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File: 83 KB, 725x483, 1470482354040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1438906 No.1438906 [Reply] [Original]


The time has come for us to ascend to the moon, Chads. Get your memes, tweets, and hype material ready.
Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram. Tip people, share the wealth. 5 TC goes a long way!
Follow TrumpCoin everywhere and tell everyone.

Everything you do increases TrumpCoin's value!

www.trumpcoin.com <--- Brand New & Improved


TrumpCoin tipbot is live! /u/mags tip

www.trumpcoin.info <--- Official Wiki-like website

Now an officially registered LLC!
> SCC filling

When TrumpCoin was established, a substantial fund was set aside to support the election of DJT for President of the United States. By using TC, you're helping support the value of the Trump Fund so we can make a Trump sized impact this November and beyond.

TrumpCoin is a cryptocurrency that trades on numerous exchanges online. The price of TrumpCoin is dictated by the supply and
demand of traders on these exchanges, much like a stock market. What this means is that the higher the value of a TrumpCoin
becomes, the higher the dollar value of the Trump Fund becomes


>Sicc new TrumpCoin block explorer

www.makemoneygreatagain.org/Content/Guides/HowToBuyTrumpCoin.aspx <--Buying with Circle
www.trump-coin.info/get-started/ <-- Buying with localbitcoin

>What is TrumpCoin?

>Introducing: TrumpCoin


Spread the word and MCGA!

>> No.1438911
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>> No.1438914 [DELETED] 
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I'll begin by giving 1-5 TrumpCoins for every new meme. The better the meme, the more coins.
Maybe I'll even give away 25-50 if it's exceptionally good!

>> No.1438925
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I'll begin by giving 5-50 TrumpCoins for every new meme. The better the meme, the more coins.
Maybe I'll even give away more if it's exceptionally good!

>> No.1438983

I think the coin will start doing better once Trump makes Hillary look like a joke in the debates.

>> No.1438987
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Update when

>> No.1439008

The smart money has already left this pyramid scheme and convinced you fools to pump it for them. If you are still pumping this you are way too late.

>> No.1439020

yea glad i sold this shitter coin at peak

>> No.1439042
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>> No.1439047

If the smart money left why would they have us continue to pump? What did you mean by this?

>> No.1439049
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Hey guys.

I'm the /pol/ack from the last thread. I think I understand this stuff.


So how does this part work? I just post address to my wallet and if people feel generous they can deposit?

Sounds real fookin AMERICAN.

>> No.1439079

Or alternatively you can get a job and buy your own

>> No.1439083

I love the trump supporters begging for free trumpcoin.

You're all seriously retarded.

>> No.1439084

Already working on that mate.

I'm a janitor. :/

>> No.1439087

You're in the right place, friend. wagecuck to chad incoming

>> No.1439095

I just picked up 900 coins for 50 bucks

>> No.1439096

Glad to hear.

So right now Trumpcoin is priced at $0.19 cents. If I spend $50 on it, I'm looking around ~263 Trumpcoins.

Good time to buy? I swear I saw the price of these coins much lower. Too late or just in time?

>> No.1439109

Convert your USD to bitcoin so you can get it at a discounted rate

>> No.1439112


I'm gonna be a good guy here

Don't. These people are trying to sell you their bag and trying to get out themselves.

Trump isn't going to win.

>> No.1439115

Thanks for correcting the record

>> No.1439117

trumpcoin is priced at 5 cents

>> No.1439120


I see on the main site they're going for $.051 per coin. But on c-cex they're up to $.19. How do I buy at this much lower price?

>$0.05 shekels have been deposited.

>> No.1439125
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>> No.1439127

This guide will help you out. You have to trade bitcoin for trumpcoin rather than USD for trumpcoin on c-cex.

>> No.1439130

I see.

I've already begun the transaction process ($50) into my Circle account. That'll take a while. So convert that into BTC and exchange for cheap Trump?

>> No.1439137

you got it

>> No.1439139

Thanks lads.

So what are most of you guys doing with this big discount?

Buying the Trumpcoins with BTC and selling them on c-cex? Or is everyone waiting for November?

>> No.1439141
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Why are we having so much trouble getting listed on Poloniex?

There are quite a few obvious shitcoins on there, so Trumpcoin shouldn't be too weird to consider.

Getting listed would REALLY help with the legitimacy of the coin, as well as making the value skyrocket.

>> No.1439144

I'm waiting until November and/or it hits $28
Buy bitcoin to Trump
Also a little tip
>if you send bitcoin from circle to c-cex you get a little bonus

>> No.1439145

Why are you trying to get people to sell and get the price down even further? Don't be greedy and just buy at the already cheap price like the rest of us

>> No.1439151

Besides BTC, has a crypto ever reached that high? I'm still new to this all. I know we're talking about Trump and all, but I don't know how the Trumpcoin will react when he wins.

>> No.1439153


>> No.1439161

Etherium. Trumpcoin is also A LOT
more stable than other cryptocurrencies.

>> No.1439186

c-cex does show a pretty stable growth.

I mean, this Dev must've started this back in, what? February? Or November 2015?

Some solid growth.

>> No.1439198
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>> No.1439236
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>> No.1439285

So which one of your fuckers purchased the 4chinz trumpcoin ad?

>> No.1439294

Pretty sure making shit up and putting it in the mouth of a famous person, and then spreading that online is a form of slander. Keep it up assholes!

>> No.1439301
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>he's mad about the meme

>> No.1439303

My wife's son and I saw Donald Trump at a grocery store in Manhattan yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for specifics on his policies about fiat or the federal reserve.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken back, and all I could say was “Gold Standar...” but he kept cutting me off and going “TrumpCoin! TrumpCoin! TrumpCoin!”

and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle with the secret services as I walked off.

When I came to EBT for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen American Flag Zebra Cakes in his hands without paying (apparently he owned the store or something)

The trans at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.”
At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the cakes and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me.

I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each cake and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.1439316

It's not a meme. It's just a bald faced lie. You don't even know what a meme is. Have you no sense of shame? No sense of right and wrong? Didn't your momma teach you anything?

>> No.1439317
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>now he's got a degree in memetics

>> No.1439323

summerfag here, do the founders of Trumpcoin have the permission of Mr. Trump to use his name? And if they don't have his permission, is he able to sue?

>> No.1439338
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this turns on the right to publicity and a trademark question.

The right to publicity is the ability to control your name and likeness. While you don't waive the right immediately upon becoming a politician, it introduces some first amendment factors that have made successful arguments for continued use in the past. Another factor is the bad publicity that comes from suing or otherwise 'going after' your own supporters.

The trademark issue deals with 'reasonable confusion'. Essentially, if a consumer can reasonably confuse what is offered by TrumpCoin (which at the moment is nothing in the way of services) with a service that is offered by Trump or any affiliated organizations, there is an infringement argument to be made. Since that's not the case for the time being, it's pretty secure in this regard.

Someone please copy this pasta so I don't need to post it again

>> No.1439395

In the r/cryptocurrency thread some guy is using the_donalds scam post as evidence. The subreddit has been compromised for a while https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/4gadwi/head_mod_of_rthe_donald_demods_3_mods_moments/ and the free speech the mods allowed has slowly been eroded. They didn't like it becoming pol-lite.

>> No.1439398

you can sue for pretty much any reason in the US, including some very frivolous ones.

that doesn't mean you'll win.

but in this case just getting sued may be enough for him to shut the business down. It costs money to defend against a lawsuit, even one you'll probably win. A lot of stupid small businesses go under just because they can't afford to get sued even if they're in the right.

a smart business has liability insurance for just such a situation, and that insurance company has lawyers on hand to advise them on how not to get sued. Also there to protect said company if or when they do get sued.

Somehow I doubt this is that sophisticated an operation. If it makes money Trump will very likely be able to just step in and take the business over because the owners don't have insurance and can't afford lawyers.

>> No.1439399

What does adding to angellist list do? Another step in legitimizing?

>> No.1439406

>it introduces some first amendment factors that have made successful arguments for continued use in the past.
false. Try selling Hillary Clinton brand tampons if you don't believe me.
>the bad publicity that comes from suing or otherwise 'going after' your own supporters.
also false, Trump has made his fortune by suing partners and vendors when it's cheaper than paying them. He stands to lose nothing by "supporters" that are making money off of his trademarked brand.
>if a consumer can reasonably confuse what is offered by TrumpCoin (which at the moment is nothing in the way of services) with a service that is offered by Trump or any affiliated organizations, there is an infringement argument to be made. Since that's not the case for the time being, it's pretty secure in this regard.
also false.
try selling Coca Cola brand crayons and see.
A brand has pretty much unlimited control of the use of its trademarks. You don't get to steal it and slap it on something just because the company doesn't happen to be producing a similar product at the moment.

tl;dr: you guys are about to get assfucked by a presidential candidate.

>> No.1439409

You doubt but you don't know. It's more logical to assume that because they know the potential financial risks of running a PAC incorrectly that they also understand the legal problems that might pop up.

>suing your supporters

Unlicensed merchandisers have been running for a while now without action taken against them.

The MSM are his real problem.

>> No.1439410

Now it's time for the bongs and eu posters to start the fud night shift

>> No.1439411

>You doubt but you don't know.
True, I don't know. I highly doubt any insurance company would underwrite this without advising a name change. They're in business to make money, not dabble in projects that are guaranteed to land in court.

and again, Trump regularly sues his supporters. He's notorious for it.

>> No.1439419
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>Try selling Hillary Clinton brand tampons if you don't believe me.
I can buy toiler paper with HRC's face on it from a major corporate chain store:
goo dot gl/0YcIqh

>Trump has made his fortune by suing partners and vendors when it's cheaper than paying them. He stands to lose nothing by "supporters" that are making money off of his trademarked brand.
Trump is now in the business of running for president. It's not a partner or a vendor, and there's nothing to collect if he were to sue (again proving that you don't understand how this model works). Your anti-Trump bias is showing if you honestly believe that Trump would start a major lawsuit, with a poor legal argument, against his own supporters, in the middle of campaigning for President of the US and fighting the moniker of still being just a greedy buisnessman at every turn. He has explicitly said he is not intending to 'take' for his company and himself anymore, now he's going to 'take' for the American people. He's not going to 'take ' money that's politically supporting him, whatever the form, to give to his own company.

>Try selling Coca Cola brand crayons and see.
This is literally a perfect example of what I explained. In this case, a consumer would likely not be be reasonably confused that Coke had started manufacturing crayons, as this is far outside their business model and wouldn't be reasonably assumed. Case in point:
goo dot gl/m3ZuUp

They might be confused that Coke had started a new business, but that is both legally defensible in trademark law and precluded by the very thorough disclaimer on the TC website.

>> No.1439420


As far as we know the llc is continuing regardless of the risks because they intend to see this project through. We've been hearing about this potential legal issue for months now. People keep posting it here and not on the forum like it makes any difference. Devs aren't here m8, or are you trying to 'help' people like others have tried recently.
It's happening, this is just another super PAC with an investment option.

>> No.1439421
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hey, why are Trump supporters so gosh darn beef-headed?

>> No.1439422
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Stop. Stop. Stop, summerfag, with this trying to outsmart the people who have come together to make this something we can all be proud of. There has been a TON of thought put into this, or none of the devs would have come on board in the first place. Do you know why most altcoins don't have a real dev team, or community? Because they have no value, and offer nothing unique. STOP trying to be the smartass who brings the whole thing down with witty comments and half baked analysis of things that you have demonstrated, over and over and OVER again that you do not care to or have the capacity to understand.

>> No.1439423


>> No.1439424

>I can buy toiler paper with HRC's face on it from a major corporate chain store:
yes, political persons names and likenesses can be used for satire. Trumpcoin isn't satire.
>Trump is now in the business of running for president.
doesn't look like it from here.
>In this case, a consumer would likely not be be reasonably confused that Coke had started manufacturing crayons
I find it a bit unlikely that you actually think you can steal brand names and slap them on any product you choose if the brand hasn't already done so.

if you're serious you're in for a very rude awakening.

>> No.1439426

>People keep posting it here and not on the forum like it makes any difference. Devs aren't here m8, or are you trying to 'help' people like others have tried recently.
fair enough. I don't see this ending well is all.

if you think Trump won't sue you're delusional.

>this is just another super PAC with an investment option.
might work. Time will tell.

I'm not sure that's a legal combination but it's not my fish to fry.

>> No.1439428

>he thinks negative speech is protected but positive speech is not
>his opinion
>his opinion, in direct opposition to presented evidence

Come at me with facts faggot, not FUD. You have been so thoroughly discredited it's not worth your time anymore.

>> No.1439430

you honestly want me to prove to you that you can't use another company's trademark on a product just because they're not currently making that product?

I told you, try it and see.

or watch what Trump does to Trumpcoin as soon as he notices it.

>> No.1439431

Instead of only shilling trumpcoin, why don't we also start HillCoin? Play them out against each other to pump both to galactic levels.

Clinton supporters in my opinion are much more likely to jump on this kind of bandwagon. Just think of the hooks!

>Alternative currency to fight muh banks
>Support Hillary in muh ovary revolution
>OPPOSE TRUMP, if Trumpcoin gains value that must mean he's winning!!!
>Generally spam and hype the relative values of the coins as indicators of popularity

Who's in?

>> No.1439434

Forgot to add: if either candidate attacks their respective coins this will damage their image MUCH more than if Trump nips this in the bud. Politically speaking they will be better off actually supporting their coins.

Start up campaign collection wallets managed by a legit enterprise that converts the coins and donates the proceeds to the campaigns.

As long as we can claim that trump/hillcoin actually helps the campaigns it becomes infinitely more solid.

>> No.1439439

>this will damage their image
I don't know if you've noticed but both of those turds' images can't get much worse. We've got one that regularly pisses off two thirds of the political spectrum and another that should probably be in prison.

that said, I like your idea at least as well as TrumpCoin ™.

>> No.1439440

Oh, fuck me for tripple posting but this needs to be said:
To convince people to keep buying more and more coins, we say that every time people donate coins to the collections wallets they lose value by being sold for conversion.

The more people buy these coins and drive up their value, the bigger the exponential gain for the campaign fund! But if they stop buying the funds seeping into the campaign actually lose value! Oh no!

The best way they can achieve the biggest possible impact is to steadily buy the coins on a weekly/monthly basis. It's the easiest way to donate and achieve the most with the least amount of money!

You would have to be a fool not to donate this way. Everyone knows crypto is the future, and the future is now!

>> No.1439441

>or watch what Trump does to Trumpcoin as soon as he notices it.

Bro, you're a dumbass. Unless Trumpcoin reaches $100million+ marketcap, Trump is going to do jack shit. He could care less about some altcoin, unless the marketcap is huge.

>> No.1439443

Relative value, friend. Relative value.

Seriously let's fucking do this, I see no limit to the ways this can be played. Trumpcoin will never moon unless it goes truly political. Ying and yang, etc.

>> No.1439455

>he'll let us steal a penny, but not a dime

>> No.1439467

Exactly. What they are proposing to do hasn't been done before. All they can do is prepare and solve problems when they arise.

The legality of it can be determined by the FEC.

>> No.1439485

Even THEN after it hits $100M marketcap he still will probably do jack shit. Why sue your own supporters? Lol. At worst he'll ignore it. Trump has better things to do then sue some crypto altcoin. You know, like run for President.

Oh, and its not stealing.

>> No.1439499

Exactly, Trump will not waste time sueing his own supporters

>> No.1439528


Do these >>1438817 >>1427825 count?

>> No.1439551

There already is a Hillary Coin. It's BLRY. Billary.

and it's shit and won't be any competition unless you stir one up.

but desu senpai I'd hop out while you still can. NXT is the best bang for your buck at the moment. Trumpcoin is dead even after stupendous amounts of video ads and shilling. I want Trumpcoin to work but everyone's already convinced that it's a scam and no one will be wipe that smear.

It's over bro.

>> No.1439555

It's not over, it has not even begun

>> No.1439557


>> No.1439572

When are the devs going to announce the new update?

>> No.1439656

Yah man, definitely. The first one is the non-meme version though. But I've seen the real deal.
Post your address if you made em

>> No.1439691
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The ball has started rolling.

This is officially the last chance to get in before everyone hears about this coin.

Just like the OP says, let's get this shit to every corner of the earth.

>> No.1439715


>> No.1439717

It's shit because nobody heard of it, and Trumpcoin is dying because shills have forgotten what made it pump the way it did in the first place: politics.

Billary is a shit name by the way, it will never stick. Hillcoin is way better, and the lefty crowd is way more susceptible to this than you think.

Trumpcoin = 4chinz shills trying to convince 4chinz neckbeards to buy by pretending it will stick on normies. It won't.

Create Hillcoin and make it look like a grassroots movement. MAKE IT POLITICAL. It's purpose is to collect campaign money for shillary. It's purpose is to be anti-big banks and all that washy shit, because it's the current year. It's to show those trumpcoin bastards what a real movement looks like! Etc. Etc.

When normie Trump supporters hear about hillcoin's success THEN they will jump into Trumpcoin. And vice versa.

Let political coins become "the" way to support campaigns in the current year.

>> No.1439720

Omfg we goin for it lads!

>> No.1439767
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>The first one is the non-meme version
Look closer. Pic related is the "original" I modified. Maybe I should have made it less subtle.


>> No.1439774
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And here's proof for the one that actually took some effort to make.

>> No.1439778

I hope you're right. I've got 1K Trumps just sitting back. I'm never going to touch them unless it moons, I'll take them as a loss if it tanks (which is more than likely going to be the case).

Man it just seems like nothing will move the price. When Chicken started all the drama the price went down sharp and hasn't recovered. I sold the Majority of my Trumps at a loss, but at this point, seeing how everything is going, It was time to get out.

>ads on /pol/
price drop
>extremely good viral video
price drop, top comments saying they're dissapointed that it turned out to be a scam ad.
price drop
>added to 3 new exchanges
price drop

I really wanted this coin to work, I've always been a Trump supporter, I shilled super hard for this on Twitter, I shilled it on steam, /pol/, reddit.

Everyone's convinced this thing is a scam because it turns out that the wrong person created it. It's not a scam lad, but still, it won't work.

This is a final warning, it really is time to bounce. We gave it a good go, circumstances lead to failure.

>> No.1439806

Is this the first time you are investing in anything? You sound pretty insecure man. Just dont think about it too much you did not invest much so you will not lose much, the devs got a plan yo

>> No.1439844


They favourited @TrumpcoinG tweet.
The related media knows something is brewing. Just need to get it a bit higher for them to take it up.

>> No.1439859

Calm down m8 >>1439691
There is good reason it hasn't been properly promoted.
If your another queen then your change in tactics is noted once again.

>> No.1439871

I cant tell if this is genuine concern or fudding but I'll bite.

I find it funny that a few posts up, one of the guys admit that he fudded this coin like mad just to pick up cheap trumps *just like I said they would*.

Heres something I learned by trading crypto; it aint over till its over. And it aint over for Trumpcoin.

Sometimes, a coin needs to go through a series of bumps and bruises before it comes out on top. It isnt always smooth sailing. No pain, no gain. Sometimes, coins need to go through a trial by fire, so to speak.

There is no reason to drop the coin. We've all sustained losses. Why drop the coin? We're in here for big gains.

I say, hold your coins. The potential rewards outdo the recoup of your initial investment.

If Trumpcoin crashes and burns, then it crashes and burns.

And remember, people are fickle, especially when it comes to investment. One day an investment is bad, the next its the hottest thing in crypto.

>> No.1439898

>I sold the Majority of my Trumps at a loss

And that right there is the big problem and shows me you are a newbie at trading. Never trade at a loss unless you are absolutely sure the company/stock is going down the tubes.

We don't know for sure about Trumpcoin. You can't be that impatient, especially when the team has been pretty forthright telling us that they have been quiet for a good reason.

Granted, yes, support could and should be higher for the coin, but this coin basically underwent a community takeover and this team has been hustling for only 2 - 3 weeks.

I'll say this, if you bought more than 1k trumps and have not promoted this coin yet, I would start doing so now.

>> No.1439901


>> No.1439906
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>Heres something I learned by trading crypto; it aint over till its over. And it aint over for Trumpcoin.

nice empirical evidence that isn't an appeal to emotion.

>Sometimes, a coin needs to go through a series of bumps and bruises before it comes out on top. It isnt always smooth sailing. No pain, no gain. Sometimes, coins need to go through a trial by fire, so to speak.

This isn't an argument, this coin has no where near the potential to reach the top because everyone will believe it's a scam until they die. This coin doesn't have a potential to go mainstream either because while Trump has many supporters, there are just as many that hate him.

>There is no reason to drop the coin. We've all sustained losses. Why drop the coin? We're in here for big gains.

there are several reasons to drop the coin, one being investing it into something that will actually be profitable in the long run. Like I said above and before, I hope it moons, but the likelihood is so small, and right now the cost of entry isn't worth the risk.

>And remember, people are fickle, especially when it comes to investment. One day an investment is bad, the next its the hottest thing in crypto.

how is this supposed to convince anyone to buy trumps? You're literally saying you could throw money at any shitty investment and get rich. I have some Trumps put back but holy shit, no one should buy any at this point.

>> No.1439910

Oh and for those people that say that Trump will sue, that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard. I wouldn't even consider that possibility until this coin hits $100 million plus marketcap. Even then the chances of that happening is slim to none. More like none. So please enough with the Trump will sue, its not going to fucking happen.

>> No.1439915


>I really wanted this coin to work, I've always been a Trump supporter, I shilled super hard for this on Twitter, I shilled it on steam, /pol/, reddit.

>> No.1439917

I agree

>> No.1439927

nice empirical evidence that isn't an appeal to emotion.

And yours isnt? Try again. And we do have empirical evidence. Try looking at the coins on coinmarketcap and tell me that crypto currencies are not subject to volatility and ups and downs.

>This isn't an argument, this coin has no where near the potential to reach the top because everyone will believe it's a scam until they die.

*No empirical evidence*

>This coin doesn't have a potential to go mainstream either because while Trump has many supporters, there are just as many that hate him.

But we have empirical evidence of plenty of supporters. Contradict much?

The people that hate him do not magically cancel out the people that support him and make them not purchase the coin.

>there are several reasons to drop the coin, one being investing it into something that will actually be profitable in the long run.

*This* is not an argument, as investment itself is the guess that something will be profitable in the long run.

A guess is still a guess unless you have a crystal ball.

> the cost of entry isn't worth the risk.

You can say that for any altcoin. Not an argument.

>how is this supposed to convince anyone to buy trumps? You're literally saying you could throw money at any shitty investment and get rich.

It's not supposed to convince people to buy trumps, I am explaining the market to you and how people say something is a "scam" one moment, and valid the next.

What will convince people to buy Trumps is that it is a FUNDRAISING PLATFORM for Trump. That is the big hook and the reason why the coin has potential. I believe that is a valid reason to support the coin.

>> No.1439929

This. If the coin got strong enough for him to even notice, it would make no sense for him to sue people that were supporting him and making his campaign money. But that's FUD logic for you.

>> No.1439934

get those trumpcoin signature up and start posting in other btctalk sections lads

>> No.1439987

>And yours isnt? Try again. And we do have empirical evidence. Try looking at the coins on coinmarketcap and tell me that crypto currencies are not subject to volatility and ups and downs.

no shit, the fact that demand curves exist isn't any fucking evidence that the coin will succeed at all, what are you on?

>*No empirical evidence*
look at reddit threads discussing the coin, look at the youtube comments on the MAGA video, look at the price not moving after advertising like crazy on other boards. look at /pol/'s reaction any time you mention it in a Trump Gen.

That my friend, IS empirical evidence.

>But we have empirical evidence of plenty of supporters. Contradict much?

>The people that hate him do not magically cancel out the people that support him and make them not purchase the coin.

Sure there are plenty supporters, myself included, I have money invested. But you can't deny the fact that you have a huge problem in the fact that a lot of people WILL NOT get involved because it has Trump's name on it. Sure you'll get many who will but this is still an issue.

>*This* is not an argument, as investment itself is the guess that something will be profitable in the long run.

how is this not an argument? Cutting your losses on a coin that isn't going anywhere and investing it into something else that's a BETTER investment is the fucking CENTRAL argument.

>You can say that for any altcoin. Not an argument.

yeah you can say that for any altcoin, but other altcoins other than Trumpcoin can make a much better case for long term profitable investments than a coin with an amateur ass dev team, and dev and scam drama surrounding the whole thing.

look man, I was all for this shit since the beginning, but you guys are seriously getting delusional.

>> No.1440005


>no shit, the fact that demand curves exist isn't any fucking evidence that the coin will succeed at all, what are you on?

Like I said, the volatility shows that people change their minds about coins all the time. They buy in, they sell, then they are back in. That's how crypto markets work. The charts on coinmarketcap.com are all the empirical evidence we need.

>look at reddit threads discussing the coin,

Yes but what about the fact that they will believe it until they die? Could you show me the evidence that shows that they won't change their mind? Ever? I'll be waiting.

> WILL NOT get involved because it has Trump's name on it.

Who cares when you have ~50% of the voting demographic (Republican) supporting Trump? And don't give me BS polls, its always Democrat vs Republican, red vs blue, half vs half. 50 vs 50.

>Cutting your losses on a coin that isn't going anywhere

Because it's all speculation and assumption. It is your assumption that the coin isn't going anywhere. It's your speculation. You don't know for sure. And judging from past markets, you're probably going to be in for a shock when the graph goes up.

> amateur ass dev team, and dev and scam drama surrounding the whole thing.

All the negatives, and none of the positives. It's also a unique coin, with a dev team that are crypto enthusiasts and Trump supporters, a grassroots project (a very good thing) and the fact that they've only been in business literally for a few weeks.

I think you are just trying to convince yourself (and others) that you selling on the dip was the right thing, when it clearly was not. Selling on the dip for a loss is one of the worst things you can do trading.

I can tell you're a newbie because anyone with experience trading knows that patience is key, even with cryptos. If I were you, I would buy back in on the dip again, but then again with the new marketing push we may never see another dip at lower prices.

>> No.1440034

How long ago were you tweeting about it? I've been on there a month doing just that, it's been pretty quiet apart from one other person tweeting occasionally.

>> No.1440078

I'll give you this, some of the comments on the youtube video are awful, some people are real killjoys and I can understand if you get down reading them, especially that one with +20.

But keep in mind that sometimes it takes a little persistence in order to persuade someone. These people have little reason to dislike the coin especially if you communicate it the right way, that its a fundraising platform.

>> No.1440101

I think he is just fudding to get dem cheap trumpz

>> No.1440103

Daily reminder that the only goal of everyone on this board is to gain money.

Daily reminder that spreading fud gives you no benefit unless you're trying to buy cheap coins.

>> No.1440160

They want them bad. Why else would people devote their valuable time talking down an altcoin?

>> No.1440168

They know there will be a big ass mooning, and they want on the rocket ship

>> No.1440183
File: 585 KB, 1180x842, 1467173633699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy started following the official twitter a few hours ago:

Keep pushing lads, many days till November yet

>> No.1440232
File: 174 KB, 777x1000, CAUSECOIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1440267


>> No.1440284

what does it take to move the price...God damn

>> No.1440285


>> No.1440329

A wider audience. Biz knows about it, they know on yobit but that's it for now. Most might not read the bitcointalk thread.The latest announcement gives dates for when they start promoting to more people.

>> No.1440378
File: 97 KB, 1365x437, trumping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1440502


>> No.1440527

I keep seeing this thread. Are you guy so desperate to pump the shit out of this before the election comes around? Come on, nobody's gonna fall for a meme cryptocoin.

>> No.1440532

The website looks pretty legit. Too bad it can't be bought directly with USD

>> No.1440544 [DELETED] 

IE5V's weak hands BTFO.

DAMN that is suble. Sent 50 for each and a bonus for being the OP pic :^)

>> No.1440552

IE5V's weak hands BTFO.

DAMN that is suble. Sent 50 for each and a bonus for being the OP pic :^)


>> No.1440554

thanks pal

>> No.1440566

>Why sue your own supporters?
because they're stealing from you?
>Oh, and its not stealing.
you're using his trademarked, copyrighted brand name to make money for yourself.

how is that not stealing?

>> No.1440571

Who is making money? You have never told us this. There is only the appreciation of a decentralized asset.

>> No.1440573

"trumpcoin" is tradenmarked by the trumpcoin LLC faggot. Trumpsteaks is trademarked, Trump is trademarked, Trumpcoin isnt. We can start facebookcoin and it will be legal faggot.

Not only that but as stated in the website how this is all legal, Trumpcoin LLC did not register as an LLC before talking to lawyers faggot u god dam no coiner faggot.

>> No.1440595
File: 405 KB, 1000x706, 1470915349229-biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1440599

>"trumpcoin" is tradenmarked by the trumpcoin LLC faggot.
not once Trump hears of it.
and as far as I can tell you're using his trademarked logo on your website.

that's not going to last either.

>Trumpcoin LLC did not register as an LLC before talking to lawyers faggot u god dam no coiner faggot.
They talked to the wrong lawyers then, they should've been talking to Trump.

If you like I can write him a little note and ask him what his lawyers think.
>Who is making money?
the people pumping and dumping this scam.

>> No.1440604

his son knows about Trumpcoin specifically.
Not saying your right or wrong, but Donald Jr has known about it since early July, gotta think there would be at least a cease and desist by now of anyone cared fa.m

>> No.1440608

But that's not a business earning money, which is what you go after in a trademark lawsuit. I ask again, by what mechanism is the LLC earning US dollars?

>> No.1440614

If he's smart he'll wait until you have more than $3000 in the thing before he takes it.

When it comes to money he's pretty smart.

>> No.1440622

>which is what you go after in a trademark lawsuit
no, you go to protect your brand.

say I'm selling Trump Brand Aborted Fetus Jerkey but not making any money? Can I be sued for infringement?

Damn straight, because my use is damaging his brand.

What if I'm running Trump University Charity for Starving Black Toddlers? Can I be sued even if I'm not damaging his brand?

damn straight, because I can't show that my use of his brand will never result in harm to his brand. Also I've stolen the trademark by taking it out of his control. If he doesn't defend his trademark it ceases to belong to him.

it doesn't matter your motivations or the result, he has to sue TrumpCoin at some point to protect his brand.

>> No.1440624

>he has to sue TrumpCoin
actually that's not entirely true.

the other option is to license his brand and trademarks to TrumpCoin.

you either have to defend your trademark in court or control it by giving permission to use it.

>> No.1440630

>If he's smart he'll wait until you have more than $3000 in the thing before he takes it.

You clearly don't understand how this works.

>> No.1440632

>You clearly don't understand how this works
Neither do Donald Trump or his lawyers in all likelihood.

that doesn't change what they're probably going to do. It's possible that money will just *poof* into thin air when they sue, but you can bet they'll find a scapegoat to squeeze and try to recover some of it.

>> No.1440641

Thanks senpai. I have received your $3000 dollar tip.


>> No.1440645

Do you understand the legal function of a 'limited liability corporation'? This LLC has no assets, beyond perhaps the fund of coins. It has no cash flows. If they were to sue it, which they won't, the most they can POSSIBLY do legally is take the fund. Which is going to be spent on Trump for President anyway.

This is the point you keep missing. No one is making money via the LLC, in any traditional legal sense. There are no assets or accounts to seize, which is all a lawsuit against an LLC can do.

>> No.1440648

Your trust in the LLC is adorable.

The articles of incorporation list owners and officers.

yes, those owners/officers can be personally sued for the criminal activities of the corporation.

yes, they probably have assets.

>> No.1440659

Oh, we're back to "trumps gonna sue you faggets, someone's getting fucked financially, sell me your cheap trumpcoins RIGHT NOW!".

Obviously this project isn't without risk. The developers know this and they've decided that the risk is worth it. TrumpCoin supporters believe in the purpose of this PAC and how it can further crypto in politics.

Stop being such a risk averse pussy. The devs are proving they have the fucking balls to try and achieve something great. We have the opportunity for the first causecoin to change the crypto world and support Donald Trump to make america great again.

>> No.1440666

You personally aren't risking anything so why do you care so much?

They're taking a chance to do something. These problems can be dealt with, if they ever arise.

>> No.1440667

ok nigger, please go run off to donald about this please, in fact please let the top media outlets know about this

there is nothing illegal about this nigger, trumpcoin, again is not a registered trademarked by trump. The website has nothing about it saying this is a coin created by trump.

If the website was saying or the company message was the coin was created by trump, that is illegal.

However, the website states the purpose of the coin, company, and the future direction of the company and how it is going to donate to trumps campaign, and that it is no way affiliated with anyone or trump

If trump would take it to court, the court will have to agree that the company is using his name like he created this coin. Which they aren't.

>> No.1440670

This is laughable. If you know as much about trademark law as you seem to believe you do, you would know that first, monetary damages can only be awarded as a calculation of profit lost from the sales of a product or service (none exist). This calls back to the 'reasonable confusion' turn I provided above - what good or service offered by a Trump trademark is going to be confused with TrumpCoin?

The damages can also be more severe if the trademark can be shown to be intentionally misrepresenting the offering as coming from the owner of the trademark. This is precluded by the extensive disclaimer on the TC website. There's also a counterfeiting angle to criminal charges, but again, noting related to Trump has ever been involved with cryptocurrency in any way.

Look lads, this guy is trying to scare you. He wants your trumps and he wants them cheap. Don't fall for it.

>> No.1440675

>yes, those owners/officers can be personally sued for the criminal activities of the corporation.

LMAO, NO THEY CANT YOU NO COINER FAGGOT, THATS THE WHOLE POINT OF AN LLC (Limited liaibility, its in the name you moron!)


>> No.1440680


Seriously the stupidity of this nocoiner or fudder is ridic hes trying to lower prices for cheap trumps dont fall for it

>> No.1440681

>You personally aren't risking anything so why do you care so much?
overweaning desire to see my 4chan compatriots not get fucked. Or just a desire to argue business law with people that don't seem to know anything about it.
This is precluded by the extensive disclaimer on the TC website
perhaps, I didn't see it though.

I'd guess a jury would find the disclaimer needs to be displayed more prominently and that the website nullified the disclaimer by using Trump's logo.

>He wants your trumps and he wants them cheap
I'd rather have ass-pimples

>> No.1440684

If you were correct then every bank robber, rapist and burglar in the country would start an LLC.

of course you're not correct.

a corporation is not a legal shield behind which you may commit crimes with impunity.

>> No.1440689

Just buy the coins dude. It's not high enough to waste time on FUD and then buy cheaper. Get rich with us.

>> No.1440690

The queen is back lads, she's here to solidify her claim to the throne.

>> No.1440691

you had me baited until this post. Gave yourself away just then

>> No.1440692

No, if you were correct then no one would start an LLC or corporation because of the risk of having their personal assets seized

Thats what you said

A corporation is not a legal shield, but at the same time your personal assets are not subject to seizure which is the whole point of incorporation/llc basic business 101

>> No.1440695

Oh jesus christ.
>well I didn't see it

It's in the exact same place every other website in the god damn world has a disclaimer. Some don't even have it on the main page at all, you need to follow a link to get to it. No jury is going to find that kind of disclaimer nullified by anything you absolute mongoloid. Also, what logo are you referring to, precisely?

You did not address a single one of the multiple reasons I provided for why this is NOT criminal infringement. It's not even infringement in the first place, as many others and myself have pointed out. You are using the word criminal and heinous, completely unrelated crimes to try to make people AFRAID. It's not working because you are an idiot.

>> No.1440698

>Gave yourself away just then
do you seriously think an LLC protects you from civil liability resulting from criminal acts done by you in the guise of the corporation?

because that should be pretty easy to set straight. There's plenty of examples of CEO's that have gone to prison for the crimes and negligence of their companies.
I'm already rich, thanks.
best of luck though.

>> No.1440703

an LLC protects from certain civil liabilities.

it doesn't protect from any liability resulting from criminal acts. Your personal assets can and will be seized if you commit a crime with your corp.

if we agree on this we're on the same page.

>> No.1440706

>You did not address a single one of the multiple reasons I provided for why this is NOT criminal infringement.
because ultimately whether or not it is depends on the jury.

I can't speak for them.
If I were on the jury I'd probably say a crime was committed.

>> No.1440708

Based on what? What crime has been committed? You keep using this word but not backing it up with any facts at all. This is how I know you're FUD, this is the quintessential tactic.

>> No.1440709

>what logo are you referring to, precisely?
the one that is criminally similar to logos used by Trump. You should be able to spot it, it appears on every page and even itt.

>> No.1440712

Can you post it? Or are you just using vague threats to spread fear? Post them side by side.

>> No.1440713

>What crime has been committed?
at least 2 violations of 17 U.S.C. § 506(a).

>> No.1440714

there's no need since the guy has literally copyrighted his fucking name for business use.

he considers it the most valuable asset in his portfolio, and you guys stole it.

>> No.1440716

>it doesn't protect from any liability resulting from criminal acts. Your personal assets can and will be seized if you commit a crime with your corp.

Trademark infringement does not fall under this.

Yes, this has happened, but you are talking things on the level of lets say, Securities fraud, mail fraud, false SEC filings, etc

There is no recorded case of trademark infringement, and only trademark infringement resulting in having your personal assets seized and jail time. Because that is what you are describing here

You are wrong and just deceiving people here. This is why LLC's and incorporations exist. If trademark infringement (what we are talking about) resulted in having your personal assets sized, that would make incorporating extremely risky and no one would do it.

"Civil liabilities" have nothing to do with it. This is once again deceitful and it shows to me and others that you are simply lying to people.

If you were rich, you would probably have something better to do then grace us with your presence here in /biz/.

>> No.1440718

I'll take that as a no.

This isn't Coin by Trump.

This is TrumpCoin.

There is a material difference, that can cause no reasonable or actual confusion.

>> No.1440723

This is a load of shit. No crime has been committed. Trump is a public figure, a political figure no less and a strong case could be presented that this falls under Freedom of Speech, as Trump has little protection under Right to Publicity.

More fear mongering.

>> No.1440731

My reading doesn't indicate any violation in that law, not going to bother going into why unless you try to bring this up again. Here's the bigger point - you've once again missed the word 'willfully' in
>Any person who willfully infringes a copyright shall be punished as provided

So thank you for proving my point, yet again. This needs to be willful infringement, if it is at all, which it is not, and the disclaimer precludes that notion.

You came here to spread fear and you keep making shit up, hoping someone will miss something in you wash of bullshit. It's not going to work.

>> No.1440737

It comes down to whether or not the jury thinks a crime has been committed.

if we agree that trademark infringement is a crime, then there's just the question of whether TrumpCoin has committed that crime.

that's up to the jury to decide.

if they say "yes," then the owners of TrumpCoin are personally liable for that crime, including but not limited to having their personal assets seized.

If you actually read the Lanham Act you're quoting you'll see that trademark infringement includes cases where the SOURCE of a product may be confused, not the actual product itself.

TrumpCoin appears to come from Trump, and that's a crime.

>> No.1440739

I quoted the wrong chapter.

Kinda funny you didn't notice.

>> No.1440743

Point me in the right direction, all knowing fampai. You didn't post a law that works with your argument because it doesn't exist.

Cool gotcha though, bet you feel pretty smuggy right about now. Doesn't help your credibility much

>> No.1440750

I've already named it.
It's the same law you and other anons have been quoting itt.


>> No.1440752

even if he imprisoned everyone on the dev team. whats he gonna do sue the fuckin block chain.
once a coins genesis block is mined technically there is no dev team and nobody owns it, we choose to follow certain devs based on their actions, but in reality once a coin is launched, it belongs to nobody and everybody.
best he could do is sue domestically hosted exchanges to have it removed from trading, and in that highly unlikely fantasy the coin still exists and can be traded p2p. so this is all moot

>> No.1440754

Stop this, you're still doing the same thing. INTENTIONAL infringement is a crime, if it cannot be shown to be intentional, there is no possibility of criminal charges. Like how you are now INTENTIONALLY trying to confuse the issue so you can save face and not admit you don't know as much as you think you do about this.

>> No.1440758

>if they say "yes," then the owners of TrumpCoin are personally liable for that crime, including but not limited to having their personal assets seized.

No, they are not. At worst, the LLC would be seized. Thats the whole point of an LLC, it removes personal liabilities from things like this. It is NOT up to the jury to decide punishment, just guilt.

>If you actually read the Lanham Act you're quoting you'll see that trademark infringement includes cases where the SOURCE of a product may be confused, not the actual product itself.

No it doesn't. Theres no case for that here.

Trumpcoin is not a product. It's a cryptocurrency and thus a form of free speech. Trumpcoin does not sell Trumpcoins, and Trumpcoin is not a product of Trumpcoin, LLC. They are not selling Trumpcoin commercially.

Trumpcoin is bought and sold and traded by the population at large. It's a currency and thus a form of money that cannot be regulated.

Sorry. Theres little to nothing that a court can do.

>> No.1440761

>if it cannot be shown to be intentional, there is no possibility of criminal charges
>I promise, your honor, I tripped and fell and accidentally used Trump's likeness, logo and name to do business.
>honest to god I didn't mean to.
Specifically 15 U.S. Code § 1125

>> No.1440763

>At worst, the LLC would be seized
which is why bank robbers and murderers all use LLC's.

you're a dork.

>> No.1440768

>which is why bank robbers and murderers all use LLC's.

robbing a bank =/= creating an LLC

business (corporate) law =/= criminal law

There is a difference. Now stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.1440772

It's the guy you were arguing with. Different ID because I'm on my phone at work.

You've convinced me to buy back what I sold against my better judgement.

If this shit fails I'm never listening to any /biz/ faggot again.

This isn't an admission that you're right. Just thought you should know.

>> No.1440773

The first part you listed is a matter if right to publicity, which, as has been explained to you many times, has first amendment components because of Trump's political involvement. Again, trying to apply a completely different set of questions to the wrong applicable law.

The new statute you provided ALSO cites both deception and misrepresentation as requirements for violation. Same exact tactic, trying to claim that the type of charges you have brought up completely outside the realm of possibility are somehow relevant to this case.

>> No.1440775

if we agree that trademark infringement is a crime,
and we agree that LLC's don't protect from criminal liability,

and we further agree that TrumpCoin's activities probably fit the description of criminal dilution under 15 U.S. Code § 1125,

then we agree that the owners/officers of TrumpCoin LLC can have their assets seized and their future wages garnished when Trump hauls them up on charges.

I gotta run though, it's sunny out and I'm getting bored.

>> No.1440777
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>> No.1440781

>some altcoin
200k go to his campaign so it shouldnt be just some altcoin to him

He could just buy out the rest of the circulating trumpcoins so the price gets artificially inflated causing the devs to donate the TF while making a yuge profit of his own... seems like a win-win for him imotbqhwyf

>> No.1440782

BRB suing a blockchain

>> No.1440787

>and we further agree that TrumpCoin's activities probably fit the description of criminal dilution under 15 U.S. Code § 1125,

Who is Trumpcoin? Trumpcoin LLC? What are they selling?

Im trying to find a product page on their website? With a purchase button?


>then we agree that the owners/officers of TrumpCoin LLC can have their assets seize

Yes, they can have their assets seized....in Trumpcoin LLC, which happens to be maybe a computer, or laptop, or maybe a spare coffee mug. LOL.

Personal assets? Nope! Its not applicable to a trademark infringement. It usually never even gets that far. Show me a documented case where the members of an LLC had their PERSONAL assets, meaning assets outside of the LLC, seized by the court due to trademark infringement. I'll be waiting.

Please show us the evidence.

I find this hilarious. I'm trying to find the purchase button the Trumpcoin LLC website.

Or maybe Trump will sue the blockchain? LMAO

>> No.1440795

the people versus blockchain smith

>> No.1440832
File: 1.50 MB, 1440x900, 1467255502779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it

>> No.1440835
File: 149 KB, 800x800, 1459919874657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been here all summer

>> No.1440853


>> No.1440931

Hello r/cryptowolves

>> No.1440936
File: 81 KB, 650x644, cryptosolves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup senpai.

>> No.1440961

Is this a new meme or something?

>> No.1440971
File: 3.73 MB, 5344x3006, IMG_20160812_194759777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1440978


>> No.1440986

i got "Fame and fortune are yours for the taking" like a day ago

Confirmed success

>> No.1441010
File: 171 KB, 1200x900, trumpcoin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which ones are worth more?

>> No.1441026


Nice one. If there was a way to combine the "all summer" cretin and Trumpcoin as a meme, that would be worth some laughs.

>> No.1441036 [DELETED] 


>> No.1441040


>> No.1441106

Lads, quick question concerning circle.com.

How do I deposit USD dollars into it quickly? I want to get as much Trump before the prices get high. I already set up my bank account, but I noticed they have the option of Debit.

Do I try that, or am I good already?

>> No.1441122

Just check your limit. It'll probably be $300 a week. If you upload ID it's like $3000.

>> No.1441141

I'm aware of that, but I mean how does one deposit USD same day?

>> No.1441176

It should be instant. Same day. Is it not letting you?
When I was using coinbase it took like 4 days for me to get my BTC so fuck that.

>> No.1441183

I'm using circle.com. The site Trumpcoin and this general recommends.

What site do you use?

>> No.1441185
File: 23 KB, 480x720, 339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That group looks pretty cool. Do you have to be invited?

>> No.1441187
File: 790 KB, 1111x597, 1467249938722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use Circle too. I used to use Coinbase, but they have a $25 per week limit, at least for me.

>> No.1441190
File: 2.91 MB, 5472x3648, meme2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yah, only some people can invite. I can't. It's also practically inactive as you can see

>> No.1441191

Yeah. Well I can't imagine the kind of people it attracts are really the most trustworthy sort.

>> No.1441192

Strange. Did you set up the deposits via card or bank?

I went with bank, and it's taking a couple of business days.

>> No.1441198

But it's so specific

>> No.1441201

I used my debit card and it was instant.

>> No.1441203

Google "Barnum effect"

>> No.1441211

>not believing in Chinese fortune gods

>> No.1441214

Debit card is instant, bank takes several days.

>> No.1441225

So should I switch to debit, even though it uses the same card with my bank?

I don't want to cause some conflict with my bank, lads.

>> No.1441231

Yes just put in your debit card

>> No.1441238

Alright, thanks for all the help fellas. Sorry for being too new.

>> No.1441423

Damn, those are some nice Trumpcoins.

>> No.1441439

Do you not realize that the Trump campaign stands to make a lot of money from Trumpcoin for free? Why would he bring bad publicity to what is essentially a fundraiser for him?

You're a special kind of shill.

>> No.1441445

For all of the loyal investors, holders, contributors, and followers out there anxiously waiting for significant news, you will be thoroughly delighted before this month is over. For legal and marketing reasons, I cannot disclose a whole lot just yet, but your wait is almost over. Within the next two weeks, we will be finally releasing all that has been happening behind the scenes and moving forward full throttle in our mission to help Donald Trump to Make America Great Again!

>> No.1441449


Look! I triggered a HillMissile.
That glasses and hairline. Can't make this up.

>> No.1441463

Talk sure is cheap, isn't it?

>> No.1441470


Now for a few minor updates:

New promotional videos
We have a few more videos coming very soon. Our next release is a bit of a fun little instructional for newbies to show them how to easily enter TrumpCoin.

Signature Campaign
Active now. If we see a TrumpCoin wallet address in your signature here or anywhere else, we will tip you. The bigger and more creative your TrumpCoin signature is, the more coins you will get. If you need help creating a signature, please ask us here. We are more than happy to help.

BTCT New Wallet Bonuses
BitcoinTalk members with non-newbie status are now eligible for free coins. To qualify, you must be a member of this forum with a status of Junior Member or better and not have a history of posting in any of the TrumpCoin threads to date. All that we ask in return is for you to download and evaluate our wallet or daemon and tell us about your experience here.

Tips, Tips, Tips
Community contributors will begin receiving more consistent tips from the TrumpCoin Team. The Contributor Tipping Program will begin on Monday.

Translation Bounties
Coming within the next 2 weeks. We must finalize the OP before moving forward with this. Once the final copy is ready, we will announce bounties for the languages that we need translations for.

Flash Mob Fun
You should already be noticing various members of the TrumpCoin Team ramping up in social media and troll boxes. Keep an eye out for opportunities for free coins from trivias and other quick little promotions that are liable to come from virtually anywhere. These are flash campaigns and will not generally be announced in advance. These campaigns typically pay participants and even random passers by in one form or another.
As August comes to a close, so do the preparation efforts of TrumpCoin. September and October will usher in the Super PAC and all that it entails.

Thank you for helping to Make Crypto Great Again!

>> No.1441473

Thats how the fudders look like

>> No.1441474
File: 58 KB, 178x178, 1469456483102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like a good opportunity to get into cryptocurrencies while they're still relatively new. Apparently this is exploding. How much bux am I singling myself out of if I wait a few days before investing in this?

>> No.1441493

The result of the work they have put in should be realised in September/October. You have time m8

>> No.1441502
File: 122 KB, 828x262, xplod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck yeah, just look at that explosive growth. It's just fucking exploding so much exponentially to the moon. OMG look at the asploding!

>> No.1441507

>literally admitting you are one of them
>literally proving me right
redditors really are retarded after all

>> No.1441508

dude, calm down, jesus

>> No.1441521


They used parts of our video!
Reeee! Report!

>> No.1441527


You know what...let it go. The Trumpcoin video came up first. If anything, ask him to give credit in the video description.

If he doesnt give credit thats fucked up.

>> No.1441531

You are right

>> No.1441585

it's been almost a week already, why is the richlist still dead

>> No.1441586 [DELETED] 
File: 417 KB, 457x721, IMG_999212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I be the official Trumpcoin mascot? ;-)
300 trumpcoins would really make my day...

>> No.1441589


>> No.1441597
File: 47 KB, 210x189, c38bbb_46ed1b9e548e4de384257f8154c52743-mv2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, we already got a way better one.

>> No.1441598

He already put it in the description

>> No.1441614

Ok great

>> No.1441703

I remember when 'perfect steady growth' used to be a meme around here. Now it's perfectly steady decline.

Fuck this coin, I bought at the peak and I was promised a moon mission. Not a 100% loss.

>> No.1441707

Don't waste your time and buy NXT.

That's the real moon coin atm.

>> No.1441721

NXT is overinflated and oversold. Expect a downfall from this point

>> No.1441723

This coin is all about the election, you hold until the election stupid fuck, all months before are of non importance.

>> No.1441724

Where is the DISCORD

>> No.1441728

It's here but there's absolutely nothing relevant going on in there ever.

>> No.1441757

Haha typical "bought at the peak and sold cause of weak-hand-syndrome"-case we got here

>> No.1441760

they make us money, let them do it

>> No.1441761

Excuse me lads. I'm currently syncing the Trump Wallet on my tablet.

It's been taking fucking forever, and occasionally freezes. Currently around ~298,000 blocks to download.

Am I just doing this on the wrong machine, or am I simply impatient?

>> No.1441764

You would have bought at the peak before the current developers had any involvement then. Stop trying to deceive those who don't know what's changed since then.

I'm not going to detail it here. Anybody new to this coin and wants to catch up can skim through the btctalk threads since June.

>> No.1441766

It takes a while. Leave it for an hour and if no progress is made go to trumpcoin.com and use contact form at the bottom to get technical help.

>> No.1441796


Just leave it open, mine did the same thing it just takes a good while.

>> No.1441895

based SEO guy. #1 on google even above CMC for trumpcoin

>> No.1441905

Damn, he is really good

>> No.1442021

They all seem based so far

>> No.1442027

I don't reckon the .rocks was ever ahead of the coinmarketcap site.
Good shit

>> No.1442174


Good updates, but not that not what is needed. You need a simple easy button to buy coins, that doesnt involving setting up accounts on sites that ask you to photograph your id or look like they were made by Albanian gangsters. THEN focus on getting more "normal" people involved.

>> No.1442176

This video is freaking HYPE though, gave me goosebumps. How much Trumpcoin would I get if I made something similar but with Trumpcoin promotion in it?

>> No.1442182

Depends how good it is

>> No.1442188

Maybe that is what is being withheld right now >>1441445

I agree that direct buying is needed for non crypto people. Current crypto users are also needed though and that will require being added to larger exchanges.
Translation bounties is what caught my eye on that list. They are aiming to appeal to a much wider audience that is enthusiastic about crypto and trump.

>> No.1442192

What would you think of this song?
I think it would have a good beat for it.
I'll start production for 250 Trumpcoin. My brother works for a commercial production company, so I could use his (2000$) video editing software.

>> No.1442212

By the way, which is better, yobit or c-cex?

>> No.1442227

Here's my deposit address for anyone who wants to help me produce this video
I'm going off to work now, will give a call to my brother.

>> No.1442237

what is the copyright situation for that track? you don't want to have TC videos having well known backing music as it is easy for them to be taken down. it doesn't even have to be the copyright holder that objects on youtube.

>> No.1442241

We need to put a watermark in the corner this time instead of a coin ad

>> No.1442251

Contact TrumpCoinContent m8. Maybe you could collaborate with him on llc videos. They have a few more videos they plan to release.

>> No.1442264

>248 posts
>60 posters
And it's the same 60 people in every thread. You guys should get RICOed in court for fraud.

>> No.1442281

You're one of those 60 though

>> No.1442302

He's one of the queens here making unfounded claims and assisting the thread with free bumps.

No cheap trumps for you bizqueen!

>> No.1442303

>Stole a billionaire's trademarks
>worried about copyright on a song

>> No.1442313

>he doesn't know how the 'options' field works

>> No.1442329

:o don't tell me that you put sage in there! It makes such a difference on this high energy board

>> No.1442336

It does. /biz/ is pretty slow. Thanks for the (you) btw.

>> No.1442376

Is everyone here trying something they read in the Art of the Deal? Why is everyone throwing out insults without answering arguments?

You're wrong on almost every front. "Put a lot of thought into it" is not an argument. Literally every coin has a Dev team and a community. It's the two requirement for being a coin, people making it and people buying it. I'd like to see a coin without devs.

Trumpcoin is not unique. It's a spinoff of charity coins but for politicans. It's a stupid meme that everyone knows won't last after the elections.

The rest of your post is just calling him stupid.

>> No.1442380
File: 310 KB, 650x1069, 1471094132558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the businessman who made his life off trademarking and branding won't sue because we support him

Oh my sweet summer child

>> No.1442394

Daily reminder that Trumpcoin is a scam coin desu.

>> No.1442429

Reminder that he's been posting scam accusations in every general for over a week and never has any evidence to support his claims.

>> No.1442435

Trumpcoin's fragile premise won't last past the elections.

If you actually understand how it works, Trumpcoin's theoretical value adding mechanism is a constant stream of people buying coins at a rate greater than the 2% staking. The rest of it comes from speculation. It is not used to buy or sell anything.

People who buy it are either speculators or people who don't understand this is an incredibly inefficient way of donating to Trump.

The value of the trumpcoins set aside for Trump would rise imperceptibly. If you bought 350k worth of trumpcoins thus doubling it's market cap, the current value of the trumpcoins for Trump would double, increasing by about 13k. That's 3.7% of your money going to Trump, the rest goes to devs and coin holders. The numbers flucate a lot by hundreds of percent a week despite coin holders touting "stability".

Its basically driven by hype. If you buy it now you might make money off the idiots who buy it later, but it's a bubble.

>> No.1442454

Most people don't want to throw money away when donating to a candidate. The draw is that it would bring a new crowd of people into campaign donations, with the lure being the potential to make money.

Of course the money actual going to Trump is a small percentage of your initial "donation", but that's percentage of an "donation" that wouldn't have happened at all if not for Trump coin.

>> No.1442472

Nice mental gymnastics there, bud.

>> No.1442485

kek, post your address for the funny posts!

>> No.1442684

To raise the value of the Trump donation by 28% you'd have to buy 98k worth of coins at the current market cap.

>> No.1442686

>with the lure of potential to make money
That's what a bubble is, speculation outweighing the value.

>otherwise this money wouldn't have gone to Trump
True, but if you want to donate just give the money straight to him. Using Trumpcoin gives over 95% of your money to devs and coin holders.

>> No.1442763
File: 1.38 MB, 294x350, 1469420637944.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not 56,000%....
Still funny, but still no address.

>> No.1442766

So much fudding in da /tcg/... I wonder who is behind it

>> No.1442781
File: 118 KB, 491x491, nocoiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1442805

Signal wrote something about translation bounties, maybe the chinese are coming on board?

>> No.1442825

What the hell are you talking about? A 56,000% increase would need many millions of buying.

If you think I mean Trumpcoin has risen by 28% since the start read my post.

I'm from Singapore.

>> No.1442839

56,000% can happen in crypto in a matter of days, maybe even hours

>> No.1442885





>> No.1442897


>the presidential candidate who is currently the busiest man on Earth will waste valuable time and alienate possible supporters

>Mr. Trump! Mr. Trump!
>What is it Jenkins? We need to be on the jet to Sheboygan in 20 minutes!
>Well sir, I've been doing some research and some guys on the Internet have started an altcoin with your name on it!
>With your name on it sir!
>And they say that they're going to give some money to your campaign fund.
>You're fired. Hargreaves! Where's the car, we need to be on that jet in 18 minutes!?

>> No.1442898
File: 618 KB, 1365x2048, IMG_21211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would happen to the chart if I bought 500.000 Trumpcoins?

>> No.1442920

No, they can't. It's technically illegal for foreigners to buy Trumpcoins and there'd be a lawsuit if anyone knew about trumpcoins or bothered about 13k of donations.

Trump is a billionaire, it's unlikely money will help him. And as I pointed out less than 4% of money is actually donated to Trump, the 96% is given to devs and coin holders.

>> No.1442921

The whole stock market is a pump and dump scheme m8, grow up

>> No.1442929

>technically illegal

That is up for the FEC to decide. It's not a donation, Trump isn't being given the coins. The fund is used for PAC activities.

>> No.1442930

If you've ever worked within ten meters of a brand heavy company you'd know that greentext sounds silly. Assuming he doesn't care about his brand image which is incredibly unlikely if you know his history(Trump steaks, Trump water, Trump vodka), all he has to do is slip his law team a memo and they'll build a case for him. He could make money just by suing the devs.

>> No.1442932


Wtf I hate trumpcoin now

>> No.1442934

No, stocks have inherent value. You legally own some part of the company. It's factories, it's computers, it's chairs, to less tangible things like it's talent and brand image. If it ever goes bankrupt you get your share of the assets. You own enough shares and you can vote on what the company does. Some pay dividends.

The value of any currency is that it can be used as an efficient medium of exchange, like bitcoin for darknet transactions. Sometimes it's also a safe haven for volatility if it has a lot of liquidity. Trumpcoin is pure speculation because it's not used like this.

The stock market is driven in some part by speculation which is why you have to sort out which stocks are overvalued and which aren't. But Trumpcoin is pure speculation and I don't see it ever being used as currency.

>> No.1442936

Make yourself aware of what's happened over the last couple of months. You're basing your opinions on limited or out dated information.

This is about supporting trump, enabling international supporters to help him win via the PAC and furthering crypto in politics.

>> No.1442937

It's very explicitly illegal for foreign nationals to influence US elections. That includes PACs.

If he were being given the coins it'd probably be legal, just a bunch of strangers giving someone money.

You could say Trumpcoin is untraceable so there's no knowing if foreign nations did donate to it, but I doubt the FEC would rule that if you don't know who it is they can donate.

>> No.1442939

Make yourself aware of FEC regulations


Are you trying to emulate Trump? Why do people here keep repeating positive sounding things.

>> No.1442940
File: 2.06 MB, 2052x3066, Chaim Weizmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys know anything about this?

>> No.1442950

Read the latest announcement. If it is to be believed then we will know the FEC position on TrumpCoin within the next few weeks.

>> No.1442951

Trump is really not going to sue some shady, unknown cryptocurrency. He has much more important issues and there are much larger companies out there who use their name like https://www.trumpdollar.us/ and if they can do what they do then Trumpcoin is nothing

>> No.1442955

Why would the Trumpcoins be any safer in the Trump wallet ? Can't they shut down the software and all your coins are gone?

>> No.1442956

Why would people that want a project to succeed not say positive things? We've already been through that with the coup and now support the direction the current devs are taking.

>> No.1442958

I don't think you understand how cryptocurrency works.
No, they can't.

>> No.1442961

Can you store Trump in regular wallets or only in Trumpwallet?
Yes I'm still new to cc

>> No.1442965

By the way, is the value of Trumpcoin the same on all exchanges ?

And what is this?

>> No.1442966

>regular wallets
What do you mean?

The "wallet" program is just a thing that holds the private keys for all your addresses and knows how to stake and make transactions.

>> No.1442974

How long does it take for the coins to arrive in my Trumpwallet?

>> No.1442977

Shouldn't take more than a few minutes.

>> No.1442978

It's stuck synchronizing

>> No.1442979

Oh no it just goes VERY slow

>> No.1442980

The first time you open a wallet it needs to download the blockchain.
That can take up to a day or even more depending on how good your connection is.

>> No.1442981

So I will see my coins after the synchronizing?

>> No.1442982

Will it continue to synchronize if I shut down the program?

>> No.1442986

If you are really impatient you can try searching for your address here http://chain.blockpioneers.info/trump/index.php
Do note that the site has been really slow lately so give it a few minutes to load.


>> No.1442988
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, sweaty paul.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1442995


Why would he slip his law team a memo? He's got far bigger things to worry about. His team have all got bigger things to worry about. Why would he go to all the trouble for comparatively little monetary compensation and show he hates his own supporters by suing the dev team, at a time when he needs his supporters the most?

>> No.1443009


price goes up: BUY NOW ANON, ALL MOON

>not a scam

>> No.1443025

Calm down lad.

For any newcomers this is the latest announcement. They've been transparent, to their detriment according to a medium article. They've only updated when there has been something notable enough to share. No hype. You can only get the full picture by going back through the bitcointalk threads to about June and archived TrumpCoin generals. We will know the result of their work by September. Either way.

>> No.1443029

>Why would he go to all the trouble for comparatively little monetary compensation and show he hates his own supporters by suing the dev team, at a time when he needs his supporters the most?

>why would he attack the parents of a dead war hero?
>why would he mock the disabled?
>why would he attack the service record of a highly-respected Vietnam vet?
>why would he disparage Mexicans when he needs the Hispanic vote?
>why would he threaten a religious test for immigration when he knows it's unconstitutional?

we really don't know why, anon. But he has and he undoubtedly would again.

>> No.1443035

Anyone still arguing that Trump is going to sue is either a fucking retard or a troll, so I wouldn't pay any heed to them.

>> No.1443041

or someone that has worked for Trump before.
or paid any attention to his career.

Trump's almost as famous for suing people as Scientology is.

>> No.1443044

>Make yourself aware of FEC regulations


I can tell this is the same fucking retard/troll I smacked down before and changed IP's. Why someone is this intent on fudding an altcoin I have no idea why, other than to drive down prices.

Remember that. If fudders believed themselves they wouldnt be bothered to post here. "Because I want to warn others", or "I'm bored" is a load of dogshit. No, you are here to drive down prices like every other fudder.

>> No.1443050

Stay worried, you should be.

>> No.1443051

33 posts by this ID.

Fulltime fudder LMAO

The chances of Trump sueing is slim to none and I am willing to put money on that. Only when this coin hits $100M+ marketcap maybe. Other than that go fuck yourself. 33 posts by this ID yep not trying to drive down prices at all, you're here cause you're "bored" or you "want to warn others."


>> No.1443058


All those things are done by him opening his mouth and talking without thinking, not actually initiating any kind of real action.

>> No.1443067

And also taken out of context and misquoted in the MSM. Will Clinton be doing anything to reduce the burden of illegals? Will she stop pandering to radical Islam which is so at odds with western culture and values?
Look at the refugee crisis in Europe. protect your own Americans, so you don't end up like us.

>> No.1443072

>Clinton's actions don't make sense therefore Trump's do.
non sequitur

I wouldn't try to predict what either of those cunts would do, but Trump certainly seems more impulsive.

He clearly believes any press is good press, and suing TrumpCoin would probably get him some press.

>> No.1443076

>trying to drive down prices
If I was I'd be doing you a favor because then you could buy more of your scam moneys.

That would imply you wanted to buy this shit though. We both know that's not true.

>> No.1443103

*yawn* that was weak.

>> No.1443155
File: 11 KB, 460x219, Noob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I have my Circle account. Now how do I get some damn Trumpcoin

Pls no bully

>> No.1443160

Buy bitcoin.
Make an account on c-cex/yobit and make a deposit address there.
Transfer bitcoin from circle to c-cex/yobit.
Buy trumpcoin.

>> No.1443172


>> No.1443182

Ok, I am dumb and running a computer from my school. How mad would they be if I downloaded the Trump wallet? Does it suck up a bunch of bandwidth? I don't want it to get detected.

>> No.1443186
File: 14 KB, 184x184, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the people vs blockchain

>> No.1443238

I think we need a new /tcg/

>> No.1443386

>*pokes trumpcoin with a stick*
do something;-;

>> No.1443388

Give it two weeks. If something big doesn't happen - sell.

>> No.1443403

New thread.






>> No.1443470

>I am willing to put money on that
Well, you are already.

>> No.1443655

What has his law team doing that's more important than copyright infringement?

Trump really wouldn't care about a thousand people on the Internet.

>> No.1443660

>other than to drive down prices

Do you really live in such a bubble you think everyone who disagrees with you is trying to get you? Why would I care about the price of Trumpcoin going down? I can't short it. And I think it's a retarded investment so I'm not going to buy low.