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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 93 KB, 1024x444, altcoins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14316737 No.14316737 [Reply] [Original]

Those of you who have the majority of your holdings in alts who've been getting raped in sats these last few weeks, what are your plans? Hope alts rally soon or move over to BTC as it's on its way to a new ATH?

>> No.14316794

most of the rape comes from my 800 BNB, I hope to make up for it with Elrond

>> No.14316826

What the fuck are 90% of those shit coins?
Where's Chainlink?

>> No.14316833

Around 9k I saw a post here by an oldfag who said to get clean with yourself and swallow the loss, and get into BTC. I sold my heaviest ICX bag, and I'll wait for the alt run to rebuy. I suggest you do the same

>> No.14316850
File: 5 KB, 200x200, vidt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's this "dump" you're telling me about?

>> No.14316853

Is the pic from 2015? I like how most of those coins have been completely, irrevocably forgotten with some not even being listed anywhere.

>> No.14316858

My plan is keep holding. It's worked thus far. Even at the lowest point last year I was still comfortably in the black.

>> No.14316880

Alts are greater risk, greater reward
There are a few with useful and novel features

>> No.14316884

BTC then Elrond to try and recover from said rape.

>> No.14316919

I accepted that's it's over for me.

Trying to move on and forget about crypto

>> No.14316962

Never move from alts to btc reactively, especially not this long after the pump.
BTC will trend down or sideways and it will flow back into alts again as usual. It's better to wait for the inevita-bull alt correction and then diversify then.

I've been DCAing into a single plummeting alt for a while and I'm just waiting for the market to call it's number now when alts crash upward

>> No.14316991

I held my bags through 2018, do you think this weak dump will make me sell?

>> No.14316993

As soon as the majority of /biz/ starts to sell alts and fomo into BTC they will pump.
The market will always inflict maximum pain.

>> No.14317007

I hold a position in Link. Outside of that, 95% of crypto is a scam. And even the 5% of legit projects I ignore for various reasons. I've been waiting for this year, there's two other projects being launched soon that are probably this years moon missions so I'll get back into the alts in several days and ride till they reach my goal

>> No.14317176

I'm confused. I'm all in VIDT and my portfolio is looking fantastic.

>> No.14317223


>> No.14317239

im smart so my alts have all either grown or stayed relatively stable

>> No.14317264

Same here. Feels really really bad man

>> No.14317270

That was me
Yes I am an old biz fag
You’re a clown if you’re not all in on BTC, just imagine if you converted early this year, your portfolio is 3.5X bigger

>> No.14317288
File: 264 KB, 680x596, 294BDA8C-7082-4067-9CAA-4D9F2D0EF753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 BSV is always 1 BSV

>> No.14317292

I like how you give advice then follow up by saying to put everything in a single plummeting alt. Quite the financial advisor you are!

>> No.14318183

I've been shifting BTC into literally the surest alt buy right now, SC

>> No.14318764

if BTC dominance never goes down again, alt holders are fucked. if it does, theyre fine.

a couple years ago some anon told me to hold btc all the way down and switch to alts for the ride up. makes sense unless, as i said, btc dominance never returns to previous figures

>> No.14318973

There's not going to be an alt run for a few reasons:

1) Everyone expects it, which means it won't happen
2) BTC dominance is still high
3) Look at the different in marketcap between BTC and ETH. Last time in 2017, ETH was close to flipping. But now, the entire market recognizes that alts are shit and have no hope next to BTC
4) Binance banning US and nobody knows when the US exchange will open or if it will have shitcoins. A lot of US users moved their funds off.

There are also way to fucking many alts on Binance so the money that flows back (if it does. Most people are aware that BTC is king) will be spread thin, and will be quick to dump. Nobody "believes" in alts anymore.

>> No.14318977


>> No.14319050

How can everyone expect an alt season when nobody believes in alts though?

>> No.14319090

Why are burgers so delusional in their thinking that their absence will have any affect on trading? They make up less than 20% of the crypto trading market. Literal whos.