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14435642 No.14435642 [Reply] [Original]

Just reading about how people are literally dying due to shitty spaghetti code because they would prefer to outsource to pajeets for $9 an hour. Why would anyone be dumb enough get a degree in this field when your work is valued so little?


>> No.14435695

>be Boeing
>need software for your plane, flying death machine
>pay Indians $9/hour to make sure its all good
>bunch of planes crash and people die

>> No.14435851

Software Engineer here....

Yes outsourcing to shit coder Indians is a thing

Yes you can get work done for mega cheap

Yes people who out source to India regret it 99/100 times.

I'm not worried about my work being stolen. There will always be shitty devs, makes me look that much better when they bring me the job after the sand niggers fucked it up.

>> No.14435952

>I'm not worried about my work being stolen.
That's what they all say.

I live next to Redmond, and over the past 10 years, every single person I see on the street is increasingly becoming Indian.You don't see white families anymore, only Indian ones. The fact you don't see this process or think it wont apply to you just confirms that you're low IQ.

>> No.14436104

But think about those profit margins

>> No.14436163

There will always be a need for good devs. Someone has to lead those shitty devs. By the time the takeover is complete I'll be done with my career anyway. My low IQ makes me a shit ton of money so I'll take it.

>> No.14436220

You're thinking that you're in good hands. What you mean is "for the company to be successful, they'll have to admit they're wrong and hire good devs." What you're not grasping is that the management does not care if the company fucks up, they leave to a different company and get bonuses for cutting costs there too. It's not going to get fixed when they realize they're wrong, it's going to spread. There won't be people crying for you to come back after your layoff, there will be collapse. And your people will be outnumbered in your own neighborhoods.

>> No.14436259

Guys is getting IT certs a dumb idea? Fucking pajeets I just want to work with computers but I'm too dumb for software dev. I'm stuck in shitty bluecollar work and this is my only choice for a job I would at least marginally enjoy

>> No.14436568 [DELETED] 

If you enjoyed it why didn't you learn to code or get into networking or something back when you were 12?

>> No.14436608

If you enjoyed it why didn't you learn to code or get into networking or something back when you were 12? Well, it doesn't really matter anyway, having a job is for retards.