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14374705 No.14374705 [Reply] [Original]

>Neuralink, the San Francisco-based company founded by Musk in 2016, which is looking at, in its own words, “developing ultra high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces to connect humans and computers”, which is exactly what it sounds like, to wit, embedding human brains with micro-circuitry to greatly enhance mental and pursuant capabilities.


>revolutionize internet transactions
>create world's most successful electric car
>launch heavy rockets into space and land them back down
>now literally creating human machine cyborgs

Is there anything this man can't do?

>> No.14375210

I bought a neuralink device back in 2017

the app didn't work and therefore the device never worked, I sent it in for a return, I had to bother them repeatedly with phone calls and emails for a month before they finally gave me my money back

shit company with a shit product

same as every company Elon runs

just watch, $TSLA will be filing for chapter 7 in September, screencap this

>> No.14375222

>he buys from the biggest conman in the world


>> No.14375317


>t.sour grapes

what have you done with your life?

>> No.14375376

They are actually selling cyborg parts now or your just being ironic?

>> No.14375409
File: 148 KB, 300x375, 1556115549690.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

created actual value, unlike Elon

>rockets blow up

>will never be profitable

Boring Company
>promises hyperloops, but delivers one-mile -long, one-lane road

>product doesn't work

Personal Life
>terrible father to his children
>does drugs, lies to investors, gets fined by SEC
>spends more time posting memes on Twitter than fixing his shitty companies

There is literally nothing redeeming about Elon Musk. Young people mistake his bluster for genius when really he's just an asshole who can't run a company for shit.

When you're mature enough to stop reading Ayn Rand, you'll understand.

>> No.14375684


You've never created anything in your life other than disappointment in your parents

>> No.14375719

Seriously, can’t he just focu# on one thing?

>> No.14375725

elon is a fucking fraud dude
he should already be in jail and if there's any justice in the universe he'll be there shortly

>> No.14375978
File: 384 KB, 462x465, 1554213229920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hero-worships Elon Musk
>in 2019
>spends time yelling at strangers on the internet who don't hero-worship Elon Musk
yeah I think you might wanna reflect on your own life before accusing internet strangers of being losers

>> No.14375984

turn a profit

>> No.14376041
File: 22 KB, 640x723, DzcGU5cUUAAuQE-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>success is only measured in profits

>> No.14376072

Well, I haven't stolen billions from taxpayers in fraud green companies

>> No.14376123


when link makes me rich I will get neuralink in my brain. I'll make myself biomechanical

>> No.14376147


>> No.14376155

I am a literal living cyborg with cochlear implant. It's not all hyped up to be. Your experience is still limited by lithium ion battery lifespan. You can't do certain things. You run a risk of killing yourself if you crash at right place where it destroys the implant. It goes on.

>> No.14376638

Imagine needing the comfort of deluding yourself into thinking that the people who disagree with you are disappointments to their parents
Unironically pathetic