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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 210 KB, 273x364, The-Richest-Man-In-Babylon-George-Clason.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1438582 No.1438582 [Reply] [Original]

The Richest Man in Babylon is one of few books I ever read, and the only book I ever read about finance.

As a non-reader I didn't know what to expect, but decided to give it a go and absolutely loved it!
I can recommend this to any of you who know nothing about finance, and to anyone that loves entrepreneur stories.

I want to ask people that loved this book as much as I did to recommend me some similar books, because I don't know any myself. I'd really love to read more stuff like this.

Also, what are some /biz/ related movies you like?
One that I can recommend is 'There Will Be Blood' (2007). It's about a man trying to make it in the early 20th century oil boom. It's a great movie.

Thanks in advance

>> No.1438704

You never read, so how can you pretend to recommend a book? Your opinion is shit by the simple fact that you have no reference frame.

To answer your question, there are a few book threads on /biz at the moment.

>> No.1438719


>Your opinion is shit

Where in my post did you find an opinion about the book?

If you would've read my post carefully you would've understood that I recommended it to people that want to learn about finance based on the fact that I have learned something about finance in the book.

>> No.1438725

Haven't read it, but /biz/ seems to love Ramit Sethi, and my personal favorite is Tim Ferriss - he made me rethink the entire concept I had about running a business. I had the mindset of Henry Ford - "Provide the best possible product at the lowest possible price" - but Tim somewhat challenged that concept I had and justified why he challenged it. Very important for me as I take my first steps in my business, which is drying the ink on my legal stuff for my state.

>> No.1438730


the fuck man is that necessary? why don't you go read up on why someone would go around chopping people down on the internet. You might find out why you're alone.

>> No.1438737

I've also got a book recommendation for you: "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie.

Clearly you need it.

>> No.1438748

Thank god theres nice people on this board aswell.

Thank you anon, I will certainly check it out.

>> No.1438772


I read this when I first started learning about personal finance. Pretty solid, general beginners advice. Anyone who follows the concepts should be in pretty good shape.

There Will Be Blood is one of my favorite movies. In a way, it could be considered an indictment of putting your own selfish goals above personal relationships. By the end of the film, Daniel is alone and drunk in a giant mansions, wasting the rest of his days and spending his fortune as a recluse.

The interesting thing imo is it could also be interpreted as the opposite, since by the end of the movie, Daniel has achieved his goals and is fulfilled, while Eli is is unhappy and destitute (his power and fame lived and died by his relationships and influences with his followers, while Daniel achieved his wealth by his own volition and determination as an individual.)

Its less of a /biz/ movie and more about the nature of man's ambition and his relation to other human beings. But those themes are pretty /biz/ too, I guess.

>> No.1438791

I love richest man. It doesnt have any shameless self promotion like kiyosaki or *cough* trump

>> No.1439056

>I read this when I first started learning about personal finance.

So what books have you read after this one that have helped you even further?

>> No.1439123

> Ramit Sethi
> falling for the slow wealth pajew

>> No.1439178

kiyosaki is niggery, but cashflow quadrants is a life changing concept, and if he didn't have money , how would he spread the gospel?

>> No.1439336
File: 90 KB, 580x440, rdpd-wealthy-vs-middleclass-chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cash flow quadrant.

>> No.1439358

>Your opinion is shit
>Where in my post did you find an opinion on the book?
>"As a non-reader I didn't know what to expect, but decided to give it a go and absolutely loved it."

I think that's what he was attacking.

The Richest Man in Babylon is actually a pretty solid recommended read, and this is actually one of the nicer boards on 4chan. I'm kinda impressed.