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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14368676 No.14368676 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to start shilling this shit fucking hard. I can't wait until you disgusting pajeets and kike whales post on here complaining about how the Tyrones on twitter are hopping onbaord,

I can't wait for you to try spamming your co-ordinated nazi memes to try and get the page banned only for me to start another and another and another. Hell I might go all out and make block of instagram accounts just for the stacies, who knows.

I cant wait for when a wave of buyers so fucking large soon comes through and eats your sell walls leaving you in the dust.

Non jewish and non indian /biz/bros, I suggest you start doing the same.

>> No.14368713
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U good fren?

>> No.14368724
File: 221 KB, 1546x444, Screen Shot 2017-12-17 at 11.02.36 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK so all the normies buy in and LINK goes to $5, and what then? You sell? What's the fucking point of pumping it with idiot money unless you plan to sell, and who the fuck plans to sell their link any time in the next couple of years?
The fudders are retarded but the shills are equally retarded. We now have moonboys here who still think crypto is about just enthusiastically shilling the shitcoin de jour then jumping to the next one. They have no idea what Chainlink is, what the 4th industrial revolution is, what smart contracts are going to do...

I suppose I can at least rest easy that these faggots will all sell for a measly 5x and then fuck off, and will never actually make it.

>> No.14368735

I don't give a fuck what you say bro. Everyone here sees through your posts.

>> No.14368767

Sees through what? I'm asking what your goal is, do you even have an answer?

>> No.14368802 [DELETED] 

Literally why pajeet?
Link goes up in price based on adoption stop pajeeting like its a shitcoin.

So you pump it a few percent and then what?
What then? You and crash the price? The normalfags se it go up a tiny amount and crash the price?

>> No.14368814 [DELETED] 

*you sell and crash the price

>> No.14368837

This exact conversation has happened a million times before. Nobody cares that you and your friends in mumbai want to increase your 1k stack to 2k.

The only thing that needs to happen now is to ensure that these whales and their fucking greed are buried 6 ft deep and to have Tyrone dance on their grave.

>> No.14368843

Gods speed.

>> No.14368860

You literally don't even have an explanation for why you want to shill it to retards. LINK has never needed speculator money to be valuable, it doesn't need it now.

>> No.14368873

wtf is a jewish and an indian?

>> No.14368879

Cringe. You have to go back nigger

>> No.14368909

I'm an early adopter you fucking newfag peasant.
You're the pajeet street shitter who keeps making these threads about shilling on FB, reddit and elsewhere.
You don't understand chainlink.
The price goes up based on the system not normalfags speculating.
No one wants to do this.
You're alone pajeet.
Chainlink doesn't need you to go up in price. All your shilling will do is bring cancerous redditors etc to /biz/ and shit this place up.

>> No.14368987

Godspeed fren, whales are desperate, they are loosing the grip. You can taste their tears, delicious.

>> No.14369073

Your sell walls are looking awfully tiny there Moshe. Would be a shame if normies came and ate it up.

>> No.14369124

You're a retard. Normies will buy and then sell when they see gains thus crashing the price you samefagging moron.
So what? You get normalfags to buy. Then they sell when they see gains and the prices drop again.
You're hopelessly stupid.
You have no plan. You're just a dog chasing cars.

>> No.14369648

Why are whales so desperate?

>> No.14369686

Insatiable greed. They aren't and never will be, true followers of Christ.

>> No.14369768

Lol ain’t gonna work. You shoulda done it 2 years ago.
2 reason it won’t work:
1-Normiea are passive and risk avert, they won’t invest in something worth 2$. Maybe stack of 20, maybe.
2-Normirs mostly are impulsive and don’t have patient. When they find out that it took 2 years for this price to rise up they will go away.
Anyway good luck.