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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 250x250, V-ID_blockchain_-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14450799 No.14450799 [Reply] [Original]

With Airbus, Khrone and AmSpec as their clients, this is not staying below 10 million mcap much longer, especially with the small supply. Big exchange will be announced as early as Monday, too. Around 1200 documents get validated every day and that number is steadily rising.

In the last two days the sell order book size almost halved and there are very little people selling.

biz has been spoonfeeding this for almost 4 weeks and you could have had +330% already if you had listened. The train hasn't even left the station though, so hop in. "35$ EOY" sound like a meme but it's unironically possible.

>> No.14450834
File: 122 KB, 720x451, brap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many viddies to verify all these brappers on the blockchain

>> No.14450852

38k vidtiot teporting for work sir

>> No.14450858

Unironically the all in pick right now.

>> No.14450869


>> No.14450958

That's a nice stack anon. In since when?

>> No.14450961

I'm going to buy more V-IDT, thanks

>> No.14450962

please stop shilling for a moment and explain why this will moonshot? please i need this

>> No.14450976

Literally buying back in right now after selling for like 50% profit like a month ago, wish I just held

>> No.14451044

>real legitimate clients
>real legitimate parnetships with dutch government projects and IBM
>is being used right now
>buy back and burn mechanism
>not listed on any big exchange

the only reason why it's stagnating is that normies are afraid of IDEX, they're all waiting on a better exchange to buy

even if the token seems useless, it's actually not more useless than link for example, no one fucking cares about tokens fundamental usefulness in this market

should be an obvious buy to anyone with a semblance of brain here

>> No.14451112

>even if the token seems useless, it's actually not more useless than link for example, no one fucking cares about tokens fundamental usefulness in this market
>even if the token seems useless, it's actually not more useless than link for example, no one fucking cares about tokens fundamental usefulness in this market

real fucking talk bro this is real shit, nobody cares about the fucking tech at all seriously, its all about HYPE HYPE HYPE and the use cases/"tech" are exactly what generates that HYPE.

>> No.14451120

Increasingly impotant use case that every normie can understand. The big names are not just partners, they are paying clients. The company is generating profit right now. How many shitcoins in the top 100 or even 50 can say the same?

Look at the mcap, look at the supply, look at above facts and see why this is a moonshot in the making.

>> No.14451202

ok i built an 11k stack

im a nolinker and i'm really seething right now. please god help me...

>> No.14451218

126k and counting. I’m ironically becoming a whale and will make millions on this thing

>> No.14451254

What's the recommended exchange to buy this coin?

>> No.14451265

Idex. Hands down

>> No.14451291

I bought my first stack at 9 days ago which was my biggest buy too. Feeling comfy.

>> No.14451303

Don’t worry frend. You will make 55k in a few months once it hits 5 bucks quite easily

>> No.14451475

I'm jealous as hell for you. You'll make it

>> No.14451588

suicide stack for VIDT?

>> No.14451670

>muh token not needed
no tokens are needed. fuck off with that dumb bullshit. the tokenomics support the token holder, that's all you need to know.

>> No.14451747

>With Airbus, Khrone and AmSpec as their clients
where can I check how much these companies use vidt?

>> No.14451862

There’s a validation wallet you can watch to see daily validations, and it’s been a good fucking month for business apprentlyb

>> No.14451915
File: 18 KB, 56x56, meltodwn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only have 600

>> No.14451928

Thanks frend.

The fact that you are in this gem so early as well means you will make it too

>> No.14452018


Depends if you want to verified on a public block chain. 19 regular 23 public.

>> No.14452069

I said exactly that kek

>> No.14452097


>> No.14452108


500k vidt in validation wallet. These companies are blowing through their viddies

>> No.14452194



excuse me, 1.5mill vidt in wallet.

>> No.14452250

check out the token transfer analytics too


>> No.14452271

Hi, I've been with this project since day one, read an amazing Whitepaper which just sold me the project. VIDT fills an essential need and will create more and more uses. So exciting. I have 35k and I'm holding tight.

>> No.14452439

Good to see you here Phil

>> No.14452570

Haven't been this excited since I found WTC @ 50 cents in September 2017.

>> No.14452640

ok get out of here with the discord shilling>>14452271

>> No.14452696

What is circulating supply, what is total supply and when will the whole supply be released can someone please answer?

>> No.14452731

fucking retard
>what is CMC

>> No.14452845

Dude this is super easy to find out, dyor

>> No.14453040 [DELETED] 

There’s a validation wallet you can watch to see daily validations, and it’s been a good fucking month for business apprently

>> No.14453083

I have 800 rn and I'm about to purchase another 2200. God I want to make it so bad, I will have to scrap more soon.

>> No.14453268

$35 eoy

>> No.14453385

I remember that time very vividly. I had high hopes for that project. Too bad their team was the definition of incompetent

>> No.14453394

should i put my last 300 bucks i put aside for crypto trading into vidt? or can you guys meme me into losing more?

>> No.14453416

Keep dca frend. You will make it. I just added a couple thousand more half hour ago, causing the small spike. At 130k total

>> No.14453428

how did you buy that much without clearing the book? im trying to buy 10 to 11k aswell

>> No.14453540

Just market buy, fren. It won't matter in two weeks.

>> No.14453590

I bought 15k at market buy when we were at 95 gwei. Worth it.

>> No.14453593

I am now the top 100 wallet. Feels good anons

>> No.14453634

whats the minimum for a top 100 wallet?

>> No.14453670


>> No.14453711

Oh nevermind, awesome Im top 100 too!

>> No.14453712

Bros will we ever breach $0.40?

>> No.14453822

Soon enough.

>> No.14453953

TIL I'm top 75

>> No.14454080
File: 1.41 MB, 3264x2448, FC91877C-7A53-45AD-8E74-BBC94CFD7C9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We poked it when btc mooned. Once that resistance is broken more blue sky.

>> No.14454765


>> No.14454810

too bad there's no discord
weak fud anon

>> No.14454939

kek id

>> No.14455059

>250 vidt
how many do i need to make it

i might just throw $500 at it becuase im depressed that i missed the link train

>> No.14455140

Put all my savings in this and got a 14k stack, will i make it?

>> No.14455156

Vidt will moon soon, all of the right ingredients. It even has a working product, not just some concept

>> No.14455187

I hope so anon, I hope so.

>> No.14455335

Top wallet here. I'm trying to introduce VIDT to the state agencies in California. They'd love this shit. Calrecycle, DTSC, SWRCB, Air quality management districts, DPR, county agencies.

They all talk to each other too. California has more inspection agencies than anyone. V-ID we need US pricing please.

>> No.14455448

have you contacted the team on tg?

>> No.14455468

No. I want to feel it out and plant the seeds with some senior brass.

>> No.14455500

Yeah, I was actually thinking this would be useful for a financial institution I work for.. think about all the statements, notifications, 1099s, and 5498s that are sent out

>> No.14455612

Took 10% off my Link stack to invest in this shit. Did I do well?

>> No.14455628

Great idea. I’m in California as well. So many use cases!

>> No.14455664

Pim from the team is really approachable... be sure to contact him on tg if they are serious.

This could be huge for invoices, too. Still an untapped area, but that's the good part about this particular use case; there is a need for it for ALL kind of digital docs.

>> No.14455713

You did good anon.

>> No.14455724

Infinite uses for validation.. and a first mover. We're gonna be so fucking rich boys

>> No.14455772

Tax forms are a great use case. Anyone know any IRS officials?

>> No.14455780

Top 20 holder here anon. I’m also in the state of California and would love to get involved with this and help.

>> No.14455797


Thanks. I want to gauge the interest first. But it's definitely gonna be a reality in a digital world.

>> No.14455830

Again, be sure to contact the team on tg if they have serious interest. They are very willing to cooperate.

>> No.14455857

I suppose we're all experts in some areas. I have to be careful as a public official pushing tech I'm invested in. That's why I need some unbiased champions to sell it.

>> No.14455928

yeah I was thinking the same thing. I would have to include a disclosure if I were to sell management on it, and it wouldn't look very good.

>> No.14455992

That's why I'm trying to plant the seed. Talk about the need for validation in a digital world. Also if you do introduce it, introduce inferior competitors.

>> No.14456388
File: 37 KB, 383x749, vnksvzhhsj431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any news coming to VIDT in the next week?

>> No.14456554

I'm doing the same thing tonight.

Anyone know when the new exchange info might be released? Very important we stack up before that.

>> No.14456587

What price do you guys think we'll hit this time next year?
We only have a 10m MC, at 1b we'd hit $35, at 5b we'd be $175

>> No.14456614

Damn V-IDs website is legit. The plug-in validator is awesome too

>> No.14456615

At this rate biz will control a large portion of the supply.

>> No.14456664

I'm now 70% Link 20% Vidt and 10 random shitcoins

Might boost my Vidt stack a bit while it's still below ICO price

>> No.14456679

Bags are full of VIDT and Devery

>> No.14456697

whats the best way for americans to buy this shit

>> No.14456720

you need to KYC to verify a file? how is this possible, I mean they can't prevent transactions on ethereum network

>> No.14456729

IDEX my fellow patriot

>> No.14456736

Biz already controls a large portion of the supply. This is gonna be hot as fuck, especially during the equity conversion in 2020. Could light up the STO frenzy

>> No.14456760


>> No.14456768

Q3 is all we got. These guys spring news on us all the time so I expect the exchange to go the same way. Although they may do an announcement of an announcement since it's the big event for Q3

>> No.14456782


>> No.14456807

1b is wishfull thinking unless they rapidly expand.

I like to contrast this coin with something like DAG. DAG is an IOTA killer, with 10b+ market cap potential. But it's risky. VIDT is more like a 200m cap "sure thing" coin. Nobody is going to lose investing right now when this company is already generating serious revenues that continue to increase

>> No.14456917

How legit is this exchange? First time hearing about it

>> No.14456943

OP here. Pretty happy how this thread turned out. Thanks anons.

>> No.14456950

This shit has no business being 10 mil

We're going to 50 mil and joining the shitty binance IEOs with a Q3 listing.

Then we get adoption but major companies and it's going to 200 million in the mid table.

After that, who knows.

>> No.14456993

Thing is everyone is thinking in current market cap terms.

Everything basically grows to a limited size in proportion to Bitcoin.

If Bitcoin goes to 100k, the alt market caps can grow by a proportion too

>> No.14457018

I feel like an idiot not taking the chance to invest more money in ETH when it was sub $300 yesterday so I could let it go up like so and put it all into VIDT, you there’s a chance for it to dip back that low again or is it full FOMO from here on out till the pop

>> No.14457032

Do they have money to pay a Binance listing?

>> No.14457040

i havent used it yet (going to as soon as i can get money onto a metamask address), but its legit. its just not normie friendly, which is why its the best time to use it to get in on vidt.

you have to link a wallet, then execute a trade by selecting a sell order from the order book, or adding a buy order.

its less of a full exchange like binance and more of like a trading interface.
they are just connecting buyers and sellers.

>> No.14457048

how does it work, are those vidt lost forever or what?

>> No.14457057

Isn't idex a shady exchange.

>> No.14457117

It’s pretty easy to use. I’ve never had issues. Connect via your mew, metamask, etc.
idex breeds some absolute gems..

>> No.14457124

its a dex so it's probably less shady than a lot of cex's out there

>> No.14457150

Ive never encountered any issues with it

>> No.14457201

wait how did u know your id before you posted?

>> No.14457264

Probably posted > wrote down ID > deleted post > posted again

>> No.14457352


>> No.14457361

im about to buy 1 ETH worth, will i make it guys?

>> No.14457438

You're super early man. Dunno if making it is in order but you'll be comfy

>> No.14457468

for that, you'll make a good profit but thats not much money at all

>> No.14457476

so im trying to sign the transaction from my ledger nano x to make the trade but it's not working. i already sent the ETH to idex so i hope my eth isnt stuck in there....

>> No.14457513

I bought 3 days ago and i'm almost 30% up

>> No.14457514

nano might have timed out. mine did this the other day. I disconnected it and reconnected and it worked. Regardless you can always get your ETH out if you need to, I wouldn't worry.

>> No.14457545

I think i was setting my buy price too high for the market, i wanted to "market buy" without potentially getting fucked, but now i just set a regular market order and will wait for the rest of it to fill

>> No.14457581

easiest way to get vidt asap is to just select the lowest asking price from the bid list and click buy. it will immediately execute that order and go through.

>> No.14457644

the problem was the lowest ask always had less than what i wanted to buy lol, finally got my 1ETH worth though, TO THE MOON lol

>> No.14457701
File: 46 KB, 640x1335, By8SN_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets go boiiiis.

>> No.14457707

I'm in with 5k , easy gains on this one

>> No.14457713

idex is a dex, it doesn't work like a regular exchange, to be a taker you have to match the price on the books exactly, so it is possible for buy orders to be higher than sell orders

>> No.14457716

We pumpin' boys!

>> No.14457726

IDEX is actually pretty easy to use if you have the ledger nano x, then its super easy to send the VID-T right back to your ledger wallet when you're done.

>> No.14458753


>> No.14458789

13,5k over here. vidt is making moves right now get in faggots

>> No.14458805

is this the new link?

>> No.14458907

unironically, yes

>> No.14458925

It's the new LINK that isn't going to take 2+ years to get to $3.

>> No.14458988

man i had 20k and sold 8k at 70kgwei for a decent profit.
never really wanted to buy more after price rises. i have another 5 eth i had been wanting to use on idex and was not sure for which coin. not sure if i should wait for 90k gwei again to buy or just not buy and enjoy this pump

>> No.14459011

literally no way to steal your shit. there is no exchange behind it.

>> No.14459128

Well yeah dude how else are we gonna reach $5??

>> No.14459167

How do I get this coin if not from coinbase? Does America just not let me buy this?

>> No.14459205

idex dude, how new are you?

>> No.14459231

Buy ETH from coinbase and then send your ETH to 0x518C28DC09bc7eccD07b187e39BF5F7C26D3F38F and then you can buy VIDT

>> No.14459236

Get the fuck off 4chan new faggot go back to facebook

You buy it on hotbit or idex, you're a fucking little retard for buying "the other 4chan coin" just because link went up
Kill yourself faggot

>> No.14459237
File: 41 KB, 604x414, break the wall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

break the wall and see where this takes us

>> No.14459257

anon took down his wall

>> No.14459319

don't send it to this dude's address, he's trying to scam you.
just make a paper wallet on mew and send it to your address.

>> No.14459414

It's not so much to do with link as much as the gateways between myself and the market I want to take part in. Seems biz would be more for helping folks through the gateways but once some people have a bit of info they turn into honorary Jews. Good job in that regard.

>> No.14459454

So make a paper wallet and send my eth to, then use that wallet to purchase the vid from other sources? What wallet would the new coin go into, or would I make a new paper wallet for the new coins?

>> No.14459482


>> No.14459488

If you don't know how to go to CMC and click on 'markets' you should not be investing in crypto. Please leave us alone and go to reddit personalfinance to learn how to wagecuck for the rest of your life

>> No.14459601

I'm gonna be honest you seem too retarded to use idex
Despite being able to simply fucking Google "how to use idex" you come here like a retard faggot and ask us

Just use hotbit, it's your typical exchange setup with no kyc it's easier and even your drooling ass can't fuck it up
You'll need a myetherwallet anyway to get it off hotbit, never leave coins on exchanges
And fuck you I hope you lose all your money

>> No.14459628


>> No.14459629

Not trying to scam, just teach lessons. Just a random ETH address. Minimum expectations for this board are that you should read the fucking thread before asking questions.

>> No.14459659

CB when?

>> No.14459752

Thanks bro. Appreciate ya.

>> No.14459812

I hope we found a new support.

>> No.14459822

make a paper wallet on mew (there's instructions)
send your eth there
go on idex and link your wallet with the exchange
deposit the eth from your wallet into idex (it doesn't actually go anywhere, it's still in your wallet but in the smart contract that interacts with the exchange)
congrats, you can now use idex to buy vid or any other memecoin your heart desires.

>> No.14459887


this post is so boolish and comfy

>> No.14459951

Question about the tokenomics. If I understood correctly, clients get tokens from vidt so they don't buy them directly of exchanges. Vidt buys tokens in bulk once in a while from exchanges. Why would this lead to a price increase? I know tokens get burned but there won't be a steady demand? The price will spike when vidt buys but will just fall afterwards? Or am I missing something?

>> No.14459973

LOL yes it is

>> No.14460006

Me Too! Big volumes today!!!

>> No.14460034


>> No.14460043

BNB has a similar model and always has good upwards pressure. The VIDT team said they will be buying in frequent random intervals

>> No.14460044

Most (99%) coins do not have genuine buy pressure for a current use case
All buy pressure is done by speculative investors

First, token burn will constantly reduce supply
Second, vidt will be buying regularly
Third, speculative investors (what constitutes basically all buying pressure for any other coin) will be buying

It's basically any other coins tokenomics+more because vidt has people actually using their product today

>> No.14460050

As an investor you want your tokens to be worth more so you can sell them later on. If clients don't need to buy tokens from exchanges, the only buyers are vidt (once in a while so the price spikes up when they buy, but falls afterwards. Next to that vidt will probably only buy the cheapest tokens so the token price goes lower again after the purchase) and other investors. And what about the app? Can the users use the token they buy from exchanges or do they buy them from vidt directly? So maybe I'm missing something but I only see the price going up because of speculation, which is not sustainable. Another possibility would be a whale cornering the market and buying tokens in bulk so he can sell them later for a cheap price which means the price really wouldn't go up. So why do you think the price will go up? Even if tokens are burned? I read you guys also adjust the price for the service for clients? so you could easily adjust the amount of tokens needed and keep the price and amount of tokens needed low?

>> No.14460071

see here >>14460050

>> No.14460104

What the fuck are you talking about? VIDT will be exchangeable for VIDS, that's the whole point

>> No.14460140

the idea is that tokens will constantly disappear from circulation (10% burned) leading to price increase, more clients and more usage means the faster it happens
however they said nothing about how the usage is priced for clients, so this is pretty shady, why can't the clients just use 0.00001 token each time?

>> No.14460143

Have you considered the fact that the price only going up due to speculation is in fact plenty

This speculation will be fueled by real world use of course
But almost every coin in existence is in fact fueled by speculation

Less than 1% are being used for any real purpose right now, which is what sets vidt apart
That and it's marketcap being fucking hilariously undervalued compared to literal scams in the top 150

>> No.14460179

and adding to this tokens will be exchangable for company shares in the future so it's not purely crypto speculation

>> No.14460289

Isn't this exactly what Factom have been working on for the last two years? What's new and exciting here?

>> No.14460347
File: 8 KB, 181x278, 1558137672717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have 450
we're still gonna make it fren just hodl

>> No.14460423

We're reaching levels of comfy previously thought to be impossible

>> No.14460437

Isn't this exactly what Factom have been working on for the last two years? What's new and exciting here?

>> No.14460456

Validations are priced in FIAT.

>> No.14460525

What do you mean "they will only buy the cheapest tokens"

the number of tokens IS easily adjusted. It corresponds with the price of the token via an API. But they are buying back 10% of the number of tokens. It equals out

well let's see. FTM is worth 6x as much and VIDT is already performing tens of thousands of validations. Where are FTM's?

>> No.14460640


factom faggot not fantom

>> No.14460724


>> No.14460800

idk anything about FCT other than that it's a dead coin. Regardless, why would it invalidate VIDT? Quite the opposite. Shows there's a huge market. Why did amspec and airbus not choose factom?

>> No.14461021


>> No.14461245

They can't market themselves for shit. And if I remember correctly their product was complex and hard to implement, too.

>> No.14461266

IDEX is suspended in NY,is there any other way for me to buy this?

>> No.14461293

are you geographically blocked or is just a warning? I live right next to NY. You'll be fine

>> No.14461441

BROKE 40¢!

>> No.14461637

Just the start.

>> No.14461691

use a vpn from a diff state

>> No.14461748

is there a way to view this shit on tradingview my good niggers?

>> No.14461753

it's looking good my brothers, WE AINT FUCKING SELLING TIL 10$

>> No.14461820

$35 eoy

>> No.14461833

i dont really feel like buying more now.

>> No.14461893

10k suicide stack reporting in

>> No.14461920

Baby gains. $50 EOY screencap this

>> No.14462004
File: 222 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190629-141858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not signing up for those exchanges

>> No.14462010

Burgere here. What’s the exit plan? Hope for a listing on KuCoin eventually towards EOY? Doubt IDEX will have good liquidity.

>> No.14462024

One last bump before going to bed. Thanks for making this thread great anons.

>> No.14462070

good don't buy any you stupid faggot. i'm buying more tomorrow anyway.

you can buy in when the market cap is 150 mil and its listed on binance

>> No.14462079

broke 45c, we gonna make it boys

>> No.14462108

you literally dont deserve to make it. hotbit is a gook scam but idex is literally trading with your metamask wallet you dumbass faggot

>> No.14462117

>sign up

Are you new or something?

>> No.14462157

I got me some too now. 10300 yeaaa babyyy

>> No.14462207

so is VIDT the next LINK? i admit i ignored the meme magic of LINK shills in december 2017 and listend to the FUD surrounding it. now look who is the loser.

please anons, i need to make it.

>> No.14462216

Unironically... Don't get left.

>> No.14462237
File: 2.63 MB, 3939x2822, 1561474443095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no beating this level of memes

>> No.14462332

>he doesnt know how to use IDEX


>> No.14462358

VIDT will hit 1 Billion MCAP in less than 2 years.

>> No.14462407

Look how mad the pajeets get

>> No.14462456

Any good fud yet... Everything has been so stale.

Maybe I'm immune to fud as a Link marine..

>> No.14462458

Very comfy wish I bought more when it was 4m mcap

>> No.14462469
File: 145 KB, 670x424, 1558899136799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll buy $5 bags next month when it hits a well known exchange

>> No.14462493

Most exciting about the whole company shares thing for Vidts.

Might end up being worth shitloads from dividends

>> No.14462509
File: 230 KB, 678x1556, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sign up

>> No.14462527

No I wont because I don't buy faggot coins that get shilled by discord trannies

>> No.14462640

I only have 5k, how high is this going?

>> No.14462765

atleast to 5 dollars, probably 10

>> No.14462787

Same. Except it was 2.5 million when I first grabbed a bag.

>> No.14462813

if you bought into early shills it's already a better moon than link this year

>> No.14462845

how are people even doubting this coins ability to hit one dollar?

>> No.14462880

lol you autist. you think every coin you dont own thats mentioned on /biz/ is a conspiracy by imaginary "discord trannies". take your fucking meds bro

>> No.14462893

damn buy book is getting thicker and thicker while nothing more appears in sell book, reminds me of raiblocks before the ultra moon

>> No.14462941

Only 200k for sell side MOOOOOON

>> No.14463261

Pulling out of link to buy this. You better be right OP

>> No.14463347

jesus christ. i was waiting for a dip to 90gwei when it was 130, then it pumped to 140 and i just fucking market bought 5 eth. whatever. already up anyway theres a chance it wont dip again

>> No.14463391

0,2$ u faggot did not buy
0,3$ u faggot did not buy
0,4$ u faggot did not buy
35$ EOY u faggot did not buy

>> No.14463392
File: 2.73 MB, 2048x1577, 520787575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These memes are unreal

>> No.14463410

You're good bro, I topped up 7 eth worth in the 132-140 range, and i'm planning on doubling my stack tomorrow

>> No.14463448

Nowhere because its dogshit. Literally an indian scam coin that suckered a bunch of twelve year olds into spamming it for $5 in their worthless pnd coin

>> No.14463594

stfu faggot

>> No.14463615

lame and gay post faggot. VID-T is way undervalued STILL. get in now because your FUD is not gonna work well enough to hold this coin below this price ever again

>> No.14463804

Same thing was said about LINK.

Throw 10% of your LINK winngs into VIDT and forget about it for a while.

>> No.14463856

weakest fud Ive seen all day. Back up your claims kid or gtfo

>> No.14463937

no sir, just found out about VIDT today.

>> No.14463980

got my stack up to 18k today, looking forward to this one lads

>> No.14464009

Thats 3 lambos in 2020 fren

>> No.14464013
File: 20 KB, 645x773, 3ae096025bfb1ad6d16690554a0510855c8f3feba473630495ddb9a6ca0f9eef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Throw 10%

thats not a lot

>> No.14464058

i just want 1 house in the netherlands.
need like 300k for a normal sized house in the outskirts (not that the netherlands has any true outskirts)

>> No.14464116

>4000 posts with 29474362728 comments from 12 year old moonbois w $5 bags
>0 technical analysis
>0 partnerships
>not listed on any exchange
>indian tier memes

Fuck off street shitter, and get the fuck off my board

>> No.14464314

lmao 0 partnerships? Please try harder next time. I can literally destroy your credibility with one link:

>> No.14464337
File: 104 KB, 750x922, getaload.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here for the fundamentals retard. If Airbus, Krone, and AmSpec think it's useful enough to be regular PAYING clients, then a market cap of 12MM is a steal. Token burn on Monday faggot, have fun with poverty.

>> No.14464590



>> No.14464656

Do it, obviously

>> No.14464776

you're retarded to ask, never felt that strong about any lowcap

>> No.14464876

how many do I need to make it? I have almost all my funds tied up in BNB right now for the lottery. I can only spare 2 eth for this, is it enough?

>> No.14464963

better than nothing

>> No.14465062

5k suicide stack
20k retirement stack