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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.14321304

Yes let’s cancel more student loan debt so we transfer money from wagecuck savers to Becky and Stacy to get slammed by chad and Tyrone for free in college while learning absolutely nothing

>> No.14321305

Imagine how many loan companies are going to hire hitmen after today

>> No.14321322

yep, im voting for him

this is why you dont vote trump

nobody in pol has been able to pass highschool they wont support this

>> No.14321329

this is good for bitcoin

>> No.14321337

Get fucked zoomers you take out a $100k loan for a useless degree you pay for it for life. Dumb people deserve poverty.

>> No.14321362

This. Socialists will continue to rob people and inflate the money supply. Crypto can only go up.

>> No.14321365

nice, just voted 100k

>> No.14321382

The simplest and best solution is to make colleges co-sign the loans...if they teach shit to their students and offer "gender studies" classes, their students will default and the colleges will share in the credit score hit.
We would see an immediate 180-turn in the behavior of colleges almost immediately.

>> No.14321390
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High IQ post.
All countries are in a race to the bottom with inflation now.
This will not end well.

>> No.14321402

Lately I've really been starting to think blackpill incel culture is just another one of ((their)) campaigns.

>> No.14321403
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imagine shorting the s&p or the Dow if this guy win

>> No.14321444

Bernie Sanders is that kid in first grade promising recess and pizza parties all day if he becomes class president

>> No.14321446

t. roastie

>> No.14321479

Oh look it's another "smart but lazy" 120-130 iqlet who bashes college because he couldn't get in.

>> No.14321487

time to take out 400k in student loans and pour it all into crypto

>> No.14321498

I can't support this because I want every barista with crushing student loans to fail.

>> No.14321508

College is only smart if you got a scholarship that pays for the majority of your tuition, at least 70 percent. Community college is a good move, universities are the stupidest investments you can make

>> No.14321509

Not that anon, but let’s be real. Anyone can get into college nowadays. It’s not hard.

>> No.14321511

>bailing out people's shit choices is a good thing
kys commie

>> No.14321514

That's how you commit suicide the fastest.

Lmao. Learn to invest small amounts before dumping a huge load like that

>> No.14321550
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This is the one issue ironically that would make me vote D.

>> No.14321554

lmao you know this ain't ever happening

>> No.14321570

Pretty brilliant idea desu

>> No.14321617

almost everybody who wants to can get into a college. There were sub-1000 SAT brainlets in my school who got accepted to several, sometimes highly ranked colleges, for reasons other than their "muh IQ".

>> No.14321630

I remember way back when I thought this empire could be fixed up.

>> No.14321640

0% chance this would happen even if he won

literally just fantasy land politics

>> No.14321641

>Education is bad
>Every college degree is pointless
Well gents, this is what retardation looks like

>> No.14321643

No. There shouldn't even be student loans. The whole premise is fucking retarded.

A bunch of kikes sold people a piece of paper and the pleasure to be indoctrinated with Marxism for the low low price of 100k. The end result is a bunch of people who should have never even gone to college in the first place, will make average wages at best and be an eternal debt slave.

>> No.14321652

Isn't it great? You can see little tremors like this.

If the colleges are selecting for reasons other than IQ, what are they selecting for?

How does that turn out in four years? In forty?

>> No.14321689

Sanders only needs 50 senators to sign off on an innocuous looking education secretary, maybe a diversity hire like that Abrams chick.

Then she just redirects resources away from loan enforcement for a year or two. Or maybe a database and its backup get wiped during a building move and oops, guess there's no more student loans outstanding.

>> No.14321694

whats more likely. this or $1k/mo yang gang neet lifestyle?

>> No.14321701

>nobody in pol has been able to pass highschool they wont support this

>> No.14321708

neither is even remotely possible

>> No.14321714
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Headline: Old unelectable retard yells bumpersticker slogans to bigger retards

>> No.14321715

This is more likely. Yang is too disruptive, therefore he wants to hand cash to racists.

>> No.14321717

>we're crashing the entire economy. with no survivors.
the fact that sanders is running again is proof that democracy is doomed to fail.

>> No.14321723

Can confirm, I was a flat D student, went to community college. Didn't study ever, got all A's and B's (3.3GPA), B's in organic chemistry. Never studied. I'm either really smart or shit was too easy. Now at a top uni.

>> No.14321881

>yep, im voting for him
>Implying he'll even get the nomination
I'd vote for him too, but let's be real. No fucking way he doesn't get fucked again

>> No.14321928

>buy something you can't afford
>bitch and cry about it for decades
why do retards do this

>> No.14321933

The loans are guaranteed. Cancelling the debt only shifts the burden from the student to the taxpayers

>> No.14321951

Because reliance on social structures over individual ability is a perfectly valid evolutionary strategy, honed by millions of years of primate evolution.

>> No.14321972

>thinking 1.6 trillion of debt would somehow ever "disappear"
>not understanding the power of debt

>> No.14321981

good he needs to throw us into a recession faster instead of delaying it. sign this bill and let me take out 100k loans and throw it into btc

>> No.14322006

I'm definitely voting for Sanders
Please please please wipe out my student loans


>> No.14322063

This is true
The fact that people are allowed to pander to idiots by promising them free money for so long eventually gives these ideas legitimacy
One serious possible outcome is the eventual implementation of such policies, and running these policies until the entire system collapses, regardless of consequences
Sanders will be dead by then, but the fact that he gets a genuine platform and people eating up the “free stuff” spiel for a decade now means these ideas aren’t going away

>> No.14322073

Exactly. Accelerationism will work and that's why "free" college is such a "good" idea from Bernie

>> No.14322103


have sex incel

>> No.14322273

Is it only good to give away free money to banks, weapons manufacturers, and other large corporations? Atleast this would help average Americans, as opposed to the trillions we pissed away in the sandbox and on weapons systems over the past two decades. That being said, I'll be salty as fuck because I payed off all my student loans as soon as I graduated.

>> No.14322294

literally neither.

>> No.14322360

yikes. I went to a cheap community college because the "college degree(tm)" is bullshit. pretty easy to lie/keep it simple on a resume and sell yourself well in an interview desu

>> No.14322405

Hahaha scared much?

>> No.14322414

Impling trump didn't promise trillions to megacorp and wall builders.

>> No.14322442
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You really need to have sex dude
You're one of those incels the Air Force is worried about and investigating


>> No.14322491

I had a full ride at my local commuter university but also lived with my parents and didn’t really get laid which I for sure would have regularly if I went away to college. Still worth not having debt tho.

>> No.14322529

Now I never said I supported all that other stuff, because I don’t

But there is a clear difference here where these politicians are pretty much all competing directly to offer the most competitive package of ‘free stuff’ to the largest number of voters, in a way that the person who promises the most free stuff to the most voters is favored.

>> No.14322543

Holy fuck I will vote for Bernie
>no idea how the 16t debt will be paid off and impact society
I don’t give a shit. No more loans !!!!!

>> No.14322546
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>not taking money away is the same as giving it


>> No.14322629

Its because all colleges are cash cows

>> No.14322653

>How does that turn out in four years? In forty?
You need a master's degree to get a job as a janitor.

>> No.14322703

That's such horseshit and your own post proves it. Most people are like you and think giving out free shit is stupid, people just want what is proven to be good and workable by the many other first-world countries that have already implemented them.

>> No.14322746

This is good for bitcoin.

>> No.14322757

Does old grandpa bernie really think he will achieve this? I don't know who's more delusional, him or the brainletts in this thread eating it up.

>> No.14322771

>most people
Are in student debt, silly

>> No.14322775

>The Gumt bailed out the banks why not it’s people ?

>> No.14322780

High iq post

>> No.14322810

That was a good one kid. Who do you think owns old uncle bernie? The same entity that cucked him in the last election. Gee, I wonder if that same entity also happens to have control of vast amounts of wealth, kind of like a bank or something...

>> No.14322906

Any Joe Schmoe can get into fucking college, and get a high risk zero collateral loan

>> No.14322954

its debtlet cope, they want to justify their debt by suggesting their piece of paper means anything

>> No.14323944

Woke as all fuck

>> No.14323971
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What would happen if there were no rich people to tax?

>> No.14323980

you literally can't get anywhere good in life without learning from proper teachers/schools aka college. fucking idiot.

>> No.14324000

The replies to this show just how many reddit losers are on /biz/ now.

>> No.14324001
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>finally paid off my loans
>this fucker cancels them all a year later and I get shit

>> No.14324014

Yeah and if car dealerships cosign on loans there will be less car accidents too! Idiot.