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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 60 KB, 500x500, NUKE12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14440556 No.14440556 [Reply] [Original]

Dear Nukers. To apologize to nuke holders for ddex scamming us yesterday we are running a limited time promotion. For the next 12 hours any nuke you buy will be doubled for free! These are the rules:

1) you cannot buy on ddex
2) you cannot get more than 100 free nukes per person
3) you must buy in the next 12 hours
4) if you instadump your free nuke, you will be banned, we are doing this to apologize to nuker community, do not take advantage of us
5) after buying nuke DM me the tx, and I will double the nuke you bought.

here is a list of our exchanges


>> No.14440651

Shit I've been buying without bogo lmao

>> No.14440730

Thief who steals from another thief shall suffer no regrets

>> No.14440818

how DDEX scam

>> No.14440821

Thanks for the musing based off of a make-believe scenario where said initial thievery occurred.

>> No.14440843

Dumped the supply they were given after becoming buttmad

>> No.14440865

how they dump though. DDEX is p2p

>> No.14440877

Nuke is too good for biz. This thread shouldn't even exist. People here will just call nuke scammers even though they gave over $200k of free money in airdrops and promotions

>> No.14440888


>> No.14440904

Nuke gave ddex 50k tokens to airdrop. They airdropped to themselves or let someone bot the airdrop. Not sure which. Then they dumped on everyone last night.

>> No.14440947

wtf aren't they doing airdrops for other coins?

>> No.14441116

the "girl" running nuke went into a void thread and tried to "crash the market" with like 200 dollars, someone posted their nuke stack and started to dump it on "her". this is really like 3 autistic nerds who can't even run a scam desperately trying to squeeze a couple more bucks out of it

>> No.14441130

the blockchain points to the likeliness that they botted their own airdrop and market sold almost 20k NUKE on their exchange, in the span of 20 minutes.

screw them, the NUKE team got back the remaining airdrop 27k NUKE, and are doing promos to give it back to the community, like it should have been in the first place.


>> No.14441161

So if you guys are done with ddex where do you get nuke that's not forkdelta. And why isnt nuke on cmc yet?

>> No.14441186


very sad ;)

>> No.14441413

that's fucked

>> No.14441548

Switcheo is the best option now for sure.
They put an app in for CMC just waiting on approval. It's on Coingecko.

>> No.14441573

Fuck nuke

>> No.14441602

definitely switcheo is the best for now, but you can also use token.store and verisafe


>> No.14441831


>> No.14441899
File: 56 KB, 508x486, _amertume_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This just in..

Rolling a trips here will net you an additional 25 free NUKE.

>> No.14442012
File: 100 KB, 802x919, NUKE targets and fibs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@gankernation says the fibs don't lie

>> No.14442170

trips goimme like $40

>> No.14442271


>> No.14442277

Check em

>> No.14442284 [DELETED] 


>> No.14442313

TRIPS ME BABY - nuke's been good to us so far

>> No.14442325


>> No.14442341


NUKE is good all the time, and all the time NUKE is good.

(sorry for stealing your words christians)

>> No.14442397 [DELETED] 

nice promotion nuke. screw ddex.

>> No.14442504 [DELETED] 

i'm trippin dog

>> No.14442531 [DELETED] 

im trippin dog

>> No.14442565


>> No.14442566


>> No.14442569


>> No.14442585


>> No.14442587

nuke is #1 son

>> No.14442617

easy trips

>> No.14442655

nobody wants your shitcoin airdrop. ddex airdropped the 20k nuke. people dumped it. it was" botted" or dumped by ddex like you claim on Telegram. funny how you 5 year olds believe everything rachel satoshi tells you.

nuke is a scam, i repeat Nuke is a fucking scam

you deserve to get rekt.

i warned people to sell nuke nobody was listening

its going to continue dumping until it reaches 0.

I was banned from Telegram, discord for saying the truth.

more than a 1000 people were banned from their telegram

>> No.14442682

eat shit mr shit

>> No.14442729

Rachel is that you?

>> No.14442742

No I'm here

>> No.14442754

eat shit. you can't ban me from here haha

>> No.14442759

load ze fud, i see through your game

>> No.14442767

re-roll 777 get

>> No.14442769


>> No.14442774

fuck this retarded scam coin with devs asking for nudes





>> No.14442777

You don't deserve those dubs. I've personally distributed over $200k to people for free, and if I knew your in real life I'd fuck your girl friend. Stay indignant hater.

>> No.14442795

I never knew 4chan was so against boobs. I guess it makes sense though. Have sex incel.

>> No.14442799

damn son rollin

>> No.14442800

you deserve to get dumped on. you are all fucking deluded.

there is a sell order for 2200 nukes on ddex. she wants you ONLY to buy from switcheo. she is desperate to pump nuke over 1 usd since it reached 0.69 cents last night.

>> No.14442803

Years from now when you're laying in bed wondering where things went wrong I hope you remember that you didn't buy nuke and it drives you mad.

>> No.14442844

2200 nukes aint shit

>> No.14442851

i love seeing how angry and hurt these haters are, they look so pathetic

meanwhile nuke leading me to financial freedom

>> No.14442853 [DELETED] 

Trips bitches

>> No.14442864

I already sold my nuke and made a shit ton. any idiot buying now is stupid

put your money where your mouth is and buy them. you deserve to get rekt anyways

>> No.14442884


>> No.14442889

already am buying

>> No.14442912

hahaha the sell order for 2000 nukes got deleted. its rachel you dumb fucks. she's dumping on your asses then going to TG and posting the 4chan URL so you could all come and defend here like sheeps.

>> No.14442920

Roll it

>> No.14443079

>sell order


>> No.14443113

no point in explaining to you. you are 5 years old. go buy nuke and get rekt

>> No.14443119

damn i missed the trip by 1

>> No.14443134

wait before you buy. ONLY buy on switcheo cuz the sell order book is so slim. pump it for Rachel

>> No.14443211


>> No.14443219

man you're just so stupid aren't you anon

>> No.14443306

yes i'm the one who's stupid. you think nuke will bring you to financial freedom you dumb retarded fuck.

#fuckDdex it showed its true color (haha) you're dumb if you believe ddex had anything to do with the dump

20k were sold because nobody wants Nuke. the market is telling you that.
>it wasn't bots
>it wasn't ddex
>Nobody wants Nuke wake up !!

>> No.14443331


>> No.14443334


>> No.14443360

Damn, almost quads

>> No.14443383

so stupid it hurts, i might need to block you so as to not lose any more brain cells reading your trash

>> No.14443416
File: 22 KB, 600x800, banner-dark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14443424

you can't ban me from 4chan unfortunately. this is not telegram lol. go ban people there

>> No.14443477

what is this ugly thing?

>> No.14443588

The future

>> No.14443652

go suck a dick Mr Boddy

>> No.14443697

doesn't look like it kek

>> No.14443798

for anyone doubting ddex


shows that it wasn't bots and they did not dump. All airdrops were distributed to different addresses.

rachel stop your lies

>> No.14443932

lol anyone who checks the etherscan you linked can find that there are a number of addresses that received the airdrop many times over and all sold together
>ddex bot addresses

>> No.14443934


so people can see

>> No.14443950

show me proof or suck a dick

>> No.14443973

if you would remove the dick already in your mouth you'd be able to see it for yourself you brainded ddex fanboii fuck

>> No.14444056

Roly poly

>> No.14444119

Show me one address that received 1000 nukes and I’ll believe you, send me a link

>> No.14444174

rol once more

>> No.14444212

Still waiting for that bot address that dumped

>> No.14444316 [DELETED] 


>> No.14444344 [DELETED] 


>> No.14444446


>> No.14444643 [DELETED] 

get nuked fudders

>> No.14444654

hory shit

>> No.14444681

all you pajeet nukers should hop on a nuke and fuck off

>> No.14444684

Where is the etherscan proof ? You sheep believe anything rachel tells you yet fail to show proof that the ddex airdrop was botted

>> No.14444759

get nuked fudders

>> No.14444874

here's just one of the bots asshole


>> No.14444925

>I got the ddex NUKE airdrop
>I only sold because of the toxicity
>there was no botting of the airdrop
>its a classic PnD
>people are selling
>so glad I didnt buy any NUKE
>came so close to being swindled

>> No.14444971

please see the etherscan above. There's many more with varying amounts. It was botted anon.

>> No.14445004

nuke has people angry as fuck for scamming them

>> No.14445006

>came so close to being swindled
lol, pipe down you swine

>> No.14445044

lol name one you salty nigger

>> No.14445068




>> No.14445134

forever rollin

>> No.14445147

i just want some free nuke i lost all my link ;_;

>> No.14445150

Meme lines lit.
Bought 2k let's see

>> No.14445197
File: 122 KB, 250x250, pepecool.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14445390

yeah i sure hope so ;_;