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14376357 No.14376357 [Reply] [Original]

>Visiting family last december
>''Anon stop buying cryptobitcoints! You're going to lose''
>Buy more, tell family about it and ask them to join
>''Well, instead of buying a new car you bought this bullshit..yada yada bullshit''
fastforward till today
>''a..anon, can we buy some cryptobitcoints''
>Welp, market is kind of risky I don't suggest buying right now, the price is up 3x since we last spoke about it
>''b..but can't we get some of the $3500 ones??''

what the fuck is going on? I've been shilling BTC to my family since it was $400 each, they never bought some and never wanted to hear unless it pumps insane and want to buy the top?
And yes, they call it exactly like this ''cryptobitcoints''

>> No.14376374

Don't mention it to anyone who isn't already into it.

>> No.14376382

>>Welp, market is kind of risky I don't suggest buying right now, the price is up 3x since we last spoke about it
Regarding this, I know if they buy and suffer a 10% loss they'll blame me for it.
Not even trying to shill it anymore.
How does /biz/ cope with their family about this?

>> No.14376401

Not talking about it.
The less they know, the better.

>> No.14376409

>cant we get some of the $3500 ones??

>> No.14376424

makes sense.
Will never mention it to anyone again.

Fucking cab driver on the way to the airport charged me €10 extra cause I told him I'm a full time NEET living out of crypto mainly.

Nothing good comes out of mentioning crypto IRL

>> No.14376430
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Just sell to them at the top and btfo them.

>> No.14376453

>Well, instead of buying a new car you bought this bullshit
man this is exactly why plebs are poor

>> No.14376457

This is a life lesson, never ever talk to anyone about anything financial or investment wise. You’re best off keeping quiet. If you make it you’ll have so many leeches, trust me friends will ask for loans and fuck around taking you forever to pay back, even people you consider close friends cause if they know you have money they’ll justify why they shouldn’t pay you back on time. Never tell anyone what’s in your portfolio never tell anyone what’s in your bank account and never show anyone your blockfolio. On top of this if they do buy the top and get wrecked they’ll ALWAYS sell at a loss and blame you on it.

>> No.14376459

you're so fucking selfish. that's what's wrong with this board.

why are you trying to keep all the cryptobitcoints to yourself? cant even show your own BLOOD where to buy the $3500 coints? greedy little cunt.

>> No.14376484


>> No.14376502

This. They could immediately flip a 3500 one and sell it for almost 4x profit right now but OP is too much of a fag.

>> No.14376524

Most people are actually fucking retarded especially financially so nothing will stick and you’ll be seen as wealthy and “hey anon you own 100 btc drinks on the bar for all urs, your frens??” every time , it’s basically a genie curse being wealthy via crypto and stocks if everyone knows you are

>> No.14376534

And this driver was a shitskinned invader, yes?

>> No.14376567

>If you make it you’ll have so many leeches, trust me friends will ask for loans and fuck around taking you forever to pay back, even people you consider close friends cause if they know you have money they’ll justify why they shouldn’t pay you back on time.

Yup, during ATH I made the mistake of bragging on Facebook and had a girl I hardly hear from in ages asking me for $20k.
lol at her, not a single cent given

>> No.14376565

So what? Your family are massive retards, and when they will lose their money they will blame it on you, and tell you how they told you it was all a scam. If you're lucky your crazy uncle might start a lawsuit against you.
Now it's too late, you should cut all ties with them.

>> No.14376589


Never reveal the fact you hold crypto to normies. This includes family. Family includes GF/wife.
Never reveal you know a lot about crypto to normies. This includes family. Family includes GF/wife.

In case you already fucked up you have to take action now before the bull.
If your family or friends know you invested in crypto but not the amount you need to

>casually mention a comically small amount you had invested
>say you made 20% gain and sold happily.
>If it ever comes up again tell them you are upset of missing out but are too scared to go in again

If you cant do the above for some reason and they know you have crypto
>Do not reveal which coins and do not reveal how many

If they know and they know you already cashed out a bunch and are already rich
>Cut ties to any of them which have low class background
>never talk about money ever
>if you can, make up a story about how you lost your fortune or alternatively have them think your $$ is from a non-crypto business
>look out for normies or family who casually start talking about needed money for a specific purchase. When you spot one doing it, ghost them immediately. They WILL betray you

if you ever had some online profile connected to your real identity in any way where you talked about crypto
>request the archive.org waybackmachine to delete all cached copies of it

But in truth if you really made it big and many know its from crypto, you need to move state or country and be low-key from there on out and keep your address secret from old acquaintances.

>> No.14376598

woah....true. i lended some "close friends" money since i made it and they knew it. to cut a long story short: i had to offensive threaten with collections/inkasso and burning all bridges between them after a long fuckery cause they delayed and delayed and never stick to what we agreed on etc. . i had literally no other chance and it was very humiliating to trust and then get shit on again. they didn't even care that we had a contract. probably would have screwed me completely if i hadn't insisted on that in the first place.

>> No.14376604
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I explained crypto and some of it's fundamentals to my mom and brother and they didnt want in. I don't feel guilty if i make money and they dont. Either people take to it or they don't.

>> No.14376609

He was local, and complained how bad his job was?
Cab driving in European countries is actually a well paid job.

>> No.14376692

Parents finally started charging me rent after seeing the BTC price mooning.

Never let anyone know how big your stack is. It can only backfire

>> No.14376771

Don't shill to anyone. If they lose, they blame you. If they win, they take the credit for their "genius" investing moves. Just accumulate silently and let the news outlets shill to them at the all time high.

>> No.14376957
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Who says this is the top, op?
Is that how you really feel?

>> No.14376976

I hate when you get the "visceral reaction" when trying to explain it

You can see the shock and horror on their bodies and faces when you suggest they drop even $100.00 in crypto, you can see them thinking "holy shit I trusted this person and he's trying to scam me out of money, I never thought you of all people would try to run a scam on me" and then they freeze up

>> No.14377020
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>b..but can't we get some of the $3500 ones?
Tell them they are peasant

>> No.14377216

nah, I'm comfy in BTC for long term, but first correction that comes family will weak hand the fuck out of it and blame me forever.

>> No.14377293

I crypto lended some USDT to a friend because he wanted to FOMO in without waiting for the transfer from his bank.

I realized just after it was a huge mistake. Of course my friends has now issues with his bank, always new delays and new reasons why he is not paying back.
It's been two weeks.
Never again.
It is a large sum for a normie but thanksfully only a tiny fraction of my crypto assets. It could reveal an expensive but useful lesson.

>> No.14377369

>mom divorce (2nd) stepdad last christmas
>she has to move in with me
>went from being a "proper" "church lady" to a new-age wiccan who prays to rocks and is suddenly too comfortable with her body
>she knows i'm into crypto, and hears me cheering in my room sometimes
>has likely told a lot of her friends about it
>constantly asks if "we" are rich yet
>have already shelled out thousands of dollars to help her in the past, and still got shit on by her and my stepdad, twice after
>she has told me years ago that she's jealous of my disabilitybux because i don't have to work
>get 3k a month from getting fucked up in combat
>body aches everywhere everyday, nightmares, insomnia, panic attacks, high blood pressure, all of it
>know for a fact she's manipulating other family member's view of me so that i'm the bad guy when i tell her to leave
>family who already hates me for not being a democrat cuck now hates me and are jealous of my crypto gains
>there are actual millionaires in my family but because i'm the black sheep thanks to my mom everyone treats me differently

sorry to blog
tl;dr- tell NOBODY, NOBODY AT ALL, even family, ESPECIALLY FAMILY about your crypto
money changes people, and everyone has a price

>> No.14377691

Everybody knows already.

>> No.14377867

if i make it in Minecraft my plan is this:
>have multiple suicide options attached/implanted into my body
>disappear myself
>cash out in another country
>live like a king with a harem of cute local girls until i die

>> No.14377900

Rule #1 about crypto: You don't talk about crypto to anyone outside of your anonymous biz posts.

>> No.14377914

theres no crypto, ONLY BITCOIN

this is why a summerfag like everyone in here explaining anything to a normie is a non event

>> No.14377923

I have bad news for you, anon.
Your family might be retarded.

>> No.14378021

>Yes goyim don't help your white flesh and blood relatives leave the nepotism to us. Your relatives don't deserve to make it.

>> No.14378032

This is unironically why BTC can just continue these pump and dump cycles forever. Most people are extremely retarded financially (no offence to your parents, I had a similar experience with mine).

>> No.14378117

This. Never help your family, especially if they are white

>> No.14378446
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Also OP
Never forget the 80/20 rule.
I don't want to offend anyone, but remember.
Every time you talk to someone, there is an 80% chance that he or she is a normie.
And there is an 80% chance that this normie is retarded.
Not talking to family members about crypto is not enough, never talk about crypto to anyone.
Never let your guard down and always act ignorant if it has to do with financial stuff.
Never shill in the open and never give anyone financial advice.

>> No.14378590

>And yes, they call it exactly like this ''cryptobitcoints''
Your family isn't white is it?

>> No.14378685

Im scared anons. Literally no joke scared. People are changing around me

>> No.14378772

you could have made incredible gains with that in those 2 weeks. normies truly are scum

>> No.14378809

You can’t give your parents some rent money. Globalist.

>> No.14378936

you literally just have to pretend you're poor until you can disappear
thinking about trashing my room to make her believe i lost everything

>> No.14378951
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>Grandpa is Bulgarian, grandma is Macedonian, Father is Russian. We can't be more Slavic than that
Thank you, took a note on this one.

>> No.14379045

>''Well, instead of buying a new car you bought this bullshit..yada yada bullshit''

Literally why the middle class thinks they have no class mobility. Jesus fuck

>> No.14379160

Ah I remember those posts from 2013 where people were larping that FBI was after them and they had their chip with the private key implanted in their skin and just wiped everything with a magnet. This takes me back

>> No.14379161

Good luck on your journey. I was in your boat in 2017 and everybody knew.
I lost everything in 2018 but they still think I'm rich.

This fast money shit truly can be a curse

>> No.14379309

>shill link to my auntie a year ago, telling her I could go into all kinds of details to explain why it's a 200% sure high reward investment and she really should just fucking trust me
>"oh I don't know anon I got a lot of bills to pay and blabla and I don't have time to look into it blabla and I don't trust it and blablabla why don't you just look for work instead of investing in stupid things anon blablabla you're going to lose it all trust me I'm more experienced about life than you etc etc"
>tell her it's x10 since last year
>"oh... really??? so how do I buy now???"
>too late retard it was a year ago you should have invested, fuck now it's too late and you want to buy after it's pumped why are you boomers so fucking stupid reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
fucking boomers I despise them so much holy shit

>> No.14379426

Normie boomers don't understand that the gains that you make are a payment for the risk you took.

They see your crypto wealth as a gift that you don't really deserve and think they can get the same thing without the risk.

>> No.14379591
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>> No.14379680
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>> No.14379788

Just get second ones bruh...

>> No.14379837
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>yeah being white totally exempts your family from wanting to take advantage of the wealth they perceive you as having

>> No.14379989

These anons WOULD be right if it wasn't for the fact that our cucked families don't have a single shred of tribalism left in themselves, which is the reason for them to become jelly and resentful when we make it to begin with.