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14455007 No.14455007 [Reply] [Original]

Congrats to LINKies for making gains. No VIDT thread though?

>> No.14455040

Is it time to jump over 40 cents?

>> No.14455058


>> No.14455075

If the major exchange is binance, will VIDT pump?!

>> No.14455126


>> No.14455577

have they announced that they're listing an a major exchange?

>> No.14455619


>> No.14455646

>will a listing on the most liquid exchange in the world make my shitcoin pump

>> No.14455791

Selling all my LINK to buy VIDT. Probably selling some of my BTC too.

>> No.14455850
File: 7 KB, 249x202, IMG_7277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are sounding like a cheap cars salesman.
Or a crackwhore.
Not sure.

>> No.14455967

$35 eoy

>> No.14456144

Where can I buy VIDT?

>> No.14456262


>> No.14457042

garbage doesn't let you directly buy

>> No.14457435

this is why vidt will moon once it gets onto a real exchange.
retards who can't even use idex (90% of all crypto investors) are locked out and will flood the market once the gates are opened .

>> No.14457749

We're moving!

>> No.14457779
File: 155 KB, 1079x700, InterstellarExpress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VIDT will go to at least $10, if not higher.

>> No.14457790

What's the best exchange to pick it up on. I'm using Hotbit but it just feels so scammy

>> No.14457811

I got most of mine from IDEX. I initially used hotbit but then switched over to IDEX.

>> No.14458026

IDEX is your only viable option

>> No.14458088

Absolutely this. Although more people should learn to use idex. I really like it

>> No.14458128

I remember hearing the same fear about using ForkDelta (EtherDelta back in the day).
>omg muh buttons'n charts'n scary things! no way i'm using they they'll steal muh coinz
Some of the best gems are found on these DEX's.

>> No.14458141

This is exactly why I'm not buying. I've never seen such blatantly obvious paid shilling in a long time.

>> No.14458155

This fuck VIDT it's obviously a scam like VeChain.

>> No.14458161

Cant figure it out. Poorfag here.
Clicked deposit from the balances, but no eth on idex after depositing from wallet?

>> No.14458167

No ones paying me bud. When you DYOR you see how undervalued VIDT is and feel the need to share with other anon frens.

>> No.14458176

how about researching the coin and making your own decision you dumb fuck. You probably said the same thing about LINK

>> No.14458221

top 20 holder here frend and there is no need for paid shilling. Biz is excited because honestly this is the moonshot that will make you great money.

I wouldnt be putting 40k or whatever into this if it was a pajeet scam

>> No.14458285

This. The paranoia is ridiculous. You think that if biz found this solid of a project we wouldnt be talking about it? Get your head out of your ass

>> No.14458352

>we wouldnt be talking about it?
Exactly. No one is talking about the project. All they are saying is "look, I put in 40k, so you can trust me". This is exactly the kind of nonsense scam artists say to shill to marks.

>> No.14458367

Please don't buy.

>> No.14458390

We’re on the move boyos

>> No.14458391

that was my complaint last week. I was analyzing the revenue through token transfer analytics but they keep shouting moon. Doesn't dissuade me. Gonna be succesful either way

>> No.14458400

wtf? We've literally talked about this so much. Every other thread mentions the actual product instead of some vaporware scam, the real clients using the product, the team being solid, etc. Please dont buy, stay poor

>> No.14458431

I'm just going to buy 1K of this to sit on, if I like the performance in the next few months then I'll buy more but at this point I'm buying purely because of these shill threads/posts.

>> No.14458434

This is the same shit that happened to link you dumbfuck buy in or fuck off

>> No.14458487


>> No.14458539

No one is talking about? Its been discussed in depth countless times. Forgive us for not rehashing the business model for a millionth time

>> No.14458549

so what are all these 19 and 23 transactions to the main wallet? Are these tokens burned?

>> No.14458626


>> No.14458674

so bros, can someone confirm im doin this in a non retarded way:
create new wallet on Idex
put funds on wallet
buy on IDEX
transfer the VIDT to my regular MEW from IDEX

>> No.14458687

sounds right

>> No.14458705

Not burned, but locked up. They will only be redistributed to the clients for validation wallets and won't end up on exchanges. A certain percentage will get burned though.

When multiple docs get validated the transactions are bundled. That's why you'll see a lot of 23 tx's.

>> No.14458706

That's the gist of it. Welcome to the vidt club! Lambo soon!

>> No.14458765

I only have 2k VIDT will I make it?

>> No.14458781

should get at least 10k from that. Just hold until 5 atleast

>> No.14458828

You'll make 20k minimum

>> No.14458945

thanks bros, shifted some link gains over to vidt for this low cap opportunity

>> No.14458959


>> No.14459304

Best decision! Binance soon then moon!

>> No.14460003

do you have a statement about this? ive tried to look for it before but was unable to find anything

>> No.14460295

Scroll down or ctrl+f 'VIDT listing on top exchange'

>> No.14460352
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Stop shilling so hard. Still need time to accumulate.