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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.38 MB, 1541x944, harmony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14424594 No.14424594 [Reply] [Original]

Name a more cringy mainnet launch.

>> No.14424609

so painful

>> No.14424611

But anon, they weren't lying when they said "we're going to make a lot of noise on mainnet"

>> No.14424623

Should I sell? Think there will be a pump? Im a bit worried I thought this was more of a high quality token

>> No.14424632

what the fuck is this? where cna I see this video?

>> No.14424658

You’re just a nerd bro, I love to see azns fucking jamming out on synthesizers

>> No.14424669

about 55 minutes in

>> No.14424727
File: 1.19 MB, 1440x828, SmartSelectImage_2019-06-28-11-03-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are we doing with our lives?

>> No.14424748

i love how all these shitcoins will eventually go to zero

congrats on fundin these fuckin pajeets

>> No.14424753

this is embarrasing even for /biz/ standards

>> No.14424768

spending retard ICO money and not working

>> No.14424802

"guys we need to wrap this up, my mom is hosting her book club at 7"

>> No.14424810

I'm harmonically ruined

>> No.14424834
File: 308 KB, 500x500, bitmex nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be laughing but I'm down 33% on this shitcoin

>> No.14424848

would love to try to convince left chick to bukkake the team for £1000

>> No.14424870

all in so fucking hard!!! also fuck chinks

>> No.14424877

That looks like brutal reality

>> No.14424894


>> No.14424908

>owning a Kurzweil
lmao @ these chinks the last Kurzweil worth having was the 2500x and of course these bug people are the only ones wasting their time programming V.A.S.T patches.

>> No.14424925

>le 56% meme face
>akwardly standing in their mother's basement

we are reaching 2017 levels again folks.

>> No.14424944

I wanted to be a mainneet

>> No.14424995


It's clearly the dining room

>> No.14425022

it's more like 2014 again

>> No.14425037

I can't believe I hold 5m of this

>> No.14425061

like is it that fucking hard to get a decent mic and camera, and actually use the backdrop? pay some random person to MC properly? How dense do you have to be to not realize how much damage this shit can do

>> No.14425075

Better to have a Justrin Tron tier scammer showing off the Lambo he just bought dumping his bag on you.

>> No.14425089

well, at least they're honest

>> No.14425154

they tried to use some videoconferencing software but it was limited to 100 guests

poor planning

>> No.14425179

has there been a worse time for crypto...

>> No.14425195

Lmfao yet again bagholder generation is born. Haven't touched shitcoins for over a year now, doing great. Seriously when you detach yourself from the pnd shitcoin reality things start going better for you. Stop losing cash, it's the most important investment rule ever. If you never lose much and always gain some then you are bound to riches.

>> No.14425300

I lost years of wageslaving to harmony

>> No.14425379

2019 REQ-tier coin

>> No.14425396


>> No.14425400

At least REQ did a 50x before crashing.

>> No.14425413

lol probably, also buy my bags pls

>> No.14425429

Go dump it and get in VIDT before it crashes even more