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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14373490 No.14373490 [Reply] [Original]

Of course you do, /biz.

Pic related. All we do is make gains.


Learn to trade before the normies fuck your whole world up, brainlets. Or don't and I'll lead the way to LamboLand.

>> No.14373530
File: 4 KB, 259x194, 1559334807125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this some kind of PND group?

>> No.14374019
File: 623 KB, 1080x1897, Screenshot_20190625-092923_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice green ID, anon. But no, this isn't a fucking PnD. I've been showing /biz bros my gains for 6 months now.

Pic related. Blue logo is the free channel, organe is the premium one. I've been telling you about GRS, EVX, and TNT that did well over 200% last month. Normies in my city now call me to buy bitcoin and for trading suggestions. I just like spending time shitposting and laughing at poorfags that couldn't afford a $17.99 membership now get to REEEE when Stan from accounting signs up for a year membership for $250.

I made it very clear, once institutional money comes in to get the burgers roasties, and normies on board with crypto, you will miss out on the only one trying to make /biz great again. Godspeed.

Feel free to lurk moar since you can't afford to join now. This ameribro tried to help you all.


Get some jiffy pop and enjoy the show.