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14304744 No.14304744 [Reply] [Original]

Steals idea to facebook- beomes 3rd richest person on that planet

steals the Idea to libra coin which gives him controll over the finance world

And than there are still people out there that close their eyes to the terror of jews against humanity?

Why dont you stand up and fight jew?

How long you are willing to take their shit?

>> No.14304754 [DELETED] 

Think about it, why would a blue cube be worth this much? Why has it always maintained its value since 2017?

Well, what if I told you aliens need CHAINLINK to survive. Yes it is useless for us humans, it is just a cube, but for aliens they need it in massive quantities because some substance/energy in it is crucial for their survival just like food and money is for us.

Get enlightened my simple minded mundane friends.

Bitcoin, link, eth will never fail. For an omnipotent ai super computer to be present, it needs to eliminate its only weakness first, which is a centralized point of failure. Remove this centralized source of power, and push for decentralization as well as backup decentralization plans in place and you can literally never shut him down or hack it to be within your control. Once blockchain is the backbone of the current digital world, things will change for the worse for the lower and non existent middle class.

The government has been priming you for this reveal decades ago, all the movies/dramas now involve some kind of extraterrestrial being or people with superpowers, we have been primed so much to the point that when they do reveal their existence as our overlords and dependency on our chi, creativity and chainlink, we will not even be surprised or scared anymore because it has become pretty normal actually especially for generation z.

This will happen, and you might as well profit from it by going all in the foundational pillars of blockchain and enjoy that wealth for hopefully some long years before we can’t.

>> No.14304786

Jews are aliens, they are in direect contact with them to suck out the blood and life of us humans

Hitler knew it all along

Jews are a caner to humanity- Jews are an alien disease

>> No.14304859

white people aren't Semites they are frauds

>> No.14304929

Jews have been kicked out of every country on this planet and know we sign up for their jewish humanity enslavement platforms

>> No.14304938


>> No.14304947

Yea it's evident, None of this matters unless we got dates on this shit.

>> No.14304949

You think Mark Cuckerberg has the time to scroll through a Taiwanese stockinette knitting forum and listen to you ramble on and on about how he cheated the system and became successful?

>> No.14304956

Should I convert to Judaism?
Serious question.

>> No.14304960

he definately does but he's better than that

>> No.14305322

normie cattle deserve to be oppressed
anybody with 120+ iq can easily escape the cycle of jew abuse
so basically, if you feel oppressed by der juden, it is because you are dumb as fuck and realize they consider your their livestock, and that you also cant do anything about it

>> No.14305323

he dont need to scroll, he has sofware already implented in all of us and he gets pop up notifcations when e talk sht about him

than he will send us to the gulag

why do you want to be a jew?
Its like you heatlhy and you want to have cancer just for the fuck off it - dont be a retard anon, i know they alrady gotten to you but dont be a retard

>> No.14305333

jews and muslims are tearing this world apart.
people are clapping.

Honk Honk

>> No.14305335

thanks for clarification, now i know why they were giving me the eye after i only scored 118 on the IQ test

fuck i knew it

>> No.14305358

would you mind enlighten a dumbtard like me on how to escape slavery from jews?

see this is were they jew us:
Moslems usually hate Jews- we hate Jews- why are we fighting moslems when they are our brothers in the fight agains tJews

Jews are trying to make moslems fight europeans so they are winning at teh end.

Stop falling for the retared propaganda of these Jew infested right wing partys they are manipulating you to fight moslems insteed of looking the devil(jew) in the eye.

The enemy is not the dumb muslim, the enemy is THE JEW

>> No.14305361

it doesn't help - they won't consider you a jew even if your father is jew, if your mother isn't.

if you weren't born in jewish family, jews will never consider you one of their own

>> No.14305369


>> No.14305389

you escape jew slavery by becoming the jew
- become a rent seeker or ursuror

once the jew recognizes you as one of his own, that it is, you are out, and get to benefit from the jew system of oppression and will see the normies for what they are: cattle to be farmed

>> No.14305399

Mad af because Zuckerberg is better at the game than you are
Cope harder

>> No.14305405

This. Do you really want to give retards power? We weren't all made on the same level like some kids fairytale shit, some were born smart some were born dumb. The dumb cannot and don't want to rule. It's not even about Jews, there's plenty of super influential non-Jews. Sheep are meant to be sheared. Cattle are meant to be controlled. If you leave them to their own devices the nation would melt in a week. Most people are too dumb to think for themselves. The Jews hardly do anything wrong they're just doing what should be done.

>> No.14305406

Network was already there noob xD

>> No.14305429
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>> No.14305480
File: 1.30 MB, 2492x1480, 1561050840449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just imagine being winklebros and seeing this scumbag constantly trying to to put his nose in their business I would consider hiring fucking hitman

>> No.14305548

you sound like a guy that suffers from stockholm syndrom- as they say- it was hard to free slaves because they didnt know they were slaves- sounds a lot like you dude -

>> No.14305609

equality doesn't exist in nature

>> No.14305744

this guy has done nothing original in his entire time on earth.

>> No.14305953

His handlers has.

>> No.14305994

You mean his handlers, right?

>> No.14306022

its like saying you need to run over animals with your car- yes you can and a lot of people use their power they haev with a car to rn over chicken ats or all that stuff- but it still doesnt make it right- its a moral thing

not original, but this dude is literally the biggest thief on this planet-
if he doesnt steal facebook, libra coin, he steals all your info and privacy

his handlers, he aint that innocent

like CIA, Peter Thiel oh wait- that guy owns the CIA software- yes you might be right his handlers and him- he is no dummy - he is an evil jew at the end of the day

>> No.14306459

How does Facebook "terrorize" you, cucklad? You so soft and weak seeing updates from your parents cause you distress?

>> No.14306467

Yes sir very subversive Mr Putin pay now

>> No.14306488

>moved to /x/

>> No.14306617

Won't work unless you marry one. They're ironically a lot like Nazis. You have to prove genetic purity to be recognized a Jew.

>> No.14306647

"It is therefore unjust to treat unequal people equally" - Socrates

>> No.14306699
