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File: 97 KB, 986x857, satnak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14434810 No.14434810 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /biz/ here's the thing. Satoshis original post for bitcoin was on this website here:

His profile used to look like pic related (of which I screen captured 6 months ago and is on google if you want to see) and here is how it looks now: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com/m/profile?screenName=0ye0gncqg772o

So my question is this, why would CSW not just login to the Satoshi account and say 'I am Craig Wright' that is all he would need to do to prove he is Satoshi. But he can't. Because he is not. The real Satoshi is still alive and wants to stay unknown.

CSW fags please give me all the cope you can with this I am so excited for it.

>> No.14434850

The same could go the other way around. All he needs to do is post "I am not Craig Wright".

Guess why he hasn't done that? Because Craig is Satoshi you fool. Why would the real Satoshi if not Craig allow a fraudster to make money off his name?

Let's see your coping answer you BTC cuck.

>> No.14434855

I remember he posted "I am not Dorian Nakamoto" when that newsweek bitch outed the wrong guy. But from what I read that account's email was hacked long ago, so it can't really be trusted

>> No.14434861

Because Salotshi is in prison

>> No.14434877

Why would he want to do that? He has nothing to gain.

>> No.14434882

This level of cope man, the guy made it specifically private because he wants to stay unknown. The burden of proof is on Craig to do that. Why would Craig make the profile private if he was Satoshi? His whole game is to get people to believe him. Besides all the "STIFF" bullshit.

>> No.14435055
File: 91 KB, 662x641, CSW about himself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CSW could hypothetically humiliate his enemies if he simply signed a denigrating, denouncing message against them with Satoshi's signature. It would be a GREAT humiliation. But these talks are meaningless because we know that he's a desperate & incompetent larper propped by Calvin Ayre financially (which kinda explains his success) and he's been exposed on every level possible. Instead, the only humiliated ones will be he and his followers in half a year, when the fancy trust is supposed to mature, but nothing happens at all other than you shitting in your pants.

>> No.14435340

He can remain private while posting. He posted "I am not Dorian Nakomoto" when he was accused of being Satoshi, but he can't do it for a supposedy "fraudster"?

Accept the fact that Craig is Satoshi you fool. Use your brain.

>> No.14435364

And that's exactly what he will do. When you least expect it. He will not give warnings to cucks like you. He will do it in your sleep when you wake up to your portfolio being down 90%. That's the best part about it.

He'll make sure we make the most money while you lose the most.

>> No.14435524
File: 29 KB, 359x311, alien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, keep dreaming, wishful thinking is a sure path to success.

The whole myth of Craig Wright being Satoshi Nakamoto stems from the infamous 2015 media leak consisting of provably fabricated documents, a backedited blog post, and a bunch of "testimonials" from "crypto influencers", which was set up by Papa Calvin (nChain/nCrypt owner) . Everything from Craig's personality to his biography points to this being an elaborate PR campaign.

>A man claims to have seen space aliens and comes out with the evidence.
>The evidence turns out to be fabricated.
>"This man is more knowledgeable about aliens than anyone I know, he MUST have seen aliens, but he just wants to mislead disbelievers!"

>> No.14435586

What date was the backdated blog post captured using the wayback machine?

>> No.14435627

So you think people like Gavin Andersen (literal right hand man of Satoshi) was just spin PR? Fucking kek. Do some research next time.

>> No.14435632

inb4 the wayback machine was manipulated

>> No.14435700

Naw just post the page and stop being a faggot

>> No.14435710

>Because Salotshi is in prison
yeah but what about Satoshi?

>> No.14435761

It is quite obvious that the entire development and background to Bitcoin had a mainline connection to the elite and Satoshi was their guy to create the world’s first cryptocurrency. After he did so he got whacked. He can’t post and say he’s not Satoshi because he’s dead.

>> No.14435790
File: 66 KB, 1275x678, Gavin-Andersen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Even in appearance, he looks like a gullible cuck that could have been sweet-talked. Compare to Martti Malmi who was among the first to work with Satoshi directly and was never bribed/duped.

>> No.14435825

Straight to the point, faggot.

>> No.14435876

naw dude my way or the highway nigger

>> No.14435967

I said, straight to the point. I already heard a fairy tale about how Creg's mean employees altered his blog without his consent.

>> No.14435998

Yeah and I don't give a fuck about what your dumbass wants.

>> No.14436042


>> No.14436699

ever heard of burden of proof?
szabo has no time to play drama games with a clown

>> No.14436755

szabo knows Dorian and he (dorian) was getting into trouble because people were thinking he was satoshi