455308
File: 915 KB, 808x805, 1561522776110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowly raise stop loss and ride this bitch out

Be liberal with the stop loss to avoid any scam wicks

>> No.14455326

if you buy something that goes vertical like that, you're a retard that deserves to lose money

>> No.14455341

True, I went to sleep last night when it was dumping and figured I'd wake up to ~$2. Instead it was $4 and that was the first thing that popped into my mind.

Good point, the "dumps" are getting weaker. I don't know when to buy more though.

>> No.14455348

Let's fucking hope so brother. What a ride.

>> No.14455452
File: 822 KB, 640x480, latest-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was swinging my linkies back and forth last night but passed out before buying back in again after selling at a high of 3.60.

>> No.14455470
File: 30 KB, 829x591, 1517127242530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even if we're there, then we should expect a dump and consolidation. Meaning smart money would sell some point soon.

This is parabolic like nothing I've seen so far

>> No.14455604


>> No.14455671

All these newfags talking about usd.

>> No.14455720

Yes it is completely unsustainable in the short term. Just because it is indeed a new paradigm does NOT MEAN it is immune to price changes. I sold a ton and am waiting for it to dump back down to the 3-3.50 range and will buy back in. I am a linklet so I am swinging to increase my stack quite a bit.

>> No.14455781

the year of the crab

>> No.14455858

My AI bot said that we go to $20 next month.

>> No.14455873
File: 242 KB, 1080x1080, 89D6037E0AA54B748E345088A93F7943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but we don't know at what price it'll dump. And when it dumps it most likely will not go down to pre-dump prices. Instead it will consolidate at some high price then pump again at some point.

Which is why the best option is to just hold and don't swing

>> No.14455882

My guess is 3.20-3.50

>> No.14455901

a green 9 on the daily?? sell now

>> No.14455908


what goes around comes around

>> No.14455927

i’m warning you all right now DO NOT SELL

>> No.14455957

How accurate is your bot?

>> No.14455961
File: 44 KB, 1171x614, you are here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14456041

Im price locking my LINK now.

>> No.14456064

>>If you 10x your initial investment in 6 weeks you're a retard
Thanks, noted!

>> No.14456121

I remember in 2017 I'd be afraid going to sleep without being tethered. Now with LINK, its the opposite.

>> No.14456137

This image is giving me antshare vibes

>> No.14456172

it will correct slightly but head straight to 10$ by the end of month

>> No.14456227

eom is today, anon.

>> No.14456261

sounds painful

>> No.14456334



>> No.14456370

this looks like wave 1, thankfully there are 4 waves left

>> No.14456384

Link is just barely 40x ICO.
The recent pump looks vertical because that chart spans nearly 2 years.

Wake me when we hit triple digits.

>> No.14456394

Checked and agreed

>> No.14456413

Looking like we've topped out for the time being. Won't be surprised to see it at 30k when I wake up from my nap in 2 hours

>> No.14456438

Not sure if memeing but that literally was Antshares a couple weeks before the renaming

>> No.14456477
File: 53 KB, 530x298, 1510163518994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying more.
Never sell.
Too dangerous.

>> No.14456893

Hear that boys? We're about 18 months away from a quick trip to triple digit linkies. It's a fucking no brainer at this point.

>> No.14456951

please post sell screens for memories