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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14448925 No.14448925 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14448944

what is his name

>> No.14448972


>> No.14448978

that dude looks great

btw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWqfGw_xfZM

>> No.14448983

Because it is high risk and you can make gains only if you are high Iq.

>> No.14448994

risk aversion, lack of financial knowledge, lack of foresight, abundance of beta orbiters who will pay for their life

>> No.14449001

Short version: They’re fucking basic, whatever spare time they’ve got during a day they spend browsing make-up vids on YouTube and shopping shoes online

>> No.14449013

I want to sniff her feet.

>> No.14449015

Short time preference

>> No.14449018

They prefer to get fucked by the ones who spend years learning and investing in crypto. Basically taking the easy way.

>> No.14449030

Women will never wait they want things now and then or else it’s useless to them

>> No.14449034

Cause their brain was wired in order to take resources from men to make babies and take care of them.

Getting the resources out of the earth is the job of men.

>> No.14449054

Most of them don't have to.
All the average woman has to do to suceed in life is to take care of her looks until she gets married and not settle with a dumb loser.

>> No.14449056

Looks like Daniel Larimer.

>> No.14449063


>> No.14449071

ella hollywood

>> No.14449087



>> No.14449102

it's actually weird when you think about it. Considering how much money means to some women

>> No.14449141
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>> No.14449176

It's an IQ test and they fail

>> No.14449213
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here is another one to fap on

>> No.14449259


>> No.14449367

there's pretty much a linear correlation between testosterone levels and trading success

>> No.14449380

Women are soft, jiggly, weak little creatures. They don’t care about making it but getting a man who does.

>> No.14449450


:( I am a dumb loser. I still hope I will get a woman eventually though. And a good looking one too, because I am not that bad looking myself.

>> No.14449531
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Women are barely sentient, you can't expect them to be good investors.

>> No.14450013
File: 82 KB, 400x600, Feminism+in+reference+to+prostitution+already+being+banned+they+are_ac9f14_5210635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Women were NOT intended to be the bread winner PERIOD.

You'd think they advocate to allow women to start their own business but they keep shooting themselves in the foot EVERYTIME.

>> No.14450380
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Schopenhauer outlined the reason women are not interested in crypto or other digital assets in his essay, "On Women".

I am paraphrasing here but... "... The nobler and more perfect a thing is, the later and slower is it in reaching maturity. Man reaches the maturity of his reasoning and mental faculties scarcely before he is eight-and-twenty; woman when she is eighteen; but hers is reason of very narrow limitations. This is why women remain children all their lives, for they always see only what is near at hand, cling to the present, take the appearance of a thing for reality, and prefer trifling matters to the most important. It is by virtue of man’s reasoning powers that he does not live in the present only, like the brute, but observes and ponders over the past and future; and from this spring discretion, care, and that anxiety which we so frequently notice in people...."

>> No.14450670

Men are more likely to take risks because of test. Also few women browse boards like biz

>> No.14450840

its too complicated and also it requires mental strength. its hard enough for men to not fall for the buy high, sell low trap. imagine being a woman and this feeling is magnified 10x.

>> No.14450890

>prefer trifling matters to the most important
projecting tard. He spent his life weaving what amounts to philosophical justification of being a basement-dwelling incel

>> No.14450943
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none of what you said makes him wrong, and it appears to be self evident when you compare men vs women participation in the finance sector

>> No.14450974

They are busy thinking if they are really in love with the guy who is pouding their asshole... and if he loves them back.

>> No.14451076

women like being subservient to men, they don't want to have thier own money

>> No.14451212


>> No.14451433

all women are whores and have no right to exist

>> No.14451845

>start woman thread
>post man

>> No.14451884

too hard for them
even im a brainlet and still buy shitcoins

>> No.14452843

high risk decision making

>> No.14453100

you forgot watching lucifer on netflix

>> No.14453219

Because most women want power via proxy from a man. Women are naturally risk averse and don't want to live with the consequences of having made a bad decision.

>> No.14453311
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They don't understand it nor do they care to. Words like crypto, blockchain, market cap, difficulty, pullback and the like are AM radio noise to them.
>tfw trying to explain Chainlink to mommy
>tells me she doesn't care and gives me $6k to buy in

>> No.14453828

There's simply less upside to getting rich as a woman.

>> No.14453862

Women are attracted to a man with money because they are high status. The desire to be independently wealthy is far less common

>> No.14453900

tfw my gf trusts me wholly and has bought 30k worth of btc/eth

>> No.14453929

too lazy, unmotivated and very average-low IQ. mostly lazy and want a men to do it for them while they just look pretty and do fuck all other than opening her legs for billions of refugees

>> No.14454260
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introduce thots to BRAPPER Token. so they can earn anonymously.