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14307635 No.14307635 [Reply] [Original]

I've been waiting so long that I don't even care anymore which is a good thing because I honestly won't give a fuck even when it hits 100$. I won't be thinking oh maybe i should sell 20% and lock in a profit. I honestly don't give a fuck. Some people say oh I'm not fucking selling.... but I really won't sell because I honestly don't give a fuck anymore. Oh look Chainlink is at 646$ and I have 14 million dollars. Yeah I don't give a fuck. I'll keep holding because I don't care. All I care about is trump not bombing Iran for Israel. I want Israel wiped off the map so that Chainlink Israeli logo has less shine on it than it does right now.

>> No.14307647

Also... I just found out that you can't even drive Lamborghinis everyday. Wtf?

>> No.14307681
File: 55 KB, 748x765, 3F4A52C2-CFA6-4619-9B07-C39BFC1DF8A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, i'll sell a few hundred at 100, a fee more at 500, a few more at 1k, then at 2k, then 5k, and 10k.

However, even once it hits 100k i wont tbe liquidating it all. No sense giving up significant shares in the GDP of planet earth.

>> No.14307710
File: 367 KB, 2801x2070, 20B772F4-FA21-41DF-B498-C774FD493CF5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi AK-47 guy

>> No.14307727

Trump is a dirty kike asslicker but atleast he's not completely fucked in the head. I bet we linkies can do a lot of good once we get billions of $$$ to use for lobbying and fighting corruption

>> No.14307771

We don't have to lobby to fight corruption. The constitution is the answer. If you get govt out of the economy and there's no income tax then it's impossible for lobbyists to exist. Then the only people who would run for office would be those who truly care about the country and would willingly leave after a term or two because it would be impossible to get rich with lobbyists buying you off because you would have no money or power to dole out to these banks or corps

>> No.14307802
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Oldfag here. All these Chainlink threads mean that a lot of nu-linkers (people who bought above 0.50 cents) are excited about us potentially going to 1000$+

Sorry to rain in on your parade kids, but when things are this bullish on this forum we are likely headed for a 60% retracement. Look at the chart, it's a textbook head and shoulders. Lots of nu-linkers fomoing in. People saying 1k link is enough for a suicide stack.

Of course if you can REALLY hold until 1000$ (if it even goes that high) then it's probably fine to buy at these levels.

However most nu-linkers might hold until 1.20
and I don't think they have the mental fortitude to hold below 1.00 for months on end like we have.

Be careful new-friends, this isn't something to be taken likely. Don't invest more then you can afford to lose.