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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14385390 No.14385390 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.14385532

rebuy at 5k. thats the cost to mine. short the way down 3x leverage

>> No.14385554

lol get a load of weak hands. See you at 14k

>> No.14385555

6500-7200 is more realistic

>> No.14385624
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>short the way down 3x leverage
tfw poor but i did my part, pic related

make it 4k

>> No.14385626


>> No.14385652

why is it climbing back now? Or will it fucking drop again?

MFW when I sold at 11.8

>> No.14385689
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>it's already recovering

Spineless fucks, you'll never make it being this reactionary.

>> No.14385692

We will show no mercy to weak hands like (((OP))) when our trust fund babies are bullying their poor cumstain working the 3rd night shift at McDonalds.

>> No.14385722

we are going up again
little boys get scared by fat fingers

>> No.14385746

the chance that we will go to 4-5 k is really low but bitcoin have good history with testing the 100 daily average and that should be at the 6500-7200 level

>> No.14385756

Exchange pumps up to fuck shorts then dumps to fuck longs. Thanks for playing. The only winning move is to sit and never sell.

>> No.14385772

>the absolute state of euphoria

>the chance that we will go to 4-5 k is really low
just like the chance to pump up from 4k to 13k without a correction

>> No.14385787

i hope so. i fomo'd in at 13.9k.

>> No.14385812
File: 308 KB, 500x500, D3JmYcCUwAAvyPO (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitfinex was in "maintenance" today, this i why I don't hold btc

Mfw mort portfolio is down 1k

>> No.14385819

we'll do whatever you want with your money but i would not bet against historical trend

>> No.14385876

>historical trend
uh, no sweetie, if btc followed the "historical" trend, then it was supposed to pump to 6k-7k and then drop to 4k, before starting the bullrun

a lot of people expected that so it didn't happen obviously. now it's literally pure euphoria, even the boomer on twitter said 100k eoy or something.

btc will go down, i don't know how far down, but definitely more down than what most people expect

>> No.14385937

what about one bitcoin bet? if it goes to 4k i will send bitcoin to you but if we hold the 100 daily moving average you will pay me

by the way i agree that this is pure euphoria and we will go down

>> No.14386029

everytime i go in this board, it shows me how fucking retarded it is. you didn't even buy at what was supposed to be the dip, even if it was one. you literally bought at the worst possible time for either outcome, fucking /biz/

>> No.14386034

i'm not a gambler, and most importantly i don't have 1 btc, but it will definitely break the 100 day ema

>> No.14386096


It's going back up, it will test 14k again soon.

It may bounce off it again though.