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14410296 No.14410296 [Reply] [Original]

what does biz think of QNT?

>> No.14410310


>> No.14410336

It's a well known scam that we meme'd to $8 and are now going to dump back to $0.01

The CEO is literally a convicted fraudster who had an earlier career in B-movie acting (mostly playing roles relating to business, finance, politics etc).

>> No.14410340

no joke, I researched this and I am an long time ITlet.. this whole project just smells fishy..

>> No.14410341

$1000 eoy

>> No.14410362

good job, keep fudding guys - we need MORE COINS

>> No.14410382

Wow. Amazing how you are smarter than the 580 banks that adopted quant.

>> No.14410386

Fug, you're brave

>> No.14410417


>> No.14410422

Doing dyor on this scam is a waste of time don't do it.

>> No.14410470

*silently accumulates during the dip*

>> No.14410490

eleborate why it is a scam

>> No.14410538


Do I need to fucking spell it out to you?

It's a S C A M


>> No.14410554

Dude you don't get it.
Its a meme by a group of people who want to scare away Noobs while they silently accumulate.

Do independent research, join the Telegram group, ask questions, its the most promising project.

>> No.14410557
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yes sir..
Quant is called gardeners cool vendor LOL..

that means decentralized mowers are coming soon - wow amazing $1000 EOY haha

>> No.14410584

It's not a scam like all these try hard reverse fud shillers are saying but it is overvalued even after this correction. The Sia partnership is way overblown that company has only $500M revenue and are likely trialing the software for free. Also, the token is completely unnecessary. It is only used to pay for software licenses which are priced in USD. Would literally be simpler and faster to just pay in fiat, but then they couldn't raise a bunch of ICO money to fund their project.

>> No.14410592

Disgraceful the scammers behind this. They should be in jail.

>> No.14410601

Quant scam

>> No.14410629
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>> No.14410639

> all these try hard reverse fud shillers

>the token is completely unnecessary.

That's some 6D chess you're playing, my man. I bet you don't even know what you believe any more, you're in so deep.

>> No.14410670

thx guys, got what i was looking for

>> No.14410714

I am willing to change my mind if you can refute what I said. I'll even buy a bag. Please tell me why I'm wrong instead of just typing muh scam like all the other mouth breather quant shills.

>> No.14410797

>vomits previous link fud on different token
>what's treasury?
yeah buying another 1k thanks

>> No.14410805

>I'll even buy a bag

I have well over half a million dollars in QNT already so I realllllyyyy don't give a shit about your 2 ETH bag.

That said, I don't even know what your stance is, so I'm not sure how to "change your mind". I can't tell if you're shilling or fudding and I suspect you have forgotten as well.

I was one of the main fudsters in March-May on QNT and kind of lost my way as well, ended up convincing myself it was shit. The same can happen when shilling a garbage shitcoin, writing shills so much ends up brainwashing YOURSELF into buying more/not selling, lolol.

Funny stuff.

But, yea, I don't even know what you're saying and even if I did I don't think I'm interesting in persuading or forcing anyone to buy if they don't want to. If you've looked into it and don't like it for some moral reason like "it didn't strictly need a token" (but, it has one. Suck it up) then that's your call, mang.

>> No.14410846

Tokenomics released?

>> No.14410870

Recommend Quant Newfags to watch this 15min video


>> No.14410904

The team will go to jail, Trump confirmed it like 2 hours ago. Huge crimes have been done in NY during Consensus.

>> No.14410913

>I have well over half a million dollars in QNT already
Besides the token not being needed this would also concern me. One random shill on 4channel has enough to dump the price back to $3 on his own.

>> No.14410935

Where's that fuckin guy who remortgaged his house for 140k and bought 70,000 Quant when it was at $2? What a legend. Wish I could find that thread

>> No.14411071


Yea that is me. You have the numbers a bit wrong but I did indeed remortgage and whack it all into QNT.

>> No.14411117

>Besides the token not being needed this would also concern me.

It is needed now. They've made it integral to their whole operation. You may argue (rightly) that they COULD have operated without a token in the first place (although it does actually serve some function, desu) but regardless, there is a token. So accept that it's there and accept that they've given it necessity.

>One random shill on 4channel has enough to dump the price back to $3 on his own.

There are lots of guys here with 50k QNT +++
I personally know some 4chan guys with 150k+

What do you expect? Every coin has mini whales. No big deal. Why would we destroy it by wiping the order books.

>> No.14411217

Yes. Look at their website.

>> No.14411243

That's actually a reasonable response. Thank you. It's still too high to make it worth the risk for me but might scoop a bag if the market continues tanking.

>> No.14411274

I like you Dijslav, but I hate that retard Bosch

>> No.14411300


QNT has achieved what XRP and XLM has TRIED to do. And more.
At last bull run XRP was valued at 136B mCap.
That would be 13000$ per QNT.

Next bull run will be bigger.
You still think 6$ is expensive?

Get left behind like everyone else trying to time the bottom on this or just fucking buy, anon.

>> No.14411404

>It's still too high to make it worth the risk

If this were any other shitcoin you'd be right to dump it by this point and never look back, but it's clearly one of the chosen coins and is going to casually Chad-step up to the 500mil and 1bn market cap range and quite possibly a lot, lot more (too early to say, but ^ those XRP comparisons are not ridiculous)

>> No.14411465

I have 40 quant, w-will I make it?

>> No.14411497

Amazes me that one of the biggest fud points for Quant is "muh useless token" when it's actually one of the few projects to use its token for a crucial technical utility purpose.

QNT will be used to sign and verify data passing through Overledger, which is something it's very useful for as it's decentralized and immutable.

All Quant said earlier on the development is they were still figuring out the finer details of the treasury and tokenomics system. Not that they were figuring out what to actually do with the token. It's always been integral this way. It's critical to how Overledger works, and makes it a bona fide utility token as per FINMA guidelines.

The fact is, Overledger usage and adoption = QNT goes up. Licensing and usage will require market buys of QNT, whether the client does it themselves, or the Quant Treasury does it on their behalf.

With Quant's FA and the SIA partnership, they seriously could end up surpassing Ripple in terms of fintech adoption in the not too distant future. Not to mention the many hundreds of other industries in which Overledger instantly removes the barriers to using blockchain technology.

>> No.14411521

Honestly depends on where you live.

>> No.14411583

How on earth is this in any way comparable to XRP or XLM which are currency coins used for settlement? This isn't even blockchain let alone a currency coin.

>> No.14411592

It is a Universal Utility Token, though.

>> No.14411606 [DELETED] 

QNT will be used for settlements.. like for IBM.
Heard it here first.

>> No.14411625

Ireland. So it going to €500 would be a years rent lmao. I'm a uni student so even if it gets to that I'd be very happy though.

Might dump a few of my next paychecks into it l, definitely if it dips again.

>> No.14411636

Unironically Based and QuantPilled.
This basically silences all the FUDsters.

>> No.14411647

Just fucking buy with anything you got, anon. This is the one.

>> No.14411724


Remortgage your university and go all in.

>> No.14411793

I'm working in a small shop right next to my house, pretty comfy job, and I'm thinking of starting maths tutoring for some extra money. I want to have enough for a deposit on a nice house by the time I'm done my masters. I need quant to make it.

>> No.14411849


See if you can get some 0% credit cards (look on moneysavingexpert) and use those to buy on Coinbase (or at least put all your normal expenses on them, then use the cash thus saved to buy crypto).

>> No.14411850

You will make it if that is your definition of making it, anon. Nice one.

>> No.14411943

Read the patent they filed, its dogshit.

QNT will fail after less than a year of processing and ordering the data from 10 different blockchains. People will spam Stellar until it fills Quants servers to max and forces them into bankruptcy.

Scam run by a retard who can't even describe why he has a utility token for a non blockchain project.

>> No.14411971

Amazes me that one of the biggest fud points for Quant is "muh useless token" when it's actually one of the few projects to use its token for a crucial technical utility purpose.

QNT will be used to sign and verify data passing through Overledger, which is something it's very useful for as it's decentralized and immutable.

All Quant said earlier on the development is they were still figuring out the finer details of the treasury and tokenomics system. Not that they were figuring out what to actually do with the token. It's always been integral this way. It's critical to how Overledger works, and makes it a bona fide utility token as per FINMA guidelines.

The fact is, Overledger usage and adoption = QNT goes up. Licensing and usage will require market buys of QNT, whether the client does it themselves, or the Quant Treasury does it on their behalf.

With Quant's FA and the SIA partnership, they seriously could end up surpassing Ripple in terms of fintech adoption in the not too distant future. Not to mention the many hundreds of other industries in which Overledger instantly removes the barriers to using blockchain technology.

>> No.14411978

Wow, amazing. You have outsmarted all the consultants and financial experts at SIA.

>> No.14412143

But the use case is not similar to XRP whatsoever so the comparison makes no sense. Randomly comparing your coin to XRP and citing the peak 2017 market cap is so pajeety.

>> No.14412189

>Randomly comparing your coin to XRP

They target really very similar markets and processes, anon. It's not a random pajeet comparison, Quant is literally going to BTFO of last-gen attempts at fintech & banking shit.

>> No.14412412

An office supply company also sells to banks and fintech is that also comparable since they target the same customers?

>> No.14412600

It's just another Factom.

>> No.14412669

>An office supply company also sells to banks and fintech is that also comparable since they target the same customers?

No. Next question?

>> No.14413029
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they're nogs who pander to muh women in tech and nogs in general as much as they possibly can

should rebrand as basedcoin

>> No.14413087

should rebrand as ZOO coin with all those chimps

>> No.14413154
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>> No.14413483

Lmfao why gorillas dere!?

>> No.14413505


>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor..

>> No.14413582

Any guidance on learning how to spot good arbitrage opportunities? Any good tutorials / guides on this stuff you would suggest?

>> No.14413678

thx anon

>> No.14413711

Flipped .2 btc desu nice

>> No.14413821

wish i knew about this a week ago. still, good arb