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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1435257 No.1435257 [Reply] [Original]

Do any billionaires lurk /biz/?

>> No.1435268

I have a portfolio of 316 million if that counts. Haven't seen a billionaire on 4chan yet.

>> No.1435275

yeah me

>> No.1435280
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Of course not
I genuinely doubt anyone over the age of 25 or making more than 80,000 per annum touches 4chan with a ten foot pole

>Inb4 I have an investment portfolio of 100 gazillion mega bucks
Proof or gtfo

>> No.1435285
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you're never too old or rich to enjoy memes and shitposting

>> No.1435286
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It me.

>> No.1435289

Im Not a billionaire but definately a DOGE millionaire

>> No.1435299

i don'g get it...

>> No.1435308

You are broke. Grandmas money. It me who rich.

>> No.1435310

im 32 and made 282k last year.

i shit post often. its fun.

>> No.1435311

who is (You)????

>> No.1435319


>> No.1435321

Why don't you rich people ever do something really useful with your money? Like saving the animation and video game industry. Fixing education in american schools. Helping some unfortunate smart intellectuals which were born in a poor family.
Etc etc

Being humble and constructive for once with your money.

>> No.1435332


Doesn't tat shrekli fag post here?

>> No.1435338

Not rich but throwing money at a problem usually doesn't help

>> No.1435339
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>saving the animation and video game industry

>> No.1435345
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My plan is to buy my old neighborhood(low income housing) and get them jobs and kick out druggies if they refuse to fill out an application. I will then become their king as they rely on me for housing money and safety. I will call them peasants and make them crawl to me for a raise.
Does that count?

>> No.1435348

I plan on building a castle to oversee them from a tower and have a dungeon for non suspicious activities

>> No.1435368

You think you're the first to think profiting from gentrification is a good idea?

>> No.1435380

>Fixing education in american schools
USA's trillion dollar economy can't fix schools, a billionaire couldn't come close to repairing it

>> No.1435392

Definitely not the first but what harm can it do?
Worst that will happen i make them mad and throw money at them to make them fight to the death.
It's not like they are people like us

>> No.1435410

There's not even 1 millionaire on /biz/. Anyone who claims to be a millionaire is full of shit.

>inb4 b-but millionaires like too shitpost too!
Fuck off nigger.

>> No.1435440

well i actually have a net worth over a mil.

not everyone on 4chan is a broke 18 year old living in their moms basement.

>> No.1435456

It could, but it would require the voter base not be total retards, which they are because of bad schools.

They could open a private one with merit scholarships though

>> No.1435492

I'd be shocked if any thousandaires lurk /biz/

>> No.1435493

>Why don't you rich people ever do something really useful with your money? Like saving the animation and video game industry.
they don't need saving, unless you were talking about japanese animation in which case it should just be allowed to die

>> No.1435496


i have over two million pennies in the bank right now, asshole...

>> No.1435499

many words no proof

>> No.1435500


yet this is the average person you willingly interact with

>> No.1435524

ok. why are you so mad?

>> No.1435927

About $700k net and I have a feeling I'm in the top 0,00000000000000000000000000001% of this shitter. So no.

>> No.1436086

Then don't, i don't care.

People in real life aren't much better.

>> No.1436091

why would they? actually they have prepared advisors who know about markets, stocks, and stuff... unlike /biz/.

>> No.1436124

>not liking dragon ball z
consider suicide

>> No.1436152

I actually have 6 gorillion jews. Does that make me a millionaire?

>> No.1436244

RIP twitter. Go in peace.

>> No.1436280

>Do any billionaires lurk /biz/?
Probably not, unless we're talking billionaires in Sao Tome Dobras or Vietnamese Dongs.

>316 million
Post proof.

>hurrrrr you're all poor, underage NEETs
Now you're being dumb.

>saving the anime industry
>very useful

>unfortunate smart intellectuals
>*tips fedora*


>> No.1436324

I don't see the problem
They both make me wet AF bby

>> No.1436761

I got like 4m in assets.

I don't think there has ever been a billionaire on here.

>> No.1436764
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>Like saving the animation and video game industry

>> No.1436772

there are ~1,800 billionaires in the world
~250 are chinese, ~100 indian, ~100 russian, so let's assume around 1,000 maybe speak enough english to prevail on 4chan.

according to wikipedia in 2015 there were only 46 billionaires under 40 years of age in the whole world and i guarantee you, nobody over 40yo who has a job has heard about 4chan. given the above ratio, maybe half of them speaks english. do you seriously think one of 23 eligible billionaires in the world hangs out on /biz/? that approaches lottery odds to be honest...

>> No.1436774

>Why don't you rich people ever do something really useful with your money?
Like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation attempting to fix Africa by throwing billions and billions at crucial health, education and hunger problems?
Naah, fuck that shit. Someone fix the video game industry. That's "really useful" for sure!

>> No.1436781

You also have to take into account that only like a few hundred people lurk /biz/, tops. This isn't like /b/ where it gets millions of hits a month.

>> No.1436818
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4chan, probably not /biz/ though

>> No.1436829
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>Why don't you rich people ever do something really useful with your money? Like saving the animation and video game industry.

>> No.1436836

>nobody over 40yo who has a job has heard about 4chan

You underestimate how famous is this website.

Just for the year 2016, I saw 4chan mentioned several times in Forbes, New York Times, Daily Mail, Rolling Stone, The Guardian, Newsweek, etc.

I mean, even the Washington Post was talking about fucking /mlp/ one month ago:


>> No.1436851

Not to mention all the times where 4chan is implied but not named in the media:

>the fappening

Yes, I saw serious newspapers talking about dogecoin.

>> No.1436859
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>Fixing education in american schools.
Yeah, I wish we could eradicate the niggers too.

>> No.1437369
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Official /biz/ haircut

>> No.1437453
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im a 1/3 millionaire

fuckin' ay :)

>> No.1437469

I'm not your personal Jesus, if you want all those problems fixed then do it yourself instead of asking 0.3% of the population to do it for you. Also, the video game industry? Really anon? Are you like five? Personally I donate $10.000 to cancer research every month and I consider my civil duties done.

>> No.1437474

There are a lot of business reporters on /biz/. Specifically, Bloomberg and Reuters reporters.

General reporting is well represented on /b/.

Major news outlets have their young shitbirds trawling through /pol/ constantly. I see more breaking news on /pol/ before I see it on the big news services. They have to fact check you see. That's probably all I should say.

>> No.1437610

billionaire here. you're all shit.

g2g lol

>> No.1437733

Maybe, George Soros sends people to lurk /pol/, so it's not too far off

>> No.1438138

>Bloomberg and Reuters people on /biz/
How do you know this?

>breaking news on /pol/ before the big news services
True. But also on Twitter. Sometimes /pol/ is late compared to Twitter, sometimes the other way round.

>> No.1438154

Patronizing the arts is 100 times worthier than researching cures for diseases we wouldn't have if we didn't poison ourselves like degenerates in the first place.

>> No.1438173

Still sucks when your favorite artists die from cancer though.

>> No.1438265

>Patronizing the arts
I want to strangle you until you bleed from the eyes.

>> No.1438343

>feeding the starving niggers so they can make more starving niggers that need more free shit
He might be euphoric but you're retarded.

>> No.1438485

It's okay to be an uneducated barbarian, Anon, just don't be so vocal about it.

>> No.1438696
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>Like saving the animation and video game industry.

>> No.1438700

why don't you millionaires do something constructive for once and fold katanas a thousand times or fund my animes

>> No.1439516
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>Why don't you rich people ever do something really useful with your money?
>Like saving the animation and video game industry

>> No.1439521

Oh damn I'm gonna get one of these so everyone knows I'm from /biz/

Then EVERYONE will respect me :^)

>> No.1439523

If pol wants to use the 4 of clubs path of light card in the apocalypse then biz will use this haircut.

>> No.1439526

Alki David probably does.

>> No.1439527

Please die of cancer.

>> No.1440033

>Frank Zappa died of Cancer
>he funds cancer research

Sounds good to me man, also go fuck yourself.

>> No.1441133

I bet Soros does.

Where else would you go to spot trends online? Serious question.

>> No.1441147

if you're not breaking the rules by being underage you should be close to that age and yeah maybe you're a NEET but not everyone is a complete failure but they could still visit 4chan, there is not some other thing that magically appears that is more appealing than 4chan and takes up all your time

>> No.1441170


Wow that was some great bait

>> No.1441213

If I ever got truly rich I would fund anime adaptations of all of my favorite manga series

>> No.1441355

>saving the animation video game industry
>save an industry that takes away from scientific and medical advancement on a huge scale by causing millions of kids to waste their lives on shit

>> No.1441754

I earn 3,650,000 a year

>> No.1441762
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>Not spending it on developing myostatin inhibitors in Baghdad then using those plus an insane roid cycle and perfect nutrition, supplementation and training to leave humanity behind

>> No.1441767

>There are a lot of business reporters on /biz/. Specifically, Bloomberg and Reuters reporters.
What the fuck would they come here for lol

>> No.1441857

>be me, affluent harpsichord
>drive my car along the beverly hills
>as I'm driving I look in my rear view mirror
>see humanity
>drive faster

>> No.1441877

>Christian Grey
>epitome of male perfection because he jogs and kickboxes
>is a billionaire in a short time with starting principal of $100k

The mind of a modern woman

>> No.1441927

What`s a billionaire?
In Russia there is a shitload of "oligarchs", but all their capitals are ruled by UK banks in a blind trust scheme.

These guys have a lot of time and yeah, some of them probably are visiting some business forums online, just for reality check-up.

>> No.1441982

I'm 22 and make 70k and may make 90k if I get this job. Close enough

>> No.1442383

I'm getting close to a billion desu

>> No.1442500

We are our own dipshit.

>> No.1442504
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## ## ##

>> No.1442735

don't insult me senpai :(
u hurt me tho

I'm almost 19
send some money pls

>> No.1443097

having a million isn't some impossible unattainable thing and having it doesn't make a whole world of difference, if anything it should be the other way around, if you're a poorfag you should be busy trying to make a living and maybe you wouldn't even have a computer to shitpost on, but if you have money you can afford to spend some time on 4chan

>> No.1443349
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>> No.1443564

dunno but i promise if i make it i will still lurk here

>> No.1443588

it's all just numbers on a statement/computer screen past a certain point

the only benefit is not having to worry about your financial security anymore and you focus on hobbies to fill time

and shitposting, lots of shitposting

unless you're a narcissist with a personality disorder, which a lot are, then you'll act like ihaz

>> No.1443644 [DELETED] 

>the only benefit is not having to worry about your financial security anymore
* better quality of life
* better physical safety and protection
* unlimited travel
* unlimited electronics, toys and discretionary items
* better healthcare and longer life expectancy
* access to better investment opportunities

Shall I go on?

You sound like one of those faggots who says "money doesn't buy you happiness." Well, money make not buy happiness, but it sure as fuck buys things that make people happy. And it certainty eliminates most of the things that make them sad.

Stop being such a salty poorfag. Money may not be everything, but its pretty fucking important.

>> No.1443646

>the only benefit is not having to worry about your financial security anymore
* better quality of life
* better physical safety and protection
* unlimited travel
* unlimited electronics, toys and discretionary items
* better healthcare and longer life expectancy
* access to better investment opportunities

Shall I go on?

You sound like one of those faggots who says "money doesn't buy you happiness." Well, money may not buy happiness, but it sure as fuck buys things that make people happy. And it certainty eliminates most of the things that make them sad.

Stop being such a salty poorfag. Money may not be everything, but its pretty fucking important.

>> No.1443667


Are you 13? Or 12?

>> No.1443680

>* better quality of life
>* better physical safety and protection
>* unlimited travel
>* unlimited electronics, toys and discretionary items
>* better healthcare and longer life expectancy
>* access to better investment opportunities
none of those things are all that fun compared to a standard middle/upper class lifestyle, and like bill gates said, it's still the same hamburger, you're still just a human being, after a certain point it's diminishing returns as fuck

>> No.1443837

>it's still the same hamburger
You're absolutely right. A hamburger tastes the same to rich and poor alike.

Except the rich person is eating that hamburger on his luxury yacht cruising the Caribbean with two girls half his age, while his portfolio is multiplying with no effort on his part, and he's doing it well into his 90's.

Meanwhile the poor guy is waking up a 5am to work the first of his two jobs -- one of which is to make the hamburgers -- and hoping that he makes it to 50 before his first debilitating illness.

But yes, they both enjoy their hamburgers equally.

>> No.1443844

>more capital gives diminishing returns

You dumb.

>> No.1443907

Im 30. 0 assets. Working on it... But, i got 6 cars and 2 houses. Debt free in April 2018 or before.

Wife makes 30k
I make 60k

>> No.1443909

Cant fix education.

They want sheeple that can work and too dumb to question it.

>> No.1443913

LOL. Cuckshead with a rape dungeon...

Do us proud anon.

>> No.1443918

>it's all just numbers on a statement/computer screen past a certain point
>past a certain point

Being poor sucks, no question.

Earning above $50k takes a strain off a lot of things, but you're still pressured by a job.

But whether you have 1 million as a retired Boglehead or 20 million as a successful entrepreneur or 500 million as a budding tycoon, your time is free to use as you wish and money has majorly diminishing returns.

>> No.1443933

Agreed. A mill is shit. My dad has a net worth of about 1.5 mill and barely gets by.

>> No.1443940

>Africa is starving
>I know lets teach them how to fish instead of just giving them fish
>Sir they over fished and are starving again

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in a nutshell

>> No.1443947

Hey guys I just started my own Demolition company, anyone have any tips for advertising? I have ads on Craigslist, and a couple reviews on yelp. Looking to expand my reach for my company.

>> No.1444018

>But whether you have 1 million as a retired Boglehead or 20 million as a successful entrepreneur or 500 million as a budding tycoon, your time is free to use as you wish and money has majorly diminishing returns.

Your point is a fair one, and I don't disagree that there's diminishing returns in terms of quality of life. At some point, you simply do have enough wealth to have the life you want and no extra money is going to change that.

However, there's at least two further considerations.

First, there's legacy. Whether its leaving money for your kids or grandkids, making political & social change happen, or simply donating major charitable gifts, the more the better. A $50K charitable gift can do good, a $5 million charitable gift can improves lives, and a $50 million charitable gift can change the world.

Second is risk. A millionaire may be able to make their life they want, but there's no guarantees they'll stay a millionaire. Plenty of 2007 millionaires were not millionaires in 2008.. By contrast, someone with $10 million is going to weather almost any storm, but they still have to be careful not to make too many mistakes. Someone with $500 million just needn't give a fuck. Come hell or high water they'll be passively making more than they spend, even if they actively try to fuck it up.

>> No.1444183

>$1 usd = $1,000,000,000 zwd

we can all be billionaires

>> No.1444194


>> No.1444198

got me

>> No.1444356

You didn't realize he's mixing currencies.

>> No.1444362

Not to mention that you can't create your own space program being only a millionaire.
Always aim for the moon, or asteroids.

>> No.1444364

You have to look up how marketing works for small and medium businesses. It's not that hard.

>> No.1444367

2 houses and 6 cars on 90k? You must live in bumfuck nowhere and roll a fleet of 90's shitboxes.

>> No.1444482

goll-eee what the fuck happened to this girl?!

>> No.1444795

i'm 35 and i post on 4chan. i have been here for 6/7 years and heard about it before that, but stayed away because i heard something about the cheese pizza project and thought it didn't sound wise to visit. i know other people in their late 30's who also visit or did years ago. there are some folks who drop their ages on /pol/ saying they are in their late 40s, even pushing 50.

i used to have a job, but sold my company several years ago. i mentioned it in a previous "billionaires on /biz/" thread and it became pasta, so i don't need to mention it again.