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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14428871 No.14428871 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.14428896


>fomo'd in at 2.90

i am fundamentally financially ruined

op you better be right

>> No.14428938


>> No.14428981
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Well obviously. Its going to thousands per pop so yeah its still cheap af.

>> No.14429047

>pls keep pumping my bag
Chainlink total market cap is literally 2.7 billions dollars right now and the fat russian owns 1.8 billions of this

You have to be legit retarded to buy in this right now.

>> No.14429057

If link will be used as collateral on a smart contract how the fuck will anyone use the network if a single token is 1k?

>> No.14429070

Do you know decimals are idiot?

>> No.14429095

Imagine a $500m contract execution.

>> No.14429103

next week you will feel like genius

>> No.14429130
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thanks for the hope/cope fren, i'm not fucking selling until it goes 0 or to the moon.

>> No.14429146 [DELETED] 

And thank me later


>> No.14429158

have you ever heard of decimal places? you might want to revisit 3rd grade

>> No.14429207
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Honestly it's more undervalued now than it was when it was all breadcrumbs and speculations.

Now we have full confirmation and it'll be cheap to buy LINK all the way past $100.

I legit feel bad for people who can't see the macro

>> No.14429344

>my DCA is 30 cents
>spent around $6,000 to accumulate 20k link for the entirety of 2018
>someone needs to pay $55k just to have my 20k stack now


>> No.14429369
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$10 EOM

>> No.14429910

Just be patient nibba

>> No.14429995

still feels too expensive for me since i bought most of my stack over a year ago, but i'll probably buy some more :^I

>> No.14429997

Actually, for true linkmarines, 0.30 link was not a good price to buy in
0.30 was definitely too expensive
0.20/0.25 was the ok price
0.17 was cheap link price

>> No.14430047

no linker here, i remember hovering on buying a 500 link suicide stack at .17c
Peak despair during that time.

>> No.14430079

I bought in at .40 and still feel great. Doubted it at first as another pump and dumped being shilled by discord trannies but then I finally saw the light.
Praise Sergey.

>> No.14430082

Damn bro, I unironically wish the best for you
Just get ready for the next good crypto call

>> No.14430134

This anon is correct. Still another easy 50x from here. Do not live with the regret of passing on buying link, it will haunt you for the rest of your life.

>> No.14430304

Market Cap isn’t even $1BN

>> No.14430333
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you're certainly not wrong about that

>> No.14430387

>Everyone on the internet is talking about link
Ah yes, the masses is always right, and as an individual, you'll never fail if you follow the herd when it comes to money.

>> No.14430408
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>three 3's
I thought pic related was expensive at the time
pretty funny if you think about it now
>imagine if you zoom out more what will happen
heh...that 42 guy, he's a little weird

>> No.14430427

>What is total supply

>> No.14430479

wont happen anymore, BTC, ETH and LINK are one in a lifetime chances, please tell me i am wrong though..

>> No.14430542
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Friendly reminder than I'm dumping my 10x gains on the retail idiots buying at coinbase.

>> No.14430611

In theory, what would be the next paradigm shift after LINK?

>> No.14430612
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Friendly reminder there’s a rope in your future when LINK flips BTC.

>> No.14430633

Imagine the stake

>> No.14430643


True AI/Quantum computing. So possibly nothing.

>> No.14430651
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The fomo is REAL holy shit

>> No.14430658

After BTC hits the top buy more linkies with profits

>> No.14430665

>ever selling

>> No.14430666

how the fuck could i know, nukes? Something with data and computers and stuff..

>> No.14430673

I'm just so fucking sad.
I'm new to /biz/ and link as of Tuesday.
I want to buy, but my wagecuck check does not come till next week. I have 0 funds to buy link.
So poor.
So sad.

>> No.14430692

>True AI/Quantum computing
So basically Star Trek meme tech

>> No.14430697

This speed the accumulation phase will be over right about.. now.

>> No.14430717

Until you can stake linkies, its early

>> No.14430767

If Link can truly reach 1000 per token, isn't buying at 100 still accumulation? It's still a chance for a 10x, increasing one's wealth by an order of magnitude is no joke.

>> No.14430790

Does any anon know what is causing link to pump so hard right now?

>> No.14430823

just used half my btc to buy link on coinbase...
h-hope it works for me

>> No.14430838

Coinbase is pushing the price up like crazy, so people buy on Binance to sell there.
Probably retail people seeing a new "cheap" token on coinbase and thinking they should get a stack (at 10% higher than it trades on Binance).

>> No.14430867

...so basically nothing meaningful, meh, it will probably dump hard

>> No.14430940

I remember a post awhile ago that an anon screen shoted. Someone got 1 link for the lowest price ever. We called it the stinkiest link of them all. I wish I could find it. I hope that anon still holds his bags.

>> No.14430958

This is just another rung of the ladder. Look at the chart over the last few months. Pump after pump where people said "oh it's nothing", then right after a small correction something new comes along.

>> No.14430971

Anon, I almost went all in for 10k Link at that price. I know I would have sold early if I did. I have no patience. Don't sweat it too hard.

>> No.14431000

you have to go back

>> No.14431024

People are buying

>> No.14431066

lloool better than me. I sat there looking at 2.70 for hours and then finally went to buy when it was already at 3.00 and had to redo my buy order about 15 times cause the volatility. Ended up buying at 3.22 ffs

>> No.14431080

based prakash working the neets

>> No.14431109

Honestly what the fuck im gonna even do with all the cash when i cashout at 1k$? (Well i sell atleast 10k at 100$) but rest no doubt at 1k$/each.

Im sitting on 91k stack so that would be 91 million pure cash sitting on my bank account lmaoo im so fucking confused to even think about it.. i could just withdraw like 40 million in cash and build somekind of cash castle or buy new cars everyday ofc EVERYDAY new whore to fuck and lick pussy/ass omg i cant waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.14431161

Need this shit to moon again so I can swink and accumulate

>> No.14431164

Bought 16 LINKs am I gonna make it

>> No.14431183
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How much to make it?
I only have 125

>> No.14431199

Are you me?

>> No.14431289


Yes Star Trek level meme tech will outmode LINK, until then not much.

>> No.14431311


>> No.14431312

Get 1K stinkers. That’s always been the suicide stack. Godspeed.

>> No.14431331
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Only have 76
FOMO is real

>> No.14431343

me but 50 less

>> No.14431427
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Convince a poorfag to put a grand in like an absolute retard.

>> No.14431447


Strong AI
Self-replicating machines
Mining the solar system
A good way to store energy (batteries are shit)

>> No.14431473


thats why youre a poorfag you dumb fuck. dont invest you dont deserve it

>> No.14431477

Based. We have exactly the same stack and DCA price

>> No.14431509

Honest question, is blockchain really that impressive tech wise? Isn't it just a glorified spreadsheet?

>> No.14431525

You've convinced me, I'm putting $2k.

>> No.14431577


youre welcome. sorry to be harsh

>> No.14431588

Alright Ill bite, if my 700 pound turns to 800 on BTC Ill sell and put all in on chainlink, pls dont let be wrong.

>> No.14431623

I just bought more, I fomo'd, yeah. But even if it dumps now I don't want to risk getting priced out.

>> No.14431648

Does bitcoin work?

>> No.14431666

I'm literally shaking

How do I get more money, need more stinkies

>> No.14431691

What do you mean?

>> No.14431702

Maybe it can still pump to $10 but the $1k meme is retarded. There's no way LINK will ever pump higher than ETH.

>> No.14431757

the 1k meme assumes general market growth so eth would be way higher by then

>> No.14431770

it could moon at 1k then drop to 200-500, it's not that insane

>> No.14431784

I just bought 400 linkies with all I can spare right now. I've been here for a long time and I was stubborn and bitter. I thought I knew better than any of you and I was wrong. I'll continue accumulating to 1k and beyond. I repent linkies. I'm so sorry.

>> No.14431817

what if ETH goes to 20k?
what if LINK has better tokenomics than 'muh supply and demand'

>> No.14431849
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Yes. But a 10x is shit when you're a poorfag.
The idea of getting a 1000x is that you could invest very very little and still become a millionaire. Just like btc and eth. Obviously, a 10x is amazing for boomers and wealthy people.

>> No.14431889
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it won't "moon" like that to 4 digits and then crash
4 digits only comes with a mature network and actual usage in the derivatives market. only with the majority of the circulating supply being used in nodes/staked will allow for link to skyrocket in value. this will take a number of years.

if we moon in the 2020 btc halving bullrun, the highest we can go is low 3 digits. the "supply is too high" meme applies here. this would be purely off speculation and we could definitely see a crash back to 2 digits after this.

>> No.14431982

>low 3 digits
So around 150ish? That would be a 50 billion mcap...even a shitcoin like cardano reached 30 billion mcap with JUST a whitepaper.

>> No.14432038

I guess I should've said more like mid 3 digits, something around ripple's market cap at peak of 2017 bull run. Maybe a bit beyond that.
My point was that once the real moon mission to 4 digits begins (as in with actual adoption in derivatives) link wouldn't see such massive crashes. We would decouple from crypto entirely as the banks pump our bags for us.

>> No.14432095

The volume charts are a bit weird because there are giant volume spikes with basically zero price movement.

Someone is selling it all for ~$3.00..

There is a clear wall at $2.98 top and 2.90 floor, and now at $3.07 top and $3.03 floor.

A clear top and floor they were orders are bouncing off of.

This is not organize price action, I believe bots are controlling this right slowly exiting a positions but keeping price high.

Look at the 1 minute charts. The totally level candle tops isn’t normal.

>> No.14432114

If the 2020 halving kicks off another bullrun, the peak should be Q4 of 2021 right?

>> No.14432196

Don’t be a retard like me and do it at the top of a peak before it dumps. I just got burned by the price action on Link at the spike to 3.50.

>> No.14432215

it's not *if*, the halving will kick off another bullrun. it's just math. like it or not, although link has done amazing relative to other alts, it still depends on BTC, for now. this is why we would most likely crash once the rest of the market went bear. that and the fact that it will be a few years before we truly see derivatives adopting smart contracts and mass scale staking.
i wouldn't look to previous time periods though, this bullrun will be even more massive.

>> No.14432276

So Q4 of 2021 should be the top right? Or close to it?

>> No.14432295

I invested a couple hundred bucks a while ago and wasnt sure how much I'd make, now im at almost 2k dollars from this shit. I genuinely never considered the prospect of it fucking hard mooning to double or triple digits, what the fuck do i do im just a fucking retarded 20/yo zoomer i dont know what the fuck do to with actual money

>> No.14432352

probably? who knows. i don't like price or time predictions.
if we get retail investors onboard during the bullrun or somehow an insane amount of normies fomo in due to things like libra, bullrun could extend itself.
in any case, i'm not selling the majority of my stack until 2025 or so.

>> No.14432438

The top of a bullrun always came roughly a year after the halving...so 2021 top sounds about right. Your 2025 date also matches my point...it would be a year after the 2024 halving, which means selling half your stack at 2021 and the rest at 2025 is an excellent strategy. Maybe keep at least 10k forever for staking.

>> No.14432750

EOY 2021 or at the beginning of the year?

>> No.14432776

nvm just realized you're the same anon who said q4