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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14381332 No.14381332 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't this top 10 yet?

>> No.14381394

It will be eventually

>> No.14381860


>> No.14381892


>> No.14381910

$15 eoy 2020 is possible

>> No.14381962

It's only a matter of time at this point. Current price is a gift, don't squander it.

>> No.14381999

It will be. We'll dip first for a week with the CB listing then it's going to climb unbroken.

>> No.14382013


>> No.14382017

because it's an overblown startup company.

>> No.14382035


>> No.14382038

You spelled 2019 wrong, anon.

>> No.14382079

disbelief and lack of understanding in the market

>> No.14382088

Reasonable prediction

>> No.14382099

last two digits determines what rank it will be in July

>> No.14382116

It's because Jason parser, head of the project, is a neo Nazi incel terrorist

>> No.14382190

People do not understand the project and do not have chinks in the team.

>> No.14382223
File: 304 KB, 451x451, 1560210879323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait until September. All the rest of this is literallywho.

September has ALWAYS been when the show starts.

>> No.14382230

Sergey and his 65% won't let it happen.

>> No.14382245

Jason motherfucking Parser

>> No.14382288
File: 34 KB, 419x600, 1556744582864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fud own bag for 2 straight years
>"wtf why is nobody buying"

>> No.14382296
File: 1.86 MB, 1125x2236, 1560714127864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 off.

OK MIDDLE SEPTEMBER, happy now Kek? I am but your vessel to spread memes, racism, and fuck spic prostitutes on my private island (through your blessings)

>> No.14382299

>paying real, hard earned cash for a distributed JSON parser
Hahaha oh no you morons are serious oh my god

>> No.14382325

Is 1k enough to make it in the long run?

>> No.14382386

i believe the top eoy will be $6 at max
if $15 this year we can see $50 in 2020
i'd be so fucking rich

>> No.14382587
File: 356 KB, 720x812, 1558545560158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a job and buy more. literally anything you spend money on now that isnt LINK, until it hits at least 500, is lost money.

>> No.14382609

because nazi bastards are fudding and if you google sergey on youtube you will think this is ridiculousu
But if the ''meme magic'' is this, well let it be

You'll be waiting 4 year before 100$

You have been warnet

>> No.14382680 [DELETED] 

And thank me later


>> No.14382753

how dare you post this in my thread you shit-stained subhuman

>> No.14382894

omg it worked thank you so much anon

>> No.14383145

It will be top 3 my friend