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14315073 No.14315073 [Reply] [Original]

>Why aren't you a landlord Anon? I will never date someone who invest all his money in a virtual currency. Grow up please

>> No.14315086

kys whore

>> No.14315091

Put some conditioner on your hair, bitch, its drier than the sahara

>> No.14315093

U dont have to date, just suck dick

>> No.14315111

Good luck over the next 40 years """"land"""" """""lord"""""

>> No.14315126


>> No.14315133

>Put carcinogenic chemicals on your head!

>> No.14315146

Have sex virgin

>> No.14315157

I am a landlord you frizzy hair hoe
now suck it

>> No.14315204


My bro owns a house that he rents out. It's highly overrated. If you want big bucks you have to rent out to short term rentals, but then you're always struggling to find new tenants and making sure they don't fuck up your house.

You also have to deal with complaints from neighbors, and cities banning short term rentals altogether. Then there's complaints from tenants. One old lady he rented to demanded that he have someone cut some low hanging branches because "what if they fall and hurt someone" so he had to pay his friend to go cut branches.

>> No.14315253

>Houses are for losers Anon. Real landlords own apartment buildings with at least a dozen units.

>> No.14315426
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>TFW your landlord tells your mom to have sex with him so that he doesn't evict your family for missing rent
>mom actually does it because she doesnt want you to experience what it's like to be homeless
>had to live with this secret as a child for too fucking long
>dad finds out four months later when mom gets a positive pregnancy test
>leaves me and her
>landlord kicks us out because my mom cant even cover 50% of the rent on her own
>doesnt even care that my mom is carrying his fucking child and says he'll send a check in the mail
Fuck landlords.

>> No.14315468
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Ok sure, want to go to my bedroom and fuck?

>> No.14315492

I mean most of that is nothing compared to be a wagie. I MEAN DAMN BRO HE HAD TO CUT DOWN SOME BRANCHES

>> No.14315624


Yeah but in order to be a landlord full time, you have to own a lot of buildings to rent out.

And then you are stuck managing that shit full time, unless you pay a management company to do it for you, which basically eats half the profit.

And owning that many buildings takes a fuckload of money up front to buy, which most people don't have.

>> No.14315635


Basically what I'm saying is that unless you start with $1M+ to buy properties to rent out, you will never achieve "passive income mode" being a landlord.

>> No.14315639

I only rent to Asians. Never had a single problem with them. You think I'm stupid enough to rent to unruly minorities

>> No.14315640

okay, you know the way to door

>> No.14315697

Sorry anon, your mums a whore. Any women worth her weight would have communicated with her husband.

>> No.14315718

Be loved roastie

>> No.14315752

I am a landlord but sry, to am not looking for a date, I'm only interested in a long term relationship meaning children and marriage

>> No.14315793

>I let you sniff my asshole

>> No.14315818

>Why aren't you a landlord Anon?
Unironically, because as a millenial, I have a moral aversion to landlordship. I view housing affordability as the single greatest problem my generation faces. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I put myself in a situation where my livelihood is dependent upon others' desperation. But I also realize that's a personal/generational preference, so I don't knock others who decide to become landlords.

>> No.14315819


>> No.14315907

>Fuck landlords.
Sounds like a bad idea

>> No.14315931

>female autismo face

>> No.14315948
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>> No.14315978

Most landlords are wagies. Even the wealthy ones.

>> No.14315989

Aww. Cute

>> No.14316062

>"making money is bad"
>"why is it so hard to get money?"
Democratic socialism has melted your brain, anon.

>> No.14316091

>3/10 and potentially retarded
would not

>> No.14316148

ill only be a landlord if i can rent to upper middle class - upper class income earners. wouldn't mind owning a luxury 3 flat in a couple different cities and always keeping 1 open and rent the other two out.

>> No.14316202


>> No.14316527


>gets surprised that asshole who asks for sex to pay rent acts as an asshole when you don't have money to pay the rent

sorry but your mom is stupid, make sure you don't ever have a daughter or she will be stupid as your mom

>> No.14316645

I don't have a problem making money. It's just when the question of where to invest the money I've made comes up, I won't be putting it into rental properties anytime soon.

>> No.14316655

You disgust me

>> No.14316748


Why do incels LARP as girls? Is it all the vidya they play with female characters??

>> No.14316768

Landlords are cucks. I will never ever deal with tenants.

>> No.14316780

If you have to choose between looking at a male or female ass for the next 60 hours the choice is simple.

>> No.14316812

Ask me how I know you smell like shit

>> No.14316837


>> No.14316930

>He watches asses instead of laying the game
What boring piece of trash are you paying? Just watch porn degenerate

>> No.14316958

>implying you never fapped to your female nightelf in wow when you were younger

>> No.14316963
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This sounds like a sick fetish. Why can't you just fap to normal things like traps

>> No.14316975

more like the dumbass who can't pay his or her bills

>> No.14316990

>He can't do both at the same time
lmao'ing at you

>> No.14316998

>mums a whore
More like the landlord is a slumlord abusing his power.

>> No.14317006

>Why aren't you a landlord Anon? I will never date someone who invest all his money in a virtual currency. Grow up please

I have:
> $500,000 in crypto
> three houses

I always "let slip" to girls about my rental properties, they love that and it makes me seem quite grown up and "established". I would never mention the crypto, though, that just makes you sound like a fucking creep.

>> No.14317019

I bet you're also voting for Bernie

>> No.14317023

>landlord receives x in rent
>uses it to pay for a prostitute
>tenant doesn't pay
>tenant provides prostitution services to the landlord as a form of trade
>landlord graciously allows this trade instead of kicking the family out

>> No.14317060

>t. Seething landlord bootlicker
How can your moral compass be so skewed? I hope you feel the same way when someone who has power over a woman in your life decides to rape her through coercion.

>> No.14317070

I’m still somewhat young
Just a quarter million in BTC
I wanna travel the world, fuck a house
What you think of incoming finical n political collapse?

>> No.14317073


Nice excuse by your mom, some quick thinking. ;)

>> No.14317077

You're disgusting.

>> No.14317081

>another bernie supporter

>> No.14317090

>proceeds to having anal sex with her that night

>> No.14317142

fuk u bich

>> No.14317149
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>landlord rawdogs lowly peasant serf until she's heavily pregnant and sends the father running away with his tail between his legs
Lmao europeans are so cucked. Only in the shithole known as the EU could a story like this happen.

>> No.14317190


>> No.14317209


poor anon, getting so roasted, im sure you love your mom, it's all gonna be okay, your mom just want the best for you, stay safe, i feel for you

>> No.14317220
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Sorry bitch, I have real estate and crypto and my girl is way better looking than you.

>> No.14317245

Why would anyone want to be "invested" in crypto, it's literally just a ponzi scheme

>> No.14317363

>why would anybody invest in stocks, it’s literally a Ponzi scheme

>> No.14317383

sorry mate your mum's just a slut. I understand the brainwashing she would have put onto you over the years to make you believe your dad was an evil cold-hearted man that just didn't understand that she did "what she had to" but reality is she didn't have to, she just had to communicate with her husband, but she couldn't keep her legs shut when the prospect of a wealthier man filling her holes opened up and your dad rightly abandoned her cheating ass because of it.

>> No.14317432

Why am I going to listen to some 23 year old cunt who hasn’t worked a day in her life? Literally how many jobs have you held more than 4 weeks?

>> No.14317463

Tbqh lad coercion is a meme. Oh so he convinced you to have sex and now w you regret it? Boohooo

>> No.14317525
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Take Queen Roastie outside. Anon, bring me my sword.

>> No.14317533

How is stocks a ponzi scheme? You literally own parts of a company and you're protected by the government

>> No.14317598


>You literally own parts of a company

you don't, literally the gains of the shares of the company are decided by the CEO, the actual gains of the company have nothing to do to the actual stock price

>> No.14317662

Landlord here. Selling my two buildings because I get better returns and liquidity in crypto even if I stay in stablecoins.

>> No.14317687

>you don't,
You do and you have legal rights
> literally the gains of the shares of the company are decided by the CEO
Who do you think choses the CEO dumbass, the shareholders do
>the actual gains of the company have nothing to do to the actual stock price
It does and dividends are even common place in a lot of industries

>> No.14317689

you're bragging about attracting gold diggers

>> No.14317713


>(( legal rights ))
>(( shareholders ))
>(( dividends trading ))

>> No.14317741


try dividends trading, trade based on the actual profits of the stock, see how many losses you compound lmfao

>> No.14317756

Wait do you think you don't have any legal rights as a shareholder and that dividends aren't common lmao

>> No.14317776

So instead of buying shares in companies and investing in real estate you invest in fake currency that almost no one uses and is backed by 0 nations?

>> No.14317800

He's most likely a zoomer.

>> No.14317803

Bitch, wtf are you doing in my house

>> No.14317827


those legal rights are meaningless unless you have actual purchase power in the stock, we are speaking above 1 M in the same stock

>real estate

only profitable if you bought before 2008, actual moronic status to buy real estate now just for cheap rent

>> No.14317955

>those legal rights are meaningless unless you have actual purchase power in the stock, we are speaking above 1 M in the same stock
Wut? You know that many legal rights are there to protect small minority investors against big investors right?
>only profitable if you bought before 2008, actual moronic status to buy real estate now just for cheap rent
Real estate is still very profitable, you rent it to pay the mortgage for the apartment/house not really for cash flow. So essentially you have someone else paying your mortgage and later in life once it's paid or partly paid you sell it

Also how does this make crypto which is a thing backed by nothing and used by almost no one as currency a better investment than real estate or stocks
Probably, zoomers seem to think that the ponzi schemes are just as valid as investments as stocks and real estate is

>> No.14317976

>I'm not paying you to talk, whore.

>> No.14317986
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>only profitable if you bought before 2008

>> No.14317988

Landlords are Jew tier kikery. Nothing but leaches on humanity. Might as well just be a nigger and rob people.

>> No.14317992

your mother fucked the landlord, got pregnant, realized she fucked up and lied to everyone.

>> No.14318000

Look at all the butthurt fags in this thread who made a whole 4% on their stocks spewing their butthurt on those evil zoomers for making 1000% returns on their shitcoins. LOL! You go, kids.

>> No.14318003


>> No.14318052

Everybody who tries to talk about real estate uses anecdotes from people they know doing it in a retarded way to justify avoiding it. Your brother is a stupid landlord and didnt do any research before renting that house out. You could also use a property manager if you dont want to deal with that

>> No.14318090

Property managers take 10% of the rent. Probably even less at the scale. Absolutely worth it. Again, everybody on this board bashing real estate has no clue what the fuck they are talking about

>> No.14318092

pol tards are insufferable virgin neets that hate everyone and everything because of their miserable existence. Biz is the only place that has enthusiasm and hope if it weren't for the pajeets it might be considered Eden.

>> No.14318170

The problem with real estate "investors" and land lords is that they are competing with young families trying to buy a starter home. I was outbid 3 times when trying to purchase a home by investment companies that had the place rented in 2 weeks to an out of stater. Tell me how this benefits society

>> No.14318203

Only amateurs buy single houses. If you want to make money as landlord buy apartment buildings with at least 6 units, preferably more if you can afford it.

>> No.14318224

If there was limited food and I had the privelage to purchase all the supply and price gouge starving families I would be in jail. Do the same thing but with housing and I'm a well respected businessman.

>> No.14318239

If you're buying apartments than that actually does benefit humanity. I guess my rant only applies to starter homes.

>> No.14319247

Pretty sure /pol/ is pro Israel these days

>> No.14319815

Sit on face.

>> No.14320206
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>trade is coercion

>> No.14320240

Excuse me mam, why are you sitting at my table. I only date women with penises

>> No.14320241

then take the opposite side of the trade if it's so amazing... not - neverending taxes, fees, insurance, maintenace and tenants fuck with you with payments and fake problems

>> No.14321112

$10 says this guy is a Christian

>> No.14321145

Tell it to the judge, bucko.

I mean, not you, personally. I know you're an incel and all.

>> No.14321222

your mom is a whore and a liar

>> No.14321239

You're disgusted. That's cringe

>> No.14321562

If I listened to women about money, ever, I wouldn't have landlord level money in the first place. My (future) wife won't know 10% of what I hold unless there is an overwhelming reason to tell her. Like I'm going to die from cancer or something.

>> No.14321596

So you want to own every place you ever live in your life? The option to rent has no value to society? Or do you want the government to own all rental property? You anti landlord spergs never have an alternate system.

>> No.14321639

She will still waste your money if you were super rich. Knew this one bitch her husband died, leaving her so much money that she imports her dog's food from Australia as one example of frivelous spending. Never leave your wife everything, make sure to leave your son's something because the woman will waste it all.

>> No.14321686

>she imports her dog's food from Australia
Is that that shit that contains kangaroo meat? I know a woman who fell for that meme as well

>> No.14321697

Oh for sure. If the children were too young most of it would end up in some form of trust. Women cannot into money. Many men cannot either. But women are 10x likely to have zero sense of value. Hopefully I will live long enough to drill wealth mentality into at least one son and he can take over when I need to step down.

>> No.14321722

Her eyes are kinda weird.

>> No.14321788

My hs friend bought a shitload of property in 2009 and is now a millionaire.
The funny thing he is literally the 30yr old boomer. Last week he asked me to "touch base"

>> No.14321800

isn't she a pornstar

>> No.14321804
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>> No.14321924

Lol I know a 70 year old boomer that owned many lands around Phoenix city when it was very small.
Now all those lands are in the city and he renting all of them.
Family life is prepared and protected for generations

>> No.14321949

Your mom was a sex worker, there's nothing wrong with that dude. My mom's mom was a sex worker in France and we all came out fine. I know this is fucking shitty of me to ask but is she active or reachable on any sorts to this day? thanks in advance.

>> No.14321967

as in does she have a site or snapchat etc. I have come under hard times but ill will pay pretty well

>> No.14322630

>look so ugly you’ll die from suicide in 3 years cus no one likes you!!!1

>> No.14323597
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Not really , the EU is far more ahead in terms of civil rights than faggotry US courts are.

You cant throw out someone of his house in the EU because you have to give him time so that he can move out , mostly 3 months.

Maybe in the midwest you can throw out people like you wish but thats only because they're all white trash trailor park losers without any rights.

>> No.14323677

i am though

>> No.14324354
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where can i get a qt russian girl that larps as a czarist aristocrat ?