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File: 36 KB, 700x368, student-debt-crisis-posts-fb21-png__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14310942 No.14310942 [Reply] [Original]

>Get in a ton of credit card debt to pay student debt
>Declare bankruptcy on the credit card debt, fuck credit scores
How isn't this happening all over the place?

>> No.14310980

is that really a thing with amerifats?
I took a loan over 6k euro because I wanted to spend a year abroad and bang sluts. it was fixed at such a ridiculously low rate, I paid like 200-300 bucks in interest. now Im happily living my life and making money.

>> No.14311032


Only if you're retarded offspring of white middle class boomers too rich for their children to qualify for financial aid, but too selfish to pay for their college, or too stupid to realize their kids don't have to go to private schools that cost $40k/year. Most in state school or community college will cost next to nothing and if you get grades you'll need anyway to get a job you'll have scholarships. Only the people too stupid to realize they are too stupid for college get shitty grades and end up the debt trap. The upside is that they spend their lives working the debt off to support our lifestyle.

>> No.14311036

She must of gone years in deferment. Fuck her and her misleading blog post.

>> No.14311096

Obama made it illegal to go bankrupt on student loans.

We're a 3rd world country. Full stop.

>> No.14311107

>Only if you're retarded offspring of white middle class boomers too rich for their children to qualify for financial aid, but too selfish to pay for their college, or too stupid to realize their kids don't have to go to private schools that cost $40k/year.
holy fuck the feels

>> No.14311132

Yea i was thinking this too but then i realized if normies with student debt thought like this then they wouldnt be in debt in the first place

>> No.14311157

Americans are really massively stupid...How can you tolerate to pay more than 2% on a student loan when interest rates globally are at their lowest level ever?

I took a 20k euro student loan that was paid back in five years with almost no interest.

>> No.14311179

She probably didn't get fed loans if that's the case, guarantee you she got private loans at 20% interest. I had a friend from college take out a 40k loan at close to 20% interest for the year, absolutely ridiculous

>> No.14311186

>Join the military and gain on the job training in an actual career field for four years
>Go to college completely free after while having your rent/mortgage paid for at the same time.

Sure, go ahead and file bankruptcy.

>> No.14311239
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Americans are not allowed to invest in crypto because 'it's too risky' but they are allowed to take 20% interest loans on which they cannot default by law.

>> No.14311250

If there's anything I learned it's to only take subsidized loans and stay in a state school as long as possible where you're paid to attend

>> No.14311273

yep i just stopped paying

was making six figures too idk why they didn't garnish my wages

just gotta pay it off with your "monero mining" crypto gains in a few months brehs


>> No.14311293

we are hitting americanfag levels that shouldnt even be possible

>> No.14311346

Hi anon how old r u? 28 new grad oh sorry theres a chink and pajeet with 5 yrs exp and PhD good luck in ur wageslave hunting anon

>> No.14311362

Americans choosing an useless degree with no prospective of employment that nonetheless indebt themselves are stupid. Ftfy.

>> No.14311402

This pretty much nails it. If you're too stupid to get a scholarship, you're too stupid for university. Swallow your pride and go to a reasonably priced local school.

>> No.14311421

Pay more than interest only you retard.

>> No.14311422

>chink and pajeet with 5 yrs exp and PhD
Who also happens to be $60,000+ in debt for student loans. I can wait a couple years.

>> No.14311433

And yet still being thick enough to go along with it instead of learn a trade that'll pay you from day one.

>> No.14311449

Good. Unsecured loans should never be forgivable

>> No.14311505
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>an useless degree

>> No.14311535

I support other millennials going into massive debt for no reason because it gives me a competitive advantage over them.

>> No.14311579

women don't need college, just be a good housewife
90% of men don't need college, learn a trade and be fulfilled with doing manual labor for 30 years

>> No.14311594

? I'm all in on bitcoin at this point.

>> No.14311625

>I graduated and shiiiiet
At least tell us in what. Student of arts?

>> No.14311629

>tfw living in a country where uni is free for people below 24
it can be so easy

>> No.14311763
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Not him/her but I got one more year in an acting masters. Looking to become a theater professor. You make 70-110k depending on where you teach. In the summers I plan to open my own summer school for kids. $3000 per kid per summer with maybe two employees.

It's not alot of money, and the student debt is insane but it's what I like doing and I don't have expensive tastes. Plus there's income based repayment. It's the kids who are going because they "wanna be a star" that REALLY get fucked.

Please don't hate me, I'm taking the most realistic route I can with this shit.

>> No.14311848

>Disclosing your age or family situation to HR or hiring manager before getting a job
Don't do this

>> No.14311857

>It's the kids who are going because they "wanna be a star" that REALLY get fucked.
By which I mean the kids who go to grad school to "become a star". You can make money with meme degrees if you have a realistic plan.

It's insane how many people are getting English degrees and have no intention of becoming editors or technical writers. They just wanna write better poetry.

one of my friends got a degree in history.
He refuses to be a history teacher. I said "Dude, that's the only thing you can do with it, why did you get it if you don't wanna teach?" You can made an ok salary being a history teacher. He CHOSE to work minimum wage instead.

>> No.14311881

How old is too old to join the military?

>> No.14311989

Usury is a major sin.

America will collapse under the weight of its own sins. Pseudo Christfags BTFO

>> No.14312212

>apply for a federal civilian job
>automatically get hiring preference because of veteran status
It really is the best play

>> No.14312455

Being in the military in some form is actually really beneficial once you get out. The question is whether the 4 years for free education in the US is worth it (I'd say it is, for people who have to pay for school) and whether the debt outweighs the lost earning potential.

As a side note, in a growing amount of cases, people would be better off not going to school (lib arts and meme degrees).

>> No.14312614


>Be her in high school
>Sitting in math class
>"OMG this is sooo useless when am I everrr going to use this compound interest formula?"

>> No.14312794

join the national guard
6mos - 1 year of training, pop out with 5-10k cash minimum
get free college or huge reduction right away
only have to work 2 days a month for $280
get $550 per month for housing
still get veteran status albeit reduced
getting out right before my unit leaves to go to a shithole desert
feels good to be smart

>> No.14312844

Unsecured loans shouldn’t be taken by the government. What kind of retard let’s their taxes be loaned out to high schoolers with no job and no collateral?

>> No.14312853

I like how you guys take loans for studying so you'll be able to work in order to pay your loan. Very like.
t. not even jew
t. in my country university tuition is free

>> No.14312873

Based and redpilled

>> No.14312924

If you move to a new country is your student debt abolished? Its not like the US authorities are going to come after you in Asia or something

>> No.14312958

University in America is literally a recruiting center for slavery. Notice how the interest on these loans are calculated so that the main balance stay constant or decrease as slowly as possible. If the rate was too high the balance would increase and the slave would just stop working since it is clear he will never be able to pay back. If the rate was lower the slave would be free after only a few years.

>> No.14312962
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>> No.14312978

Yes you can move to another country and never pay back. Your financial future in the US will be forever compromised tho, so you have to be certain that you will build successfully a new life in another country.

>> No.14312997

How smart is this. Get a loan for $50k for school. Put it all in bitcoin. Thoughts?

>> No.14312998

>Expecting people to accept wage work or work in the trades in a society that only values income, and doesn't give out any reward for how hard you work

>Expecting people to willingly be anything less than the highest earner in a capitalist system and just "Be okay" with it

This isn't how you win, this is how you lose forever.

>> No.14313023

Better that someone who doesn't want to be a teacher just doesn't teach than to have another fucking boring-ass apathetic history teacher around.

>> No.14313061

Why does everyone believe this obvious lie?

>> No.14313214


>> No.14313248
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20k in interest with no real principal advancement