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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14414488 No.14414488 [Reply] [Original]

>1.6m market cap
>960 total supply
>all large holders timelocking for a year or more
>gambling dapps
>can buy pizza with it
>can pay girls to fuck you with it

Why does biz hate nuke?

>> No.14414568
File: 1.07 MB, 1536x2048, 70A1F121-8AFD-40E3-9A4A-5856120F70CA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14414621

What is this? Is this some autistic form of fud? Have you ever had sex?

>> No.14414786

It's been flattering to see so many clones of NUKE popup the last 2 weeks. Too bad none of these shitclones have the big dick energy required to moon. NUKE is the BTC of deflationary tokens. It fixed BOMB's embarrassing flaws and has the best community in crypto. Get in now or stay poor

>> No.14414826

Why do I keep seeing this shit shilled on /biz/ you guys are fucking artistic

>> No.14414834

>paying for sex

what a fucking looser!

>> No.14414952

TFW cam girls are putting sharpies in their poopers for nuke...also had you believed the shill earlier, you’d be atleast $5000 richer. Jokes on you.

>> No.14414977

Nukes a clone of BOMB tho right? How do you know they arent just cloning BOMB instead of cloning PUKE?

>> No.14415046

Thanks anon your artistic too

>> No.14415058

Says the guy whose never paid for sex. Don't know it until your tried it boomer.

>> No.14415068

That must be it. Biz called it a scam early in and now they are butt hurt.

>> No.14415109

Scam designed to siphon funds from gullible retards and double digit IQ pajeets.

>> No.14415126

>being this deluded.
They literally gave away $5000 to people through a FREE airdrop. Are you really that retarded?

>> No.14415216

They gave their ‘friends’ and ‘devs’ airdrops, yes. The public got the scraps. I’m actually surprised i even recieved 100 to dump on some brainlet, did not see that one coming before they exit.
And now they are doing a 10 token giveaway as a last ditch effort to pump their bags before the steam runs out of the bubble.

>> No.14415517

You might need to see a brain doctor anon because you're fucking retarded

>> No.14415632

Wow anon. Just cause you are a scamming pos doesn't mean everyone is. Who hurt you?

>> No.14415681

Its a clone but with devs that hoard and dump on nuke bagholders.

>> No.14416179
File: 3.10 MB, 4032x3024, 7445F20F-6E08-46E9-97D9-785FDC95D6A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes pump this shitclone scam for me. Pump it right up so I can DUMP on you little nuke faggots again. I will NUKE this little shitclone pump and dump the second it gains any momentum.

>> No.14416220

I can't keep up with all this shit I got air dropped some fire and what the fuck is dynamite? MOAB?