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14306804 No.14306804 [Reply] [Original]

Hi babe how's it going with all your crypto coins, are we up?

>> No.14306811
File: 1.57 MB, 1730x1173, vidtmuseum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes doing great thanks, now go to the gym

>> No.14306820

The sad thing most people don't realize about asian women is that they are even bigger soulless whores than white girls.

>> No.14306821

Hi milkers. No, “we” aren’t up. I am up. Now be a good girl and go get me a burger, fries and a coke. Chop chop let’s go!

>> No.14306843


>> No.14306847

oh they do realize, anon, once they've married one...
the amount of divorces i see here in japan after the gaijin finds out that the waifu is a passive aggressive hag who mainly wants cold hard cash and affairs kek
let them dream, anon, let them dream about waifus

>> No.14306851

Toy Story was packed with occult/Freemason symbolism from the get go. "To infinity, and beyond" is referencing Kabbalistic ascension into Ein Soph, the boundless infinity. Cowboys, and astronauts are symbols of Freemasonry. Cowboyism was started by Shriner Masons like John Wayne, and the Masons run NASA. Look at all the crescents, stars, and Isis horns throughout the series. The little aliens are from a Saturn themed pizza place where they get abducted by the claw machine. Andy, and the psycho kid represent duality..

>> No.14306856


>> No.14306954

>thinks it's just one movie
>doesn't see it yet in every single movie that isn't produced by Mel Gibson
>doesn't see it on every commercial
>doesn't hear it in the "news" broadcast
>doesn't hear it in every single song on the radio for the last 70 years
You got a long way to go kiddo-anon

>> No.14306957

This post was sponsored by the fat white roastie union

>> No.14306970

I've been married to a Korean girl for 5 years now. Shit's fine. We only speak Korean though. I'm white.

>> No.14306973

I need your tities for a minute

>> No.14306979

This is why they are dated for a few months tops

>> No.14307016

*smiles mischievously and winks*
We're not we yet, but let's make it so. Come. *take her hand and lead her to the bedroom*

jokes on her I invested all my money into req at the top and sold the absolute bottom and technically didn't lie about anything and now we're gonna have hot sex while she's turned on by the thought of a wealthy future as a family with me and our baby and my chad communication skills exemplified by how I just smooth talked her.

jokes on her AGAIN. I had a vasectomy and I'm never EVER putting a baby into or marrying this gold digger. she hot tho.

>> No.14307038

chinks are soulless by definition

>> No.14307048
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yes of course my dear now please get on my cock

>> No.14307101

>The sad thing most people don't realize about asian women is that they are even bigger soulless whores than white girls.
Only 95% of koreans, 99% of chinese and 50% of japanese women.
Get yourself a cute mongolian girl imo.

>> No.14307111

she has such skinny legs and such a bitchy face. her tits are huge. why do they skip leg day but go all in on tit surgery day? it looks dumb

>> No.14307172

Fuck pff chink.

>> No.14307525

desu koreans are even more materialistic/self-conscious usually, but at least they're more straightforward and communicate better. no passive aggressive bullshit.

also gj anon, learning the language drastically improves the chances of finding a normal human being as you did. most of the idiots i see here suck at japanese which limits them to gaijin hunters...and most gaijin hunters are batshit crazy.

most of the yellow fever retards actually dont bother to learn the language which leads to all these cases i've seen. it's sad really and can really explain why a community like the spastic hapas exists.

>> No.14307784

Yeah I'm just waiting to go all in Chernobyl hun



>> No.14308859

need sauce on this fren

>> No.14309287

Anyone got a name for this girl?

>> No.14309993

the problems with koreans is that you never if she had plastic surgery to improve her feature. Imagine having kids with a girl who underwent heavy jaw/nose surgery and you dont know about it. I think there was a guy who sued his wife for this because his kid turned ugly

>> No.14310014


>> No.14310207


Berry 0314, twitch streamer

>> No.14310302

>t. faggot