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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1434758 No.1434758 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck did i let this happen, just tried to register for college next semester. All classes are full or I don't meet requirements. Fuck my life, I have to ask if i can open up some room to retake classes and/or retake at community college cause my grades were not good enough last semester. Fuck my life man, all the slacking off has finally caught up to me and im fucked now. How do I fix myself biz? how do i fucking wake up? I can go to the gym 5 days a week, I can do shit but school has always been a struggle for me since 7th grade I just slack off and dont do the work to understand the subject. pls help me what do I do? how can i fix this before I am homeless?

>> No.1434764

Umm, yeah...

>> No.1434765
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 1465268370072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares, college is a meme anyway.

Just wage slave for a while and then try to get some licences like insurance or real estate and just network with people.

You don't need college to be successful give me a break.

But for now if ur freaking out about your future just calm down and start getting income in from a steady job and go from there.

>> No.1434779

What job? I want to work in tech so I did a CS major. its is not easy, also started second guessing myself cause I didn't want to be a code monkey for 5 years after grad. Also my parents are paying for this shite so idk how to tell them I dont want to go to college, theyll be pretty pissed. My dad owns some ATM business and some real estate already so I could try doing that but he wont like the idea of me being "uneducated" my parents are pretty conservative .

>> No.1434787


You won't find your answers on the "business" section of a korean anime imageboard.

>> No.1434792

There are people here with more experience than me, where else would I find the answers?

>> No.1434798

get your ass on the waitlist. most gen ed classes drop 20 people by the end of the first week

>> No.1434804

>There are people here with more experience than me,

This place is full of losers and NEETs just like you

>> No.1434806
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>university degree

>> No.1434807

Yeah thats solid advice actually, if that doesn't work out Ill just go community college and take the non-major classes that I need, if i still wanna try school again but im definitely going to work during.

>> No.1434812

How else are you going to make 60k plus at 22-23? be honest man, I don't have a clue

>> No.1434816

Then why do you come here? Honestly

>> No.1434817

Here's what you do, because I was once a dipshit like you. Get on the waitlist, go to class. Go to the profs office hours and beg to get in. usually works for me

>> No.1434818


college is a fucking meme

>> No.1434824

Its a cs degree, are engineering degrees also a meme? I thought they were the last useful degrees

>> No.1434825

You're not going to make 60k coming straight out of college. Unless you live in California or somewhere where the cost of living is astronomical.

>> No.1434839

But national average is 74k.


>> No.1434842


Because I'm a loser.

>> No.1434845
File: 46 KB, 480x360, 1468627344979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

engineers have the highest unemployment rates of all degrees at least in europe. it's largery a bad meme

>> No.1434846

Thats what too much pessimism does to you

>> No.1434850

Software engineers tho? Not so much

>> No.1434950
File: 479 KB, 1055x808, 1465786713659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking government wage averages as fact

Well memed my friend

>> No.1434977

Looks like you'll just graduate a semester later. It's not a big deal

>> No.1435079

Thats 20k or around there at least, ill just go to community to mitigate the damage

>> No.1435086

Wait so what is it really? are you fukin with me why would they lie?

>> No.1435143

Nigga just get an associates degree in electronics. You'll be able to get a job making 60k easy.

>> No.1436163

Not him, but why wouldn't they lie? The student debt industry is fucking huge - all 1st world governments are importing hundreds of thousands of pajeets, abduls and mbongas who'll work for dirt cheap wages, increase "diversity" and have the exact same qualifications as someone else with a bachelor's degree, just from the University of New Delhi or wherever the fuck.