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14422752 No.14422752[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just resold some brand new weights on ebay, untouched and he came to collect them:

>"Ahhh hmm, these don't look new to me"
>"Ohh there's scratches on the rubber here.." *Points to a spot on one of the discs*
Literally nothing there.
>"Yeah, I see nothing. They're brand new, I still have the boxes in the other room, you want to see?"
>"Nah it's okay.. But hmm, I dunno.."
>"You don't want them?"
>"Yeah, I do.. They'll have to do.."
>"If you don't want them, you don't have to buy them"
>"Nah it's fine, I'll take them I guess"

Why are people like this? He was mixed race, was it the nigger genes?

>> No.14422772

What's the point of this thread?

>> No.14422794
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What's the point of any thread?

>> No.14422801

Most people are niggers when it comes to money

>> No.14422810

yeah. he's probably going to file a chargeback too and you'll be fucked

>> No.14422812

Maybe he's just suspicious because he has bought "new" things in the past that actually had been used? I have tried it several times.

>> No.14422832

based and redpilled

>> No.14422851
File: 64 KB, 550x293, B55B91E6-36B5-4BAB-AC3B-01AE2F4E8608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Human beings often engage in a form of contract making referred to as "bargaining", and may push any angle they can to compel a lower price, even if the basis for their negotiating leverage doesn't actually pertain to a thing called reality.

Good on you for holding firm on price while reminding the guy he was in no way obligated to buy.

>> No.14422860

he has two options:

1) meet you, pay the agreed price, take the weights,job done.

2) try and make out that there is a problem, and see if you are desperate to sell them, and will give him a price reduction. If you dont, then so what, he will just pay the agreed price.

its a win/win for him

>> No.14422863 [DELETED] 

he was just little suspicious whenever you are ripping him off

>> No.14422872

Nah, I cancelled the listing because he said we can do it cash in hand outside of ebay, so he has no guarantee since he went outside of it, kek.
Maybe, but it was absolutely brand new and kinda threw me off he went all tyre kicker on me when they're clearly straight out of the box, even had the original little white number stickers on the plates.

>> No.14422881

Ive encountered people like this when selling stuff. I just chalk it up to them being a combination of low iq and low class. just all around trash people

>> No.14422886
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>> No.14422897

protip: shoot them down immediately. you get to keep your stuff and the money too

>> No.14422915
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Based. I did think maybe I could run to the kitchen and shank him, great minds think alike. I'm joking of course.. hahahahahaha, ha..

>> No.14422940

Jesus Christ...the purported IQs anons throw around on this board and they're still baffled when people attempt a shake-down like this when buying face to face

>> No.14422961

>used weights

Who the fuck cares lol, they still weigh the same

>> No.14422970


I understand what they are trying to do, it just seems highly unesecery and borderline obnoxious to do it for low cost items.

>> No.14422974

Yeah exactly lol.
I'm just too honest and straight forward to sell to people then I guess. It was a bit bizarre since we already done all the back and forth about price prior to him coming to collect.

>> No.14422990

>implying you behave perfectly in all situations
Just let a fit niqqa try to make it man he probably gonna go home to his 50lb bag of whey and cry on “/fit/ Friday feels”

>> No.14423039

Had something similar happen to me with a rowing machine that had been used maybe a couple weeks that I was trying to get rid of 50% off market price.

Guy shows up.

>uhhh hey man I only brought this much cash is that cool?
No it's not cool, we already agreed on the price. You can leave now.
>uhhhhh woah man you don't need to be like that uhhh just wait a few minutes I can get my friend to come over with the rest
What? We never discussed bringing a third person into the arrangement. Leave my apartment now.
>u-Uhhh uhh well I might have some more on me just wait a sec...
>*fumbles around and pulls out a few wrinkled $100 bills*
>looks visibly flustered when I test their authenticity
>to my surprise they are real
Whatever, it's yours. Good luck.
>uuhhhh thanks man, can you help me bring it down to my truck?
No sorry, back injury.

Why the fuck are people such rampant niggers? I was contemplating murder after the first exchange. Holy shit.

>> No.14423043
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>> No.14423077

>Why the fuck are people such rampant niggers? I was contemplating murder after the first exchange. Holy shit.
It sort of put me off selling shit second hand, he was such a standoffish weirdo about it all. If you agree on the price prior to coming down and you don't like it in person then don't buy it, don't try to haggle AFTER you've already agreed on a price, I fucking hate tyre kickers.

>> No.14423100

Go back

>> No.14423118

3) spend that time working instead of wasting time negotiating when there is no evidence and turn a profit

>> No.14423142

sold a camera used for £300 10 years or so
tell him it's got some scratches
>zomg its scratched to shit
ok do you want to send it back i'll pay postage
>no i want money
ok how about £20
>yeah gimme
ok then

for the sake of a few quid i'll console myself with not being a poorfag nignog

>> No.14423370

> Say some bullshit to try and get a cheaper price
If you don't do this you're retarded

>> No.14423373

Christ, what a nigger.

>> No.14423391

>t. tyre kicking nigger
Read my other posts, we had already haggled the price back and forth until he came and started inventing problems with the weights, haggling wasn't the issue, haggling and being a tyre kicking faggot after we've already agreed on the price is.

>> No.14423394

"New" means still in the sealed box, dummy.

>> No.14423427

>have enough intelligence to use computers and list something on ebay
>can’t figure out why a buyer would lie to get a lower price
What did your brain mean by this?

>> No.14423444

No it doesn't, new means unused. Unpackaged means still in the box, dummy.
I can figure it out, but I can't compute why someone would behave like such a nog, see my other post: >>14423391

>> No.14423478

>I can figure it out, I just can’t compute it
Literal who

>> No.14423504

> tyre
Get good food and weather and then we'll talk

>> No.14423532

yeah, this shit sucks.
another one i really hate is the fuckers who think they can pressure you into selling at a ridicilously low price by saying they will pick them up later that day for X amount.
They are easily dealt with by just saying that price is not ok and pressing on it, but i actually had one guy showing up to my fucking house two hours after he mailed me that shite, thinking he could genuinly buy a brand fucking new VR headset for 50 bucks. like what the fuck, are you retarded, at least wait untill i agree. that guy literally took 1,5 hours to get here, meaning he waiting 30 minutes untill he thought that silence was agreement. It took a threat of calling cops until he left.

>> No.14423597

Kek he was trying to bargain even though he had zero grounds for it. Was probably so low iq he thought it might still work. How do you feel knowing there are millions of people out there just like this guy, and their vote is equal in value to yours? Kek.

>> No.14423615

>High fructose corn syrup laden GMO sugar bread and tacos is 'good food'
Yeah I envy you anon. You're right about the weather although right now it is quite nice.
Jesus wept, you have me beat, he wasn't quite as bad where I wanted to call the police but he was still a dribbling retard.

>> No.14423628

Based anti democracy poster.

>> No.14423663

It's fucking weighs, who gives a fuck about their condition

>> No.14423717

Pisses me off too. People that waste time hemming and hawing over a few dollars should fucking gas themselves. Selling stuff like video games on craigslist and facebook in particular is fucking painful for that matter because it's filled with mentally ill resellers refreshing the page 24 hours a day trying to rob grannies that don't know any better. I've got a huge video game collection I'm thinking of selling and I feel like I'd make more money renting a kiosk for a short time in a mall and marking the prices up just a little than I would selling to these ugly unwashed weirdos who try and offer me 10% or less of what I know my stuff is worth.

>> No.14423805

niggers unironically lie to get ahead
in this context they call it haggling
by the number of answers telling you you're an idiot, we can conclusively tell /biz/ is less than 50% white

>> No.14423835

If someone comes around and tries to haggle you on prices from an online listing you tell them to fuck off

>> No.14423852

just say the price is non-negotiable. i have a copypaste text to respond when the inevitable tard tries to negotiate nontheless.

>> No.14423855

That was my first reaction but then I thought I just kinda wanted to get rid of them and couldn't be bothered waiting for someone else.

>> No.14423895

Why are you even selling untouched weights? Dyel, bro?

>> No.14423908

Just deny them lol what’s the problem

>> No.14423915

My brother bought them a few days before he got a job offer overseas and gave them to me. Nah, I don't lift anymore since I injured my knee years ago so I had no use for them, I go boxing twice a week instead.

>> No.14424016

Very true. It really doesn't matter unless they're obscenely rusty. And even then, it's not that bad.

>> No.14424150

Even worse, they were rubber weights. He was complaining about a supposed 'scratch' on the rubber lol.

>> No.14424155

Lol I bet you buy used car with no problem. Enjoy years of someone’s fart. I only buy new, my boogers n fart will be passed on to poor fags like you.