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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14452118 No.14452118 [Reply] [Original]

>Homeless faggot: "Spare some change?"

>> No.14452133
File: 10 KB, 223x226, Rich Smoking Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny thing about homeless people is that it's often their own fault.

>> No.14452308

Karma will catch up with you. Help a bro out

>> No.14452337

ok fine, enjoy dumpster diving

>> No.14452363

Feeding their drug addiction qnd prolonging their suffering isn't "helping them out". The right thing to do is to take them out back and put a bullet in their brain.

>> No.14452911


>> No.14453102
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1542793882186s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spare any change sir?
>No, sorry
>*Pocket audibly jingly with change*

>> No.14453166

>spare some change mofuckkka?
>sure, one second
>reaches into pocket and pulls out a couple quarters, a nickel and 7 pennies
>fastball it at his face at 80mph

>> No.14453212

>Would you like to donate to (((insert jew organization here)))?
>I already donated, it's called taxes.

>> No.14453242


Or mental illness hahaha, sucks for them.

>> No.14453276

Kys homeless piece of shit, I can’t wait to get out of nyc

>> No.14453936

Homeless problem isn't bad in my neighborhood. Then again I'm an outerborough car fag

>> No.14454001

> Karma
Mentall Illness on top of empty pockets.
The usual suspects.

>> No.14454041

Nazi Concentration Camps where also great rehab centers. In the end though, they figured it makes overall more sense to put the degenerates straight into the oven.

>> No.14454075

based and redpilled